The good luck didn't last. Gu Zheng tried cooking with ingredients in the circle more than 20 times, but there was no situation where the eyesight of the Taoist eye was better. But instead of using the ingredients in the circle, it was only cooked once, and the eyesight of the Taoist eye reappeared better.

"It seems that if you want to upgrade the Eye of Dao to a deeper level, you must use ingredients from within the circle. I don't know if the ingredients I have left outside the circle can let me see the 'egg yolk'!" Ancient struggle.

"It's a pity that I don't have any ingredients from outside the circle."

Qi Ling smiled helplessly, and then said: "Anyway, today's attempt is very good, your eye of Tao is already at a deep level. As for the issue of ingredients, with your current cultivation base, you don't need to think too much about it. When your cultivation level meets the conditions in the future, you can jump out of the circle like Lord Tiexian!"

"That's right."

Gu Zheng nodded, his eyes full of longing.

"What are you going to do next?" Qi Ling asked.

"I feel lucky today. Next, I want to see if I can comprehend the 'Star Lore'." Gu Zheng smiled.

"You didn't gain much in the star chart last time, do you think it will be different this time?" Qi Ling asked.

"It's better to have something to gain, and don't force it if there is no gain." Gu Zheng said.

Qi Ling knew Gu Zheng quite well, and seeing Gu Zheng's relaxed appearance, he always felt that things were not that simple.

"How do I feel, you seem to be a little sure?" Qi Ling looked suspicious.

"You really understand me." Gu Zheng laughed.

Qi Ling suddenly became more energetic: "Quickly tell me, how can you be sure?"

"After entering the star map, I want to use the eyes of Tao to observe! Today's eyes of Tao are already deeper. When I was cooking dishes before, I found that the deeper eyes of Tao can not only see ingredients , can see other things! And other things under the observation of the eyes of the Tao are also composed of various substances, but almost none of these substances can be used for cooking.”

"There is such a special spirit in the deeper level of the eye of the Tao, said curiously.

"It's not a surprise that the eyes of the Dao at a deeper level have such characteristics. After all, my Heart of the Dao has similar characteristics! It is precisely because of this characteristic that I was able to discover The energy in space storms and space turbulence can be utilized by the characteristics of food cultivation." Gu Zheng said.

"According to what you said, using the Eye of Dao to observe the star map seems to be a bit reliable!" Qi Ling murmured.

Gu Zheng chuckled: "Actually, there is another important reason that makes me feel confident!"

"There is another important reason? What is that?" Qi Ling asked.

"You said before that only a dozen or so people comprehended the 'Lore of the Stars'. From this point, it is enough to see that it takes a lot of chance to comprehend the 'Lore of the Stars'."

"'Culinary Mastery' is the most important task since I became the successor of Tiexian! I think it is unlikely that Master Tiexian will give me something that can only be comprehended by chance in the rewards of this task! Plus Among the rewards of the task, there are cooking skills and ingredients that allow me to cultivate the eyes of Tao at a deeper level, plus the extraordinaryness of the eyes of Tao at a deeper level! So I think, Master Tiexian’s original intention should be to let me have a deeper level. After leveling up the Eye of Dao, let’s try to comprehend the 'Star Lore'!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qi Ling thought for a while and said, "I think what you said makes sense!"

"Whether the guess will come true, you will know if you try it!"

Gu Zheng smiled at Qi Ling, and then invaded the jade slip with his spiritual thoughts.

Still familiar with the star map, Gu Zheng thought about it and observed the star map with the eyes of Tao.

In an instant, the star map that was originally constant rotated, and the speed changed from the original very fast until it became a blur. When the star map changes from fuzzy to clear, a brand new star map is formed!

At this time, Gu Zheng had entered into a mysterious state of ecstasy. He stared at the brand new star map seriously, and the star map started to work again. However, this time the operation of the star map is different from before, its operation actually affects Gu Zheng's divine sense! As a result, Gu Zheng's divine thoughts were instantly divided into tens of thousands of strands, and each strand was connected to a star in the star chart, which fluctuated, interweaved, merged, and separated as they moved.

Immersed in the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng's divine sense changed from passive to active at first, and he controlled the displacement, collision, annihilation and rebirth of the stars in the star chart with his divine sense.

Qi Ling was very excited, she could feel that Gu Zheng had entered a mysterious realm, but she didn't know what Gu Zheng had experienced in it.

Time is passing by bit by bit, and Qi Ling, who is more patient, can't help becoming anxious at last. Gu Zheng hasn't come out of the mysterious realm yet, it's been a whole day since he stayed in the space of the Taotie statue. time! And this day is equivalent to three days in the real world! From cultivating immortals to now, Gu Zheng has experienced many mysterious realms, but it has never been as long as this time.

Finally, just when Qi Ling was about to see through, Gu Zheng came out of the mysterious realm.

"How?" Qi Ling immediately asked.

Looking at Qi Ling's concerned eyes, Gu Zheng smiled slightly and said, "Very good, I have comprehended the 'star lore'."

Gu Zheng's words sounded plain, but Qi Ling could see from his eyes that he was very satisfied with what he had comprehended in this mysterious realm.

"It's a pity that this is a low-level plane. If it were in the wilderness, I would really like to try the power of 'Star Killer'!" Gu Zheng said.

"Have you comprehended 'Star Lore', has your divine sense strengthened?" Qi Ling asked.

"The essence of divine thoughts has not been enhanced because of this, but my use of divine thoughts is not at the same level as before! After all, 'Star Lore' uses divine thoughts to regulate the energy of stars, and I don't have enough understanding of spiritual thoughts. It’s impossible to do that at all!” Gu Zheng asked with a smile.

"Although I believe that 'Star Killer' is powerful, it's a pity that I can't see how powerful it is!" Qi Ling said helplessly.

"Although you can't see the power of 'Star Lore' for the time being, I can describe it to you! Immortal Domain is my trump card, so 'Star Lore' is also my trump card. I can also tell you that , After comprehending the 'star lore', my divine sense is fundamentally different from the previous divine sense!"

Seeing Gu Zheng laughing smugly, Qi Ling's eyes widened suddenly. What Gu Zheng said was essentially different, which made her think of a possibility.

"You, you cut off the tail of the divine sense?" Qi Ling said in shock.

"That's right!"

Looking into Qi Ling's shocked eyes, Gu Zheng laughed.

Divine thoughts are very destructive, but when cultivators fight, very few use them! One of the key reasons for this is that there is a "silk thread" between the divine mind and the body, and this "silk thread" is the tail that Qi Ling said.

The tail between the divine sense and the main body is almost hard to see with the naked eye, but it really exists.

Back then on Blood Tide Island, Gu Zheng used his divine sense to explore the Blood Tide restricted area, and he didn't dare to go too deep because the thin strands of evil energy could attach to his divine sense tail, which would cause him a lot of trouble.

Precisely because the tail is the seven inches of spiritual attack, so when cultivating immortals in martial arts, they are especially cautious when using spiritual attack! Once the tail of the divine sense is cut off, the split divine sense will not only completely cut off the connection with the main body, but also cause the main body to suffer backlash!

However, if the divine sense does not have a tail, it will be a very powerful supernatural power, and its power is no less than giving people an extra extraordinary fairy weapon.

There is a saying among immortal cultivators, "If you do not reach the Golden Immortal Realm, don't let your spiritual sense lose its tail." This is not unreasonable. Ascension for the sake of improvement, at that time, if you experience the mysterious realm of divine sense, there is a great possibility that the tail of divine sense will be cut off!

But it is a pity that when advancing to the Golden Wonderland, very few people can trigger the mysterious realm of divine sense, and even if they do, they may not be able to comprehend anything. Therefore, the probability of being able to cut off the tail of the divine mind when advancing to the Golden Immortal Realm is no less than comprehending the Immortal Realm when advancing to the Golden Immortal Realm.

Moreover, once the tail of the divine mind cannot be cut off when advancing to the Golden Immortal Realm, it is almost impossible to cut off the tail of the divine mind when the cultivation base is advanced in the subsequent two realms of the Golden Immortal Realm and the Daluo Golden Wonderland. Opportunity arises.

When Gu Zheng advanced to the Golden Immortal Realm, he didn't have the opportunity to cut off the tail of his divine sense. But for this kind of thing, all immortal cultivators can see it, after all, the probability of this kind of opportunity is too small. What's more, it's not something to be sad about not being able to meet the opportunity to cut off the tail of the divine sense when advancing to the Golden Wonderland! In the future, if it is possible to advance to the quasi-sage, in the quasi-sage realm, you can use your strength to cut off the tail of the divine sense without chance! Even if there is no hope of advancing to the quasi-sage realm in this life, it's nothing, anyway, everyone under the quasi-sage is almost the same, and there is a tail following behind the divine sense! When the cultivator thought about it this way, his heart became balanced.

But now, Gu Zheng has mastered the advanced skills of using divine thoughts by comprehending the "star lore", thus cutting off the tail of divine thoughts. If this matter is known to outsiders, I am afraid that jealous people will say that he must have stepped on shit.

"Very good!"

Qi Ling was very happy for Gu Zheng: "Although the divine sense has not been enhanced because of this, you have the 'Purgatory' and the 'Energy Battlefield' of the Chaos Tower, both of which can be used to enhance the divine sense! In the past, you were in these training places. You won't be able to stay for too long, but now that you have comprehended the 'star lore', your control over divine thoughts must be even more extraordinary, do you want to go in and have a try now?"

"Haha, that's exactly what I mean!" Gu Zheng laughed.

'Purgatory' is when Gu Zheng became a real cultivator, he received the 'Purgatory Pill' that was rewarded by the Artifact Spirit, and obtained the magical powers after taking it.

The supernatural power of 'Purgatory' has no offensive ability, it belongs to a kind of supernatural power of internal cultivation of spiritual mind. After the 'Purgatory' is opened, the spiritual sense can be exercised in it, thus increasing the strength of the spiritual sense more quickly.

The initial time of 'Purgatory' is five minutes. When Gu Zheng practiced in 'Purgatory' for the first time, he only persisted for more than ten seconds.

Over the years, in addition to retreat, Gu Zheng has spared some time every day to cultivate his divine sense in "Purgatory". As of the last time he practiced in "Purgatory", his "Purgatory" practice time, the highest record is 32 fifteen seconds.

Although Gu Zheng has not been able to practice in Purgatory for a long time every day, a large part of the credit for the strengthening of his divine sense over the years comes from Purgatory.

With a thought in his mind, Gu Zheng used the supernatural power of 'Purgatory' and started his journey of internal cultivation of spiritual thoughts.

Like a world of lava, Gu Zheng's divine thoughts are cultivated in the "Purgatory". In addition to avoiding the fireballs falling from the sky, he also needs to be careful of the magma ejected from the ground, and even destroy the flame creatures that jump out of the sea of ​​fire . The entire 'Purgatory' mode is completely like a survival test!

It has been a few years since he became an immortal cultivator, and Gu Zheng has also figured out some methods for the internal cultivation supernatural power of 'Purgatory'.

In 'Purgatory', if the divine sense only detours within a certain range, the difficulty of 'Purgatory' will increase, but it will not cause his divine sense to be wiped out quickly. But if it goes beyond that relatively safe range, the divine sense will be wiped out soon! The increase in strength obtained from one exercise is not as good as staying in a relatively simple range honestly.

Although it is beyond the safe range, Gu Zheng's divine sense has never survived for a long time, but Gu Zheng also understands that the more dangerous the place, the stronger the exercise of the divine sense! As long as it can last, the harvest will naturally be very impressive.

Now that he has comprehended the "star lore", the flexibility of Gu Zheng's spiritual sense is far from comparable to before, so after entering the "Purgatory" this time, his spiritual sense directly rushed towards the dangerous zone.

The fireballs in the sky became denser. In the past, it would be very difficult for Gu Zheng to deal with these raindrop-like fireballs, but now these raindrop-like fireballs are no pressure for Gu Zheng at all.

Flexibility is inseparable from speed, and the faster divine sense allows Gu Zheng to dodge more quickly when facing raining fireballs. However, the greatest danger in the danger zone does not come from the fireballs in the sky, but from the creatures in the magma.


In front of the light spot of Gu Zhengshen's mind, magma sprang up like a fountain, and when it fell, it also turned into the shape of raindrops.

Two kinds of raindrops fell from the sky, and the density was a bit scary. In the past, when the light spot of the divine sense of Gu Zheng encountered such a situation, it would simply end in annihilation. But now, in the face of such intensive raindrop attacks, Gu Zheng can still easily deal with it.

The nimble divine sense shuttles through the raindrops, and many times it seems so dangerous, but in the end the light of divine sense can always save the day.

A happy feeling filled Gu Zheng's heart. He used more flexible divine sense to avoid the raindrop's attack. This kind of stimulation was different from the past, making the excited Gu Zheng feel like he just mastered flying in the sky. He just wants to enjoy the intertwining of the thrill of speed and freshness.

With the deepening of the ancient strife, the danger of 'Purgatory' became higher and higher, and various creatures jumped out of the magma, becoming the most capable existence to destroy the ancient strife.

"Puff puff puff..."

The three-headed fish that jumped out of the magma spit out a series of lava bubbles towards Guzheng. These bubbles are very fast and have the effect of tracking. Moreover, not one three-headed fish jumped out of the magma, but as many as twenty! Each three-headed fish has three fish mouths spitting bubbles at the same time, and in just an instant, there are already hundreds of bubbles following the light spot of Gu Zhengshen's mind.

"It's time to clean up the wave!"

Gu Zhan's fighting spirit was high, and the light spot of divine sense immediately turned around and hit the nearest bubble.

The light spots of spiritual thoughts also have offensive power in 'Purgatory', but they are not used at all under normal circumstances. But now it is impossible to deal with these bubbles without using the light spots of spiritual thoughts, otherwise the light spots of spiritual thoughts will die under their attack sooner or later.


There was a muffled sound, and Gu Zheng's divine sense burst a bubble, but his head also hurt. These bubbles actually have the ability to resist shocks, which is something Gu Zheng has never experienced before! Judging from the damage that the light spots of spiritual thoughts can withstand in the 'Purgatory', if there are three such shocks, the light spots of spiritual thoughts will undoubtedly disappear!

Just when Gu Zheng was thinking about how to deal with the lava bubbles, the lava world in front of him suddenly darkened, and he withdrew from the internal cultivation state of 'purgatory'.

"Okay, is this the so-called customs clearance?"

Gu Zheng smiled. Although he encountered some problems in the end, this was the first time he had cleared 'Purgatory'.

"That's right, I actually cleared 'Purgatory'! When you enter 'Purgatory' again tomorrow, the duration of 'Purgatory' will be two minutes longer!"

When Gu Zheng first got 'Purgatory', Qi Ling told him that when his divine sense reached a certain level, the time he could stay in 'Purgatory' would also be longer.

"After spending five minutes in Purgatory for the first time, how do you feel? How is your divine sense enhanced?" Qi Ling asked with a smile.

"It's a great feeling! As for the degree to which the divine sense has been strengthened, just five minutes is equivalent to a year of using 'Purgatory' before me!" Gu Zheng said with emotion.

"So many?" Qi Ling couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"The reason why there are so many should be related to my courage to move forward. The place where I am training in 'Purgatory' this time is not as dangerous as before!" Gu Zheng said.

Die Ling suddenly said: "No wonder! But anyway, you have comprehended the 'Star Lore', and the harvest is really great! Just talking about this once-a-day 'Purgatory' exercise, it probably won't be long before the strength of your divine sense The increase is enough to make the Immortal Territory's strength have a more obvious change!"

"This is just 'Purgatory', I want to go to the 'Energy Battlefield' of the Chaos Tower to experience it now!"

Speaking of the "Energy Battlefield" in the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng's fighting spirit was high.

If you compare 'Purgatory' with the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' in the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng feels that the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' is more difficult than 'Purgatory'.

The last time I got a new Chaos Tower body from Yan Linglong, the Chaos Tower had a total of three more 'energy battlefields', among which the 'energy battlefield' for training the divine sense was called the 'Galaxy Energy Battlefield' by Gu Zheng.

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