The immortal cultivator died from the attack of the electric light, and the skin on the body surface was basically charred black.

"Da Luo Jinxian's initial cultivation base."

Qi Ling reported to Gu Zheng the strength of the dead cultivator.

"Golden Immortal Da Luo's early stage cultivation is really not worth looking at here!" Gu Zheng said heartily.

With the protection provided by the magic eye headband, Gu Zheng and others can ignore the electric light in the 'death cloud', but this does not mean that the electric light in the 'death cloud' is not powerful! If there is no protection from the magic eye headband, although Gu Zheng also has a way to deal with the electric glow, it will definitely not be as easy as it is now. Moreover, with the continuous deepening of the 'death cloud', the power of the electric light will gradually increase. Gu Zheng doesn't think that if they just keep flying like this, the protection provided by the magic eye headband will still be able to make them fly three days later. so easy.

Sun Cheng took off the storage belt of the dead immortal cultivator, and poured out the contents after recognizing the master. According to the previous agreement, the resources obtained in this case will be distributed equally among the three.

The deceased cultivator didn't have much in his storage belt. Among the cultivators in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian, he was considered to be a relatively poor one. For Gu Zheng, there is nothing worth mentioning about the contents of this storage belt except for a few high-level ingredients.

"It seems that this cultivator has been dead for a long time."

Gu Zheng said that the immortal cultivator died for a long time. In fact, this statement directly ignored the time from the corpse itself, but sighed from another place, this place is the immortal artifact of the immortal cultivator!

All immortal cultivators who come to explore in the 'cloud of death' will definitely have all kinds of immortal artifacts. Among these immortal artifacts, even if they don't always hold offensive immortal artifacts in their hands, defensive ones There must be some of the fairy artifacts that are worn, and they also need to rely on these fairy artifacts to share some of the invasion of the electric light.

The corpse that Gu Zheng and the others found didn't have any defensive immortal artifacts on it! Moreover, this corpse is wearing underwear, and under normal circumstances, there should be a defensive fairy clothes on his body! After all, no immortal cultivator would run around wearing only underwear, or run to this 'cloud of death' for excitement.

Lan Yue had been to the 'Death Cloud and Mist' before, so he was quite familiar with some situations in the 'Death Cloud and Mist'. When he first heard him talk about a strange phenomenon in the 'Death Cloud and Mist', Gu Zheng didn't know why. This strange phenomenon is that if a cultivator dies in the 'death cloud', once the death time exceeds two days, all the immortal artifacts on them will disappear, but the storage belt is still there!

Although when Lanyue first heard about this strange phenomenon in the 'death cloud', Gu Zheng didn't understand what was going on! But after listening to Sun Cheng talk about his master's experience, Gu Zheng understood that these disappeared fairy artifacts should all be taken away by the fairy mountain in the 'death cloud'! After all, when his master Sun Cheng saw the fairy mountain, he saw many strange and weird fairy artifacts floating below the fairy mountain!

When Sun Cheng and his master told Sun Cheng these things, the focus was on highlighting those strange and weird fairy artifacts, after all, the magic eye headband was one of them. However, this is not to say that there are only those strange and weird fairy artifacts floating under the fairy mountain, they are only a small part of many normal fairy artifacts.

"Hey, I hope we can find the fairy mountain that Master Sun Cheng once saw!"

Xiong San smiled obscenely, usually when he smiled like this, it was either towards treasures or beauties.

In fact, it's no wonder that Xiong San laughed so wretchedly, even if Gu Zheng thought about the fairy mountain that Master Sun Cheng said, he would still laugh so wretchedly! Not to mention what is there on the fairy mountain, just the huge group of fairy artifacts below the fairy mountain, this is an incalculable wealth!

"Two fellow Taoists, what should we do with the corpse of this cultivator?" Sun Cheng asked.

"If you take his things, then his body will be melted, and it will be regarded as a burial for him."

When Gu Zheng's words fell to the ground, Sun Cheng released a little natal real fire, and the corpse of the cultivator immediately burned.

In the next day, the three of Gu Zheng continued to go deeper into the 'cloud of death'. During this period, they met two immortal cultivators, but they only saw them, and there was no communication between them.

During this day, Gu Zheng and the others did not encounter black electric lights, nor did they encounter jade white electric lights, nor did they encounter fluctuations in the birth of strange treasures. When they met those two immortal cultivators, they originally wanted to ask each other about the recent situation here, but when the two immortal cultivators saw them, they flew away very vigilantly, leaving them no chance to ask .

"Damn it, when will we meet the black electric light!"

Looking at the colorful electric lights in front of him, Xiong San, who was always joking, had a rare melancholy on his face.

"What's wrong? Is Feiyu coming soon?"

Seeing Xiong Sanchou in this suit, Gu Zheng thought of this first.

Through the special connection, Fairy Feiyu and Xiong San can know each other's location, so after leaving the heaven, Xiong San felt that Fairy Feiyu was approaching his direction.

At noon yesterday, Xiong San already felt that Fairy Feiyu had also entered the 'cloud of death', and the distance with him was getting closer.

"What trick did the crazy woman use? I can't sense where she is now, but I know she can sense where I am! The sooner this broken mark is removed, the better. Who knows if it continues like this, she What kind of tricks will he play again, this feeling is too passive!" Xiong San said depressedly.

Gu Zheng wanted to say something to comfort Xiong San, but before he could speak, his eyes widened.


Xiong San's eyes also widened, and he said excitedly.


Gu Zheng also became excited, and the fluctuation that represented the imminent birth of a strange treasure was born again.

If there is a fluctuation, the direction can be locked. Gu Zheng and others are now flying in the direction of the fluctuation. If the budget is based on the flight speed, it is estimated that they will be able to rush to the place where the fluctuation is transmitted after a stick of incense.

As they approached the source of the fluctuations, Gu Zheng and the others saw four immortal cultivators one after another, two of which were the two they had encountered before.

Regardless of the two people I met before or the other two I just met, the cultivation bases of these four immortals, three of them are in the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, and only one is in the middle stage of Da Luo Jinxian. Although the cultivation base of these four people is not low, they all maintain a high level of vigilance against Gu Zheng and others! After all, Gu Zheng and others can see how relaxed they are in the 'cloud of death'. Once they have a conflict with such a person, they will be at a disadvantage in terms of the impact of the environment first.

No matter how guarded they are against Gu Zheng by the four people they met successively, they are not too far away in terms of distance. After all, the visibility is only 300 meters. Detected something within a radius of 400 meters.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

The sound of gold and iron intersecting sounded from the front. Among the four immortal cultivators flying in front, he was fighting with another immortal cultivator whom Gu Zheng had never seen before.

"People from the Jiang family!"

Seeing the immortal cultivator whom he had never seen before, Gu Zheng and Xiong San exchanged colors.

Saying I haven't seen it is not true! It is indeed the first time that Gu Zheng and Xiong San have really met Jiang Shangfeng, the immortal cultivator of the Jiang family, but since they know that someone from the Jiang family will definitely be waiting in the Undercurrent Sea, Gu Zheng naturally has to collect some information about them! And Lan Yue recorded all the faces of the Jiang family he knew into the jade slips and showed them to Gu Zheng, so Gu Zheng and Xiong San also knew about Jiang Shangfeng.

Jiang Shangfeng frantically attacked the cultivator who was flying in the front. From his red eyes, Gu Zheng and Xiong San could understand that he was completely lost in the 'cloud of death'.

Immortal cultivators lost in the 'cloud of death' can be divided into two situations, one is lost in direction, just like Gu Zheng and the others, if it wasn't for the help of magical eyes and headbands, they would not be able to tell the difference at this time. North, south, east and west! Another kind of lost is called mental lost, just like Jiang Shangfeng at this time, he has lost his mind under the influence of the power of law in the'death cloud', and only violence is left in his eyes.

"I don't care about him. Anyway, he has lost his mind. It is only a matter of time before he dies in the hands of that immortal cultivator. Let's track the fluctuation." Xiong San sent a voice transmission to Gu Zheng.

For Gu Zheng and the others, since they know that the Jiang family is the enemy of this trip, there is no need to be merciful to the enemy. If it is not for Jiang Shangfeng's special situation, Gu Zheng will definitely kill him even if he delays a little time. become trouble.

Flying forward for a few thousand meters, Gu Zheng and the others couldn't help but stop, and the fluctuation of the birth of the strange treasure in the 'cloud of death' suddenly disappeared! Moreover, it was not only the three of them who stopped, but also the three previous immortal cultivators.

The 'death cloud' can make people lose their way. Originally, there were fluctuations in the guidance, and everyone still had a clear goal. But now that the fluctuations have disappeared, their direction is affected by the power of the law, and immediately becomes chaotic again! This special feeling is like turning around many times with your eyes closed. When you stop, you can't tell the difference between south, east and north without opening your eyes.

Everyone looked at each other, and the three original cultivators moved. They were all very careful not to approach each other, but chose to fly in different directions. Although the fluctuations disappeared, when they traced the source of the fluctuations before, everyone knew where they were now, and it should be about two kilometers away from the source of the fluctuations before! In the absence of guidance from fluctuations, it is better to choose a direction to try your luck than to stay where you are.

With the supernatural power of the magic eye headband, Gu Zheng and the others don't have to search for the source of the fluctuation aimlessly like the three immortal cultivators before. After all, Sun Cheng, another supernatural power of the magic eye headband, had been activated a long time ago, so he did not lose his sense of direction in the 'cloud of death'.

Sun Cheng took the lead and flew forward, Gu Zheng and Xiong San immediately followed.

A moment later, when Gu Zheng and the others flew two thousand meters away, they stopped again in the air.

This is indeed the source of the fluctuations, but there are no strange treasures here, only twelve immortal cultivators looking at them.

The twelve immortal cultivators stood in three groups in three directions, the least group had only two people, the second group had four people, and the group with the largest number was the Jiang family.

Among the twelve people who have been able to go deep into the 'cloud of death' and have not lost their minds, there is only one middle-stage Da Luo Jinxian, and the remaining ten are late-stage Da Luo Jinxians. Among the people in the Jiang family, there is one The existence of quasi-sages!

The specific stage of the quasi-sage's cultivation base is impossible for Qi Ling to detect, but Lan Yue has information about this person for Gu Zheng. She is Jiang Lanshan, one of the two quasi-sages of the Jiang family. According to Lan Yue, she is The cultivation base of the quasi-sage in the early stage.

Jiang Lanshan is a nun, she has silver hair, and her facial features look like a woman in her twenties.


Jiang Lanshan looked at the crowd and smiled.

"I don't care if you recognize me or not, and I don't want to bully others, but everything has a first come, first come first, since our Jiang family came to the source of the wave of strange treasures first, then you latecomers can leave!"

As soon as Jiang Lanshan said this, Gu Zheng also understood it. It seems that the people of the Jiang family found the source of the fluctuations by some means first. As for the other two groups of people, they probably came here just now.

Anyway, to be able to penetrate so deep into the 'cloud of death' without losing their minds, and to find the source of the fluctuations, none of these people is an ordinary person! Even if they knew Jiang Lanshan, they must be unwilling now.

The silence was broken by an immortal cultivator with a hooked nose: "Jiang Daoyou's words were a bit ridiculous. Since he said he didn't want to bully others, why did he say that first come first? This is waiting for the birth of a rare treasure, and he is not doing anything else. The so-called Is it practical to come first and then come here? The treasures are originally obtained by those who are destined, and the practice of Jiang Daoyou's current enclosure is to bully us. There are not as many people as you?"

There are four people on the hook-nosed immortal cultivator's side, and what he said undoubtedly meant to pull Gu Zheng's side and the other two immortal cultivators into the same boat.

"No matter what kind of treasure it is, it's not as important as life. You want to pull people into a boat, but you also need to see if anyone dares to sit on your wrecked boat that is about to capsize!"

Jiang Lanshan's gaze first turned to the two immortal cultivators who had the least number of people. Those two immortal cultivators gritted their teeth fiercely and flew towards the hook-nosed immortal cultivator.

"Very good, it seems that there is someone who dares to sit on this wrecked boat that is about to capsize!"

Jiang Lanshan paused, then looked at Gu Zheng and the others: "What about you?"

"Of course we stayed!"

Xiong Sanchong smiled at Jiang Lanshan, and his words were ambiguous.

"Stay? That means you are no longer on their side?" Jiang Lanshan asked again.

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