Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 445: Another holiday

March is the season of spring. 【..】

For Morinka, March also means the end of his first year career. From this month, Morinka will go further. After next month, he will become a second year student with Yukino, while Qianjia will Will enter the third year of high school and become a graduate.

The &nb industry has also set off a wave recently.

"&ake" will be released in March. In other words, "eva" will be released on the market in less than a month.

There was a lot of turmoil in the entire house circle about what this fellow did.

Some people say that this is a new step for the ruffian to swindle money, others say that this is the work of Gouweixu Diao, and some people say that the two authors named "Xia Xue" and "Xia Sen" are actually the ruffian and his second uncle.

Since the news began to spread, whether it is praise or derogation, in short, the terms re-take, Xia Sen, Xia Xue, and animic have become popular.

It's a pity that although the Internet has already existed this year, there is no ecology to speak of. Otherwise, Senxia and the others must have become Internet celebrities. Maybe Morinia at this time has already been ripped off by others.

But even in this era, Morinia and the others are still hot, but the heat hasn't appeared so high.

The first is Senxia and their forums, the traffic of this forum has increased by at least 20 times, and the second is the continuous hot sales of Senxia's "Young Girl Wars"-this is the blessing of the re-take topic.

Because there are only hundreds of re-take fan editions circulating, so many people have to look at what the original author has done before in order to understand the detailed situation, in case the eva is turned into **** by some garbage. , Then you must send the blade! Send the blade!

Then, "You Girl Wars", which was released shortly before, became the object of their scrutiny.

Then they found... Damn, this thing is really good!

The first volume of this book was released in February, and then the second volume was released in March. With just these two volumes, it has become one of the most interesting books in the eyes of many people.

after all. The mind of this book is really too big, and the content in it is really interesting.

The language of the article itself is very serious, but there are some plots that make people laugh. For example, enemy soldiers suffering from phobia of girls, such as teasing bureaucrats who pull each other's legs behind each other, or Tan Ya, the protagonist who has always wanted to enter politics but was misunderstood as a "patriotic battle hero".

This kind of serious talk about amusement than experience is really interesting. Although some people find it absurd, the evaluation is probably pretty good.

In addition to these two things, there is another thing related to Morinia, which is "Plants vs. Zombies". After this game was developed, it can be said that there is a fragrance inside the wall, although it is liked in China. The number of people is relatively limited, but in North America, this game is unexpectedly popular.

In addition to these finished products, there is also the "Guilty Crown" under development. And Kadokawa's All-Star series, which is somewhat related to Morinka.

"So, Mori-natsu-kun, if you took the "Young Girl Wars" to participate in the award, you will definitely get the award now..."

On the second day of the holiday, Morika was invited by the editor Miss Takasu Ogawa to have a consoling meal. The manuscript of "You Girl Wars" that Mori has turned in now is about 500,000 words, no matter how you count it. , There is no problem with these contents in three or five books.

It was Qianjia who was also invited over, and Lihua who was brought by Qianjia.

"But "Earth Defense Boy" is also an equally interesting work. The fate between me and Morinata at the beginning can be said to be created by this book. I believe that with Morinna's strength, he wants to win the prize. It is a super Simple things!" Qianjia was very confident in Morinya.

Miss Dahe nodded. He didn't comment on this: "But the young girl war memorial is really super interesting, Mori Xiajun, you probably don't know, the editor-in-chief was almost crazy in the two weeks when the second volume was also sold.

While speaking, a wonderful smile appeared on Miss Dahe's face. It can be seen that she seems very interesting about the madness of the editor-in-chief.

"It turns out that Senxiajun is so powerful." Lihua was forcibly pulled over by Qianjia, but she was still very concerned about Senxia's things. After hearing about it, Lihua was also a little surprised at being so favored. Senxia.

However, Morinya himself doesn't seem to care much about this matter. In fact, Morinya is now thinking about the follow-up script in his mind.

After hearing Lihua's emotions, Mori Xia finally recovered: "Well, this is just the result of the current work and the topic, and there is nothing in fact."

"But it's also very powerful. It can cause such a topic... No, Mori Xia-kun, you can persuade Mr. Anno Hideaki, this is already a great achievement." Ms. Okawa seems to have been in contact with the other party, so for The opponent's temperament is well understood.

"Actually, Mr. Hideaki Anno is still a good person." Qianjia also thought about the image of Hideaki Anno, "Although it is a bit of my own way, this is called personality!"

"Anye Xiuming?" Lihua muttered silently next to him.

"It's the supervisor who made the eva, Mr. Hideaki Anno." Qianjia heard Lihua's mutter, so she explained.

"Eva... I seem to have heard of it before..." Lihua still looked blank.

Qianjia covered her face, she almost forgot, Lihua had never watched almost any animation...

Qian Jia turned his head, then looked at Lihua with solemn eyes, and then said in a solemn voice: "Lihua, I am afraid there is one thing I want you to understand."

"What?" Lihua tilted her head, somewhat inexplicably.

"In this holiday, your task is to finish watching five fan dramas!" Qian Jia said, putting his hands on Lihua's shoulders.

"...Huh?" Lihua was a little inexplicable by Qianjia's words.

"So, I will contact your home. During the holidays, you can stay here to enrich your life!" Qian Jia looked at Lihua with a sly smile.

"... Hmm!" Lihua's eyes were wide open, and she was a little panicked when Qian Jia came and attacked such a sudden.

"This, what's going on!" Lihua was stunned.

"Indeed, even Eva didn't know about it these years, it's really unreasonable." Takasu Dahe also nodded thoughtfully.

Qian Jia glanced at Miss Dahe, then silently gave her a thumbs up.

Lihua wanted to argue, but it was useless. Under the gazes of Qianjia, Senxia, ​​and Miss Dahe, Lihua was a little panicked.

Is it true that you are wrong?

Lihua looked around blankly, but somewhat inexplicable.

"Yeah, it's not just a show, there are many extras to make up..." Qian Jia showed a malicious smile on his face.

"Ahem, Qianjia-senpai, don't go too far..." Senxia leaned over to Senxia's side, and said slightly, "If it is too much, President Lihua might have a rebellious mentality. She might I hate animation!"

Although the dissemination of gentleman culture has a long way to go, Morika feels that Qianjia's approach seems a bit too much.

At this time, Qianjia turned around and smiled at Morinya: "Ah, you don't need to care about this. Maybe we will grow up and the acceptance of this kind of content is surprisingly high."

"...As long as you don't self-defeatingly..." Senxia thought for a while, he felt that as long as he didn't go too far, it seemed good to let the president try it.

However, Senxia felt a little strange about this. Is the president's acceptance of this aspect really high...

Morika always feels something is wrong.

"By the way, Mori Xia-kun." After the complaints over here, Miss Dahe began to talk to Mori Xia again. "After that, "You Girl Wars" will be released for about two or three months, so there is no problem?"

"Well, not at all." Senxia said it was meaningless.

"Our thinking here is that since Mori-kun is so good at speed, we can maintain monthly exposure. After the end of May, your "Earth Defense Boy" will be available for sale. At that time, we will release your works alternately every month. This should be the best way." Dahe said.

"That's fine, I just use the remaining time to do other things." All the things in Senxia now happen to be the least time-consuming.

"By the way, Senxiajun, since your writing speed is so fast, haven't you considered writing a new book?" Miss Dahe asked again.

"Huh?" Senxia shook her head hurriedly, "It's impossible, I don't have that free time now, and it's impossible to write three books at the same time."

Those who can open three times are all gods but Senxia has no way.

"Who said you can't write three books at the same time, Mori Xiajun, I believe in your strength!" Miss Dahe smiled, "Aren't you still writing scripts for your games?"

"—Even if you want, Senxia-kun’s next job is to give priority to our game!" Although Qianjia also wants to read Morxia’s writing, there is a saying called "Fatty water does not flow into outsiders’ fields." To write further, the first thing to do is definitely put yourself first, right?

"It's a pity." Miss Dahe shook her head, "Then I can only slowly look forward to Senxiajun's work."

"Don't worry, there is always time." Qianjia said, and then looked at Lihua next to him, "But I am looking forward to other things more than..."


Fuck, the last chapter was originally intended to be timed, but the hand slip was sent directly...

&nbs, 188 chapters are still owed, the debt is repaid, please ask for votes...



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