Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 444: Negotiate

A windfall. 【..】

When Morinka learned that Sega was interested in downloadable updates, he realized that this was an unexpected gain.

Regarding this aspect, Sega has an idea, but animic is implementing it. With the gradual formation of the "Guilty Crown" rpg, they seem to find this system very practical.

"As far as I can see, the civil system does not necessarily have to be completely abandoned, and I personally think that this is a good way to increase popularity. We can hold a mod contest or something, and then add excellent mods to the game , Even into an official script or something."

The people sent by Sega are engaged in technology and games. Although for Sega, one or two games are not important, but what Senxia said is related to their strategy.

This thing was actually what Sega wanted to do, but Senxia opened up a new idea for them. Following this idea, they seemed to have discovered a more prosperous road.

Morinia also knew this, so he followed Sega's current thinking and continued on.

For Senxia, ​​being able to change a large company is the first step in the realization of "self-worth".

If possible, Senxia plans to guide Sega into the gentleman's way... well, as long as it can be done.

"There are indeed many players with extraordinary ideas, but this matter still needs to be evaluated."

The people on Sega nodded each other.

Large companies have to conduct risk assessments for everything. If the input and output do not yield returns, they will reduce their investment or simply give up.

Senxia's suggestion, in their opinion, has merits, but specific matters need to be discussed in detail.

Just like animic, you can let yourself arbitrarily adjust your own thoughts. For Sega, it is impossible. Chuanxiao can turn around. Morinha wants to do it simply. But Sega can't have so many. Otherwise, if one invests carelessly, various deficits and layoffs may follow.

After that, Sega discussed the cooperation of qicq. Because Xiao Ma’s main work place is in the heavenly dynasty, Sega has proposed two plans. One is to send two Sega employees over, and then Xiao Ma will bear the subsidy and salary, and the second is Xiao Ma. Brother stayed in Japan to cooperate. And it must be developed in the footsteps of their Sega.

For this matter, Xiao Ma Ge said that he is not sure, he needs to contact the domestic partner.

In addition, regarding the content of the mod, Sega needs to conduct further evaluation. For now, they are still determined to follow the previous matters and first look at the response of "Guilty Crown".

After reaching an agreement on the development issue, Morinka finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh, discuss things with big companies. This is really terrible." Senxia wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"But it turned out great, didn't it?" Ayana smiled at Morinka.

"Thank you so much this time." Xiao Ma also expressed his heartfelt thanks to Senxia.

"It's okay, I'm also a shareholder of qicq... By the way, Xiao Ma, what are you going to do in this regard? Call someone to Japan, or go back to China first?" Senxia asked.

Xiao Ma groaned for a moment, and did not answer immediately, but asked Morinia: "What do you think?"

"I think it's better for you to go back." Morinka said, "there is your base camp. It is easier to develop in the heavens than in Japan, and I am also very optimistic about the future of the heavens.

Among the future game companies, Brother Xiao Ma, your company is the top three in the world!

Senxia sighed in her heart.

Among the game merchants without hardware platforms, only Xiao Ma has established itself through pure software. It is indeed a different kind. The rest of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo all have their own consoles and platforms. If you remove the little Ma from it, the top three can be said to be the carnival of console manufacturers.

And a big reason why Xiao Ma can develop is because he is in the celestial dynasty. If Xiao Ma comes to Japan, what he can do in the future is still unclear.

Xiao Ma nodded: "I personally think that if we develop in Japan, it might be better, at least when we cooperate with Sega, it will help us a lot. Of course, I am not saying that we completely abandon the development of domestic business. There will definitely be someone left behind to manage it."

Senxia nodded when she heard what Xiao Ma said. In this world, not everything can be done as desired.

In Xiao Ma's opinion, although qicq is interesting, it does not have a good profit plan, so in his opinion, Sega can make money, which may be of reference significance.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can arrange things over there." Although Morinya wanted to persuade Xiao Ma, but he didn't have any arguments. What's more, qicq started earlier than history, and it's probably nothing to delay for a while. Big problem.

"This is just my personal thoughts. For those people in China, I also want to ask their thoughts first."

"Well, that's good, you can contact that side as soon as possible."

After Senxia had discussed it, Qianjia's contract was signed.

"Hey, Senxia-kun, do you know who the "Yongori Xiao" is?" However, Qianjia just arrived here, but did not answer Senxia's question, but asked Senxia with a strange expression.

"Prosecutor, what's the matter?" Senxia replied naturally.

"Of course I know he is a prosecutor!" Qian Jia rolled his eyes.

"Uh, an excellent prosecutor?" Moriha was inexplicable.

"Do you think I would not know such a famous prosecutor! What I asked was, what is the relationship between him and your uncle!" Qian Jia rolled his eyes again.

"Oh, so you asked this. Did something happen when you just signed the contract?" Morika scratched her head, and then said, "I've seen Prosecutor Yuori Taka several times before. What he said is better than uncle. Probably a little bit, and every time they meet each other, they will be extremely hostile to each other, and whether it is my uncle or the prosecutor Yuori Taka, I have heard them say'that is the enemy of my life'. if……"

How should I put it, when Morinka first saw these two people with such expressions and resentment, he thought of the word "love and kill each other", but after a long time in contact, Morinka realized that things didn't seem to be the case.

Chika looked at Ayana and Xiao Ma. Taking advantage of the time when Sato Ichiro hadn’t come, he leaned into Morinka’s ear: “Your uncle seems to be gritted his teeth at that Yuzhe Taka, what is going on. ?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, Qianjia noticed that there was a malicious smile on the corners of Senxia's mouth. He reached Qianjia's ear and said, "Do you know that my uncle can attract elementary school students?"

Qianjia nodded.

It turns out that Sato Ichiro has a strange aura of young girls, which can attract the attention of those little loli and little girls. As everyone knows, as a healthy man, he is only interested in healthy and stylish mature women, but It is a pity that the situation that Ichiro Sato often encounters is actually the **** of elementary school students.

On the other side, the prosecutor, Mr. Yuori Taka, who likes children very much, seems to be quite happy when he sees them. But the tragedy is that Yuori Taka seems to be liked by mature ladies...

Try to imagine a scene where these two people meet, Qian Jia understands it instantly.

"I probably understand. No wonder Mr. Sato's expression is so wonderful when Mr. Aragoro talks about the name'Yongori Taka'..." Qianjia shook his head.

"So what happened to your side?" Senxia didn't want to listen to such gossip.

Qian Jia made an ok gesture towards Senxia, ​​and then said relaxedly: "Of course the matter is over. Who do you think I am? Of course this little thing is done by hand!"

"Oh, this one is good, now we are all going well." Senxia nodded.

"Yo Xi," Qianjia nodded, "This thing is going to be all right, and it's time for the holiday soon, Senxia-kun, you have to cheer up!"

The holiday does not mean that you can rest. On the contrary, the holiday means that Morinia's work will be more onerous.


At this moment, Sato Ichiro also walked up, looking at his appearance, it seemed that he had already adjusted, and he was smiling at Morinka and the others.

"Okay, it's not too early now, I'll invite you to dinner!" Sato Ichiro looked relaxed and free.

But with his appearance, Morika felt a little weird: "Uncle Sato, are you okay?"

"It's okay! How can I have anything to do, haha, come with me everyone!"

Although it seems normal on the surface, as soon as Sato speaks, he starts to feel uneasy in his closed her mouth very wisely. It is better not to tell Uncle Sato about this matter. , After all, for Uncle Sato, who has been trapped in elementary school **** all day, when he saw a man hugged by a mature woman, this kind of picture was no less than the san-value blow of looking directly at Asathos. That Aragoro seems to have mentioned Yuori Taka more than once, no wonder this is the case.

Although everyone else has a dumbfounded look, it doesn't matter. It's better not to let others know about this kind of embarrassment. Now that the matter has been discussed, everyone can relax. After Ichiro Sato, everyone left here in a mighty manner...


As mentioned in the previous article about rpgmaker, this thing has been around since 1992, and Kadokawa has always held shares, and relevant information has already been said. =

The second update today, get!

Ask for ticket support~

~\\(≧▽≦)/~(To be continued.)



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