Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 449 Leave it to me

Gu Zheng has already comprehended the Tao of eating and drinking, so the immortal essence contained in these bats naturally cannot escape his eyes. In his eyes, those immortal essence are like small spots of light.

It stands to reason that the ingredients containing immortal essence should not be low-level, but these bats are all poisonous ingredients that are not edible. And a similar situation, Gu Zheng also saw it on the little monster fish 'Resentment' caught on Wufeng Island.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The bats had already bumped into the second restriction arranged by Gu Zheng, making a series of drum-like sounds.

Although the second prohibition has a little resistance to the attack of tangible objects, this resistance is really weak, just like the impact of bat swarms, which is not too powerful, it can't last long, after all Its main function is not here.

Gu Zheng played a few magic formulas, dispatched the energy of the world and arranged a colorless barrier, and this barrier can be regarded as a real protective barrier, not to mention the bat swarm outside, even if it is a cultivator in the late stage of the fifth floor, breaking It all takes a lot of work.

Gu Zheng is not in a hurry to get rid of these bats, he wants to see what is abnormal about these bats.

"Bang bang bang..."

A few bats near the colorless barrier blew themselves up, and red blood stained the colorless barrier. Suddenly, blue smoke came out and the barrier trembled. And the rest of the bats were either hitting the barrier, or showing their fine fangs, trying to chew on the barrier.


Gu Zheng muttered, just now he used his spiritual sense to probe the blood stains on the bat's self-explosion, and immediately there were many filaments stronger than the filaments in the air, attached to his divine sense!

Although spiritual thoughts are invisible things, this strange evil spirit born between heaven and earth can also be said to be invisible. Their original speed is very fast, and after they are attached to spiritual thoughts, their speed is as fast as light. Electricity, they are going to drill to the source of the divine sense along with the divine sense of the ancient struggle! This also made Gu Zheng have to give up the bit of divine sense that was released.

Abandoning a little bit of spiritual will will affect oneself to some extent, and those who can force immortals to give up the separated spiritual will, these filaments can also bear Gu Zheng's cry of "powerful".

"Sir, leave these bats to me!" Meow said.

"Leave it to you? Could it be?" Gu Zheng frowned slightly.

The little monster fish 'Resentment' also has immortal essence in its body, but Miaomiao took it lightly and absorbed the immortal essence in its body.

Today's bats also contain immortal energy in their bodies. Can Miaomiao absorb their immortal energy like he did with 'resentment'? It's not that Gu Zheng hasn't thought about this question.

However, today's bats are not the original "resentment" after all. The original "resentment" was only highly poisonous, and it was an ordinary-grade food, but today's bats are poisonous food that cannot be eaten! This poisonous doesn't mean it contains toxins, it means it contains deadly evil spirits!

"Don't worry, sir, although the filaments can be attached to divine thoughts, I will not involve them when I extract the immortal essence from the bat's body!"

Miao Miao smiled slightly, and then said: "Unfortunately, the amount of immortal energy in these bats is really too small. The sum of thousands of bats is not even as good as a small 'resentment' back then. This is not enough for me. Fill your teeth!"

Miaomiao was not joking, the amount of immortal energy in the bat's body was really very small, and although the original 'resentment' was small, the amount of immortal energy in the body was equivalent to a medium-quality immortal essence pill.

Meow Meow's body swayed, and the white phantom that looked like a cat or a rabbit jumped out from behind. It ignored the barrier that Gu Zheng had set up, and jumped directly into the group of bats, opening its mouth as if breathing heavily.

The bats in the air were not sucked into the mouth of the white phantom, but as soon as the white phantom breathed in, they fell in pieces in pieces, and it took only a dozen seconds before and after. The dense swarm of bats has disappeared, leaving only bat corpses piled up on the ground.

The little trouble caused by the bat swarm was over, but Gu Zheng still couldn't calm down.

"Qi Ling, these bats have evil spirits in their bodies, and they also carry evil spirits in their attacks, just like the strange fish we encountered in the blood tide restricted area before! But why do they have immortal essence in their bodies?" Gu Zhengxin road.

"What is certain is that these bats and strange fish belong to monsters that have been demonized by evil energy. As for why they have immortal energy in their bodies, it has something to do with the recovery of immortal energy in the air today! You are on Wufeng Island At that time, I told you that the immortal energy in the air has been further recovered, and these alienated bats, like the original 'resentment', have the ability to absorb immortal energy and store it in their bodies!" Qi Ling said .

"Sir, these bats have also grown bigger. This is the same as the strange fish in the sea. Could it be that they were also manipulated by humans?" Meow asked.

Looking at the normal-sized bats outside the cave, Gu Zheng said: "They may indeed be manipulated by people. After all, the person who can control them, as we know, is already a Gongsun Changsheng, and this person is very likely. Bajiu is the last master of the angry man!"

"According to what the angry man said, his last master's cultivation was at the late stage of transforming gods. According to Shangguan Feng, Gongsun Changsheng was only over 300 years old. At this age, with such a cultivation, in the eyes of normal people, it is already It's very unbelievable." Miao Miao said.

"Gongsun Changsheng and Shangguan Xusheng can't be justified by normal theory. It can be said that their blood has been changed by evil spirits! Such people are somewhat different from ordinary people, but they are considered normal." Gu Zheng said.

"Of course, they can't compare with Mister. If Mr. has cultivated for 300 years, he probably already has a realm above Golden Immortal!" Miaomiao said proudly.

"Three hundred years of Golden Immortal? Too slow!" Qi Ling murmured.

Unknowingly, the time was close to noon, and the real opening of the Tianluo Cave would come soon.

"Gu Zheng, get ready, get ready to start tracking those filaments, the direction where they disappear is the direction where the fairy array is!" Qi Ling said.


While speaking, Gu Zheng released his divine thoughts, and there were still filaments in the air. As soon as they sensed the existence of the divine thoughts, they immediately chased after them.

Gu Zheng exercises his divine sense every day in the 'Purgatory', and his divine sense is far more flexible than practitioners of the same realm.

However, with Gu Zheng's current cultivation base, there is still a trace of connection between the divine sense and the main body. This connection will not have much influence when fighting against the human divine sense, but in the dangerous Tianluo In the cave, it has become a troublesome fetter!

When exploring the blood tide forbidden area, because the number of filaments there is relatively small, and the movements are very slow, they only want to cling to the divine sense, and they can't feel the connection between the divine sense and the body at all. Under such circumstances, Gu Zheng's divine sense can still be like a fish in water.

However, there are many filaments in the air in Tianluo Cave, and the speed is extremely fast. The most troublesome thing is that they can sense the faint connection between the divine mind and the body, and they can also attach to the thread. contact with! This also makes Gu Zheng unable to release his divine sense for too long.

Before Gu Zheng could take back his divine sense, the time for the real opening of Tianluo Cave came, and an unexpected scene also happened.

A strange energy from heaven and earth suddenly appeared, except that all the filaments in the air were wiped out, there was no other abnormality in the Tianluo Cave.


Gu Zheng was dumbfounded and couldn't speak for a moment.

"Excellent, it seems that I was wrong before. After the opening of the Tianluo Cave, the filaments in the air were not recalled by the fairy formation, but completely obliterated by the fairy formation! Since this is the case, the fairy formation in the Tianluo Cave , the degree of power is extraordinary!"

"First of all, this fairy array can release the energy of heaven and earth to attack. Such a peculiar use of energy of heaven and earth is only effective in killing evil spirits in the air. You can't do this yet!"

In the inner view, Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a hard look: "It is enough to affirm that the defense and attack of this fairy formation can be used to such a degree. The defense and attack of this fairy formation are very powerful!"

"Secondly, there should be a source of evil energy in the fairy array or in the treasure. If there is no such source, it is impossible for the Tianluo Cave to become a Jedi where there are still filaments in the air after it is closed. !"

Qi Ling's voice stopped, and the frowning Gu Zheng also spoke: "At first, I wanted to chase the filament to find the existence of the treasure, but now the thread of the filament is broken. If I want to find the treasure, I can only take one step at a time. Yes. Fortunately, when the energy of heaven and earth appeared, I roughly sensed the direction of its source, so let’s go there now.”

There were no more filaments in the air, and Gu Zheng walked out of the cave with Meow Meow, looking at the map. On the map given by Mu Chunfeng, the source of the energy of heaven and earth sensed by Gu Zheng is an unexplored area at all, and what is marked there is only the cave wall of Tianluo Cave.

The Tianluo Cave has been truly opened, and the ancestor worship ceremony on the ground has also ended. The disciples selected by many branches have also entered the Tianluo Cave along the rope ladder, and started their journey of finding opportunities.

The hundreds of meters of rope ladder are swaying, and the people who go down the ladder are as insignificant as leaves blowing in the wind to the huge Tianluo Cave.

Although the mist in the air had thinned a lot after the Tianluo Cave was actually opened, and the widening of sight also reduced the level of fear a lot, but this still couldn't dispel the seriousness and paleness on the faces of the disciples.

Opportunities are not available to everyone, this is a truth everyone can understand, and the Tianluo Cave is not a peaceful place, every time the disciples who enter the Tianluo Cave, it is a blessing that half of the disciples can leave alive up.

Therefore, for the mysterious Tianluo Cave, not all the selected disciples will be enthusiastic and high-spirited.

"Senior Brother Su, can we be together in Tianluo Cave?"

On the rope ladder, Wu Qianyu, a disciple of the Blue Sky Conch Sect, looked at Su Hong of the Green Sky Conch Sect with a pale face.

"Being together? Is it shameful to lose face! With your mentality, how do you get a chance?"

Before Su Hong even opened his mouth, the disciples of the Qingtian Luo Sect laughed.

"Okay! Let's be together!"

Su Hong didn't want to be with others at first, but he really couldn't refuse the pity in Wu Qianyu's eyes, so he agreed to avoid the trouble.

"Don't you want to die?"

On the other rope ladder, Cao Yi of the Purple Sky Conch Sect suddenly spoke in a gloomy voice.

"Nonsense, who would want to die?"

Wu Qianyu was taken aback, and angrily replied to Cao Yi.

"The more you don't want to die, the faster you may die!"

Cao Yi laughed, although her laughter was not a big problem, but with her cold eyes, Wu Qianyu almost fell off the rope ladder in fright.

Wu Qianyu and Cao Yi are fairly familiar, they are also the only two female disciples in the team that entered the Tianluo Cave this time, but for some reason, Wu Qianyu felt that Cao Yi's face was gloomy It was a little scary, and now it gave her a strange feeling amidst the horror.

Climbing down a few hundred meters of rope ladder is nothing to practitioners, even though their cultivation base is not too high.

"Brother Su, let's go!"

Wu Qianyu nervously urged Su Hong, who was still talking with others, and she found that Cao Yi, who was standing with the disciples of Heitianluo Sect, was still looking at her with a cold smile.

Facing Wu Qianyu's urging, Su Hong frowned slightly, but ended the conversation quickly.

"Junior Sister Wu, what happened to you today?"

Looking at Wu Qianyu's pure and sweet face, Su Hong asked in a low voice.

"Senior Brother Su, I wonder if you have noticed that Cao Yi looks weird today?" Wu Qianyu whispered.

Su Hong looked back and saw that the big guys were all on their way, and Cao Yi was right behind them, whispering something to the disciples of the Black Sky Conch Sect. As if sensing his gaze, Cao Yi raised her head and gave him a wink.

"It's a bit weird. When I worshiped the ancestors, I felt that she had a cold face, and there seemed to be a trace of sarcasm in her eyes. When I looked back just now, she even gave me a wink! If I changed the usual , although Cao Yi will joke with me, but definitely not to the point of winking." Su Hong said.

"Senior Brother Su, let's choose a side road and walk in at the front, so we won't be with them anymore."


Su Hong agreed to Wu Qianyu's proposal.

Tianluo Grotto is an underground labyrinth. After getting down from the top, there will be many cave entrances in a short distance. These caves are of different depths and crisscross.

"Now is the time to part ways!"

Near the entrance of the cave, Cao Yi suddenly spoke and laughed loudly.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and looked at Cao Yi inexplicably. The disciple of the Heitian Luo Sect smiled flatteringly at Cao Yi.

"Junior Sister Cao, it is inevitable to part ways, just let them choose the entrance to go in. Brother, I am with you, you don't have to worry about anything at all, no matter what happens, I can protect you!" A disciple of the Heitianluo Sect Patted his chest and said.

This disciple of Hei Tian Luo Sect's cultivation level is not high, but he also has some capital to be proud of. He has a good talent in the fairy formation. Along the way, he also bragged to Cao Yi again and again, how powerful he is, so much so that Cao Yi once said in a sly way that even if the Black Sky Conch Sect spent a lot of money, he would still buy a spot to let him in. Definitely a great decision.

"Really? Can you protect me?"

Cao Yi looked at the disciples of the Heitianluo Sect, blinking his big eyes lightly, really full of coquettishness.

"Of course!"

The disciples of the Heitianluo Sect looked at Cao Yi with fascination.

"Does my aunt need your protection? Yellow-haired boy!"

Cao Yi was still smiling, and even stretched out his hand to caress the face of the disciple of the Heitianluo Sect. Under the more inexplicable eyes of the crowd, the disciple of the Heitianluo Sect fell directly to the ground, with the expression still hanging on his face. obsessive smile.


Suddenly there was the sound of weapons being unsheathed all around, and several people had already drawn their swords at Cao Yi! Although they are young, they are all the best in their respective sects, and their cultivation bases are at least at the early stage of the fourth floor.

"Brothers, what are you doing? I'm so scared!"

Cao Yi put his hand on his chest, although he had a scared expression on his face, but he walked towards the tip of the sword.

"Who the hell are you?"

Su Hong sternly shouted, if he couldn't see that this Cao Yi was not the Cao Yi he knew, he would be really stupid.

"Who am I? Am I Cao Yi?"

Cao Yi sneered, and with a flick of his sleeve, a majestic black inner energy danced crazily like a python.

"Magic repair!"


Exclamations and screams sounded at the same time. Although the people around them were not low in cultivation, they were not Cao Yi's opponents at all, and all kinds of voices rang together in an instant.

The black mist filled the air, and people fell down one after another. Su Hong pulled the dumbfounded Wu Qianyu, and rushed into the nearest fork.

It was just a fight just now, and Su Hong already understood that this Cao Yi should have a cultivation base of the fifth-level late stage, and such a person is definitely not an existence that they, who have almost no fairy weapons, can deal with.

"Run? Where do you want to run?"

Cao Yi's laughter sounded behind her, and Wu Qianyu's face also turned pale.

"Brother Su, what should we do now?"

Wu Qianyu asked anxiously. When she looked back just now, she found that Cao Yi was not far away from them. In the current situation, she couldn't fight or run. Deep despair filled Wu Qianyu's heart.

"What should I do? Cold salad!"

Cao Yi's voice sounded again, the despair on Wu Qianyu's face froze, her legs were not in control, and she was about to fall forward.

Su Hong saw that there was a large cloud of black air on Wu Qianyu's back, wrapping around her like an octopus.

Not daring to hesitate any longer, Su Hong let go of Wu Qianyu's hand, a pendant on his chest flashed with light, and his speed soared instantly.

Most of the disciples who entered the Tianluo Grotto did not have any immortal artifacts, but Su Hong was one of the very few who possessed immortal artifacts! His timely use of the immortal weapon and supernatural power also made Cao Yi's attack on him miss, and he could only watch helplessly as he disappeared into another fork of the cave.

"One ran away, hum."

Looking at the direction where Su Hong disappeared, Cao Yi smiled coldly, then bent down again, and gently scratched Wu Qianyu's fair face with her fingers.

"What a pure and sweet face!"

Cao Yi laughed strangely, her voice was like a night owl, and her hands exuding black air moved quickly, hitting Wu Qianyu's body with palms or fingers.

After a while.

The disciples who entered the Tianluo Cave went on the road again, except that Su Hong was missing from this team, and except for Cao Yi, the others all turned into puppets, without any sparkle in their eyes, they obeyed Cao Yi's words Like a slave.

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