Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 381 Heading to Kunlun

It was another dawn, and Gu Zheng, who came out of the prehistoric space, looked at the white belly in the east, and was a little dazed.

When he was practicing in the prehistoric space just now, Gu Zheng remembered the days when he was exploring in the Shu Ruins.

It has been more than half a year since he came out of the Shu Ruins. During this time, although Gu Zheng went to practice in the prehistoric space every day, and experienced danger in the treasure of Kongkongmen some time ago, but overall Said that compared with the high pressure in the Shu Ruins, today's life is already very leisurely.

For ordinary people, leisure is something they wish for, but for Gu Zheng, leisure is a kind of enjoyment after a high-pressure life, and there can be a period of time occasionally, but it can't always be like this, after all, he is a cultivator.

"Qi Ling, I want to take on a mission." Gu Zheng said eagerly.

"Okay, it's been a while since you took the initiative to accept a mission last time. It's good to take a mission now to adjust your leisure time. As for what mission to take, let me think about it."

Qi Ling didn't keep Gu Zheng waiting for too long, his voice only paused for about five seconds, and then he said again: "I have a simple task for you. Within fifteen days, go to the Kunlun School alone to check the Kunlun Divine Stone!"

"Kunlun Divine Stone?" Gu Zheng frowned.

The first time Gu Zheng heard about the Kunlun Divine Stone was when he was in the sect. At that time, Liu Yunzi and Han Shanzi came to Emei to talk to Gu Zheng about the place in the Chaos Tower. During the period, he said that the Kunlun Divine Stone has strange. Several months have passed since this incident, and Qi Ling suddenly asked Gu Zheng to check the Kunlun Divine Stone, which made Gu Zheng a little curious.

"When I first heard that there was something strange about the Kunlun Divine Stone, I didn't think there was anything wrong, but in the past few days, I felt something unusual."

Qi Ling's voice was full of worry, which rarely happens, and Gu Zheng couldn't help asking: "What's unusual?"

"There is immortality in the air."


Qi Ling's faint words made Gu Zheng feel like a thunder rang in his heart. First of all, this is the Dharma-ending era, and there is no immortality in the air. Secondly, he is also an immortal cultivator himself, if there is immortal essence in the air, he cannot not feel it.

"There is indeed immortal energy in the air, but this immortal energy is extremely rare. For example, if the immortal energy in the air in the age of prosperity were rivers, lakes and seas, the immortal energy in the air today is just a little fluorescent. Not to mention that you can't feel it, even someone with a cultivation level like *** can't detect it! After all, fluorescent light is not a swarm of fireflies, it's the kind that you might encounter one or two in a day."

"Qi Ling, what does this represent?"

Gu Zheng is really anxious, Qi Ling always pauses in his speech today, and his worried look makes people uneasy.

"I don't know what this means, so I asked you to check the Kunlun Divine Stone."

Qi Ling actually smiled, as if her worries before were all Gu Zheng's illusion.

"Then what are you worried about?" Gu Zheng said speechlessly.

"I still don't know if my worry will come true. I said it for nothing. After you see the Kunlun Divine Stone, if my worry comes true, I will tell you." Qi Ling smiled mischievously.

"I despise you!" Gu Zheng said angrily, and then stopped talking.

After a while, Qi Ling asked, "What are you thinking about? Are you still thinking about the Kunlun Divine Stone?"

"No, anyway, if you don't want to say it now, it's useless for me to think about it. I'm just thinking that this task sounds simple, but it's actually not that simple. During the process of this task, many things may happen! " Gu Zheng smiled wryly.

"I gave you a simple task, but everything has a cause and effect! Although this trip to Kunlun will inevitably cause some problems, these things are not difficult to solve." Qi Ling said.

"That's right, everything has a cause and effect, and the things that may happen are exactly the causes I planted at the beginning." Gu Zheng nodded.

Arrive in Kunlun within fifteen days, just in time for a grand event in Kunlun.

The Kunlun faction is the leader of the righteous way, and owns the Kunlun Ruins that are opened every ten years.

The things produced in the Kunlun Ruins are better and richer than those in the Shu Ruins, and people can stay in them for as long as five months.

Kunlun is not like Shushan, half of the quota to enter Shuxu belongs to the disciples of the branch sect, and the people who can enter Kunlun are all Kunlun disciples! In this way, the Kunlun Sect can harvest a huge amount of resources from the Kunlun Ruins every ten years!

Of course, this time the Kunlun Ruins opened, and I don't know what price Shushan paid to win two places to enter the Kunlun Ruins.

Within a month after the closure of Kunlun Market, the entire Kunlun Sect will be very lively. At that time, many people from the sect will be invited to the Kunlun Sect.

Those who are invited to the Kunlun School are not going to watch the closing ceremony, but to receive training resources!

The Kunlun Sect is the leader of the Righteous Path, and it does look like a leader. They will allocate some resources to other sects, so that they can still get some in this resource-scarce age of desolation, which is almost invisible outside. precious material.

However, the Kunlun faction does not give out resources for free, they need to distribute the resources to practitioners, who will use their inner strength in the next twenty days to provide energy for the operation of the "Ancestral Dragon Formation" of the Kunlun faction.

The reason why Gu Zheng felt that the mission of the Kunlun School trip would not be too simple, apart from his conflict with the Kunlun disciples, was also due to the cause and effect from the school.

Kunlun is the leader of the Righteous Way, and Shushan is the second sect of the Righteous Way. No matter where the first and second are, they have never been against each other, and Kunlun and Shushan are no exception. It's just that the confrontation between Kunlun and Shushan is not as severe as Qingcheng and Emei before. They just compete fiercely with each other, and they have defenses and contests with each other.

If you don't deal with it, you won't deal with it, but on the bright side, if something important happens, Kunlun and Shushan will still unite the front, after all, they represent the righteous way of the world.

It is precisely because of the incomprehensible reason that the Kunlun School never invites people from Shushan and its branches to participate in the grand meeting of the Kunlun School. If Gu Zheng goes to the Kunlun School during the event, he will definitely not look good.

Moreover, the Shushan branch sect that the Kunlun School hates the most is Emei! This is because in the era of Shengfa, Master Changmei unlocked the "energy battlefield" of the Emei Pagoda. For a while, people from all sects wanted to enter it to practice, even those from the Kunlun School were no exception.

However, Daoist Changmei is the Patriarch of Emei, and he was sent from Mount Shu. He naturally refused the Kunlun School's request to allow their disciples to enter the "energy battlefield" for training! So from then on, the people of the Kunlun School hated the Emei disciples very much.

Now that he had taken the initiative to accept the task, Gu Zheng didn't stay long. He took care of some things around him during the day, and waited until late at night, under the cover of the night, he took out the Thunder Yajian and flew straight to Emei.

Back in the sect, Gu Zheng listened to Elder Wushou's report on the things in the sect, and two things made him frown. Has been slightly wrinkled.

The first thing, a few days ago, Zhao Wen from the Zhao Mansion actually came to visit at the door.

When he was in the Zhao Mansion, Gu Zheng gave Zhao Wen within one month. If he still wanted to eat the delicacies made by Gu Zheng, he could come to find him in the sect.

After that, Gu Zheng stayed in the sect for more than two months, and then returned to the city for more than three months, adding up to almost half a year. I don't know what Zhao Wen's visit is now.

Regarding Zhao Wen's visit, Elder Wuyou also asked him, but his answer was that he happened to go to the mountain for a visit, so he went to visit him. He didn't say a word about the disappearance of the dark ancient wooden coffin.

Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to Zhao Wen's matter, he just frowned unexpectedly.

The second thing that made Gu Zheng frown is that the white cat has been sleeping since he ate the beast spirit food, and it has been several months now, and it still has no sign of waking up!

Gu Zheng, who was a little worried, asked Qi Ling again about the white cat, and Qi Ling gave the answer that the descendants of a beast like the white cat, the longer they sleep when they advance, the more they can achieve in the future. Also bigger.

Qi Ling also told Gu Zheng, don't look at the white cat sleeping, but that's only on the surface. In fact, its current state is like Gu Zheng entering the mysterious realm. In the "world" of the white cat, It is also in a mystical realm.

Two days later, Gu Zheng left for Kunlun.

Regarding Gu Zheng's trip to Kunlun this time, *** and other high-level officials were somewhat worried. After all, Emei's presence in Kunlun was not pleasant at all.

In this regard, *** and others also made requests to accompany them, but they were all rejected by Gu Zheng. This will be a rare experience for him alone. What's more, Qi Ling must have thought that the *** would make such a request, so when the task was released, it was stated that Gu Zheng was only to go alone.

After some time wasted on the road, Gu Zheng entered Kunlun Mountain three days later.

The cold wind, the numerous snowflakes, as far as the eye can see, is a world of ice and snow.

Stepping on the Leiya Sword, Gu Zheng flew towards the depths of Kunlun Mountain for a short while, then put away the Leiya Sword and changed to walking. This is not to say that he can't withstand the cold wind like a knife in the sky, nor does it mean that the time for Lei Yajian's sky-defying characteristic has come, but that it is now in the period of the Kunlun School grand meeting.

The Kunlun Market has been closed for eight days, and the grand meeting of Kunlun Mountain will be held on the tenth day. In two days before the grand meeting, many people from the cultivation world will go to the Kunlun School. Because of this, Gu Zheng didn't want to be discovered the secret of his ability to fly with a sword.

After walking for more than two hours, after climbing a snow-capped mountain, Gu Zheng saw a group of people packing their tents at the foot of the mountain.

Judging from the color and division of the tents, these people at the foot of the mountain should be divided into two sects.

Gu Zheng went down the mountain and approached the crowd. The location of these people was his only way to the Kunlun School.

"Fellow Daoist, are you also going to the Kunlun Sect?"

The people who were packing up the tents also noticed Gu Zheng approaching. Among them, a fair young man in the red tent area asked a question in surprise.

"That's right, I'm also going to the Kunlun sect! Dare I ask you, which sect and sect are you a disciple of?"

Gu Zheng looked at the young man who was about his age in front of him, and showed a kind smile.

"We are the Tianxin Sect from Wufeng Island." The young man stretched out his hand, pointed to those who were still packing up the red tents behind him, and then said, "My name is Yang Zhenling, what is the name of the fellow Taoist? Who is the teacher from?"

People from the two sects use white tents and red tents respectively. In terms of clothing, they are relatively different from the practitioners in the mainland.

"Which sect are you a disciple of, why are you on the road alone?"

Almost when Yang Zhenling's words fell to the ground, a middle-aged man who was originally in the white tent area came over and asked Gu Zheng with a straight face.

"It turned out to be Fellow Daoist Yang of the Tianxin Sect, my name is Gu An, a casual cultivator with no background or sect."

Gu Zheng ignored the stern-faced middle-aged man, he just answered Yang Zhenling's question.

Gu Zheng didn't want to tell Yang Zhenling and others his real identity. Anyway, after a while, he would speed up and throw these people away, telling them that he was the head of Emei, and it would only make fun of him. Pie welcome, this is something everyone knows.

As for the sect that Yang Zhenling belongs to, Gu Zheng has never heard of it. After all, there are no less cultivation sects overseas than those in the mainland. They live on various islands in the sea, and most of them are covered by immortal formations, which are rarely known to outsiders.

"Scattered cultivator? A young casual cultivator, how high is your cultivation level, can you receive an invitation from the Kunlun Sect? Didn't you go to watch the excitement?"

The stern-faced middle-aged man, with an undisguised sarcasm on his face, a pair of not-so-big eyes staring at Gu Zheng up and down, is as rude as he is really .

Gu Zheng frowned slightly. This middle-aged man's cultivation was at the beginning of the fifth level. Such a cultivation was considered very good for his age group. It's just that the middle-aged man's behavior is obviously not very good. A cultivator at the beginning of the fifth level can be regarded as a master, and he has no manners at all when he speaks with a gun and a stick.

"Ha ha!"

Yang Zhenling smiled awkwardly, and smoothed things over for the stern-faced middle-aged man: "This is senior Luo Jin from the Tianluo Sect on the overseas Blood Tide Island. He usually likes to joke with juniors."

"So it's a fellow Taoist of the Tianluo Sect, I've admired him for a long time!"

Gu Zheng didn't call Luo Jin a senior, but since Yang Zhenling made an introduction, he also bowed his hands as a gift.

Luo Jin accepted Gu Zheng's salute carelessly, and then rolled his eyes: "Boy, have you heard of my Tianluo Sect?"

Originally it was just a polite sentence, but who would have thought that Luo Jin would question him like a string, so Gu Zheng could only smile.

"I've heard it mentioned before. It is said that the Tianluo Sect is very prestigious overseas."

Gu Zheng heard about the Tianluo Sect for the first time today, and while he was complimenting him on the outside, he was already a little impatient in his heart, and was about to say goodbye to these people in front of him.

"Uncle Luo, we've packed up and can set off."

Among the disciples who were packing up the tent, one person yelled at Gu Zheng and the others.

"Nephew True Spirit, it's time to hit the road."

The Tianxin faction's camp had also been tidied up, and an old man with white hair and beard woke up.

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