Gu Ming didn't object this time, he really liked that winery.

The winery is an antique building. In midsummer, sitting under the grape arbor in the yard is very cool, tasting red wine and eating snacks, not to mention how comfortable it is.

In addition, the winery is owned by Gu Ming, which is also a kind of pride for him. Every time he is in the winery, Gu Ming feels an inexplicable sense of satisfaction.

After going home for one night, Gu Ming asked Gu Zheng to cook another delicious meal.

This time, Gu Ming was even more moved. What Gu Zheng did was really much better than him. No wonder people in the country say that Gu Zheng is the number one with the highest gold content. There is no one before and no one in the future. I don’t know if it will be realized, but At least for now, no one can surpass Gu Zheng.

This made him very emotional when he was melancholy. He knew that Gu Zheng had a talent for cooking, but he never thought that Gu Zheng would become so powerful, much more powerful than he imagined.

The next day, Gu Ming didn't go to work, and drove Gu Zheng to the winery directly.

The winery is located in the Bordeaux region of France, which is also a famous grape-producing area in France. Several famous large wineries are here, such as the well-known Chateau Lafite in China.

Although the winery of Guzheng cannot be compared with famous wineries like Lafite, it is also a winery with a long history, and it is expected to be upgraded to a third-level winery in recent years, which can also be regarded as a fourth-level winery in Bordeaux. The best of the best.

Gu Ming was familiar with the road all the way, and soon arrived at the gate of the winery.

The winery has an antique building with three floors. The first floor is a large hall. There are warehouses and workshops behind the building. In addition, there is a large wine cellar in the basement of the building. Many of the red wines usually produced will be stored. inside.

In the cellar, there are still many treasures from the past years. At the time, Gutran did not dare to play tricks, and all the treasured wines were not taken away, because the winery lost to Sir Brown at that time, and Sir Brown knew what he had here. If He's smuggling some valuable treasures that will be discovered by Sir Brown.

He himself was cheating. At that time, he didn't dare to continue to offend Sir Brown, so he put everything here. Unexpectedly, the winery was given to Gu Zheng, and Gutlang regretted it for a while.

"Boss, you are here!"

Entering the winery, a white man in a suit soon greeted him. The man was probably less than forty years old. He looked very young and well dressed.

"Kate, I'm not the real boss, this is. Let me introduce you. This is my son and the real owner of this winery, Gu Zheng!"

Gu Ming smiled at the white man, whom he had introduced to Gu Zheng on the way.

This is a professional manager hired by Gu Ming. He has rich experience in managing wineries. He was a sales manager in a fourth-level winery before. Although he is a sales manager, he has worked in the winery for more than ten years and has a lot of experience. .

It is impossible for Gu Ming to manage the place every day by himself, so he asked a friend for help. The friend introduced Kate to him. After the interview, Gu Ming had a good impression of Kate, so he hired him.

Facts have proved that this Kate is indeed very talented. The winery has been thriving under his management for more than two years, and it has made very good profits every year. Gu Ming also saved the money for Gu Zheng.

"Boss, hello!"

Kate immediately saluted Gu Zheng while looking at the new boss curiously.

He changed from a sales manager to the head of a winery, which is also a career advancement for him, and he is very satisfied with this job.

After the interview, Gu Ming told him that Gu Ming himself is not the boss, but the real boss is his son. He just manages it on his behalf. The father helps to take care of all the industries, and whoever makes the family a family.

In fact, Europe has a deeper concept of blood. Don't look at them talking about fairness and openness all day long. The tradition of noble blood is maintained among the real nobles.

For example, the heirs of the royal family must have pure royal blood. There are also many large European families that basically do not intermarry. If there are children who intermarry with outsiders, they will be directly expelled from the family.

They do this to ensure the purity of their blood.

So Kate didn't care who the actual owner of the winery was, she was just curious about Gu Zheng.

He is well aware of the value of this winery, and he also knows that there is currently a controversy about this winery, because Gu Zheng has not come to sign, and without a signature, he has not really acquired the ownership of this winery, so that the original owner Gut Bright thought up.

"Hello, Kate, my father told me about your working ability, and I will continue to entrust it to you in the future!"

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and shook hands with Kate lightly. Gu Zheng has always been stingy to those who can help him. Gao Changhe and the manager of Guji Chicken Blood Soup are here, and so is Kate here.

Although it would not be possible to give the shares to Kate, at least it would give him the opportunity to make more money than other places.

"Thank you boss for your trust!"

Kate was relieved a little. Although Gu Ming had promised him before, he would always be a little bit worried. Now that Gu Zheng promised, the job has been completely stabilized for him.

"Boss, since you are back, you must go through the procedures that should be done, and you can't delay any longer!"

Compared with Gutrang, Kate certainly hopes that Guzheng will own the winery. If Gutrang really wants to return to the winery, he must find a new job. It is impossible for Gutrang to keep him. Such a former boss.

It's as if after Gutrang gave the winery to Guzheng, the original manager resigned and left.

"Okay, I'll do all the formalities this time!"

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded. He came here for this purpose. After the ownership of the winery is completed, he will secretly make a document. If he disappears for ten years, then the winery will be inherited by Gu Ming. Even if he really went to Honghuang, this winery would not be coveted by others.

All the formalities have already been completed. In fact, it was just waiting for Gu Zheng to come. This time, Kate drove the car, and the three of them went to the city hall together.

To take over the winery, Gu Zheng first needs to go to the city hall to sign a document, and then report to the winery association, and then the ownership is completely determined.

Before that, Gutrang had already transferred all the levels to Brown, and Brown had transferred it to Gu Zheng. All of these had been reported, and the only thing left was that Gu Zheng came to take over this step.

Just because this step of the ancient dispute has never been done, the ownership of the winery is now ambiguous, and Gu Ming is only temporarily taking over all of this in the name of the ancient dispute.

The city hall is not far away. Unlike domestic administrative service halls, it is always busy with many people.

When the three of Gu Zheng arrived, there were not many people here.

"Are you going to take over Gutran Winery?"

Kate took out all the formalities, and the people in the city hall frowned and looked up at them again.

"That's right, this is my boss, Mr. Gu Zheng. He didn't come in time because of other things, and now he came here to make up for the formalities!"

Kate said politely, since he is French, it is easier to communicate.

"However, the winery has been canceled by Mr. Brown, and your contract is invalid!"

After careful inspection, the staff of the city hall finally raised their heads and said something. Kate and Gu Ming were stunned when they heard his words, while Gu Zheng frowned.

The winery was originally given to Brown by Gutrang, and then Brown gave it to him. As long as he signed it, the winery completely belonged to him.

It’s just that Gu Zheng returned to the country because of the treasure of the Kongkongmen at that time, and then he didn’t come to go through the handover procedures because of other things. Unexpectedly, when he came this time, Brown canceled it one step ahead of time.

After Brown's deregistration, it means that the ownership of the winery has returned to Brown's hands, and it no longer belongs to the ancient dispute.

"How did this happen, have you checked it out?"

Kate asked anxiously. He attaches great importance to this job. As long as he works hard, the winery will be promoted to a third-level winery in a few years, which means that he has a qualification to upgrade the winery .

With such qualifications, it will be easier to find a suitable job in a third-level or fourth-level winery in the future, and you can even work in a second-level winery. In the future, you may not be able to enter a first-level winery or manage Possibility of first growth winery.

To be in charge of a first-growth winery has always been Kate's biggest dream.

"I've found out. Mr. Brown just handled the cancellation yesterday. I think you will be notified soon!"

The staff confirmed again, and the hearts of Gu Ming and Kate sank suddenly.

"But he doesn't comply with the legal procedures. All the ownership of this winery is in the hands of my boss, Gu Zheng. This is something that has been determined before!"

Kate emphasized again, but the staff shrugged their shoulders and said softly: "You are going to ask Mr. Judge about this, or you can ask Mr. Brown first!"

Brown has done the cancellation of the transfer of the winery, and it is useless for Gu Zheng to sign it now, but the two had an agreement at the beginning, and Brown was determined to transfer the winery to Gu Zheng. With this agreement, Gu Zheng can still file a lawsuit Win, it's just that it will be troublesome.

The most important thing is that if Brown gives the winery to Gutrang again, even if Gu Zheng wins the lawsuit, the possibility of getting the winery back is very low. At most, he just wants to get back the money.

Whether it is Gu Ming or Kate, what they want is the winery, not the money. What Gu Zheng himself wants is the winery. Even if he gets the money, he will lose at that time.

"Let's go back first!"

Gu Zheng said lightly, since the problem is with Brown, he can only go to Brown. For Gu Zheng, as long as he wants, even if Brown really gave the winery to Gutrang, he can get it back. .

It's just that he doesn't want to do that. It's best if it can be resolved peacefully. It's really not good. It's definitely not good news for Brown or Gutrang to let Gu Zheng use his own power.

The last time I came to Europe, the ancient battle was still in the late stage of the fifth level. When encountering the existence of the immortal cultivator level, *** needs to come here to protect him. Now he has reached the early stage of returning to the void, and has the strength to fight even in the late stage of returning to the void. It is equal to one of the most powerful existences on earth at present.

This kind of him has the strength to walk sideways in Europe. As long as he doesn't provoke Europe's anger and resentment, there will be no problem for the two powerful European powers to hunt and kill him collectively.

A winery, or a winery that belongs to him, cannot attract such attention.

"Boss, you need to talk to Sir Brown!"

After leaving the door, Kate hurriedly said that without his reminder, Gu Zheng would also go to Sir Brown.

This is equivalent to Sir Brown reneging on his promise and swallowing what belongs to him. It is impossible for Gu Zheng to give up without asking about this matter.

"Don't worry, I'm going now, you and my father go back first!"

Gu Zheng smiled and nodded, Kate frowned, still worried.

One day, only one day away, he can only sigh in his heart, he is too big a boss, a winery with such a high value has not come to take over for more than two years, and finally there is a problem, which is also the problem he is most worried about .

"If you have anything to do, tell me later, this is not the country, some things need to pay attention to skills!"

Gu Ming also said something worried to Gu Zheng, France is not a country, here is a society ruled by law, Gu Ming is worried that Gu Zheng will make impulsive actions when he is angry.

"Dad, are you still worried about me? It's okay!"

Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head. He had better not be impulsive, otherwise Brown and the others must be unlucky. The consequences of his impulsiveness, let alone Europe, no one in the world can afford.

Gu Zheng rejected Gu Ming's suggestion to send him by car, saying that he would take the high-speed rail directly and let Gu Ming go back to the winery to wait for him.

As soon as Gu Ming left, Gu Zheng flew into the sky. For him, the high-speed rail is far less fast than flying over, so that the matter can be resolved faster.

Sir Brown has multiple industries in Europe, and there are castles in the UK, but he usually lives in Belgium, not France or the UK.

A port in Belgium has his shares, and he has a very nice manor in Belgium.

Flying fast all the way, Gu Zheng soon arrived in Belgium and over the sky above Sir Brown's manor. Through investigation, Gu Zheng has confirmed that Brown is here.

Not only is he here, there is another person here, Gutrang is also here.

"Brown, thank you very much for this!"

The two had just signed a document, a winery transfer document. After Gutrang's continuous efforts, and Gu Zheng had never shown up, Brown finally decided to cancel the transfer of Gu Zheng Chateau in breach of the contract, and took back acquired the winery, and transferred it to Gutran at a high price.

In any case, he and Gutrang are both European nobles, while Gu Zheng is just a chef, or a chef from China.

In Brown's opinion, he has waited for Guzheng for two years, and Guzheng released his pigeons, he has done his best.

Another point is that he no longer intends to give Gu Zheng any compensation. He is not afraid even if Gu Zheng goes to court at that time. Europe is his home field. He is confident that this lawsuit will last ten or eight years, ten or eight years. Years later, it is uncertain who will win the lawsuit.

"Mr. Brown, you really disappoint me!"

The two were holding their wine glasses when a voice suddenly sounded. Both Brown and Gutrang stood up abruptly, looking around in horror.

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