Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 344 Surprise

Looking at their appearance, Gu Zheng sighed again.

There was indeed an imbalance in the hearts of the two of them, and Gu Zheng also knew that once he gave them this opportunity, it would be very difficult for the four of them to return to the good relationship they had before, but even if they didn't give it, The four of them also had no way to return to the original place.

Realm, status, money and other reasons make it impossible for them to be like before, all poor boys having fun together, laughing and joking. Although Gu Zheng is very unwilling to see all this, he also knows that this is He can't change it.

Even if he becomes a cultivator, it won't change. The cultivator is just a fairy, not an omnipotent god, and he can't change people's hearts.

"Yongkui, I know you want to open your own studio, I can give you 20 million to open a studio that satisfies you, but the money is not given to you for free, you have to pay it back to me in ten years, May I?"

Gu Zhengxian said something to Zhao Yongkui, Zhao Yongkui's greatest hobby is photography, and opening a studio is indeed his dream all along, but unfortunately because of funding problems, this dream has always been illusory.

"It doesn't take that much, five million is enough!"

Zhao Yongkui seemed a little excited after hearing this, and waved his hands and said something there, Gu Zheng smiled and shook his head: "Just 20 million, I remember you said, do the best if you want to do it, a top-level studio five One million is not enough, just twenty million, if you can't use it up, you can keep it as a reserve fund!"

Ordinary studios definitely don’t have so much money. Zhao Yongkui once said that what he yearns for is a large-scale studio of two to three thousand square meters. In this way, a few million will definitely not be the best. Gu Zheng simply gave him two Ten million.

How to use the 20 million yuan is completely in Zhao Yongkui's hands. The money is not given to him directly, but borrowed. It will be repaid in installments within ten years without any interest.

If you give it directly, the relationship between the two may end here.

"Okay, thank you Gu Zheng, don't worry, I will definitely make this studio the best!"

Zhao Yongkui was no longer refusing, and nodded excitedly. He knew that Gu Zheng was rich, but 20 million was not a small amount. Besides, Gu Zheng had money only recently. It is really a lot to be able to lend him 20 million in one go.

20 million, still no interest, Zhao Yongkui is already very satisfied.

"Wang Tao, you have always wanted to go into politics. I told Chang Le before. You can take the civil service exam this time. As long as you pass the exam, he will support you and let you take this path in the future!"

Gu Zheng said to Wang Tao again that Wang Tao has been an official fan since he was a child, and he has indeed thought about taking the civil servant exam, but he has been hesitating.

Wang Tao's family is all farmers. Even if he is admitted to the civil service, he is still at the bottom of the staff. It is difficult to climb up. If he can't climb up, he will be stuck at the bottom for a lifetime. He has seen too many such examples.

In addition, his family needs money, and he needs his own salary to support the family. Although his current salary is not much, it is better than that of a civil servant. Once he goes to the civil service examination, he will no longer be able to support his family in a short time.

Even so, Wang Tao set a deadline for himself, three years, at most three years, within three years he will definitely take the exam, no matter what the future holds, even if he is trapped in it, he will still go in.

Now Gu Zheng asked him to take the exam now, and even called him directly. As long as he can pass the exam, his future career will be smooth, and someone will specially support him.

He doesn't know Chang Le's real background, but he can feel that Chang Le is not an ordinary person. Since such a person can say such words, he must have his confidence.

"Okay, I will take the exam this year, thank you Gu Zheng!"

"You don't need to thank me, I didn't give you a penny of help, I just said hello to you!"

Gu Zheng smiled again, and Wang Tao also smiled. Gu Zheng didn't give 20 million directly like he did to Zhao Yongkui, but the value of this greeting is definitely not low, even higher than 20 million.

Wang Tao is very clear about how difficult it is to enter politics without a background or a relationship. Gu Zheng can give him this relationship and background, which is already the greatest help.

Wang Tao did take the civil service exam, and passed the exam. With the help of the Chang family, he made rapid progress. Later, he finally understood the background of the Chang family, which was a very scary background.

At that time, he was even more grateful to Gu Zheng, but these are things for later.

Du Yang looked at the two and felt happy for them from the bottom of his heart. Although he had completely changed his fate with Chang Feng's help, it was just a change, and he was powerless to help the two brothers.

Gu Zheng is different, Gu Zheng is now the most promising one among the four, as long as he is willing to help, the two of them can definitely change their destiny completely, just like him.

Both Zhao Yongkui and Wang Tao are very satisfied. For Gu Zheng, they just paid 20 million yuan and a favor from Chang Le.

These are nothing to the ancient disputes. Chang Feng has already arrived in Emei, and his relationship with the Chang family has become closer. Trained as one's own person, in this way, as long as Wang Tao has the ability, he will have a good future in the future.

As for Zhao Yongkui, he doesn't have a big goal, his biggest hobby is photography, and a top studio is his biggest wish.

The three left quickly, and Gu Zheng sent them to the subway station.

Zhao Yongkui's 20 million will arrive in the account tomorrow. He is in a hurry to go back, looking for a suitable place to build a studio. Since he wants to be the best, the location is very important. This studio is not just a ticket, he also needs Make a profit, and rely on the profit to repay the money that Gu Zheng lent him.

Wang Tao will have to read a lot when he goes back. The civil service exam is only a few months away. He even plans to resign and prepare for the war, and pass the exam at once.

He understands that as long as he can be admitted as a civil servant, his fate will completely change. It is not like before, even if he is admitted as a civil servant, he does not know what his fate will be.

Of course, wanting to change for the better still requires his hard work and his ability. The stronger his ability, the farther he can go in the future.

After sending the three of them away, Gu Zheng returned home, took out his phone and pressed a number, but after thinking for a while, he put the phone down again.

On the screen of the mobile phone is a set of numbers without a name, but this is the number Gu Zheng is most familiar with. This is the phone number of his father Gu Ming. Gu Zheng wanted to inform his father, but finally gave up.

He wanted to give his father a surprise. He hadn't seen him for more than a year, and he suddenly appeared in front of his father. He didn't know what his father's expression would be, but one thing was certain, he would be extremely pleasantly surprised.

Three days later, Charles de Gaulle International Airport in France.

A Gulfstream G550 landed on the airport runway. After the crew, Chang Le and Gu Zheng got off the plane together.

I have to say that this private jet is very comfortable, much better than ordinary civil aviation. No wonder many rich people like to buy private jets. Not only can they save time and resources, but the most important thing is the comfort.

Gu Zheng also wondered if he would buy one if he had money in the future. Although he could fly in the air after becoming an immortal cultivator, he was not as comfortable as lying in a comfortable plane when he flew by himself. There is no need to fly out frequently, the idea can only be given up.

Someone here came to pick up Chang Le, and Chang Le introduced Gu Zheng to everyone, so many people couldn't help but take another look at Gu Zheng.

They all knew who Chang Le was. To be able to get off the plane with Chang Le, and let Chang Le attach so much importance to the introduction, he must not be an ordinary person. Many people remembered Gu Zheng's appearance in their minds.

The Chinese people are a society of human relations. In fact, foreign countries are not too different. They also know how to use relationships, but unlike Chinese people, they operate relationships to the extreme. Without relationships, it is difficult to move an inch.

"Chang Le, you go ahead, I'll go find my father first!"

After the introduction, Gu Zheng took Chang Le aside while he was free. He didn't know these people and had nothing to do with him. Although there were many dignitaries here, it was a pity that he was not interested at all.

"Okay, I'll send you a car, and contact me when you're done!"

"No, I'll take a taxi directly, and I'll contact you later!"

After greeting Chang Le, Gu Zheng left. He didn't tell his father, but wanted to surprise him. Of course, he had to pass this surprise quietly by himself.

Seeing Gu Zheng leaving gracefully, Chang Le couldn't help but shook his head again.

Gu Zheng didn't bring anything with him, not even a small bag. It was the first time he saw a person who didn't bring anything when he went out. Although he didn't bring many things with him when he went out, he still had some personal items with him. It's not like Gu Zheng. , nothing.

Gu Zheng didn't know what he was thinking, if he knew, he would definitely laugh.

He didn't bring anything, he brought a lot of things, big bags and small bags of all kinds of things, and bought a lot of things his father liked and other things in China, but all of them were brought into the prehistoric space by his method Well, with the prehistoric space, it is really easier for him to go out now.

Gu Ming works next to the famous Champs-Elysees Avenue in France. It is a small western-style restaurant. Although it is not big, the interior is exquisite, and many customers need to make reservations.

This is the three-star restaurant where Mickey is the star. Both the service and the taste are top-notch.

Gu Zheng took a taxi and went directly to the restaurant. He had never been here before, but Gu Ming had told him the address a long time ago, and with the restaurant's reputation, it was not difficult to find it.

Gu Zheng also deliberately checked Gu Ming's working hours, and he went to work today.

Wearing a pair of sunglasses, Gu Zheng walked into the restaurant, and was immediately greeted by waiters. The service in the restaurant was very good. Seeing that Gu Zheng was an oriental face, they first asked questions in English, and then tried Chinese and Japanese.

"I am Chinese!"

Gu Zheng replied directly in English, so don’t let him speak Japanese. Gu Zheng’s English is pretty good. In fact, he also knows some French. He took French as an elective in college.

"Hello, what would you like to order?"

The waiter's Chinese is not bad, but it sounds very blunt, but the meaning is expressed. Gu Zheng looked at the menu and ordered a set meal directly.

This is a traditional set meal, and the appetizers came out after a while. After Gu Zheng tasted it, the taste was not bad, but it also had obvious flaws. This appetizer was definitely not made by his father.

In any case, Gu Ming is also a three-star chef. It is impossible for the appetizers he made to have such obvious defects.

Gu Zheng didn't speak, and continued to taste the soup and dishes that followed. A faint smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face when the main course came. This main course was made by his father. It's made by other chefs here.

Gu Ming is the chef, but it doesn't mean he has to cook all the dishes himself. The main dish of this set meal is made by Gu Ming, which is not easy. After all, Gu Zheng didn't reveal his identity. He is an extremely ordinary chef here. guests.


Gu Zheng beckoned and called the waiter over. After the waiter came, he was very polite and asked Gu Zheng if he needed help.

"Who made this steak, you tell him that I can cook better than him, and ask him if he dares to compete with me!"

Gu Zheng smiled, but the waiter was full of surprise. Gu Zheng's behavior was completely provocative, and in domestic terms, it was kicking the restaurant, but he knew very well that this main dish was made by the chef working today.

Although their chef is Chinese, his culinary skills are undeniable, and everyone respects them immensely. The same Chinese in front of him actually wants to challenge their chef, which makes him instinctively vigilant.

To kick the pavilion is to kick the pavilion, this is the way Gu Zheng thought of greeting his father.

Gu Ming used to always talk about the importance of cooking skills, and always wanted him to inherit the cooking skills. At that time, Gu Zheng was lazy and only wanted to eat but not to cook. Now he has better cooking skills by accident. Don't show off in front of your father.

"Sir, you are joking!"

The waiter still asked a question, but Gu Zheng vetoed it. Seeing that Gu Zheng was not joking, but serious, the waiter left in a hurry.

"Chinese, I want to see which Chinese come to kick my house!"

After a while, the waiter came out with a middle-aged man wearing a chef's clothes. The middle-aged man was talking while walking, but he spoke Chinese, and the voice was not loud, but Gu Zheng's hearing was very good, and he could hear everything completely. arrive.

"That's the gentleman!"

The two arrived soon, and the waiter pointed to Gu Zheng, who had already taken off his glasses and looked at his father with a smile.

Gu Ming is actually not very old, he is the best age for a chef, Gu Ming is well maintained, he looks like he is in his thirties in his forties, he looks at the smiling Gu Zheng, first He froze for a moment, and quickly raised his hand.

"You brat, you actually teased your father for coming!"

Gu Ming's next reaction was completely beyond Gu Zheng's expectations. He actually raised his hand and slapped Gu Zheng on the head. His father taught him a lesson, but Gu Zheng couldn't fight back, so he could only hold his head and beg for mercy.

Fortunately, this is a restaurant, and it is a Michelin three-star restaurant. Gu Ming just taught him a few lessons, and then took him directly to the back kitchen.

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