Tokyo Gentleman Story

Chapter 1046: Do you...have...that...

Hideyoshi Ando sneaked into the store.

The shop was filled with low-key people like Hideichi Ando.

The boss was sleeping on a fake day. After hearing the sound of someone coming in, he raised his head. After seeing Ando, ​​he closed his eyes again.

Hideo Ando swallowed, then walked to the boss.

"Um, the nearest one, is there any..."



Before Hideo Ando finished speaking, the boss spoke up.

Hideo Ando looked disappointed.

He looked disappointed.

For today, Hideichi Ando saved a lot of money. By the end of the day, he finally waited until his sister left the house, and then he came over, but unfortunately, he didn't have what he wanted.

"Really gone?"

"Nothing." The boss shook his head, "I didn't have it when I just started it. You know how interesting 3D is."

It is precisely because I know that 3D is interesting, so I want to try it!

However, what disappointed Hideichi Ando was that even so, he couldn't buy his favorite game.

"But I still have this here." The other party took out a point card, "You can recharge and buy the digital version."

It is a point card of the Mithril platform.


Hideichi Ando grumbled.

"Don't worry, although there is no physical version of the souvenir, and there is harmony, but I have a full set of anti-harmony patches..."

But Hideichi Ando's expression was even worse: "I don't have internet."

The boss closed his eyes again, and then shook his head: "Then I can't help it."

In this case, the boss is gone.

At this time, Hideichi Ando could only get out of the store with his head down.

At this moment, a man in a trench coat stopped in front of him.

This person is wearing a pair of sunglasses, his hands are covering his clothes... so suspicious.

No matter how you look at it, this person is suspicious!

By the way, hasn't it been mentioned in the news? Recently, it seems that many suspicious people have appeared. These people are wearing windbreakers like this, and then they come to the girl and suddenly pull the windbreaker away.

Then, the girls would run away with an "ah"...

Oh, wait!

I seem to be a boy!

However, I am obviously a boy, but why does this person appear in front of me? Am I a suspicious person?

Ando was guilty for a while.

But soon he reacted again. Now he hasn't bought what he wanted. Now he doesn't need to be guilty, right?

But why is this?

Is this person also interested in men?



Suichi Ando suddenly felt the chrysanthemum cold.

But if you think about it, this feeling...Oh, I'm a little shy...

Sure enough, that person moved.

The other party opened his coat in front of Ando Hideichi.

At this moment, Hideichi Ando was wondering if he was going to run away screaming like a girl, or just glance at something shyly.

However, before Hideo Ando finished speaking, he heard a voice from the other side.

"Friend, do you want an order?"


Ando's voice was disappointed.

Contrary to what he imagined, he originally thought that there was nothing in the other party's clothes, but when this somewhat okay man in front of Hideichi Ando opened up his clothes, he found that the other party was dressed strictly...

He felt lost inexplicably.

At this time, he heard the other party's voice again.

"Friend, I saw you, you want ‘that’ right?"

The voice of the other party pulled Ando back to reality.

Ando discovered at this time that a slow disc was hanging on both sides of the other's coat...


In an instant, the identity of the other party was ready to be revealed.

Well, yes, the person in front of you is a scalper!

"Yes?" Ando lowered his voice.

A gentleman smile appeared on the opposite face.

"Yes." The opposite said.

Then Ando also showed a gentleman's smile.

"But a 20% increase is required."


Hideichi Ando hesitated.

For this thing, I even went to work, and finally, Hideichi Ando saved enough money.

He had the final say, if he added his own fare and the remaining pocket seemed just right.

Yes, the other party's price is just right.

But if he bought this, Hideichi Ando could only walk home.

"Can't it be cheaper?" he asked.

"Young boy, isn't your love even the price of 20%? I bought it very early!"

The other side looked at Ando Shuichi contemptuously.

Hideo Ando was ashamed for a while.

Yeah, doesn't he have such a small amount of air! Obviously, it took a lot of effort to buy it!

"Okay, I decide"

Before Hideichi Ando finished speaking, he was stunned.

The person on the opposite side looked at Hideichi Ando. The gentleman's smile on his face had turned into a wretched smile: "What are you still hesitating? Isn't it an opportunity now?"


Before the other party finished speaking, his hands were caught.

He looked around, two gracious men in police attire, smiling at him at this time.

Then... then there is no more.

Watching the other party being taken into the police car, Hideo Ando shook his head, only to go home temporarily.

There is no one in the family.

But my sister seemed to have come back on the way. She changed a pair of shoes and the scarf she wore before was also placed in the living room at this time.


And at this moment, Hideichi Ando discovered something subtle.

Next to my sister's scarf, there is a tote bag with my sister's supplies in it.

However, Hideichi Ando discovered something very subtle, and his eyes suddenly shook!

"this is"

Isn't this the one I dream of!

Before Hideichi Ando reflected it, he discovered that he had taken the CD out of it.

That's right, the thing in front of him is the "that" he wants.

"Sure enough, it's the game at Night Hospital..."

A story about a hospital in Santa Juliana.


Why does my sister have this!

Ando Hideichi's relationship with his sister is not good.

If your clothes are dirty, you need Ando to wash them. If you don’t have enough pocket money, ask Ando for them. If you encounter any trouble, you need Ando to solve...

Unlike those younger sisters, Hideyuki Ando thinks his sister is a trouble.

The reason why he saved pocket money for so long is because his sister always asks herself for pocket money!

"Also let me wash it, but I can't use the washing machine!"

The most uncomfortable thing is that my sister has to dress herself and clean the room!

In order to dress her sister and clean the room, Hideichi Ando got up early every morning. Not only did she help her sister clean up the room, but she also helped her make up. It should not be too rich, but it should not be too vulgar. Be fresh and elegant.

Just to help her younger sister with makeup, Hideichi Ando bought several related magazines specially to study how to help girls with makeup!

...In short, she is a super annoying and super lazy sister!

Such a sister is simply damnable!

But then again, why would my sister buy such a game?

"And why is she going out today...Wait a minute, Christmas is coming, is it with her boyfriend...?! Damn, how could that kind of man be allowed! Must be humanitarian destruction!"

After muttering a few words, Ando Hideichi's attention was once again attracted by the picture in front of him.

No way, the protagonist "Nanase Love" in a certain hospital is so beautiful.

Well, yes, Nanase Love is the goddess of Ando Hideichi's heart!

Although he was done this and that, Nanase Koi is still a gentle girl in this article...

The white lotus in the mud, that kind of strength and tenacity, is what I want.

Speaking of it, my sister seems to be somewhat similar to Nanase Love, especially the hairstyle that my sister loves the most, which is exactly the same as Nanase Love.

"Isn't it because I saw a character similar to me, so I bought it?"

Hideichi Ando forcibly convinced himself in his heart.

"Why... try it?"

The box has already been opened. If you experience it once before your sister comes back, it seems not bad!

He thought for a long time, and then the love of Nanase's love overwhelmed Hideichi Ando's awe.

He took the plate resolutely and returned to his room.

After turning on the computer, Shuichi Ando eagerly started the installation.

There were three game boards in a hospital. After the installation was finally completed, Ando Hideichi's face also showed a smile.

Finally... we can start!

After entering the game, the first is a 3DCG, with the theme song, Nanase Koi, Iori Iori and Ai Kazama appear one by one.

"People feel more powerful than this article..."

Although this article is also very powerful, but the women in it, the one that impressed Ando Hideichi the most is Nanase Love. As for other characters such as Kodamako, although they can also be named, they are There is no such strong impulse.

But different from this article, in this special episode, although there are only three heroines, these heroines are more beautiful and more attractive.

As far as the appearance and the 2D style of the stand-up portrait are concerned, the characters here are far stronger than this article.

"It's worthy of being a game with DW!"

DW is the vest of A, which has formed a consensus among players.

Although Lao Xu has resigned as the president of DW, he still works in DW, and Lao Xu is also the pillar of A, so although everyone does not know that the two parties are similar to the existence of subsidiaries, but they also I know that there must be a connection between these two clubs.

Since it is related to the A company, the quality is higher than the original, isn't it a natural thing?

The previous story about the Black Sacred Book seems to be the same... Oh, by the way, I heard that the story related to the Black Sacred Book seems to be in a 3D version too, and I don't know if it is true or not.

Eh, but A company is now starting to make large-scale games, and I don’t know if they will do word games in the future...

Well, yes, when the Animi was developing the conference, many people among the otakus were wailing. In their opinion, Moriha's actions were simply not doing business.

In the house circle, everyone recognized that the best work of the A company is the crown of evil. The second is the waste city story waste story developed for RPGMAKER. Although it was made with a vest, it was later exploded. This game is Morinka’s plan. So everyone counts this game on Morinia's side.

As for the recent Lelouch... In fact, this game is a bit controversial. Although there are many people who like it, the Queen’s Party and the Sister Party are very strong, so how should this work be evaluated... Probably only wait for these two parties I will come out when I get tired...

By the way, Hideichi Ando is a Nanali party.

But what makes many fans in the house community feel distressed is that now A is not doing business properly. The previous Plants vs. Zombies was an unknown game, but this time, they went to the hardware!

Not only that, they did launch the game, but the dark soul is an action game at first glance, and the Bejeweled, Zuma...this is a casual game!

Say good text adventure!

Say good Galgame!

We want to pray for prpr!

Although there are bright spots, Lelouch's biography and EVA's works are not like an orthodox work.

This is a bit subtle.

Pulled away.

All in all, this time Shuichi Ando has entered the game.

The game provides two game modes, one is the story mode, the story mode is divided into three chapters, Nanase Love Chapter, Iori You Chapter and Kazama Love Chapter.

The other mode is the business mode, or role-playing mode, where the player will play Nanase Koi in the game, and can control the heroine Nanase Koi to do various things by various means.

It is said that there will be DLCs based on the business model of Ai Kazama and Ioriyuu in the future, but it is not there yet.

Hideichi Ando did not choose the plot mode, because the plot mode requires a long time to play, but his sister does not know when he will be back, so Hideichi Ando chose role-playing.

After all, it is so fun to be able to personally control Nanase Love!

"Oh so awesome!"

Just after loading into the game, Hideichi Ando was surprised by the screen in the story.

Nanase Love, who is completely 3D, is walking down the corridor wearing a nurse uniform.

This feeling is super sensational!

Hideichi Ando focused completely on Nanase Love's body.

Very This is the feeling Nanase Love gives Hideichi Ando.

After all, motion capture technology is adopted. Compared with the characters in other 3D works, the actions of the characters in this game are very natural. People who have rarely played 3D games will naturally find it very powerful.

Not only the action, but Nanase Koi's modeling is also excellent. If you ignore the shabby corridors around, the effect is even better.

"Super awesome!"

Hideo Ando yelled, he didn't notice at all, he didn't close the door, and he had a pair of eyes...


Today’s Festival~

Changing the chassis tossed me, and there was a prompt that the WIN system kernel was damaged, but after I bought a USB disk, I found that the recovery file of the USB disk was also problematic, and finally I found out...Memory error...

This is a sad story……

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