Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 625 We Win

Gu Zheng also moved. His target was the man next to the master of Die Lan Peak. Just now, Qi Ling told him that this man was the strongest and the most dangerous.

Although it is said that the king is captured first when the thief is captured, but that is when Wang Wei is the most powerful, or the most important situation. Right now, the peak master of Die Lan Peak is not the most important. The man next to her is the one who threatens them the most. Gu Zheng is also targeting he.

Immortal Realm activated, and the scene around the man immediately changed.

This void battlefield is indeed not simple. Although the physical body does not come in here, everything has no effect. He can communicate with the spirit of the weapon, and he can also display the fairyland. Even some of Tang Mo's abilities are not affected.

But this is not the time for ancient battles to study the void battlefield. He only has the early stage of Golden Immortal, and there is no problem with the fairyland trapping the early stage of Golden Immortal. At the peak, Gu Zheng couldn't hold him back for too long.

Sure enough, the man found himself trapped and immediately broke free with all his strength.

Hunyuanfenglong kick, Gu Zheng kicked the man continuously. Although he is in the early stage of Golden Immortal, the power he erupts is not only in the early stage of Golden Immortal, it is very difficult to resist even in the late stage.

The power of Gu Zheng is not only in the early stage of Jinxian, Master Ziyun and the others have seen this before, but it is still a little surprised to see that Gu Zheng is going directly to the late stage of Jinxian, and seems to have the upper hand.

Although it is only trapped for the time being, it is not a victory, but it already means that Gu Zheng, the early Golden Immortal, has the capital to compete with the late Golden Immortal, and his strength has reached the late Golden Immortal.

This is a very scary thing. Golden Immortal has the power of the later stage in the early stage, but what about in the middle stage? What about later? In the later stage, wouldn't the Golden Immortal Realm be invincible?

It can also be seen that Gu Zheng has great potential.


The man was trapped by Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm, and he suffered heavy blows again and again. He let out an angry roar. Seeing that Gu Zheng trapped the man, they all showed surprise on their faces. They had no way to support Gu Zheng, but to help Gu Zheng It's okay to share the pressure.

The Phalaenopsis Peak Master and the other golden immortals were blocked by their roaring.

With six vs. twelve, each person basically has to face two enemies. These enemies are even stronger than them, but they all resisted abruptly. They never thought about defeating their opponents. They just need to help Gu Zheng reduce the pressure. Just buy him time.

They also didn't think that Gu Zheng could defeat the man, they didn't need to defeat, as long as they could fight evenly, then they could directly admit defeat and give them ninety-seven, and they wanted the other party's one hundred and seventeen.

After seeing their fighting ability in this way, other peak leaders will not easily challenge them again, so that they can retain a better ranking in the future, maybe they can remain in the top two hundred.

Being in the top 200 was already beyond Chang Mei's expectations, and it was the best result.

Changmei, Tianmingzi and the others are all golden immortals from Emei on Earth. Such golden immortals have one characteristic, they are very capable in actual combat. It is undeniable that the environment in the lower realms is not comparable to that of Honghuang, but those who can really cultivate, Among the same level, it is also higher than Honghuang.

The strength of the six people fighting together is terrifying.

The ancient dispute had already taken them by surprise, and *** was no exception.

At this time, the ** is one against two, and one is the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and the other is the middle stage. He was a casual cultivator when he was on the earth earlier. He has fought against others many times in his life. Growing up in the prehistoric and desolate, Tian Zhizi, who occasionally goes out to exorcise demons, can be compared.

With one against two, there are still people with a higher realm than him, but he did not fall any disadvantage. On the contrary, one of the opponents was almost injured by him.

The fighting power erupted by Wan Gufeng really shocked many people.

The difference is almost double the number, and it is surprising that Die Lanfeng has withstood, not only withstood, from the current point of view, Wangu Peak still seems to have the upper hand overall.

This is simply unbelievable. Many disciples outside looked at them, and they were all stunned. There were also people who paid attention to them in the battlefield, and they were very stunned at this moment.

"What a Wangu Peak!"

The elder who wanted to accept Gu Zheng as his disciple couldn't help admiring, he was also a man who loved his house and wanted to accept Gu Zheng, so he naturally had a good impression of Wangu Peak.

"I remember how many people from Wan Gu Peak came from the same lower realm?"

Master Ziyun whispered to an elder beside him that there will be several battles going on at the same time in the void battlefield, but what they really pay attention to is Wangu Peak.

"That's right, they all came from the same lower realm, including this later ancient struggle, this lower realm has cultivated many outstanding disciples!"

The elder beside Reverend Ziyun nodded slightly, but Reverend Ziyun shook his head slightly: "That's not what I mean, what I mean is that the people in the lower realm have more combat experience than the people here in Honghuang. Didn't you find it? In terms of strength, they are indeed inferior to Die Lanfeng, but their rich experience temporarily makes up for this deficiency, allowing them to resist in a short time!"

"Temporarily, for a short period of time, the head teacher means that Wan Gufeng is still going to lose?"

The elder next to him asked suspiciously, Ziyun Daoist smiled slightly: "No accident, they are going to lose, but if they want to kill them all, Die Lanfeng must pay a heavy price, Die Lanfeng will not If you do this, Wangufeng will not do it, so they should admit defeat in a while!"

Wangufeng's conceding defeat was the smartest choice, that is, to show his own strength, make others have scruples, and not cause major damage, so that when many peak leaders challenge them again in the future, they will think more about it.

But Master Ziyun didn't notice it himself, he subconsciously added a sentence, "No accidents"

Accidents sometimes happen, the eyes of the man who is about to break free from Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm suddenly tighten, Gu Zheng didn't hold any weapons in his hands, but his palms gave the man a great sense of crisis.

The Immortal Palm Technique finally made Gu Zheng ready, and crazy energy poured into his palm.

In fact, when the Immortal Realm was launched, the ancient battle had already been prepared. To deal with the Jinxian late stage, he is still the best in the late stage. The ordinary moves are definitely not good, and the crazy sword is too vicious, with a certain amount of backlash. If you can’t use it, just temporarily Don't use it, the law of killing cactus is very suitable.

It's just that the celestial palm method needs time to brew, the longer the brewing time, the more energy absorbed and the greater the power.

Feeling a huge crisis, the man burst out with all his strength, roared, and finally broke through the shackles of Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm, but it was a pity that it was too late, Gu Zheng's Immortal Palm Killing Technique was ready to complete.

Pushing forward with both palms, overwhelming force moved towards the man.

For the man, it felt like a mountain was pressing down on the top, and it was an irresistible mountain. The man roared angrily, mobilizing all the strength in his body, trying to forcibly block Gu Zheng's palm.


Long eyebrows, the master of Die Lan Peak, and the others all took a step back. Gu Zheng's move was so loud that even they who were fighting were affected, and they all avoided it.

After the loud noise, Gu quickly took a few steps back, and the place where the man was before was empty. On the seat of Die Lan Peak, a man suddenly opened his eyes, and there was still great anger in his eyes.

In the late stage of Jinxian, and he had reached the peak state, he was killed by Gu Zheng, a Jinxian who had just entered Shushan.

If he was actually killed, if it wasn't on the void battlefield, then he would have no possibility of being resurrected.

"Ancient struggle!"

He gritted his teeth and said two words. He was neither grateful nor angry. Feng, if he wants to join, even the number one peak will welcome him.

It can be said that he has never encountered setbacks before, but this time he was defeated in the hands of Gu Zheng, a person in the early stage of Jinxian.

Gu Zheng, whom he resented, did not stop after quitting. A fire dragon and a water dragon were summoned by him respectively.

The water dragons and fire dragons summoned this time are different from the previous ones. Whether they were dealing with desert beasts or ordinary disciples of heavenly immortals, ordinary water dragons and fire dragons are enough. They don’t need to be too powerful. Summon the easiest.

But this time is different, the target of this battle is the Golden Immortal, only the early stage of the Golden Immortal will not work, he needs to summon a more powerful dragon, the reason why he didn't summon it at the beginning is because at that time he had to deal with the Golden Immortal The man in the late immortal period, after clearing that man, he was given a chance to summon.

The power released by the two giant dragons continued to increase, and soon reached the mid-Gold Immortal stage, and it was still growing.

"Brother Changmei!"

Gu Zheng yelled, and after Changmei realized it, he immediately turned around and attacked the leader of Die Lan Peak. The biggest threat had been eliminated, and it was time to launch a counterattack.

Changmei didn't want to kill all the opponents, but now he is no longer thinking about admitting defeat directly. The strongest power of the opponent is no longer there, but they have the ability to eliminate the strongest strength of the opponent. Wouldn't it be silly to admit defeat at this time?

The two giant dragons were released, bigger and more majestic than before.

In the end, the two giant dragons had a strength almost comparable to that of the Golden Immortal in the late stage. With the addition of the ancient battle, this is equivalent to increasing the power of the three Golden Immortals in the late stage. The previous six were able to resist each other. After adding this strength, They already have enough strength to counterattack.

Wan Gufeng is fighting back, Wangufeng with seven people, against Die Lanfeng with thirteen people, is actually fighting back?

The most powerful man was eliminated, and it can be said that the blow to Diolan Peak was great. The remaining people who fought were affected. After a while, some people were injured.

"We admit defeat!"

The master of Die Lan Peak suddenly shouted, she is a smart person, and she is also a decisive person, if they continue to fight, they may have a chance to kill one or two people in Wangu Peak if they try their best, but their losses will be even worse. Not to mention snatching ninety-seven at this time, they can't keep their one hundred and seventeen. At this time, admitting defeat is the most correct choice.

Die Lanfeng conceded, and Wangufeng's people stopped immediately. If the opponent concedes and they continue to attack, it is a violation of the rules, and they will be punished.

Die Lan Peak failed to challenge Wan Gu Peak, one person died, and two injured people also left. The expressions of the Die Lan Peak people who left were very complicated. It would be fine if they lost an ordinary disciple, but what they lost was their most powerful fighting power. It is conceivable that they will inevitably face the challenge of coveting their top ranking in the future.

Another point is that thirteen people beat seven people without ever fighting, and one person was killed by the opponent, which dealt a big blow to their morale and made other people at the top despise them.

"we won!"

Tian Mingzi said something in disbelief, he didn't think about what the people at Die Lan Peak would think or what the consequences would be, all he knew was that they actually won the first challenge, facing the top 110 The people at Seventeen Peaks, they actually won.

If they win, it is equivalent to keeping their current ranking. If this ranking can be kept forever, they will definitely not drop in the end based on their comprehensive results, and they may even rise a little bit. After all, Gu Zheng did very well in the first game. Absolutely, gave them a good score of thirty-six.

Everyone outside did not expect that Wan Gufeng would win in the end.

More than 200 disciples of Wangu Peak waved their fists excitedly, and some even cried, ran to the chair next to them, and told them to the tablet, telling them that Wangu Peak had won, and in the face of a stronger enemy, they Won.

In the middle, Master Ziyun remained silent.

He just said that Wan Gufeng was going to admit defeat, but things turned around 180 degrees. Wangufeng actually defeated Die Lanfeng, and the one who conceded became Die Lanfeng.

"As expected of the person who caused Wan Jian to choose the master, this son has a bright future!"

The elders beside Master Ziyun applauded loudly. The strength shown by Gu Zheng really overwhelmed them. In their eyes, Gu Zheng was no longer a Golden Immortal early stage, but a real, possessed Golden Immortal. People with late strength.

No, he is stronger than the average late-stage Golden Immortal, the late-stage Golden Immortal who has reached the peak state.

Wangufeng won the first round, which was really a big upset. It surprised some who thought of challenging them. Many peaks had made plans before, and they would challenge again when Wangufeng fell to a certain level.

When Wangu Peak's ranking is too high, even if they challenge successfully, they may not be able to keep that ranking. It is better to wait for them to fall a little before challenging. Now all those who have such thoughts have died down. If you are not their opponent, you don't even have to think about it.

On the contrary, some peaks began to keep looking at Die Lan Peak. Die Lan Peak had lost its strongest combat power. I am afraid that this one hundred and seventeen could not be kept, which just gave them a chance to snatch it.

"Junior Brother Gu, I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that!"

Changmei came over and patted Gu Zheng on the shoulder happily. Gu Zheng really gave him a big surprise today. He never thought that Gu Zheng's fighting power would be so strong, even someone who could not compare with him, was defeated The ancient dispute was eliminated.

Clearing out is killing, and killing and defeating are two concepts.

"Brother Changmei, can we basically keep our ranking now?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, let out a big laugh with long eyebrows, and said again: "Die Lanfeng has conceded defeat, and the challenges in the future will probably be reduced a lot. As long as we can withstand the challenges of others with all our strength, we have a great chance to keep this ranking! "

Changmei was very excited, really excited, if they keep their ranking, then their ranking will be improved by a few places in the end, let alone advancing, keeping the current ranking was something he dared not think about before, and now he dare not think about it , but it is possible to realize it, can he not be excited?

Not only him, Tian Mingzi, Wu Chengfeng and the others were also very excited.

Die Lanfeng gave them a lot of humiliation just now, they were really angry at that time, but also very pessimistic, even they themselves believed that they would not be able to beat Die Lanfeng, but they did not expect that in such a short period of time Things turned around, and they actually defeated Die Lanfeng.

They won, and they were the victors. It's really unbelievable. Even now, Wu Chengfeng still doubts the result.

"Let's adjust our breathing and rest first, and prepare for the next battle!"

Chang Mei was the fastest to calm down, and immediately said something, although the Void Battlefield can use weapons, but it cannot use elixirs. After all, they are not real entities, so everything must rely on natural recovery. Fortunately, the Void Battlefield is very powerful. Allow them to rest quickly.

Everyone sat cross-legged and meditated. Changmei didn't know if there would be any challenges in the future, but it was always right to be more prepared.

"Five Fingers, come and challenge!"

Four hours later, the second challenger appeared, this time from Wuzhifeng, and Chang Mei and the others looked solemn.

Wuzhifeng ranks 103rd, and this time the goal is to enter the top 100. They have already challenged 95th before. That position is safer for them. As long as they can keep it, they will definitely be able to enter the top 100. It is a pity , they fail.

It failed, but both sides were very restrained, and their overall strength had little influence. After comprehensive consideration, they set their sights on Wangu Peak, which defeated Die Lan Peak.

Wangu Peak is ninety-seven. If you get this ranking, you may not be able to enter the top 100, but you can definitely improve. It depends on other peak results, but you have a great hope of entering the top 100. In the top 100 The other peaks are hard stubble, and when they are difficult to deal with, they can only choose to face the weaker Wan Gufeng.

They also knew that Wangu Peak defeated Die Lan Peak, but Die Lan Peak's situation was a bit special, different from theirs.

Die Lanfeng relies too much on the ability of one person. There are not many golden immortals in the late stage, and there are only three in total. Unlike them, although there are only twelve golden immortals, there are five golden immortals in the late stage. There are five people in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, and only two people in the early stage.

So although they are small in number, their overall strength is higher than that of Die Lan Peak. Wangu Peak was able to defeat Die Lan Peak because they defeated the strongest Die Lan Peak and made Die Lan Peak lose its fighting spirit. They don't show up.

Another point is that they already knew that the ancient battle was very powerful, and at worst they would send three people to restrict him, three late golden immortals, and they had two late golden immortals, five mid-stages, and two early stages. The strength is enough to deal with Changmei and the others, Changmei and the others, but only Changmei is in the late stage, Tian Mingzi and Wu Chengfeng are both in the middle stage.

In this way, the possibility of their victory is very high, and they didn't think about killing all the people from Wan Gufeng, as long as they admit defeat. After comprehensive consideration, the people from Wuzhifeng came to Wan Gufeng and started to fight. challenge.

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