Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 484 Going to France Again

The morning sun shone in the room, Gu Zheng slowly opened his eyes and stretched comfortably.

Although Gu Zheng's body does not need sunlight at all, he is very willing to enjoy the comfort of the warm sunshine. After returning, he still sleeps until he wakes up naturally every day as before.

The business of Gu Ji Chicken Blood Soup is now very stable. At the beginning of the year, Chang Le fulfilled his promise and allocated a house for the store manager and Gao Changhe. It was not the apartment they lived in, but a 90-year-old apartment in Central. Two flats, these two sets of properties alone are sky-high prices. After allocating houses for two people, Chang Le also told everyone that if you do a good job, you will have the opportunity to allocate houses in the future.

With such facts and motivation, now every employee in the store is full of enthusiasm, completely treating it as their own business, without urging them, and working very hard.

As for Gao Changhe and the store manager, they are even more positive. With a house, neither of them has any worries. They completely regard the store as their home, and they don't need to worry about Gu Zheng and Chang Le. They can do everything properly. .

Another point is that Guji Chicken Blood Soup is rated as a famous snack in Shanghai every year, and has won a national award once. Now it is truly famous all over the country.

I went to the store in the morning, and went home after nothing happened.

He called Du Yang and wanted to ask them out for a get-together, but he changed his mind as soon as Du Yang said it. Now Du Yang is a branch director of the company, and he is very busy with work. Usually, there are not many time out.

He didn't have time, and neither did anyone else.

Zhao Yongkui's studio has been opened for a long time. At the beginning, the business was not good, and he lost money for half a year. He was so anxious that he got angry. Later, Du Yang disclosed the matter to Chang Lian, the boss of their company. Chang Lian told Chang Le, Chang Le used some of her connections to get some business for Zhao Yongkui.

Zhao Yongkui is serious about his work, and the studio is really high-end. He gradually attracted a group of regular customers. After half a year, he finally turned a profit. In the past year or so, his business has been booming and he has made a lot of money every day.

In Zhao Yongkui's own words, at most one year later, he will be able to repay the money that Shang Guzheng lent him to start his own business, which shows how good his business is.

Wang Tao has been admitted as a civil servant two years earlier, and now works in an administrative department as a small cadre at the sub-section level.

Although the sub-section level is really nothing in Shencheng, after all, he is not a section member, and he is a person with a "leader". Wang Tao is backed by the huge resources of the Chang family and the Liang family. His future progress is inevitable. Recently, he The deputy department is about to be raised and become a real section chief.

His level will also be promoted exceptionally, and when it comes to the official level, according to his ability, the Liang family has made a good plan for him, three years for the official, ten years for the official, twenty years for the official Whether he can improve in the future depends on his own good luck.

At his age, the main hall in his forties is actually pretty good. As long as the Liang family does not fall, it is not impossible for him to go further in the future, and then he will really make a difference in his official career.

Now Wang Tao is full of energy. Originally, he was in the main course for three years, but he moved half a year ahead of schedule. In this way, the time for him to go to the main office and the main hall may be advanced. He has no time to come out at this meeting, and he will not waste time.

But if Gu Zheng calls him, he will definitely come out. He understands the importance of Gu Zheng to him, but Gu Zheng doesn't want to disturb him.

After thinking for a while, Gu Zheng finally planned to go to Wang Dong's for a sit down.

Gu Zheng is not participating in any food competitions, but Wang Dong has been participating. This year's Hangzhou Food Competition is the fourth, and Wang Dong has participated in all four food competitions.

Together with Gu Zheng, he failed to make it to the final in the first session. In the second session, he entered the top ten, and the final result was ninth. In the third session, he came in second because of the ingredients. In this session, he finally won the championship.

Next year he plans to participate in the national food competition. According to other people's predictions, Wang Dong has a great hope of entering the top ten in the national food competition. Whether he can make further progress in the top ten depends on his luck.

The arrival of Gu Zheng made Wang Dong very excited. Now he is the chef in the shop, and his master retired to enjoy his old age.

After exchanging pleasantries, Wang Dong quickly went to get something out.

"Brother Gu, look at my trophy!"

What Wang Dong took out was the trophy from the Hangzhou Food Competition, and he was like a kid showing off at this meeting.


Gu Zheng nodded with a smile. Wang Dong has been practicing the inner strength technique he taught, and now he has the strength of a late stage inner strength.

Wang Dong practiced Nei Jin purely to help his cooking skills. Apart from Nei Jin Gu Zheng, he didn't teach him any martial arts, and he didn't want to let him go too far in Nei Jin. .

The most important thing for Wang Dong is his cooking skills.

He is different from Chang Feng in this point, Chang Feng is for cultivation, the two can be said to be cultivation at the same time, now Chang Feng is already in the middle stage of the second level of inner strength, much higher than Wang Dong, Chang Feng's purpose is to cultivate to become a fairy, If they want to enter Taoism with martial arts and embark on the road of cultivation, the two have different goals and different final results.

These, as early as Gu Zheng expected.

"I'm going to the national competition next year, Brother Gu, I'm really nervous!"

Wang Dong rubbed his hands and said excitedly. Although others had high expectations for him, he himself was very worried. He knew very well that the National Competition was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and there were too many masters.

"It's not like you haven't participated before, are you still nervous?"

Gu Zheng shook his head with a smile. Wang Dong really participated in the National Food Competition, but it wasn't himself, but the time he participated with Gu Zheng.

"That's different, this time I'm competing by myself!"

Wang Dong quickly judged that he still has the problem of getting nervous easily, otherwise he would have won the championship for the third time in the Hangzhou Food Competition, instead of just winning the championship this time.

"No matter what, you have to have confidence, you have to know that you are unique, you are the best!"

Gu Zheng spoke slowly to Wang Dong, with a sense of immortal power mixed in his voice, Wang Dong was stunned for a moment, then nodded his head vigorously, and his confidence suddenly rose.

Today's Gu Zheng, helping Wang Dong improve his confidence, is no longer as troublesome as it was at the beginning. This time, it can at least help him boost his confidence for a year.

As for one year later, it still needs Wang Dong's own efforts.

"By the way, Brother Gu, where have you been for so long? Uncle Gu couldn't find you, and he was so angry that he cursed!"

Wang Dong said again, Gu Zheng left for a long time, and every time he left, he was in a state of being unable to get in touch. Fortunately, Chang Le kept guaranteeing that Gu Zheng was fine, and Wang Dong knew how powerful Gu Zheng was, otherwise he would have to I went to look for it.

"My dad is looking for me?"

Gu Zheng was slightly taken aback, and hurriedly pulled out his cell phone. He had just been back for a few days, and there were no calls to contact him these days. He also forgot to report to his father that he was safe when he came back.

Gu Zheng hurriedly took out his phone and called his father.

It didn't take long for the call to be connected. Gu Zheng called out quickly, and the roar came from the phone.

"Your boy is finally alive, do you still remember me as a father?"

Gu Ming's roar made Gu Zheng very helpless. In fact, he had been on the phone for some time in the past two years, but it was a pity that when the phone was connected, his father did not contact him, and he never thought about contacting his father. Such a misunderstanding.

"I really have a lot of things to do now, Dad, what do you want me to do?"

Gu Zheng explained in a low voice, listen to his father's scolding, it is indeed his fault that he has rarely contacted his family in the past two years.

"What's the matter, you have done a good job as a hands-off shopkeeper, do you still want your winery? You haven't come to sign until now, if you don't sign, the real property rights of the winery are not you!"

Gu Ming said quickly, Gu Ming's search for Gu Zheng is actually the most important thing about the winery.

This winery was won by Gu Zheng from participating in the Lyon Food Festival before, but later Gu Zheng encountered the treasure of Kongkongmen and returned to the country in a hurry, but has never been there.

The winery originally belonged to Gutran, who lost to Sir Brown. Later, Gu Zheng took the winery from Sir Brown. At that time, he was purely curious about the winery and didn't think about it. After that, I completely forgot about it.

In this way, the winery was entrusted by Gu Ming for more than two years, and Gu Zheng did not go through the real handover procedures for more than two years. That Gutrang's mind moved again, and he wanted to take back the winery, so Gu Ming was in a hurry Look for ancient disputes.

"So that's the case, Dad, don't worry, I'll be there right away, and no one can take our things away!"

Gu Zheng spoke quickly, and after learning about the situation, he decided to take a trip to Europe in person, first, to do a good job in the winery, and second, to visit his father.

For more than two years, his son has not visited his father, so he is indeed incompetent.

Knowing that Gu Zheng was coming, Gu Ming's tone softened a lot, he said a few words on the phone, and then hung up.

Gu Zheng directly booked a flight to Paris at night, and there happened to be a first-class cabin left. The last time he went to France, he took Changle's private jet. This time it was his own business, so there was no need to continue to bother Changle .

The first-class cabin is also very comfortable, and you can arrive after a night's sleep.

In fact, Gu Zheng can fly to France by himself, but since he doesn't have entry and exit records, he has to ask others to help him modify it. It's easier to take a civil airliner directly.

Because of the time difference, it was still night when Gu Zheng arrived in Paris. As soon as he got out of the station, Gu Zheng saw Gu Ming standing outside waiting for him.

"Dad, I didn't say I won't let you come, I can find a place myself!"

Gu Zheng walked over in a hurry. Gu Ming's physical condition was quite good. The last time he came to Gu Zheng to improve him, Gu Ming hardly changed in the past two years, and he was still the same.

"If you can find it, I will come too. How can there be any reason why the father won't pick up the son when he comes!"

Gu Ming glared at Gu Zheng, and then took him to the parking lot. Gu Ming had a car in Paris, so he drove here directly. The two father and son got into the car and returned directly to the apartment.

"That Gutrang, with a lot of thoughtfulness, asked us to return the winery in the name of no one accepting it. Hmph, these self-righteous little nobles really think we are easy to bully!"

While driving the car, Gu Ming talked about the winery.

That winery is really good. Gu Ming liked it very much when he first took over, and he has been going there for vacation every year for the past two years, and the winery is very profitable, and has made a lot of profits in the past two years.

Because Gu Zheng was not around, Gu Ming had full authority to handle all this. For this reason, he specially hired a professional manager to help manage everything in the winery. After Gu Trung thought carefully, it was Gu Ming who stopped him.

Although Gu Ming is just a chef, he is a three-star chef after all, and he also has certain connections in Paris. Gu Trung wanted to rely on his identity to force Gu Ming, but he was photographed by Gu Ming. Even Gu Trung's father Gave him a warning.

Gu Ming knew more than one or two nobles, and many of them owed him favors.

"The most important thing is that you have not signed, and Brown's attitude is a bit ambiguous, so that Gutrang dared to do this!"

Gutrang's biggest reliance is that his winery was given to Sir Brown, and Sir Brown was transferred to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng originally promised Brown that he would continue to participate in the food festival in the second year, but he couldn't come because of other things. Sir Brown wavered about this matter. He didn't think about returning the winery to Gut directly. Lang, but wanted to see if he could force Gu Zheng out.

The ancient competition has not come in the past two years, and the other famous chefs invited by Sir Brown are of limited level, and they did not help him win anything, and even lost some, so he missed the ancient competition even more.

"We will go through the formalities tomorrow, and then the winery will be transferred to your name, so that no one else will say anything!"

Gu Zheng said directly that his future time is even more uncertain, and he doesn't know how often he can come to France. It is most appropriate to put the winery with his father.

"What are you talking about? How can I want your things?"

Gu Ming stared fiercely, as if very unhappy.

"Dad, look, I'm not in France, and I don't come here often. I still have to leave everything here to you. Isn't it more convenient to transfer it directly to your name? There will be no such thing in the future, let alone , isn’t yours mine, is it possible that you will give this winery to others in the future?”

Gu Zheng said helplessly, while Gu Ming was stunned. What Gu Zheng said seemed to make sense.

Especially the last sentence, it doesn't matter whose name the winery is in, whether it is him or Gu Zheng, anyway, it will be Gu Zheng's in the future.

"It's different. If you transfer it to my name, you still have to pay taxes. If you inherit it in the future, you still have to pay taxes. It's not worthwhile. It's better to let you go!"

After a while, Gu Ming shook his head suddenly. He was almost not brought in by Gu Zheng. This is France, not China, and the taxes are very heavy, especially the inheritance tax.

"Okay, but I will give you the management rights when the time comes, and you will manage it!"

Father insisted that Gu Zheng had no choice but to give up. In fact, he wanted to give Gu Ji chicken blood soup to his father. Who knows what he will look like in the future. He has already reached the realm of returning to the void, and when he reaches the realm of Jinxian, he will go to The prehistoric fairyland.

If you go to that place, you won't be able to come back. At that time, everything will naturally be handed over to your father.

Gu Zheng even thought about taking Pantao back from Qi Ling and serving it to his father, so that when he had the opportunity to come back in the future, he could still see his father, but he didn't know what he would do after his father gained three thousand years of life. Living on the earth, with such a long lifespan, other people will definitely notice it.

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