From the beginning to the end of the battle, it was actually a matter of a very short period of time. Several people from the Mixing League against the ancient battle were defeated.

Looking at the scene of the bloody corpse mountain in front of him, Gu Zheng gritted his teeth and took the lead in searching for Udolili's soul.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng had finished searching for the soul, Udolili had a gloomy face and said nothing, Qi Ling immediately asked.

"I didn't have any special things to do after returning to the wilderness from Earth, except to find Meow Meow and Angry Man, but now I have it!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and told Qi Ling the results of Wudolili's soul search.

Kateris and Samander are both helpers that Udolili found from the prehistoric world. Udolili gave them some benefits and also provided them with some guarantees to travel through space. The three of them came here with a purpose Earth.

Udolili came to Earth just to kill Gu Zheng! As for why she did this, it was because she was assigned.

The person who assigned Wuduo Lili was called Xiao Qi, who had the same identity as Gu Zheng, a disciple of the Saint Immortal!

Although Gu Zheng didn't stay in the prehistoric for a few years, if someone with a heart wants to investigate him, there are still many suspicious things about him. For example, his cultivation progressed extremely fast, Jin Yuanzi, the quasi-sage of Shu Mountain, recognized him as his junior, his cooking skills were extremely good, and so on.

Xiao Qi didn't just attack Gu Zheng. Before targeting Gu Zheng, he had asked Udolili to take someone to another plane and killed another disciple of the Saint Immortal.

Although the saints are extremely powerful, not all their apprentices are very strong, especially those like Gu Zheng who haven't been disciples of the saints for a long time.

As for the disciple being killed, the Saint Immortal, who has always believed in luck, has a tacit attitude towards such things. This is a fact that Gu Zheng already knew when he communicated with Tiexian last time. It is agreed that they usually do not interfere with this kind of natural selection. Of course, Xiao Qi would not be the only one doing such things as hunting down the disciples of the Saint Immortals. Among the disciples of the Ten Great Immortals, at least three of them had done such a thing.

"This Xiao Qi is really courting death!"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Qi Ling gritted his teeth in hatred: "After returning to the wilderness, go to the heaven to meet him!"


Gu Zheng sneered, and searched the souls of the other three people, then abolished their cultivation, cleaned up their battlefield, and imprisoned their souls in the corpses.

The five-element celestial ball in the body vibrated, and Gu Zheng used the soil control formula to condense the underground rocks, and four stone pillars with a height of five feet were born.

Put the corpses of Wuduo Lili and others on the stone pillar, and Gu Zheng set up a fairy formation around the stone pillar, so that the souls of Wuduo Lili and others can bear the torture caused by the movement of the fairy formation.

The soil control technique was used again, and Gu Zheng used rocks to condense into a coffin, and used immortal techniques to match the corpses of the believers and put them into the sarcophagus. Then, he flew in the direction of the Mixing League.

Through the soul search of Udolili and others, Gu Zheng knew about Chakar and who were the members of the Mixing Alliance who participated in this incident.

After arriving at the Mixing League, Gu Zheng asked Die Ling to rescue Chakar, and he captured all the members of the Mixing League who participated in the event planning at the venue.

Chakar's blood is useful for Kaitlis's practice, which is why he survived. However, Chakar, who had been sucked several times by Kateris, also lost some strength.

When Gu Zheng came to the United States to collect the power of faith before, he met Chakar, so the two are relatively familiar.

For Gu Zheng's rescue, Chakar was naturally very grateful.

Gu Zheng asked Chakar to help deal with the incident at the venue. Hundreds of thousands of people died just like that. Someone must do some follow-up influence and appeasement.

Gu Zheng has no time, his schedule is very full. But in any case, these dead people are his believers, and when Chakar handles the incident more or less, he will find time to meet with the family members of the deceased to settle the issue of compensation.

For Gu Zheng's request, Chakar agreed without hesitation.

However, regarding the issue of compensation for the event at the venue, Chakar said that the Mixing League started the matter, and the Mixing League should be responsible for all the compensation required.

Gu Zheng naturally wouldn't have any objections to Chakarti's request. He didn't stay in the Mixing League for too long, so he went to the next venue.

Unknowingly, more than three months passed, and Gu Zheng finally fulfilled the pitfall that Die Ling said that he wanted to meet people from all over the world.

Although Gu Zheng has been busy for more than three months regarding the meeting, he has also gained a lot. Whether it is the power of will or the power of pure faith, his reserves have reached Qi Ling's expectations. In the past three months, Gu Zheng also dealt with the follow-up of the event at the venue.

After more than three months of running around, Gu Zheng returned to the Emei School again, and spent three relatively leisurely days.

On the fourth day, Gu Zheng entered the space of the Taotie statue. He wanted to cook those four dishes again today to see if there would be any changes in the Eye of Dao.

Gather the ingredients and cook the dishes.

Soon, three of the four dishes had been prepared by Gu Zheng, but he still didn't feel anything special.

When he cooked three dishes last time and felt nothing special, Gu Zheng felt depressed and irritable. But this time, Gu Zheng felt very calm, this is the change of mood! Anyway, for him, if the last dish didn't make him feel any special, then wait a few days and try again.

Sometimes, the more you want something, the less you will get it, but when you are not so hopeful, what you originally wanted comes quietly.

When the fourth dish was about to come out of the pot, Gu Zheng, who was watching the changes in the ingredients, suddenly felt a dazzling white light flash in front of him.

When Gu Zheng's vision returned to normal, he found that he could see the substances that make up the ingredients more clearly than before! However, this clarity is not very useful, it is not enough to greatly increase Gu Zheng's cooking skills.

Feeling the change in Gu Zheng's mood, Qi Ling immediately asked: "Do you feel any difference?"

"Yes! The Eye of Dao can see the substances that make up the ingredients more clearly than before!" Gu Zheng said.

"Could it be that the so-called cultivation of the eyes of the Dao at a deeper level is presented in this awakening-like situation?" Qi Ling asked excitedly.

"Although the situation presented by the special sense is indeed a bit similar to awakening! But I think that just seeing the substances that make up the ingredients more clearly is not a deeper level of the eye of the Tao! After all, seeing clearly the ingredients that make up the ingredients Material things have not improved my cooking skills, and I will still use the old way to cook a dish." Gu Zheng said.

"You mean, these substances that make up the ingredients, whether you can see them clearly or not, have no effect at all, right?" Qi Ling frowned.

Gu Zheng thought for a while and said, "That's right, at least this is the situation now."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Qi Ling asked again.

"At first, I thought, if this fourth dish still doesn't make me feel special, I will try it in a few days. But now that it makes me feel special, I want to do it a few more times. have a look!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then said again: "However, now I want to take a look at the ingredients in the circle to see if there is any special change in them in the eyes of Tao."

The ingredients used in the four cooking arts are all from outside the circle, so the ingredients corresponding to the outside circle are naturally the ingredients in the circle that belong to the prehistoric range.

Gu Zheng saw more than 30 kinds of ingredients of various grades, and the substances that make up these ingredients have not changed in the eyes of Tao.

"Is this really the case?" Gu Zheng murmured.

"Huh?" Qi Ling stared at Gu Zheng.

"The Eye of Dao has not observed any new changes in the substances that make up the ingredients in the circle! Could it be that the deeper level of the Eye of Dao is really only aimed at the ingredients outside the circle?"

Gu Zheng frowned, he didn't want the so-called deeper eyes of Tao, which only worked on ingredients outside the circle.

"You do a few more to see, maybe there will be new differences!" Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng nodded, and then cooked one after another.

With the continuous cooking, Gu Zheng can be considered to have touched some doors, the eyesight of the eye of the Tao is getting better and better, and the substances that make up the ingredients are becoming more and more clear. However, this feeling is very wonderful, it is not a process of steady accumulation, but a process of triggering luck! If you are lucky, every dish will make the eyesight of the Eye of Dao better. If you are unlucky, it is not surprising that the eyesight of the Eye of Dao does not improve after two or three dishes in a row.

Die Ling is very happy today, Gu Zheng's delicious food comes out of the pot one after another, what she eats is full of smiles, and her mouth is full of oil. After following Gu Zheng for so long, she has never felt so good like what she ate today. Twenty Many dishes went into her stomach alone.

"Master, can you try another dish for me!"

Die Ling stroked her swollen belly, humming contentedly.

"Change dishes?"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and inspiration came to his heart.

At first glance, there are indeed a lot of ingredients from outside the circle rewarded by the mission, with 500 pieces of medium-level ingredients and 300 pieces of high-quality ingredients. However, using these ingredients to cook the four dishes taught by Tiexian can only make more than 600 servings!

To what extent can the more than 600 dishes that can cultivate the eyes of the Tao make the vision of the eyes of the Tao? Can the deeper eyes of the Tao show a real difference? Faced with these questions, Gu Zheng also had no idea!

Gu Zheng didn't think much about it before, he was completely immersed in the cooking of the ingredients, but now that Die Ling wants to change the dishes, he remembered these details that cannot be ignored.

The best four combinations of the ingredients rewarded by the mission are the four cooking skills passed down to him by Tiexian. However, although the taste of the four dishes is the best, the amount of ingredients required is relatively large!

If you change the dishes, Gu Zheng can prolong the service life of these ingredients without pursuing the ultimate taste, and it is indeed a way to increase the chance of income.

"Master Tiexian is asking you to use these four dishes to cultivate the eyes of Tao at a deeper level. Although changing the dishes can increase the chance of income, is this method really feasible? You can use the cooking method of Master Tiexian. There is a certain chance to trigger luck, but don’t change the dishes, the amount of ingredients is saved, but luck is no longer triggered, then the gain outweighs the loss.” Qi Ling said.

"You can only know if it works, but I have a hunch that it should work. After all, the substances that make up the ingredients have not changed, and the secret of the deep-level eye of the Tao must be hidden in the cumulative contact with these substances." Gu Zheng said. .

Gu Zheng knows the characteristics of all ingredients well, and it is easy for him to create a new dish.

This time, Gu Zheng did not pursue the extreme taste of food, he just wanted to try it, so the amount of ingredients used was relatively small.

As the ingredients were cooked, the seriousness on Gu Zheng's face gradually turned into excitement.

Seeing the change in Gu Zheng's expression, Qi Ling immediately asked curiously: "How? Is it as you expected?"

"That's right, it's exactly as I expected! Luck is triggered again, and the vision of the Eye of Dao is clearer!" Gu Zheng laughed.

"If this is possible, how many dishes can you cook with the remaining ingredients?" Qi Ling asked.

"Double, 1,200 copies!" Gu Zheng said.

"It's great to be able to trigger luck after being frugal to such an extent!" Qi Ling laughed.

"This is not the most important thing! The most important thing is that when luck was triggered just now, I don't know whether it was because of the different cooking methods, or if luck had accumulated to a certain extent. I actually had a feeling in my heart that as long as I cook again With a few dishes, the uncommonness of the deep-seated Eye of Dao will be revealed!"

"Quick, let's start cooking!"

Gu Zheng is excited, and Qi Ling is also excited. What she likes to see most is that Gu Zheng can make a breakthrough.

He cooked three more dishes in succession. Even if there was no lucky trigger accumulation for one of the dishes, the feeling in Gu Zheng's heart that the deep eye of Tao was about to show something extraordinary was still extremely strong.

Finally, when Gu Zheng was cooking the fourth dish, a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and the vision of the Eye of Dao became stronger.


Gu Zheng couldn't help shouting out that the improvement of the eyesight of the Eye of Dao this time is really fundamentally different from before.

At first, after Gu Zheng had the feeling of awakening the eye of Tao, he saw some special substances in the ingredients, which seemed insignificant. In the subsequent cooking process, the special substance became more and more clear in his eyes of Tao. At this time, the special substance, for example, was like an 'egg', and Gu Zheng could only see the 'egg'. shell'.

But now, Gu Zheng's Dao Eye has broken through the limitation of the 'eggshell', he has seen the 'egg white' in the 'egg'! 'Egg white' belongs to another special substance hidden under the 'eggshell'. When this special substance was discovered, Gu Zheng's thinking ran quickly, and a new cooking method was immediately formed!

However, the so-called new cooking method is not the kind of cooking on the bright side, but on a deep level, a special cooking such as the deployment, birth, and transformation of the ingredients that make up the ingredients.

But in any case, Gu Zheng can see 'eggs and egg whites', which is undoubtedly the best proof that he has mastered the eyes of the deep Tao. However, the deep level does not mean the end, as the saying goes, there is no limit! When Gu Zheng saw the 'egg white', he also sensed the existence of the 'egg yolk', but he hasn't really seen the 'egg yolk' yet, and he may still have a long way to go on this road.

Excited, Gu Zheng immediately made a dish with a new cooking method and gave it to Die Ling.

"Although the owner has reduced the ingredients, the taste of these newly cooked dishes is not as good as the four before the change. However, it is so delicious!"

Die Ling licked his tongue, and couldn't wait to try new dishes.

What Qi Ling said was not flattery! If the degree of deliciousness is divided into ten points, the four dishes that Gu Zheng made before can definitely score nine points! And the deliciousness of the dishes that were changed afterwards can also be rated as seven points! For a super fairy chef like Gu Zheng, the seven-point delicacy he created is a rare enjoyment even for the taste of veteran foodie Die Ling!

"Have a good taste, you have eaten this dish before." Gu Zheng said.


Die Ling responded to the ancient dispute seriously and savored the delicious food seriously.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

Bite after bite of vegetables, Die Ling's belly was like a pregnant woman who has been pregnant for several months, but her appetite was still very good.

Looking at Die Ling's eating appearance, Gu Zheng was quite shocked. With his current understanding of the way of eating, if he wants to kill a cultivator, he can really make the other party die unconsciously! Through the understanding of the ingredients, Gu Zheng can make the kind of food that paralyzes the nerves of immortal cultivators, making them like pigs, only knowing to keep tasting delicious food, and not feeling the crisis in the body at all. A happy way to die!


Die Ling slumped on the chair, stroking her belly in a very disfigured way.

"Don't just care about having fun, how do you feel?"

Although Gu Zheng knew the difference between the two dishes, he still wanted to hear from the diners.

"If the delicacy of the dish I ate before is seven, then the delicacy of the dish I just ate is eight! The amount of ingredients is not large, and the cooking method has not changed, but the taste can make such an improvement. I really admire the master!"

Veteran foodie Die Ling gave Gu Zheng a thumbs up in admiration.

Gu Zheng nodded in satisfaction. He didn't cook again, and took out a bunch of ingredients in the circle again. He wanted to see if the ingredients in the circle would be good after he really mastered the deeper level of the eye of Tao. What a change! If the ingredients in the circle will change, then he, who is not an ordinary super fairy chef, will really be even more extraordinary!

Looking at the ingredients in the circle, Gu Zheng was really excited! The ingredients in the circle have really changed, and Gu Zheng can see some substances that he couldn't see before! And these substances, like the substances he saw in the circle at this stage, are also the ones that can affect the taste of ingredients!

Gu Zheng laughed, and laughed out loud. Being able to see such a substance is definitely of extraordinary significance!

If it is placed before, if Gu Zheng wants to compete with a super fairy chef in cooking skills, and the ingredients used in the cooking competition do not have substances that belong to the heart of the Tao, then the food cooked by Gu Zheng and the super fairy chef can be said to be The taste is not bad up and down! Because their cooking skills have reached a limit. But now, Gu Zheng has made a breakthrough on the limit. He has seen substances that ordinary eyes of Tao cannot see, so he can improve the taste of ingredients!

Hearing Gu Zheng laugh, Qi Ling knew without asking, that Gu Zheng must have seen special substances in the ingredients in the circle.

"Try to cook with the ingredients in the circle. If you cook the ingredients in the circle, you will still accumulate luck, then you don't have to worry about the ingredients used to cultivate the eyes of the Tao!" Qi Ling said excitedly.

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