"Sect Leader Gu is right. Dragon Blood Crystals are indeed very attractive to us! However, Sect Leader Gu can use Dragon Blood Crystal Stones to heal the wounds of Shangguan Brothers, which shows that Sect Leader Gu is very interested in Dragon Blood Crystals. The understanding of the stone is also very deep, so in my opinion, this piece of dragon blood spar, the ancient master will never sell it." Mu Chunfeng said.

"According to what Sect Master Mu said just now, apart from you knowing the function of the dragon blood spar, it is still a secret to others?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right! According to my grandfather, he also came to that conclusion after seeing a description of the dragon blood spar in an ancient book, and based on his knowledge of the Sky Conch Cave and the Blood Tide Forbidden Land. About the dragon blood spar, let alone the other Tianluo sect, even the elders of our Red Tianluo sect don't know about it." Mu Chunfeng said.

Gu Zheng smiled: "The elders of the Red Sky Conch Sect don't even know about the dragon blood spar. It seems that what the head master Mu came to talk to me about is also a secret. I want to know, Mu Why did the leader do this? Based on what I know about the leader, he is not the kind of person who would keep the elders secret about such a big matter!"

"What Master Gu said made me a little ashamed!" Mu Chunfeng shook his head and smiled: "Although the elders are the core of the core of the sect, there are some things that are not suitable to tell them. For example, I want Master Gu to enter The matter of Tianluo Cave! If you tell them, they will definitely be unwilling. After all, it is the place where the patriarch retreated, and there are treasures left by the legendary patriarch! Because of this, they will never let An outsider entered it, thus breaking the rules left by the ancestors! In common sense, I actually don’t want to do this! However, the Tianluo Sect is not limited to our family. When someone breaks the rules, we are still sticking to the rules. Unrepentant!"

"Someone broke the rules? Who is the head of Mu?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Twenty years ago when the Tianluo Cave was opened, our disciples of the Red Sky Conch Sect found a corpse in the Tianluo Cave. This corpse was a cultivator, and his cultivation was in the early stage of gas transformation. The person from the Holy Blood Gate, before the opening of the Tianluo Cave thirty years ago, someone had seen him in the Heitianluo Sect. Based on the relationship between the Holy Blood Gate and the Heitianluo Sect, this cultivator entered the Tianluo Cave, and Heitian Would the Luo faction not know? Anyway, I don’t believe it! We didn’t tell the other Tianluo faction about this matter, nor did we argue with the Heitianluo faction. After all, it’s easy for them to evade. But in my opinion Come on, they are already breaking the rules!"

"Among the people who came to Blood Tide Island this year, there are quite a few suspicious people. Why do these people come to Blood Tide Island? Nine out of ten must be for the Tianluo Cave! And, just before I come tonight, I will be in charge of monitoring The disciple at the entrance of the Tianluo Cave told me that a person suspected of being an immortal cultivator entered the Tianluo Cave very quickly! This is also the reason why I feel that I can no longer let others take the initiative."

"Speaking of which, Master Gu must have understood that I want Miss Miaomiao to enter the Tianluo Cave. With her strength, there shouldn't be any danger! With the dragon blood spar, she can stay in the Tianluo Cave. The time in the cave may be very long, and during this time, she has the possibility of discovering secrets, which is many times greater than ordinary people do not know!"

"If Miss Miaomiao really finds some treasure in the Tianluo Cave, my request is not high, and the head of Gu will just look at it. If she can't find it, Miss Miaomiao will just take a little time and risk it." What's more, the ancient leader wants to deal with the Heitianluo faction this time, and the person who entered the Tianluo cave is likely to be a member of the Holy Blood Sect. It would be better for the lieutenant general to get rid of him, so as not to become a stumbling block in the future! According to my guess, this person's cultivation level should not be higher than that of Miaomiao girl. It will definitely not be as simple as just detecting the divine sense here."

After Mu Chunfeng finished speaking, he quietly looked at Gu Zheng, waiting for his reply.

"Qi Ling, another expedition is coming, can this be counted as my active mission?"

In the inner world, Gu Zheng looked at Qi Ling with a playful smile.

"No! Although this is an adventure, it is not dangerous, and it may not be rich in rewards. It does not conform to the rules set by Master Tiexian!" Qi Ling said with blank eyes.

"Well, I knew you were going to say that!" Gu Zheng looked regretful.

"I know you still ask that!" Qi Ling stuck out her tongue and said.

"Although it can't be regarded as an active task, I can agree to Mu Chunfeng's request, and I can also see what kind of secrets are hidden in the Tianluo Cave!"

Gu Zheng paused, and then asked Qi Ling: "What do you think of this Tianluo Cave?"

"It's hard to say now. After all, you haven't seen the Tianluo Cave. After you see it, use your divine sense to investigate it, and I will tell you my opinion." Qi Ling said.

Gu Zheng nodded to Qi Ling, and then said to Mu Chunfeng: "Okay, I can agree to the proposal of head Mu, but it's not Meow Miao who enters alone, but the two of us together!"

"Ah? The two of you together?" Mu Chunfeng was startled: "Although there are dragon blood spar and Miaomiao girl, it shouldn't be a problem for the ancient head to enter the Tianluo Cave in advance, but the ancient head is the head of a faction after all. This is not a risk!"

In fact, Mu Chunfeng always thought that including the investigation of the Blood Tide restricted area, the real investigation should be Miaomiao. After Gu Zheng knew the danger, he should not risk his life! So facing Gu Zheng's decision at this moment, he seemed very shocked.

"Master Mu, don't worry, since I have made such a decision, it is naturally not a blind impulse."

Gu Zheng patted Mu Chunfeng on the shoulder.


"Master Mu, don't worry, I will take care of my husband, so don't worry!"

Before Mu Chunfeng finished speaking, he was interrupted by Miaomiao.

Looking at the confidence in Miaomiao's eyes and the determination in Gu Zheng's eyes, Mu Chunfeng finally agreed.

Tomorrow morning, the competition for the Tianluo Cave will start. At noon, many branches of the Tianluo Sect will conduct ancestor worship. After the ancestor worship is completed, the disciples who meet the requirements will enter the Tianluo Cave and start a seven-day exploration.

Now that the matter has been settled, Mu Chunfeng told Gu Zheng about the situation in Tianluo Cave.

Early the next morning, You Shanhe came to see Gu Zheng and paid off the resources he owed to Gu Zheng. Afterwards, the competition for the number of places in the Tianluo Cave was held in the Red Tianluo faction.

It may be because the Black Sky Conch Sect has already bought a place in the Huang Tian Conch Sect. The people who compete with Gu Zheng this time are only at the beginning of the fourth level, and they are really vulnerable.

There was no suspense about the outcome of the battle. Gu Zheng won the quota to enter the Tianluo Cave for the Red Sky Conch Sect. After the discussion was over, Mu Chunfeng also gave Gu Zheng the resources it had promised in accordance with the previous agreement.

At noon, the branches of the Tianluo Sect were busy worshiping their ancestors. Gu Zheng and Miaomiao had already arrived outside the Tianluo Cave in the dense forest.

Tianluo Cave is usually regarded as a Jedi, so no one is guarding it. After Gu Zheng and Miaomiao arrived, they did not find anyone around. However, after the opening of the Tianluo Cave, there will be people from many branches of the Tianluo Sect guarding here to prevent people from any branch from breaking the rules and entering. This situation will continue until the Tianluo Cave is closed again.

Like a huge tiankeng, the circular Tianluo Cave has a diameter of at least 400 meters and a depth of more than 700 meters! There are several rope ladders hanging down at the entrance of the cave for people to enter. There is a faint mist inside and outside the cave, making it difficult for people to see too deeply.

Gu Zheng went deep into the Tianluo Cave with his spiritual thoughts, and it didn't take long for him to have the same feeling as when his spiritual thoughts penetrated into the Blood Tide Forbidden Ground. It seemed that there was something like a filament, wanting to attach himself to his spiritual thoughts.

However, unlike the situation encountered in the waters, these filaments in the air of Tianluo Cave are not only numerous, but also not slow at all! Under such circumstances, the continuous exploration of spiritual thoughts will most likely be entangled by filaments.

Just after seeing the power of Tianluo Cave, Gu Zheng withdrew his divine sense. After all, the filaments here are more powerful than those in the Blood Tide Forbidden Land. It would not be fun if they were attached to the divine sense.

"Qi Ling, what do you think?" Gu Zheng asked heartily.

"They are all naturally derived evil spirits, except that one is in the water and the other is in the air, but what people did not expect is that the evil spirit in the air is even more powerful than the evil spirit in the water! According to what Mu Chunfeng said , Tianluo Cave will be safe this afternoon, and the danger and safety in Tianluo Cave can have such obvious changes before and after, which can only show that there is also a fairy formation in Tianluo Cave! Most of the time, let these evil spirits be allowed to go, and only within a specific period of seven days, will the evil spirits be imprisoned, and it seems that only in this way can the origin of safety and danger be explained!"

Qi Ling's voice paused, and then said again: "Let's go, first enter the Tianluo Cave, there are some questions that cannot be answered right now!"

Since Qi Ling said so, Gu Zheng didn't ask too much. After Xianli activated the dragon blood spar, he and Miaomiao were immediately surrounded by a layer of red light.

Instead of going down the rope ladder like ordinary people, Gu Zheng took Miaomiao's hand and jumped straight into the Tianluo Cave.


A dark light flashed in Gu Zheng's hand, and Tang Mo, who hadn't shown up for a while, was taken out by Gu Zheng.

Tang Mo was able to swallow evil things to repair his own damage. When he was in the Blood Tide restricted area before, Gu Zheng didn't take Tang Mo out because he didn't want Shangguan Feng to see him holding the evil weapon.

Now Gu Zheng had taken Tang Mo out, but Tang Mo didn't respond to the filaments in the air.

"Don't frown, Tang Mo didn't respond, which is not unexpected at all." Qi Ling's voice sounded again.

Although Gu Zheng didn't take out Tang Mo when he was in the Blood Tide restricted area, he also communicated with Qi Ling about it after returning. The answer given by Qi Ling is that Tang Mo probably has no reaction to the filaments! When Gu Zheng asked her why, her answer was that filaments belong to a very special evil, and they are so small that they are invisible to the naked eye. Although it can be regarded as Tang Mo's food, but because it is too small, Tang Mo does not like them. There should be no reaction! If Tang Mo is a high-level fairy weapon with more spirituality, there may still be the possibility of Gu Zheng's expectations.

"I was excited when I detected a lot of filaments in the air, maybe Tang Mo will react!" Gu Zheng took Tang Mo back in a bemused manner.

Qi Ling smiled and said, "The multitude is just the multitude in your eyes. For Tang Mo, it must be too little."

The wind blew past the ears, and the damp smell filled the nostrils. Gu Zheng and Miaomiao descended very quickly, and the filaments in the telepathy that wanted to attach to them were all isolated by the red light emitted by the dragon blood spar.

Although the red light in the dragon blood spar can be supplemented by absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, it is not inexhaustible. Gu Zheng and Miaomiao must use it sparingly in the Tianluo Cave.

After falling into the bottom of Tianluo Cave, due to the ancient times of the smoke, even Gu Zheng and Miaomiao's vision was greatly affected. After identifying the direction according to the map provided by Mu Chunfeng, the two walked towards this suitable hiding place.

It is unrealistic to use the red light of the dragon blood spar to explore the Tianluo Cave. Gu Zheng and Miaomiao can only find a place to hide for a while, and then wait for the real opening time of the Tianluo Cave. Then explore the Tianluo Cave.

The landform of Tianluo Grottoes looks like a karst cave. After walking for about ten minutes, Gu Zheng and Miao Miao found the cave marked on Mu Chunfeng's map that was four meters high from the ground.

After entering the cave, Gu Zheng used means to set up restrictions, and the small cave became a completely enclosed space, isolating all the filaments in the air from the outside.

The cave is not big, and Miao Miao, who was curled up beside Gu Zheng, looked up at Gu Zheng: "Sir, do you think this trip will be rewarding?"

"Meow meow."

"Sister, what's the matter?"

Qi Ling's voice was released, which made Miao Miao, who was next to Gu Zheng, sit up straight.

"Nothing, I'm calling you!"

Qi Ling said lightly, and Gu Zheng, who provoked the introspection, gave her a supercilious look, and she stuck out her tongue at Gu Zheng.

"Whether there will be any gains this time depends on whether the existence of the fairy formation can be found after the Tianluo Cave is really opened. Whether it is the fairy formation or the legendary treasure, it is the Tianluozong branch that has not discovered the existence of it." Things, there may be a certain relationship between the two! Maybe the fairy array is in the treasure, if you can find the fairy array, it is naturally equivalent to finding the treasure." The voice of Qi Ling is still loud.

"Sister, how can I find the fairy array?" Miaomiao asked.

"If I'm not wrong, after the Tianluo Cave is actually opened, the filaments in the air will be recalled by the fairy formation, and by following these filaments, you will be able to find the existence of the fairy formation. Perhaps, the Red Sky Conch Sect back then The person who found the corpse of the immortal cultivator of the Holy Blood Gate is not too far from the fairy formation, after all, this person is also an immortal cultivator, and it is very likely that he will also think of the method I thought of." Qi Ling Said.

"elder sister,"

Miao Miao just said two words, and immediately shut up.

Not only was she acting strange, even Gu Zheng's brows were slightly frowned.

Because just now, there was a slight sound heard by the two of them. It was the sound of someone flying towards this side, which was still far away.

After a while, the galloping people went away, and Gu Zheng frowned even tighter.

"According to what Master Mu said, a suspected immortal cultivator had entered the Tianluo Cave before, and now before the Tianluo Cave was opened, another person entered. Although this person did not see it with his own eyes, he passed Flying here, he should be a cultivator without a doubt!" Miao Miao said.

"The head of Mu said that the blood tide island during the ancestor worship period is more lively than this time in previous years, but there are two immortal cultivators entering the Tianluo Cave one after another, which is really lively beyond imagination! These What kind of means do people have, and how do they avoid evil spirits?" Gu Zheng murmured.

"Anyway, just be careful!"

Qi Ling smiled faintly, as if some soldiers were coming to block the water and cover the soil.

at the same time.

Deeper in the Tianluo Grotto, an old man in a black robe was sitting cross-legged on the ground with his hands clasped together, and on his face, there were light lines similar to those when Shangguan Xusheng did it.


A sneer appeared at the corner of the black-robed old man's mouth, and when he stood up, the light lines on his face became even brighter.

"In this short period of time alone, two groups of people came in successively. It seems that the opening of the Tianluo Cave this time is really lively enough!"

The old man in black robe muttered to himself for a moment, and then a hint of ruthlessness appeared in his eyes: "Do you think that Tianluo Cave is a place where everyone can come? Since you have already come, let me give you a little greeting gift first." !"

The old man in black robe shot several magic formulas into the void one after another, and the brightness of the light lines on his face also reached the strongest, like a luminous body in the dark.


In the darkness in the distance, there was the cry of bats.






Within a huge radius, the bats that were hanging upside down on the cave wall flew down one after another. During the flight, the black bodies of these bats were gradually replaced by blood red, and even their original normal size swelled by more than five times, and those pairs of green eyes shining in the dark were like bats. It's a will-o'-the-wisp.

The mutated bats squeaked and squeaked. They seemed to be crazy in the dark, looking for the traces of the intruders.

"Damn it!"

An old voice sounded, and the man in black who had been walking in the darkness stopped. He looked at the direction where the bats were flying, and cursed.

Although the voice is old, the man in black has an extremely young appearance. He is Lu Qi, the Great Elder of the Holy Blood Sect.

The person who met Rong Qiu on the seaside cliff of Xuechao Island before was Lu Qi, and the person who used his spiritual sense to explore Gu Zheng's residence the night before yesterday was also Lu Qi.

The swarm of bats was already very close, and the cold light from the fine fangs in the dark made people shudder even more.


Lu Qi laughed contemptuously, and casually sacrificed a tortoise shell-shaped fairy artifact.

The celestial artifact grows in the wind, and becomes as big as a bed in an instant. After putting Lu Qi in it, it shrinks to the size of a fist in an instant.

There was no sign of Lu Qi on the ground, only a fist-sized tortoise shell. Most of the bats in the bat group seemed to have lost their target. They flew over the tortoise shell with strange screams.

But there are also a few bats that seem to be different. They land near the tortoise shell, gnaw on the tortoise shell with their sharp teeth, and make a back-numbing rubbing sound. Some bats even blew themselves up against the tortoise shell up! Although the self-explosion did not have much impact, the blood stains after their self-explosion covered all the turtle shells, and like corrosion, a lot of green smoke was produced on the turtle shells.

After a while.

The bats who had never given up on the tortoise shell also left, and Lu Qi sneered from the tortoise shell.

"Do you think this will stump me? But these damn bats, after the mutation, really can't be underestimated!"

Ordinary bats rely on ultrasonic waves to find targets in the dark. Although the restrictions that Gu Zheng has placed outside the cave can block the invasion of some invisible means, they cannot block the line of sight! As for the bats with green eyes in the sky, their eyes are not just decorations.

Gu Zheng quickly played a few spells, and a new restriction was laid out. This restriction contains some energy from heaven and earth, which can not only block the sight of prying eyes, but also block the detection of divine thoughts. When Pai lived in, this kind of restriction was set up in the small courtyard.

However, the mutated bats can't be understood as usual, in their green eyes, the hole is still empty!

"No way!"

As the bat swarm approached, Gu Zheng made an incredible sound.

However, what is incredible about Gu Zheng is not that the bats ignored his restriction, but that the bodies of these bats all contain immortal essence!

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