Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1047: The layman sees the excitement, the insider sees the doorway

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway. . Fastest update

While Hideichi Ando was playing a game while being spied by his sister, on the other side, someone was watching this game related to a certain Santa Juliana Hospital.

Including the production of the Evil City Future, the quantidream, the torrential rain and the phantom killer, and the extraordinary twins, they are also studying this game.

Well, people look at things from the perspective of pure appreciation.

Although in the latter business model, the degree of freedom of the game seems to be very high, but the story mode of this game is a real "story flow".

The plot mode is a chain of plots.

Bastian and James, just for this game, flew a long distance from Paris, France to the mud bomb, just to experience this game for the first time.

"They definitely used motion capture."

At the beginning of the plot, there was a cutscene of real-time calculations. Nanase Koi, who was taking care of the patient indoors, helped the patient to the bed, and then left the ward.

And then there was a cutscene that suffocated the two of them.

Nanase Love walked through the corridor, then smiled and greeted the people around him. The morning sun shone in from the window, lighting up the corridor in front.

It seems to be just a cutscene, but in the eyes of two insiders, this vivid expression, natural walking posture, even lines and mouth shapes can match, and there is the kind of lighting effect from the window...

What's more terrifying is that this part of the calculation is completely instantaneous.

This part, in the eyes of the two, is simply showing off skills.

It's just a small fragment, but the huge capacity and optimization contained in it are absolutely amazing.

This part has indeed done a lot of optimization.

For example, the distant view outside the window. The view seems to be 3d, but it is actually 2d. However, in this 2d, a layered approach is adopted, so that the filling of pictures and tiles will shift with the movement of the camera. So as to achieve the effect similar to long-distance movement.

For another example, the walls of the corridor do not use textures at all, but fill them with color blocks, and then use commands to form textures. Of course, if such filling is too complicated, it is actually quite a pu thing, but the texture itself consumes It is video memory and memory, in order to find a balance between the two in the current computer, this is very subtle.

Playing games now is not the same as in the future. The performance of the machine has to be deducted. What's more, this game is still a p-game, and there are more places to do in optimization.

The development strategy of this game is to first ensure the character. In the case of insufficient performance, give priority to keeping the character with the brightest lens in the picture intact, and then gradually turn off the special effects according to the player's system performance.

These optimization parts have been produced a long time ago, and the entire optimization process may even take about half a year.

But the current state is still not perfect. It can only be described by improvising. Well, it may be that Senxia's requirements are relatively high.

The whole story of this game takes place in the small scene of the "hospital", so the workload is actually not very large, but the characters spend a lot of thought, especially the real-life capture part, which is in other parts of the whole game After finishing the last part, but for this part, it took the entire production team three months and worked overtime every day to finally complete it.

The reality also told them that their efforts were not in vain.

The two "crooked nuts" in front of them were shocked at this time, and they almost stuffed their heads into the screen now.

Although this is an ergonomic game, the technology contained in it is definitely not lost, and it can even be said to be cutting-edge.

"It's not as good as a little butter should be!"

If you change to another world line, players may exclaim like this.

But these two crooked nuts don't have this idea, they just want to know how the production team made such a cool game.

In this game, the characters will act according to the player’s choices. The direction of the plot is also controlled by the player. In a word game, the feeling that the plot is controlled is not as interesting as the plot itself. When converted into a 3D scene, the scene in front of me is really surprising.

Bastian understands Japanese. Although it is a bit difficult to read the text, after adding voice and movement, the whole scene is very good.


However, at this time, the two big men discovered that the essence of this game was more than just that.

When the game progressed to overturn the plot, they discovered the true essence of the game.

What scene, what light and shadow, what technique, when Nanase Koi took off the nurse's suit, these two people had completely forgotten it.

This is 3d! It will move! small! yellow! oil!

In fact, it is true. One of the most interesting aspects of this game is the dynamic plot.

In the past, Little Butter also had an ergonomic plot, but at most it was just a few pictures. A little bit of conscience will give you a difference, and a little bit of sloppy, just use words to bring it over.

But now this kind of scene is moving. Although there are moving images in animation and film and television works, they are all pre-set. How can such players control it with their own hands?

In fact, their quantidream company is also very keen on this kind of butter.

In the future world line, they even prepared a lot of plots for their own works, but unfortunately, in order to sell them, many places of this plot have been castrated and deleted, and they can only play the sideball.

The two of them have been very excited, until they entered the sage time, they continued to talk about technology.

"It's incredible, this kind of interactive feeling, the use of this kind of cinematic lens...this is what the Order of the Phoenix said before is an'interactive movie'."

Bastian exclaimed.

"Yes." James is an Englishman, but he works in France, and both are employees with first-class technical standards.

James said: "I finally know why the Order of the Phoenix has not publicly shown this part of the image."

Although it is showing off skills, this game is an ergonomic game after all. If it is put on the press conference to explain, then the press conference of the Order of the Phoenix might become the biggest joke in history.

As for the games such as ate in preparation, the Order of the Phoenix had no way to show them at that time because the eight characters hadn't been written yet.

But now that after seeing the real technology, the two people in front of me know that the concept of interactive movies mentioned at the press conference... is really powerful.

The current technology is very powerful, and it is at the top level in the current industry. If you can log in to the host platform and optimize it, the effect of the game may be further improved.

But now, this seems unlikely for the time being.

Because apart from Sega, there is really no game platform that has given up 18 games on the console. Even if there is, it is the so-called "18 push" instead of "18".

In fact, the same is true for Senxia's Mithril platform. It is of course impossible to let Mithril on the 18th game. Although this game is also available on the Mithril platform, it harmonizes the ergonomic part like other games.

Anyway, the plot and business model of the game itself can also support the content of the game, plus "unofficial" game patches, so it's not bad.

But... the host platform does not have the so-called fruit patch!

This tm is embarrassing.

"You see, the choices in these places are not so rigid, but through actions, let the players choose by themselves" Bastian Zai and James said, "Generally speaking, the choice of the game is a dialog box in front of the screen. , And then give options, but in this place, players can choose through their own actions."

Simply put, in the game, when the player's character is lost at the crossroads of life, the general game will give text options.

"1, to defecate, 2, to urinate" like this.

But in the system of Morinia, this choice is not a text, but the player chooses it himself. They can go to the large or small account, or they can choose to leave directly, and these parts will be smoothly connected to the instant The calculated animation makes the entire game process so smooth, as if you are actually watching a movie.

"But the hair won't move, you see, I'm wearing a mold here."

Morinha's game is not perfect. For example, the character's hair is just like waxing, and the whole hairstyle is unchanged.

There’s no way. It’s not a simple matter to make your hair “silky and flowing”. If you want to make your hair really waft, you definitely need special physical effects. In fact, you want to do it well. Hair and fur, in 3d, is also a super big science.

Even after 20 years, it is not so easy to make a good character's hair.

For example, the hairstyle special effects in Tomb Raider, the effect that can follow the wind and is called "Head and Shoulders" by netizens, takes up a lot of system resources. Normal machines may play this game just fine, but once it is turned on With the "Head & Shoulders" effect, it absolutely stuck.

But with the 3d of Japanese animation, the advantage comes.

The hairstyles of Japanese animated characters are actually completely different from the hairstyles of real-life simulations. For real-life characters, if they need to be realistic, the hair is definitely one of the most difficult to make, but if it is made into a Japanese animated image, the hair is simple There are just a few large color patches.

Of course, even so, Morinya did not make a fuss about the hairstyle, so there is no way to wear molds in some places.

In fact, light, shadow, dust, and some small objects with physical scripts are also resource killers. For example, there are "phys" technology in many games. After this technology is turned on, many small objects will appear in the work. , Such as maple leaves dancing in the wind, books on the table or dust in the air, etc.

Why in many 3d works, the streets are clean and tidy and there are no small objects? Even in a messy and messy environment, what is messy is the texture itself, not a lot of independent and scattered garbage in the scene?

It's simple, because it doesn't need to consume resources!

Take the corridor scene the two just saw.

In that scene, the corridor is clean and tidy.

But at this time, if you add some small push tables on the corridor, and then add some dust and light in the air, and then change the window to 3d, and then a puddle of water on the lawn, then this picture... estimated The card burst.

The so-called optimization, in addition to the optimization of code and system performance, in fact, in many cases, is a little "castration" where players don't care.

For example, reduce the resolution of the map in the distant view, or make the scattered model and the scene into one, or remove some special effects that will affect the performance but have a small impact on the screen.

After analyzing these two crooked nuts, they also discovered this point.

They returned to the beginning of the game, and then found that the corridor scene is very suitable for "show off skills."

Because it is a corridor, the scene will not be too complicated, and the empty and bright corridor can also make the hospital look new and clean.

These are advantages, not disadvantages.

Therefore, the working group on Morinia's side can focus all resources on the character.

"They pay much attention to the expressiveness of the characters, but not very much to the scene... This is slightly different from the lighthouse country."

James murmured.

Unlike Senxia, ​​in the lighthouse country, many places pay great attention to the expressiveness of the scene in the game. A scene in a screen may be very beautiful. On the contrary, the characters may...not work.

But how should I say, in the game before me, the characters in the screen are really the most important.

"Through small scenes for the low utilization of system resources, and then focus on leaning resources to the characters..." Bastian also nodded.

The two of them have almost understood what Morinia is doing This is probably what happened.

"Through small scenes for the low utilization of system resources, and then focus on leaning resources to the characters..." Bastian also nodded.

The two of them almost understood what Morinya was doing here.

That's probably what happened.

"Through small scenes for the low utilization of system resources, and then focus on leaning resources to the characters..." Bastian also nodded.

The two of them almost understood what Morinya was doing here.

That's probably what happened.


In fact, there is a lot of technical pitfalls, here is just a brief explanation, there may be some unsatisfactory words, no wonder...

Two in one, meow meow~

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