Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 343 Unable to refuse

Gao Changhe is a qualified chef and even a qualified secretary.

He is very satisfied with these ancient battles, that is, he left something useful to himself, and avoided the interruption of some other information. It was really the right person to find Mr. Sun to introduce, otherwise how could there be such caring Gao Changhe head chef.

After Gu Zheng left, the business in the store was even more prosperous than usual. After the smell of the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng spread, many people came here smelling the smell. They couldn't eat the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself. The rest of the food in the store is also good, and everything has not let them down, it is really delicious.

And the ten lucky ones who bought the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng himself said it was worth it.

Whether it is Gu Zheng's reputation or the taste of this bowl of chicken blood soup, it is definitely worth the price. Except for one of the ten people who is a regular customer who has had Gu Zheng chicken blood soup before, the other nine are new customers .

One of the nine people even shed tears. This was a delicacy he had never tasted before, and he had never even imagined that food could be so delicious that he shed tears in the end.

This person is also a senior foodie. I am very glad that I grabbed a bowl this time. After Gu Zheng personally made the chicken blood soup, he hesitated for a while after the store manager reported it. After all, the price of 888 is not low, but Thinking that it was the chicken blood soup made by Gu Zheng, a newly promoted chef in the country and whose reputation has long been spread, he quickly signed up and bought it.

He was very glad that he made such a choice at that time, otherwise he would definitely regret it in the future, regretting passing by such delicacies.

"Gu Zheng, what's up tonight?"

Before he got home, Gu Zheng received a call from Du Yang. Chang Feng approached Du Yang. After all, part of Chang Feng's shares was reserved for Du Yang, and he already knew about Gu Zheng's return.

"It's okay tonight, let's sit down together, come to my house tonight!"

Gu Zheng replied with a smile, Du Yang called him without guessing why he knew why, Chang Feng even gave him the shares, it was impossible not to tell him the real reason.

Du Yang has obtained great benefits because of Gu Zheng, and according to his temperament, it is impossible not to express it.

"Go to your house, okay, see you tonight!"

Hearing that Gu Zheng said to go to his house, Du Yang was stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed excitedly, betting on Gu Zheng's house means that he can eat the delicacies made by Gu Zheng himself.

After hanging up the phone, Du Yang immediately notified Zhao Yongkui and Wang Tao. Counting the time, they hadn't been to Gu Zheng's house for almost a year. The last time they went was last spring. That time when they went out for a spring outing, Gu Zheng suddenly fell into a coma. Invite them to visit your home.

Originally, they thought they would have to wait a year until Gu Zheng's birthday to have a chance, but they didn't expect Gu Zheng to invite him suddenly. Even if Du Yang wanted to invite him last time, he immediately gave up when he heard what Gu Zheng said. The delicacies made are too tempting.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Zheng also dialed a number.

Gu Zheng called Chang Le, and Chang Feng's equity was transferred to Chang Le. The two major shareholders hadn't met once, so they took this opportunity to call him. Feng often runs to the store like that, as long as Chang Le can take care of everything outside the store.

The store is now fully established, with Gao Changhe inside and the store manager outside. The two have cooperated very well and have already stabilized.

When Chang Le received a call from Gu Zheng, he agreed immediately when he heard Gu Zheng say that he would go to his house. When he went to Gu Zheng’s house, it was dinner time again. He knew what to do by guessing with his toes. Gu Zheng’s food, as long as he had eaten it The immune system is absolutely zero, and they can't resist such a temptation.

When they didn't come, Gu Zheng went to prepare the ingredients first. In fact, the ingredients are very simple, and they can be found in the prehistoric space.

Think about the first time he was tested last year, to make a table of food that conquered several people's taste buds. At that time, the damn Qi Ling restricted the lowest inferior ingredients, and he only found three such ingredients at home.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to buy a second-class black-bone chicken in the market, he might have failed that test because he didn't have enough ingredients. If he failed that test, he wouldn't be the person he is now.

There are two fairy chickens, and now Guzheng has a lot of fairy chickens. He is rich and powerful, so he can take out some more and give them to his friends.

One fairy chicken is used for honey sauce chicken, and the other fairy chicken is used for shredded chicken noodle soup.

Xianyu and Xiancai took out some of them, as well as some other ordinary-grade ingredients they had harvested. After thinking about it, Gu Zheng took another Xianxing apricot.

Xian Xing has matured. This is a medium-level ingredient, and it can improve people's physique. Xian Xing and the others can't eat one piece each, so they can't bear the huge improving power of Xian Xing, but four people share Eating one is no problem.

The ingredients are ready, Gu Zheng simply stays in the prehistoric space and continues to practice. His Tiexian Xianjue has reached the 90th percentile of the third floor, and will soon break through to the fourth floor. The beginning of real practice.

The first three layers are just laying the foundation.

Cultivating to the fourth level is equivalent to the stage of other cultivators refining and transforming qi, that is, becoming a real immortal cultivator. You can only fly in the sky, such as Yujian, or Yudao, etc., but no matter what, you always fly.

Any cultivator has a longing for free flight, and Gu Zheng is no exception.

Changle will be there at four o'clock in the afternoon. He hasn't eaten the delicious food made by Gu Zheng for a long time. This time he was invited by Gu Zheng. He couldn't eat anything at home, and he was not in the mood to do things, so he came early.

"Gu Zheng, you have made me miserable. You notified me so early for dinner, so I can't do anything all day!"

As soon as he saw Gu Zheng, Chang Le complained, while Gu Zheng smiled softly.

It was not time for lunch when Gu Zheng notified. In fact, it was not just Chang Le. Du Yang and the others were also a little absent-minded in their work today. They didn't eat anything at noon, and they were all waiting for the big meal in the evening.

"It's just right that you came early. I have something to tell you. I plan to go to France in a few days. I can only trouble you about the store. If you don't have time, I will leave everything to the store manager. You Just collect the daily business money!"

Chang Feng left, and Chang Le took over Chang Feng's equity, and now the daily business money is called to Chang Le. Originally, Chang Feng said to directly send it to Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng did not agree.

He often goes out for a few days, and has no time to pay attention to this. Don't delay other things in the store because of him. In the end, Chang Le will take over this matter.

"Are you going to France?"

Chang Le was taken aback for a moment, and asked in surprise, Gu Zheng nodded slightly: "There is a food festival in France that invites me to participate, I want to go and have a look!"

"Okay, I happen to be in France on business, and we will travel together then!"

Chang Le adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses, and a smile appeared on his face again. Chang Le actually wanted to go to France.

As for the store, it doesn't matter if both of them leave. At the beginning, Gu Zheng and Chang Feng seldom commanded by remote control, and there was never any problem.

"What are you doing in France?"

It's best to have someone with you, someone you know well. I haven't been to Guzheng in France. Before, Gu Ming said that he would take him there, but he was still in school at that time and didn't have time to go there.

Originally, Gu Ming wanted him to study in France, but unfortunately Gu Zheng didn't want to, so he stayed in China in the end, so the father and son have been living in two places.

"The company has a project to discuss, and I must go there in person!"

Chang Le went to France really not because of Gu Zheng, he did have something to go, and he didn't know that France invited Gu Zheng.

Gao Changhe has always been helping Gu Zheng deal with those invitation letters. Chang Feng never asked about them before, and Chang Le never asked after taking over. If Gu Zheng hadn’t taken the initiative to bring up the matter of going to France today, Chang Le also didn't know about his itinerary.

Chang Le is going to France in three days, and he is taking a special plane. Gu Zheng just doesn't need to book a ticket, so he can take Chang Le's special plane to go with him.

Du Yang, Zhao Yongkui and the others arrived soon. When they saw Chang Le, Du Yang was stunned for a while, a little cautious.

Now he is very clear about how he got here. The first promotion was because of this Mr. Chang. good fortune.

When he was first promoted, he still thought about punishing his boss, the old hag, but with the development of time, especially Du Yang now, he took all this lightly, and never wanted to punish him again. The mood of the boss.

On the contrary, if possible, he would also like to take care of his old boss.

It's not that he repays grievances with kindness, but that if the old witch hadn't punished him, he wouldn't have gotten it. If the old witch hadn't targeted him, he wouldn't be in a hurry to go to work, and Gu Zheng wouldn't have sent him off.

In this way, even if Chang Le knew him, he would not take care of him specially, let alone those things that would happen afterwards.

Another point is that now Du Yang's status is much higher than that of his previous boss, and he has adapted to his current status. A real leader will not think about some grudges from the beginning.

What's more, these enmities had been retaliated as early as when he was promoted. At that time, Du Yang really punished the old witch several times.

With Chang Le, Du Yang was a little cautious, but he didn't hold back.

Together with Gu Zheng and five people, they had a delicious meal. The four of Chang Le were unwilling to close their mouths when they ate this meal. Even if they were full, they wanted to compete again. These foods are countless times more delicious than before, and people can't forget them once they eat them.

After eating and drinking enough, Du Yang and the others also posted a circle of friends, which made many people envious.

Today's Gu Zheng is the number one celebrity chef in the country. The gold content of this Chinese food competition is extremely high. Not only the judges highly affirmed it, but also many seniors in the food industry stood up to affirm it, which caused Gu Zheng's reputation to reach Highest.

Some media even asserted that as long as Gu Zheng participated in consecutive competitions, he would definitely win the first place in three times and set a new record, and this record would be difficult for anyone to break in the future.

Under the constant media reports, more and more people know Gu Zheng's name. In addition, Du Yang and the others have publicized it early on. Many people who saw their circle of friends are giving their thumbs up and expressing their envy.

"I go first!"

After dinner, Chang Le left. Du Yang and the others wanted to leave, but Gu Zheng stayed behind.

"I think you all know about Du Yang!"

There were only four of them, and Gu Zheng went straight to the point. Hearing what he said, the three of them, including Du Yang, fell silent.

Due to the relationship between Gu Zheng, Du Yang was promoted and raised his salary. Now he has obtained the shares of the company, becoming a shareholder and a director of the board of directors. The annual dividend is an astronomical sum. It's a lie.

Both of them, like Du Yang, are good friends of Gu Zheng, and the relationship between the four of them is very good, but now only Du Yang has followed Gu Zheng to take the light, directly stepping up to the upper class life, and even buying a villa, living The rich live, but they are still going around in circles, not running around for that little salary.

It's the same relationship, the same people, but their destinies are so different, it's no wonder that the two of them have a balanced mentality.

In fact, as early as after Du Yang was promoted for the second time, they didn't contact much, and now they contact even less. If it weren't for Gu Zheng, they wouldn't get together at all. They were invited out all weekend, and they declined.

Gu Zheng was aware of this last time, but he didn't pay attention to it. The problem is more serious now, so he left the three of them and prepared to talk about it thoroughly.

If they don't talk about it earlier, I'm afraid the four of them will split up in a short time, or even stop communicating with each other. Gu Zheng doesn't want such a result.

"The reason why Du Yang made such a change is because of me, but more because of himself. If he didn't work hard and lack working ability, he wouldn't get these things!"

Gu Zheng said indifferently, and after looking at Du Yang, he continued: "The relationship between me and the Chang family is really unusual. I saved a very important old man from them, and I don't need them too much, so they I gave some back to Du Yang, even I didn't think of it!"

"But since it happened, it was all Du Yang's luck, and now I will help you create a chance to have such luck!"

As Gu Zheng continued to speak, both Zhao Yongkui and Wang Tao raised their heads and widened their eyes.

They are indeed jealous of Du Yang now, and they have also thought about Gu Zheng helping them, but they have never said these words, and they are too embarrassed to say such words. Naturally there is a desire.

This is not a little help. If it is just a little help, both of them will refuse because of their self-esteem, but this is a change that can completely change their lives, and it is an opportunity to change their destiny.

They couldn't refuse such an opportunity.

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