Someone challenged Wan Gufeng again, not only Wangufeng himself was paying attention, but also Master Ziyun, the head teacher of the Central Committee, all the elders, and those disciples from different peaks who were not fighting, all looked towards Wangufeng.

Wangufeng's performance today was too conspicuous, seven battles and thirteen, and the overall strength was obviously not as good as others, but it was a surprise that he won.

The long-browed real person frowned, but he was thinking about it in his heart, calculating the gains and losses.

The opponent is 103, and it seems acceptable to exchange 97 for their 103. If they can keep 103, plus their previous results, if they are lucky, they can also enter the top 100 in the final score. Even if it is the hundredth place.

At this time, Chang Mei is no longer thinking about ranking within the top 300. With their current strength and achievements, it is basically no problem to get the top 200. What he wants now is to rank higher and keep the top one. Hundred, of course, is the best result.

"Gu Zheng, what do you think?"

Changmei didn't agree to the challenge yet, but asked Gu Zheng. Although Gu Zheng is a newcomer and still in the early stage of Golden Immortal, his performance has become the backbone of everyone. Even Changmei, the peak master, has to consult Gu Zheng Views.

This ancient dispute, but looked into the distance.

He was looking at another battlefield. The 39th-ranked peak was challenging the 35th-ranked peak. All the peaks wanted to improve. The top 100 rankings were not much different, but each level got Cultivation resources are different. In order to encourage everyone to make progress together in Shushan, there is a big gap in the distribution of cultivation resources for each peak of the top 100.

All peaks want to move forward.

"give them!"

After a while, Gu Zheng turned around and said softly to Chang Mei, "Give it to them, that means give them ninety-seven, they admit defeat and want the other party's one hundred and three."

Gu Zheng already had a bold plan in his heart for this meeting, and he hadn't said it out yet. He was afraid that Changmei and the others would think he was crazy if he said it out.

"We shall not fight!"

After Changmei answered, he also breathed a sigh of relief. He himself couldn't believe that he could beat Die Lanfeng. He really didn't have much confidence in facing the stronger Wuzhifeng. The ranking difference between the opponent and himself was not too big. The ranking is not an unacceptable result.

In this case, they have already been challenged twice, which means they still have three chances to be challenged. Once the three challenges are over, the final ranking will be equal to their retained ranking.

At this moment, Gu Zheng looked at the battle between Thirty-Nine and Thirty-Five. Their battle was very fierce. One wanted to make progress, and the other would never give up, and they were all angry.

The people from Wuzhifeng left happily. Wangufeng's attitude towards Die Lanfeng before made them think that it would take a hard fight to get this ranking. Unexpectedly, Wangufeng gave it to them without fighting.

In this way, they can preserve their strength and protect this ranking, or if there is an accident at the top of the front, such as a decline in strength, etc., they can also consider moving forward.

In any case, Wuzhifeng was very satisfied with being able to take down Wangu Peak without fighting.

Wangufeng gave up, and the Die Lanfeng people were even angrier, but they didn't think that if they hadn't been too provocative before, especially insulting Gao Shijie, Wangufeng might have given up to them, so they wouldn't There will be battles, and there will be no losses.

But soon they didn't have time to pay attention to Wan Gu Peak. The peak ranked 137 came to challenge them, which made Die Lan Peak's people even more angry.

After Wan Gufeng refused the challenge, he was still resting. At this time, Wangufeng's ranking had changed to 103, a ranking that Changmei could completely accept, and it was also a ranking that all disciples of Wangufeng could accept.

"Junior Brother Changmei, we are here to challenge you!"

It's a pity that they didn't have a long rest, and the peak of the 112th rank also came over. The 112th challenged the 99th before, but failed in the end, and then they retreated to the next peak, ready to come Pick one to challenge.

Originally, Wangu Peak was recognized as a soft persimmon. They were a little annoyed that Die Lanfeng took the lead before, but they didn't expect this soft persimmon to be very hard. Die Lanfeng knocked his teeth. There is also a big loss, and now being challenged by other peaks, the final ranking this time is estimated to drop a bit.

They also thought about it for a long time, and there was really no suitable choice for the peak in front, so they finally chose Wangu Peak.

"give them!"

Changmei asked Gu Zheng, and Gu Zheng replied again, he is currently watching another battlefield, ranked 28th vs. 25th, but the ranking before this 28th was 26th, and he was challenged by 28th , and then failed to give the ranking to the opponent.

They didn't want to drop their rankings, so they actually challenged the higher-ranked twenty-five. The two groups fought very fiercely.

These top-ranked peaks have a lot of golden immortals, like the twenty-five peaks, they have a total of twenty-four golden immortals, and there are eight golden immortals in the late stage, and their strength is very strong.

Twenty-eight is not weak, they were twenty-six before, and their strength is not much different from twenty-five, but twenty-eight has developed very well in the past three thousand years, and already has twenty-seven golden immortals, golden immortals In the later stage, it also reached eight people, and they lost in the end.

However, the defeated ones didn't have much impact on their strength. They didn't want to fight against Twenty-eight, and they wanted to improve this time, so it didn't matter if they let them go. Gu Zheng paid attention to their battle and kept silent.

After three challenges, Wangufeng's ranking has also dropped by 112. It is impossible to get into the top 100, but it can remain outside the 100 and the top position.

This result seems to be not bad, Changmei thought to himself, a little melancholy, and a little worried about gains and losses.

"Junior Brother Changmei, we challenge you Wan Gu Peak!"

The fourth challenge came three hours later. This time, the one who challenged them was the 139th-ranked peak. They had twelve golden immortals, but there were only three golden immortals in the late stage, and three in the middle stage. It's all early days.

This kind of strength is indeed not weak. If there was no battle between Wangu Peak and Die Lan Peak, everyone would think they won when they challenged, but with the previous challenge, and the strength of Wangu Peak has no effect, many people are not optimistic about it. them.

Some people are still discussing why they wasted an opportunity to challenge Wan Gufeng, which they couldn't beat at all.

Others don't know, and they are helpless. They want to improve their strength, and there are basically no good peaks to fight in front of them. There was Wan Gufeng before, but Wan Gufeng showed their strength. Some peaks hesitated and stopped fighting. their idea.

After that, there was Die Lan Peak whose strength declined, but when they wanted to go, Die Lan Peak had already been challenged by others, and it dropped to 130, and then it was defeated by 150 people. Today's Die Lan Peak Already ranked one hundred and fifty.

In the end, they really had no choice, so they found Wangufeng. They saw Wangufeng give up twice, and they might have suffered losses in the previous battle. Try their luck and see if Wangufeng will not give up.


Gu Zheng stood up, and he could agree to give up the first two, because the previous two rankings were relatively high, which did not affect his plan.

This one hundred and thirty-nine is too low, not the ranking he wanted, Wan Gufeng is not a soft persimmon, not something that anyone can come and knead casually.

Wangufeng accepted the challenge, Changmei, Tianmingzi and the others cheered up.

The battle went on quickly and ended very quickly. Although there were twelve golden immortals at the peak of 139, there were only three in the later stage. Gu Zheng summoned a giant dragon, and the difference in strength was made up. After being cleared of a mid-term player, they hastily conceded defeat and continued to fight. Their losses may be huge. Let alone progress, they will not be able to keep 139.

For the fourth challenge, Wangufeng won.

In fact, Wangufeng fought very easily in this battle, without any pressure at all. They showed their great strength. The most dazzling thing was Gu Zheng. When two giant dragons were killing all directions, he was able to summon an earth dragon , controlling the battle.

Such a powerful force also deterred the peaks with ulterior motives behind them. For a while, no one came to challenge them.

One hundred and twelve, temporarily saved.

Changmei also breathed a sigh of relief again. They only have one qualification left to be challenged. After 139 loses, basically there will be no one who is too late to challenge them. The strength of the latter is not enough to challenge them. Don't be afraid, the possibility of keeping one hundred and twelve is very high.

Including their previous results, the final ranking is about 109, or 111. The difference will not be too big, it is more than a dozen places lower than before, and after the strength has dropped by half, they can still have such a ranking , whether it is him or Wan Gufeng, they are already very satisfied.

After a few more hours, almost no one came to challenge them, and the battles at other peaks were also fierce, and people were eliminated one after another.

The rankings of the peaks are also constantly changing, and soon the first peak who has exhausted the qualifications for five challenges appeared, and they can only passively accept the challenge. Not long after, the peak who was challenged for the first time five times It also appeared that they gave up the opportunity to challenge, and everyone can leave the battlefield.

The number of people on the battlefield is also decreasing.

"Brother Changmei!"

Gu Zheng, who had rested for eight hours, suddenly stood up and walked towards Changmei.

"Brother Changmei, do you want us to be ranked higher, not just more than one hundred, not more than ninety, but even higher?"

Gu Zheng asked softly, looking at him with long eyebrows and wide eyes, but his heart beat faster and faster.

Tian Mingzi and the others also leaned over, looking at Gu Zheng in surprise.

"You mean, let's challenge others?"

Changmei is very smart, he immediately understood Gu Zheng's intentions, but he really never thought about challenging others before, just like them, it would be good if they can keep their rankings, and they are not qualified to challenge others at all.

Those peaks before them have maintained their strength. In order to keep their rankings, everyone will not fight hard. There are very few like them. After all, the final ranking is the most important thing.


Gu Zheng nodded directly, Chang Mei and Tian Mingzi looked at each other, Chang Mei took a deep breath, and finally asked, "Gu Junior Brother, who do you want to challenge?"

Gu Zheng wanted to challenge others. They were surprised and felt normal at the same time. After all, Gu Zheng showed his great strength. With such a strong strength, he was not satisfied with the current results. It was completely right to want to challenge others.

Speaking of which, they dragged down Gu Zheng. If Gu Zheng's strength was at the peak of the front, it is estimated that he would have challenged to a higher position by now.

Gu Zheng stretched out his finger and pointed in one direction.


Tian Mingzi blurted out, what Gu Zheng was referring to was actually the 23rd ranked Lianhua Peak. Lianhua Peak had 27 golden immortals, nine golden immortals in the late stage, ten in the middle stage, and only eight in the early stage. Very strong.

It's not that Lianhuafeng was challenged this time, but they only accepted the challenge once, and challenged them to win. Only two people were slightly injured, and their current strength is still preserved.

This kind of power is not something they can touch at all. The opponent is like a boulder, and they are just eggs. To challenge is just to hit the stone with an egg.

"Junior Gu, if we have already been challenged, I will promise you that we will challenge, but we still have one chance to be challenged, isn't this too risky!"

Changmei smiled wryly, and he persuaded Gu Zheng there, his meaning was obvious, let Gu Zheng give up.

They don't have the strength to give up challenging such a high-ranking peak, even if Gu Zheng is very strong. After all, there is only one person in Gu Zheng, unless he is Da Luo Jinxian.

But Da Luo Jinxian is not allowed to participate in the competition. If you become a Da Luo Jinxian in Shushan, you will be invited to the main peak to be an elder, and you will not stay on the side peaks to affect the balance.

Gu Zheng understood what he meant. They still have one more qualification to be challenged. If the challenge fails and there are losses, they may be picked up by the people behind, and the ranking will be lowered again.

"Brother Changmei, how many names did you expect at the beginning?"

Gu Zheng asked suddenly, his long eyebrows froze, but he still replied: "Within three hundred!"

"Even if we fail, even if we are challenged to lower our ranking again, how far can we go?"

Gu Zheng asked again, they are now one hundred and twelve, and there are rules for challenges. They can only challenge the peaks who are within a hundred of themselves. That is to say, even if they fail, they are challenged. More than 200, and then can maintain the ranking in the early 200s.

This ranking is already better than what Changmei had expected at the beginning.

Changmei froze there, he already understood the meaning of Gu Zheng, since he had reached his expectations, why not fight hard again, if he succeeds, he can get a higher and better ranking, even if he fails, the worst The results were also within expectations.

If they win the 23rd place, combined with their previous results, they must be within 30. The top 30 is a hurdle. Only the top 30 main peaks can be on the side of the main peak. after them.

Moreover, the cultivation resources and various benefits that the top 30 can obtain are many times stronger than those of the hundred or so. Chang Mei kept thinking in his heart, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

"Brother Gu, just tell me, how sure are you?"

After a while, Chang Mei gritted his teeth suddenly, and asked Gu Zheng, he knew that it was absolutely impossible for them to defeat this peak, but it was different with Gu Zheng, everything depended on Gu Zheng.

"If they are fighting desperately, I'm not sure, but if I just beat them, I'm at least 70% sure!"

Gu Zheng looked at them, and said slowly, the challenge is not to kill all the opponents, they are ranked 23rd, and they only accepted the challenge once, Gu Zheng just took a fancy to this, they will not fight Gu Zheng and them If you fight recklessly, if you lose too much, even if you win, you will be challenged by other peaks later.

If they are smart, once they find out that Gu Zheng has caused them a serious loss of ability, they will probably admit defeat, give up this ranking first, and then challenge other peaks to get back the ranking.

In this case, Gu Zheng really has a lot of confidence, so he asked Chang Mei to challenge them.

This is an opponent he has carefully selected. Some of the other opponents have been challenged many times without many opportunities to be challenged, or they have challenged others many times without many opportunities to challenge again. If they go to challenge them, the opponent will only try their best. Even if they win, they will have to pay the price, and it will be difficult to keep this ranking in the future.

Gu Zheng had been waiting before, waiting for others to challenge them, so that the five qualifications were exhausted, but no one came to challenge, and the opponent was likely to have a challenger again, so he didn't want to wait anymore.


Chang Mei suddenly said heavily, Gu Zheng was right, he had already met his expectations, why not take a gamble, he also knew that the other party would not fight them to the death.

Once they win, they just need to try their best to keep their ranking. If they really keep it, they will enter the top 30. For Wan Gufeng, it will definitely reach the sky in one step.

Even if you fail, it's okay, as long as you can keep the ancient battle, if you keep the ancient battle, others will have scruples to challenge them, and they still have a great hope of keeping one hundred and twelve.

Taking a ten-thousand-step back, they all failed. Dropping to the top 200 was a relatively good result as expected, and they would not be disappointed. In this case, he dared not gamble, it was too timid.

Changmei was the one who created Emei before, how could he be timid, but he has a lot of scruples when he becomes the leader of the peak, and now Gu Zheng is 70% sure, so it doesn't matter if he gambles once.


Tian Mingzi also shouted excitedly, this is to challenge the 23rd ranked Lianhua Peak. There are 27 golden immortals and 3,000 disciples in Lianhua Peak. Even in their heyday, they can't compare to half of others. But to challenge, it is simply wanting to swallow the elephant.

But the more this is the more exciting, they are all from the earth, they have all been the head or the elder, and they have fought on the earth for countless times, fighting with the same branch of Shushan, fighting with the Momen, and how many times have they ever been persuaded.

Gu Zheng wanted to challenge the strong this time, and inspired their blood, and they all agreed. Now that they all agreed, Chang Mei no longer had any scruples or hesitation, and led the people from Wan Gu Peak directly towards the place where the people from Lianhua Peak were. direction to fly.

Seeing that the people on Wan Gufeng actually moved, many people were still very curious, so did Master Ziyun and the others, who had been staring at Wangu Peak, and Wan Gufeng had always been passive and had never challenged others once. I thought they wouldn't challenge this time, but I didn't expect them to move anyway.

Many people were curious about who Wangufeng was going to challenge, and they all guessed who would be the challenger of Wangufeng, but when the person from Wangufeng flew in front of the person who wanted to challenge, everyone was stunned. The same is true of Yun Zhenren and the others.

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