Facing Jiang Lanshan's question, Xiong San chuckled and said, "How you want to solve it is your business and has nothing to do with us!"

"Come on, let's go to the side to cool off!"

Xiong San greeted Gu Zheng and Sun Cheng, and the three of them flew to a stop a hundred meters away, making room for Jiang Lanshan and Yinggoubi.

Looking at Xiong San who looked like he was watching a play, the hooked-nosed immortal cultivator frowned and said, "Fellow Daoists have a good plan. Could it be that you want to make money for yourself?"

"No no! You misunderstood us, how could we be that kind of person, we just look around, we don't do anything!" Xiong San said seriously.

At this point, the scene has formed a three-legged situation. Even if Jiang Lanshan is a quasi-sage, she doesn't want to make a move easily under such circumstances. As for the Hooked Nose side, they are actually quite satisfied with Xiong San's actions! After all, they didn't intend to fight at all, and it doesn't matter if Xiong San is willing to join forces with them or not.


Jiang Lanshan smiled at the ignorant Xiong San, and just sat cross-legged in the void with her eyes closed.

Seeing Jiang Lanshan sitting down, the other five members of the Jiang family sat around Jiang Lanshan. They held different instructions in their hands, and a light yellow light envelope enveloped them, helping them resist the electric shock. Mans invasion.

The aquiline-nosed immortal cultivators were communicating with each other, and soon they all sat cross-legged, and used similar methods to the Jiang family to raise protection outside their bodies.

However, the external protection of the two forces is obviously different in resistance to electric light, and the shield of the hook-nosed immortal cultivator is much weaker.

As for Gu Zheng, they still stood there motionless with the help of the protection provided by the magic eye headband. And the powerful protective power of the magic eye headband is undoubtedly revealed again at this moment! Because in the face of the attack of the electric light, only Gu Zheng's side has the weakest ripples in the surface protection of the three forces, which means that their shields have the strongest protection against the electric light.

"Junior Brother, what exactly is this strange treasure?" Xiong San sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

When he first arrived here and didn't see any strange treasures, Gu Zheng had already told Xiong San and Sun Cheng through voice transmission that it was not that there were no strange treasures here, but that the strange treasures were hidden in the space! And Gu Zheng, who has mastered the way of intermediate space, can clearly sense its location.

"I don't know, I just can sense its existence!" Gu Zheng replied via voice transmission.

"Fellow Daoist, how long do you think it will take for the real treasure to be born?" Sun Cheng also asked Gu Zheng via voice transmission.

"It's hard to say, but there must be a vision before the birth of the treasure, and we will all know it in advance." Gu Zheng said.

"Friend Daoist, do you think the members of the Jiang family will take action to break this situation?" Sun Cheng asked again.

"Of course! This situation is not good for them. They are just waiting for an opportunity that doesn't cost much!"

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, if the Jiang family were really waiting for an opportunity to break the situation, then both of them would know what this opportunity was! After all, Lan Yue stayed in the 'cloud of death' for a long time back then. He had seen many phenomena in the 'cloud of death', and he also told Gu Zheng and Xiong San about it.

"Do you want to die early?"

Jiang Lanshan suddenly opened her closed eyes, looking at Xiong San with calm and cold eyes.

Xiong San didn't meet Jiang Lanshan's eyes at all, he stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the sky, making people feel that Jiang Lanshan was warning others.

"Brother, what's the matter?"

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to Xiong San rather amusedly.

"Hey, I just touched her with my way!" Xiong San said.

"Senior brother, although we are not afraid of them, Jiang Lanshan is also a quasi-sage after all, and the second senior brother can't fully understand her, so it's better to be careful!"

Xiong San didn't care about Gu Zheng's proposal at all. He winked at Gu Zheng and said, "Don't worry, brother, I'm free! Hehe, little brother, don't look at Jiang Lanshan's stinky face, in fact, this bitch The need for a certain aspect is particularly strong, and she can't hide it from me!"

"Could it be the right time, brother, do you still want to compete with her?"

Gu Zheng was angry and funny, under such circumstances, only he, the third senior brother, could be full of that matter.

"Of course, do you want to watch the battle? I think it will definitely benefit a lot from this bitch!"

Looking at the serious expression on Xiong San's face, Gu Zheng shook his head and smiled, closed his eyes decisively and stopped talking.

However, Gu Zheng's eyes only closed for a moment, and then opened again, because Jiang Lanshan scolded "shameless".

Gu Zheng looked down, no wonder Jiang Lanshan wanted to scold him like this, he saw Xiong San sitting cross-legged in the air, holding the **** clay figurine he found at the Dongtian Market, looking intoxicated stroking.


Faced with Jiang Lanshan's insults, Xiong San, who smiled and didn't care, just played with clay figurines more happily.


Jiang Lanshan didn't say anything anymore, she closed her eyes with a cold snort.

"Jiang Lanshan has transmitted her spiritual thoughts to the hooked nose, maybe she was made more cautious by Xiong San's unscrupulousness!" Qi Ling suddenly said to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's heart moved: "It seems that Jiang Lanshan's spiritual sense is very strong!"

Qi Ling can't see through the specific stage of the quasi-sage, but her perception is still keen in some aspects, just like Jiang Lanshan's sound transmission to the hooked nose, she didn't even notice it with the strength of the ancient spirit, but she did. . And this can also show that Jiang Lanshan's spirit is stronger than Gu Zheng's!

"Jiang Lanshan sent a voice transmission to the hooked nose!"

Gu Zheng told Xiong San and Sun Cheng about the discovery of Qi Ling.

"This bitch will transmit the sound to Yinggoubi, it seems that she wants to win Yinggoubi and others together, and then they will attack us together!" Xiong San said.

"Two friends, since we know that they want to plot against us, should we leave here temporarily and let them bite the dog?" Sun Cheng said.

"The strange treasure may be born at any time. If it is born when we leave, and it is collected by the Jiang family, then it will be a little troublesome to get it! Instead of this, we might as well plan it out!"

Xiong San and Sun Chengcheng understood what Gu Zheng said, and they agreed with it.

After about half a stick of incense, a strange fluctuation suddenly appeared in the 'death cloud'. This fluctuation was born abruptly and disappeared very quickly. People who don't know why will often only frown, not too much. Take it to heart.

However, Gu Zheng and the others had a better understanding of the situation in the 'cloud of death', so they all understood the emergence of strange fluctuations, which was due to the change in the power of law in the 'cloud of death'! And in the next five minutes, this place can be said to be a restricted area for fairy art, and all fairy arts that dare to use during this time, or the supernatural powers of fairy weapons, will be affected by the reaction!

"Do it!"

Jiang Lanshan sent a voice transmission to the hooked nose.

Just as Gu Zheng and the others guessed, Jiang Lanshan did make a promise to win Ying Gobi and the others to deal with Gu Zheng and the others.

Yu Jiang Lanshan said that she disdains joining forces in her heart, and she doesn't expect that Yinggoubi and others will really join forces with her to deal with Gu Zheng and others. She only wants Yinggoubi and others to stop fighting because of her words. It's enough to stand with Gu Zheng and others when the time comes. As for the so-called promise, it's just nonsense. After she kills Gu Zheng and others, she will deal with Yinggoubi and others in reverse.

Jiang Lanshan took the lead, and all the members of the Jiang family followed her, but they didn't use any magic spells, they only used spiritual attacks.

Spiritual attacks are not affected by changes in the law, so Jiang Lanshan and the others did not have any problems. But the Hawk-hooked nose was different. Three of the six of them attacked Gu Zheng and the others, two of them used immortal techniques, and the other threw a pestle-shaped immortal weapon at them.

Panic instantly appeared in the Hawk-hooked nose's camp, and the immortal spells and immortal weapons that the three of them played back at them with extraordinary strength!

Although Yinggoubi and the others didn't know the characteristics of the law changes in the 'Death Cloud', they were also well-informed immortal cultivators, and they already knew what was going on when they suffered a loss in an instant.

"I know you have no good intentions!"

Hooked Nose let out an angry roar, and slammed into the members of the Jiang family with a spot of divine thought.


Jiang Lanshan smiled, Yinggoubi and others saw through her scheme, but she didn't take it to heart at all! Originally, she disdained joining forces, but now the three people on the side of the hooked nose have been injured again. With the overall strength not as good as before, she has nothing to worry about!

With Jiang Lanshan's laughter, the light spot of spiritual thought she released again turned into a huge butterfly, which not only swallowed the light spot of the hooked nose in an instant, but also flew towards his body.


The hooked nose was shocked, and immediately used teleportation, and after avoiding the butterfly of spiritual thought, it flew away to the distance without looking back.

Of the original six people on the hooked nose side, two flew away with the hooked nose, and the remaining three stayed forever.

The three people who were left behind had already been wounded by their own means with extraordinary power. In this kind of injury situation, the electric lights in the 'death cloud' could pose a serious threat to them, and even more so. Not to mention Jiang Lanshan's Divine Sense Butterfly, and the other Jiang family's spiritual attacks on them.

After a few screams, the scene temporarily returned to silence. The three immortal cultivators, who were already injured, could not hold out for a few rounds under the siege of the Jiang family.

Originally, this was a joint action to deal with Gu Zheng and the others, but the ending turned out like this, which is a bit surprising.

"It's interesting, no wonder you don't cooperate with them!"

Jiang Lanshan didn't do anything to Gu Zheng and the others, but looked at them with interest.

Gu Zheng and the others didn't attack just now, but that doesn't mean they didn't defend!

Knowing when Jiang Lanshan was going to make a move, Xiong San had already taken out something in his hand ahead of time, which was an immortal artifact similar to a crystal ball.

Back then, Lanyue got a lot of chance in the 'cloud of death', but this chance was not something else, but the storage belt obtained after killing people in the 'cloud of death'.

Among the many storage belts back then, Lan Yue obtained many fairy artifacts, one of which was the red crystal ball held by Xiong San before.

The red crystal ball is a consumable fairy weapon that can only be used once. Once used, it will form a shield within a certain range, and this shield can swallow all the energy that comes close to it.

The Jiang family first launched an attack on Gu Zheng and them, but after their divine sense light ball approached the red shield, it was immediately swallowed by a strong suction force!

The Jiang family is also very powerful. When the sphere of divine thoughts was swallowed, they immediately broke free from the phagocytic force and withdrew the sphere of spiritual thoughts back, so they did not suffer any serious injuries.

"It's good to play tricks. I originally wanted to get rid of you first, but now I get rid of another group of people."

Although she couldn't use her divine sense to attack Gu Zheng and them, Jiang Lanshan didn't panic at all. Anyway, the change of laws was about to disappear, and it wouldn't be too late to deal with them by then.

"I'm not only good at playing tricks, but I'm also good at other things."

Xiong Sanchong and Jiang Lanshan smiled ambiguously. He smiled while stroking the clay figurine in his hand, not to mention how obscene it was.

Jiang Lanshan gave Xiong San a contemptuous look, then looked at the red mask protecting them and said, "I'm curious how much energy this mask can absorb, and what kind of power will the explosion produce?"

Gu Zheng's heart moved, this Jiang Lanshan is really not simple! The mask does have the property of absorbing energy explosions, which is also the biggest killing move of this immortal weapon. However, the explosion of the mask is different from the self-explosion of the immortal cultivator. It has no warning before it is about to explode. The fluctuations brewing the explosion are very restrained, and it is not felt from the outside at all! Moreover, it is impossible for Jiang Lanshan to have seen this rare fairy weapon before. If she had seen it, she would not have attacked without hesitation after seeing Xiong San take out the crystal ball, so that her divine sense was also blocked by the red The mask swallowed some of it. In addition, Jiang Lanshan probably never heard of this kind of fairy artifact, anyway, before Gu Zheng and Xiong San learned about this kind of fairy artifact from Lanyue, they had never heard of it at all! After all, the crystal ball, like Sun Cheng's magic eye headband, is not a fairy weapon refined by Hong Huang's refining technique.

"The crystal ball just now should be something obtained in the 'Death Cloud'! Such a weird little thing can only be found in this weird place!" Jiang Lanshan murmured.

"It seems that you want to get something here, but you didn't get it!"

Gu Zheng laughed, he wanted to know something on the sidelines, anyway, he is idle now, without Jiang Lanshan's spiritual attack, just absorbing the energy in the electric light, the light shield is still some time away from exploding. During this time, they could neither leave the mask nor attack.


Jiang Lanshan also smiled contemptuously at Gu Zheng, then turned cold and said: "Isn't what I want is with you?"

"That's right, it's here with me, come and get it if you have the ability!"

Jiang Lanshan's words undoubtedly tore apart the original calm, and Gu Zheng, who changed his face, also showed contempt for her.

A big family like the Jiang family, as a disciple of the Saint Immortal, will definitely have a certain understanding. Lan Yue knows something about the Jiang family, but the Jiang family doesn't know about Lan Yue! At least they don't know that Lan Yue is now the commander of the Xianying. If they knew that Lan Yue was the Commander of the Immortal Battalion, then direct disciples like Jiang Yun would also know about it. If Jiang Yun knew, he wouldn't have dared to threaten Lan Yue if he had given her a hundred courage back then! Moreover, Lan Yue's appearance, and even his name, are all fake, it's just the information he left to the outside world.

Jiang Yun and the others died in Xianying, so naturally someone from the Jiang family would go to ask for an explanation, but the commander of Xianying has a high official position, so they dare not make mistakes if they say anything casually.

They didn't dare to make mistakes on the surface, but in fact the Jiang family was very unwilling. They sent people to monitor the entrance of the fairy camp. Lan Yue naturally knew about it, but she just didn't bother to talk to them.

There are Jiang family's eyeliners in the fairy camp, so after Gu Zheng and the others left the fairy camp, the Jiang family knew about it and passed the news to Jiang Lanshan who was already waiting near the Undercurrent Sea.

A rare treasure was born in the 'cloud of death', which no one thought of before, so Jiang Lanshan brought some people to the 'cloud of death' to hunt for treasure first.

"I originally wanted to wait for the treasure hunt in the 'Death Cloud' to end, and then go to the Undercurrent Sea to find you, but I didn't expect you to have the courage to come to the 'Death Cloud', and even to the place where the treasure will be born, this is Your fate!" Jiang Lanshan looked at Gu Zheng and gritted her teeth.

"You are not afraid that we will go to the Undercurrent Sea first to take the opportunity. It seems that you still have some people left in the Undercurrent Sea!"

Regardless of Jiang Lanshan's willingness or not, Gu Zheng still deciphered some information from her words.

"It doesn't matter if I let you know that there are some people left? Can you still fly away from here?"

Jiang Lanshan paused, and said coldly: "Stop covering up, show your true faces, and let me see what people who dare to oppose the Jiang family look like!"

Jiang Yun once passed Gu Zheng's appearance to the Jiang family, so Jiang Lanshan knew what Gu Zheng looked like with his identity of 'Baishu'. Moreover, Jiang Lanshan also mastered the way of change. She could see that the three of Gu Zheng had changed their appearance and aura, but she couldn't know what their real appearance was.

"Show your true face?"

Xiong San laughed loudly: "If I really show my true face, I'm afraid you will sacrifice your life for it!"

Xiong San is not as low-key as Lan Yue, his publicity makes many people know him, if he shows his true face, Jiang Lanshan will definitely know who he is!

"It doesn't matter if you don't show up, then show up automatically after you are dead!" Jiang Lanshan sneered.


Xiong San smiled, and with a thought, he devoured the red mask whose energy had reached the explosion standard, and a powerful explosion suddenly occurred.

The explosion of the red mask produced a shock wave, and the electric light in the air disappeared instantly under the action of the shock wave. It was powerful enough to threaten the immortal cultivators of Da Luo Jinxian's later stage.

The Jiang family and others were naturally prepared for this, and they didn't need Jiang Lanshan to make a move at all. The other people who were good at the "Heli Immortal Art" pushed with both palms, and the huge immortal power instantly formed a barrier, easily blocking the raging shock wave.

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