"Old friend? First of all, you are not young, and secondly, we are not friends, so don't get close here." The old man in the long coat gave Elder Wuchou a hard look, and then he said very seriously: "Finally, I will say it again, here There is no dark ancient wood, and I don't know what dark ancient wood is, if you disturb the peace of the Zhao Mansion again, don't blame me for being rude!"

When the old man in the long coat finished speaking, he was about to close the door.

"Don't worry!"

Elder Wuchou smiled, put his palm on the door and pushed back, the face of the old man in long gown who was about to close the door suddenly turned red due to wrestling.

Gu Zheng knows that Elder Wushou is impatient, but the impatient person also has his advantages. If it is Elder Wushou, the other party will close the door, and the door will be closed. This is why Gu Zheng wants Elder Wushou to go with him .

"Old man, we came here with good intentions and we really wanted to make a deal. Don't let your good intentions turn into malice. Look at your clothes. You are not the master of the Zhao family. If the master of the Zhao family is here, you let He came out and I interviewed him."

Although Qi Ling also has Wuchen ancient wood, after all, if he wants to get Wuchen ancient wood from Qi Ling, he still needs to do a task. Now that there is news of Wuchen ancient wood, Gu Zheng is bound to get it.

"It turns out that I am also a cultivator, no wonder I dare to be so presumptuous!"

Elder Wuchou didn't push the door with all his strength, fearing that the old man in the long gown would be pushed down, but because he didn't use all his strength, the old man in the long gown felt that Elder Wuchou's cultivation was not much higher than him.

"I'm not afraid to tell you that we are from the Emei sect! We are neighbors no matter what, so it's better not to make things too rigid. Since you are also a cultivator, you naturally know that between cultivators, the fist is hard, and the truth is hard! "Elder Wuchou said impatiently.

"It's a hard fist, and the truth is hard! If that's the case, there's no need to be polite to you, come here!" The old man in the long coat shouted.

"Old man, don't eat a toast and eat fine wine!"

Elder Wuchou raised his brows and pushed the door harder to enter.


Gu Zheng shouted to stop Elder Wuchou.

If you can do it, try not to do it. After all, the door-to-door is to make a deal, not to rob. Now that the other party has already called someone, Gu Zheng also wants to see what the person who came out has to say.

The Zhao family's villa is very big. After the old man in long gown called out, the sound of galloping footsteps came from inside. Gu Zheng looked through the crack of the door and saw eight young men in suits and leather shoes rushing from inside. Just like the bodyguard next to the rich.

The eight young men had already rushed forward, and Qi Ling's voice rang in Gu Zheng's mind: "These people are all inner strength practitioners, and their cultivation is at the middle stage of the third level."

To be able to afford a cultivator of inner strength, the family background is already considered good. After all, the existence of the third level of inner strength is already extremely powerful in the eyes of ordinary people. People like Hong Lao are only the second level of inner strength. layer. In this Zhao family, there are as many as nine of the three-level inner strength practitioners that Gu Zheng has seen so far!

"Second elder, do you think this Zhao family is a family of cultivation?" Gu Zheng asked.

"No, there are only a few big cultivation families, and there is no one with the surname Zhao. As for the small ones, there can't be so many people at once. Seeing that these people are all about the same age, what kind of sect should they be trained by the same group? out disciple."

Even though Elder Wuchou didn't have the ability to see through other people's cultivation, he was an expert who could tell if there was one as soon as he made a move. He also discovered the difference between the eight people from their parkour-like actions.

"Uncle Zhao, what's going on?"

Eight young men had already rushed to the door, and the leader asked the old man in long gown.

"These two people are the same as the two people who collected dark ancient woods from the previous two days. Their words are worse than those of the previous two days. They just pushed the door to break in. Their cultivation should be about the same as mine. Self-reported family members say they belong to the Emei sect." The old man in long gown gave an overview of what happened.

"A member of the Emei sect?"

Hearing what the old man in the long gown said, the young man in the lead frowned, and his eyes were a little dignified.

"Yes, people from the Emei faction." Gu Zheng smiled: "We are indeed here to blacken the ancient wood, and we don't want to make enemies. If you can't decide this matter, you can tell the people above you .”


"Is it Emei? Isn't it just a lonely sect?"

"Yeah, what's there to be arrogant about?"

"If you are sensible, get the hell out, you can't afford to offend the Zhao family!"

Before the leading young man could speak, the people behind him shouted.

"Boys, are you courting death?"

Elder Wuchou yelled, and stretched out his hand to push the door, but was still stopped by Gu Zheng.

The other party knew that Emei was a lonely sect, but they didn't know that Emei was no longer lonely. Although their information was a little behind, they still knew something.

Now that you know a little bit, you should know that even the lonely Emei still has fifth-level practitioners! There are sects with five levels of practitioners, and the opponent dares to shout such words, the strength behind them cannot be underestimated.

Gu Zheng stopped Elder Wuchou, but he didn't say anything, he was waiting for the reply from the leading young man. As for those who shouted, Gu Zheng only regarded them as minions, and with all the minions, there was nothing to be angry about.

The words of the companions were not pleasant, but the words of Elder Wuchou were not pleasant either. The leading young man frowned a few times, looked at Elder Wuchou, and finally fell on Gu Zheng.

"I don't know where you heard the news about the Wuchen ancient wood here, but I can tell you clearly that there is no Wuchen ancient tree here, and you should never come here again. That's all for now, if you plan to use force , the Zhao family will not be afraid of you Emei!"

"He lied."

Almost following the words of the leading young man, Qi Ling's voice also rang in Gu Zheng's mind.

"When he said that there was no dark ancient wood, his mood fluctuated very much." Qi Ling said again.

"Is it interesting to lie?" Gu Zheng sneered, and his patience was running out: "Well, let the person above you come out, and I'll talk to him directly."

"What do you think you are, the people behind us are the ones you meet when you meet?"

"Boss, don't talk nonsense to them. If you don't teach them a lesson, they won't know how powerful they are!"

Facing the anger of his companions, the leading young man's face also showed the anger of smoking a cigarette. He looked at Gu Zheng and said word by word: "I have already said what should be said, now, immediately, immediately get out of here!" !"

"Do it!"

Gu Zheng sneered and ordered, and the elder Wuchou, who had endured for a long time, roared: "Little brats, if you don't give you a little color, you don't know how big the sky is, do you?"


Almost accompanied by Elder Wuchou's roar, his fist blew the gate of Zhao Mansion flying, and even the old man in long gown behind the gate was blown away. And his aura in the late stage of the fifth level was also fully exposed in an instant.

"Finished formation!"

The face of the leading young man changed drastically. Elder Wuyou's display of power naturally exceeded his expectations.

The eight young people quickly shuttled according to a certain formation, besieging Elder Wuchou inside.

"Is it forming an formation? Interesting! Watch me break your formation!"

Elder Wuchou sneered, raised his palm and hit the person closest to him with internal strength.

With the strength of Elder Wuchou, it should be easy to bring down a cultivator in the middle of the third level. However, when the inner strength of Elder Wuchou was about to hit the young man, a faint light suddenly flashed under the young man's neckline, and his speed increased a lot in an instant. Dodged a blow from Elder Wuchou.

At the same time, a scene that shocked Gu Zheng and Elder Wuchou happened, and all eight of them fought back, using their external internal strength!

One must know that only when the cultivation base reaches the fourth level or above can the inner strength be released. The cultivation bases of these eight young people are obviously only in the middle of the third level. However, when they used their internal energy to attack, there was a slight flash of light under their necklines.

"court death!"

Elder Wushou was furious. The eight young people's internal energy left their body too suddenly. He was caught off guard by two waves of internal energy. There weren't many injuries, but after all, I couldn't hold back my face.

The red inner energy flew wildly, and the furious Elder Wushou started to fight back frantically. For a while, in the small circle surrounded by eight young people in the courtyard, the inner energy of Piaofei appeared very dense.

"Qi Ling, do they have some fairy artifacts under their necks?" Gu Zheng asked.

"There are fairy artifacts. This kind of fairy artifact is a set of fairy artifacts. It can only exert its power when it is assembled together. If it is just a single fairy artifact, it doesn't have much use." Qi Ling replied.

"The forces behind these people are really impressive! This kind of complete set of fairy artifacts is very rare, and the rarity even surpasses that of Shushan's array."

During the exchange of thoughts, Gu Zheng frowned, and he caught a scent in the air, which seemed to be the smell of barbecue.

"Second Elder, let's settle the battle!" Gu Zheng said lightly.

Although on the surface it seemed that the eight young men besieging Elder Wushou would not lose the wind, but Gu Zheng knew that Elder Wushou was not ruthless, otherwise it would not be too difficult for him to break such a formation.


Elder Wuchou replied, he was indeed annoyed by these eight slippery young people.

"Break it!"

Elder Wuchou raised his hand and punched. In addition to his internal strength, there was also a cold light that appeared out of nowhere in the air.

The cold light split into two in the air, it was Elder Wuchou's flying knife stunt!


There was a cry of pain immediately, and the two young people who were hit were stabbed in the thigh by the flying knife, and their actions were immediately affected.

Taking advantage of the fact that his illness killed him, Elder Wuchou naturally understood that when the two young men were stabbed by the flying knives, the inner strength of his fists also hit the two of them, blasting them Out of the circle, lying on the ground lost fighting power.

"Little brats, are you still crazy? Relying on a few strange fairy weapons, you think you can kill a cultivator in the late stage of the fifth floor? You really don't know the heights of heaven and earth!"

The formation has been torn apart, and Elder Wuchou, who is like a mad tiger, is even more sharp in his moves.

When there were originally eight people, it was difficult to besiege Elder Wuchou. Now that there are two less of the eight people, it is even more impossible to trap Elder Wuchou.

Only screams of pain could be heard one after another, within a short period of time, the remaining six people had already been knocked down by Elder Wuchou.

"Is it said that Emei is a declining sect? Keep your eyes open to see that Emei has not fallen yet?"

Elder Wuchou roared, the decline of the Emei Sect in the past made him feel particularly harsh whenever he heard these words. And when his voice fell to the ground, the young man who originally said that Emei was in decline was also sent flying by his punch. Now, the only enemy still standing is the young man in the lead.

"You are the only one left, and you still don't want to run away? But, do you think I won't put you down if you don't run away?" Elder Wuchou sneered.

"Don't be complacent, you're in for a big deal!" The leading young man grinned grinningly, and made a meaningless attack on Elder Wuchou.

"Is there a big deal? I want to see how big it is!"

Elder Wushou's fist was punched from a tricky angle, and the leading young man was also knocked to the ground by him.

The eight young men were all lying on the ground moaning in pain. As for the first old man in the long robe, Elder Wushou had already knocked him out when he broke the door, and he still hasn't gotten up until now.

Only then did Gu Zheng enter Zhao's residence, he didn't look at those people lying on the ground at all, and led Elder Wuchou towards the place where the fragrance came from.

The scent didn't come from the kitchen, but from the back garden of the Zhao Mansion. When Gu Zheng brought Elder Wuchou there, an old man in his sixties in a Tang suit was making barbecue over a bamboo charcoal fire.

Regarding the arrival of Gu Zheng and Elder Wuchou, the old man who was concentrating on the barbecue didn't even raise his head.

"The meat is mushy." Gu Zheng said.

"Yeah, I'm confused, you guys are making such a fuss in front, it's a pity for my quails!"

In fact, the burnt on the quail was only a little bit, and the overall color and fragrance were still attractive, but the old man was still talking, and threw them all into the trash can beside him.

"You will pay me for my quail." The old man in Tang suit looked at Gu Zheng and Elder Wuchou, and said slowly.

"No problem, it's just a few quails, you want me to send you a cart tomorrow!" Elder Wuchou said.

"The quails you mentioned are all raised on feed. I don't eat such things. Although the few quails I roasted are also artificially raised, do you know what they eat and drink? Their value, one They are all more than the same amount of gold! Although I am not short of money, if according to what you say, you can send me a cart of such quails tomorrow. If there are no such quails, you can send me a cart of gold. I will forgive you What you did today!" The old man in Tang suit said slowly.

"You old man, are you crazy about money? Do you know how much money is in a cart of gold?" Elder Wuchou gritted his teeth.

"The value of the item depends on who sees it. Under normal circumstances, you exchange a cart of gold for a cart of quail like this, and I won't trade it with you!" the old man in Tang suit sneered.

Elder Wuchou felt that the old man just didn't want to talk properly, but Gu Zheng understood that this was a matter of human values. What's more, the old man in Tang suit said that his quail was worth an equivalent amount of gold, and he was not just talking nonsense.

If it wasn't for bringing back a large amount of ingredients from the Shu Ruins, the discovery of an ordinary ingredient would have shocked Gu Zheng's heart. After all, there are too few ingredients of this grade in the outside world.

However, the grade of the ingredients for the quail roasted by the old man has reached the ordinary level, and it is the kind with relatively high quality in the ordinary grade. This is a very incredible thing for artificial breeding, even if it is a quail grown in the wild , and the level of ingredients can hardly reach this height.

"The matter of the quail is a trivial matter. I have something better than the quail. However, the purpose of our visit is to darken the ancient wood!"

From Qi Ling, Gu Zheng has learned that this old man in Tang suit is not a practitioner of inner strength, he is just an ordinary person, so judging by the hearing of ordinary people, he can hear some noises when things happened at the door, but He couldn't hear what it was about.

"Is it Wuchen Gumu? The matter of Wuchen Gumu is a trivial matter, but the matter of quail is a big deal for me!" The old man in Tang suit had a persistent expression.

"If the matter of Wuchen Gumu can be resolved, I will give you better meat than quail, and I can even cook it for you."

Since the other party is a foodie, the matter can be easily resolved. What Gu Zheng is most afraid of is dealing with foodies.

Looking at the confidence on Gu Zheng's face, the old man in Tang suit narrowed his eyes slightly: "Come here are the nine people who can solve me, you must belong to a certain sect, right?"

"That's right, we are members of the Emei Sect." Gu Zheng nodded.

"Emei Pie? So we are still neighbors! The young people of Emei Pie are very confident in cooking. Could it be that you are the champion of the last Chinese food competition?" the old man said slowly.

"Have you heard of our master?"

Elder Wuchou became a little curious. He thought that this old man was similar in knowledge to those people outside, but he didn't expect the other party, Fu, to guess Gu Zheng's identity with a little information.

"I've heard that although I'm not a cultivator, I still know a little about some things about the cultivator's school." The old man in Tang suit paused: "I'm curious, where did you know that I have dark ancient wood here? ?”

"From Mount Shu." Gu Zheng said.

"Shushan? That's right! When I was young, I got the Wuchen ancient wood, and there were indeed Shushan disciples present. I'm getting older, and I can't remember some things clearly." I don't have to pursue the matter, but there is a prerequisite, you must make food that satisfies me! Otherwise, this matter will not be left alone."

"What about the dark ancient wood?" Gu Zheng asked.

"If you can make food that satisfies me, I will tell you the whereabouts of the dark ancient wood." The old man in Tang suit said.

"So, you don't have dark ancient trees here?" Gu Zheng frowned.

"Yes, but I can't give it to you. Do you still want to remove it from my grandfather's coffin?" The old man in Tang suit said slightly angrily.

"Qi Ling, did he lie?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Probably not, his mood swings are really angry." Qi Ling replied.

"Since you have used the Wuchen ancient wood like this, then do as you say!"

The dark ancient wood was used as a coffin. Although it does not affect the restoration of the Chaos Tower, Gu Zheng really can't do the thing of removing the coffin boards.

"Where is the kitchen, I will cook food for you now." Gu Zheng said.

"Don't worry, I just briefly mentioned it just now. I haven't talked about the details of the food. It's not just one kind of food that satisfies me. It just so happens that it's time to eat, so I'll make a four One dish and one soup! If I am not satisfied with any one of the four dishes and one soup, I will not tell you the whereabouts of Wuchen Gumu." The old man in Tang suit said stubbornly.

"Are you making things difficult on purpose? It's fine if you didn't say it before, but now I want to add that it has changed from one dish to four dishes and one soup?" Elder Wuchou looked displeased.

"I didn't say it was one dish before, it's just your opinion. Four dishes and one soup are indeed a lot, but who let you break in? And the head of Gu is the champion of the food competition? If even this Not sure at all, I think this gourmet champion is just a false name." The old man in Tang suit sneered.

"Whether you can meet your satisfaction or not depends entirely on your words. What if you deliberately cheat?" Elder Wuchou asked.

"Cheating? I'm not a child, why should I cheat? Don't worry, I will evaluate whether the food is delicious or not, and I will not add any personal feelings to it." The old man in Tang suit looked at Gu Zheng: "How? Do you want to make me some food?"

"Yes, why not! But I want to make sure, it's four dishes and one soup, right?"

Gu Zheng laughed, let alone four dishes and one soup, even if it was eight dishes and one soup, he was equally confident.

"Yes, it's four dishes and one soup." The old man in Tang suit affirmed.

"Okay, you arrange the kitchen!" Gu Zheng said.

Zhao's kitchen is very high-end, with all kinds of cooking utensils, and there are all kinds of fresh seafood and wild vegetables in the refrigerator.

However, Gu Zheng still likes to use his own cooking utensils to cook food. As for the ingredients, he chose to use those in the refrigerator.

Although he got a lot of good things in the Shu Ruins, Gu Zheng only said that there are better things in the matter of quails! As for the other dishes, as long as the old man in Tang suit is satisfied, he is not willing to let the old man in Tang suit eat things that he can't eat outside. After all, the attitude of the people in Zhao's residence is quite arrogant.

Four dishes and one soup, it stands to reason that there should be rice, but since the old man has detailed the four dishes and one soup, but not the rice in detail, Gu Zheng is too lazy to steam him a bowl of rice, so the rice is saved.

Looking through the ingredients in the refrigerator, the recipe has been decided in Gu Zheng's mind.

"Wash these things."

Four dishes and one soup needed to be cooked, and Gu Zheng didn't want the interval to be too long, so he appointed Elder Wuchou who was on the sidelines.

"Master, can you make more, I haven't eaten anything you made for a long time!" Elder Wuchou said pitifully.

"Nonsense, didn't you eat the food training I did?" Gu Zheng laughed.

"Food cultivation doesn't count, it's not the same as real delicious food." Elder Wuchou said anxiously.

After returning to Emei, Gu Zheng was either busy with this or that, and he really hadn’t cooked food to share with you. However, just because he doesn't have time to do it doesn't mean he forgot, he has his plan. If Jiaojiao hadn't told him that he couldn't leave Emei in a short time, then before leaving Emei, he would definitely cook a big meal to reward everyone.

"Wash the vegetables well, and I'll do a little more later. But let me tell you first, although the grade of the ingredients here is higher than that commonly seen outside, it is not very good. Basically, it is low-grade and inferior, so in In terms of taste, you have to be mentally prepared." Gu Zheng said.

"Ah? Doesn't the head have a lot of ingredients? This matter is related to the whereabouts of the dark ancient wood. Should we be more careful and use better ingredients?" Elder Wuchou reminded.

"No, since there are these ingredients in the refrigerator, it means that he approves of them. In this case, with my cooking skills, am I afraid that I won't be able to satisfy his appetite? Besides, I always use good ingredients to cook. Cuisine, you can't show the means of your family's head!"

After not cooking for a while, Gu Zheng felt a little itchy, and his mood became happier.

The first dish that Gu Zheng is going to cook is a meat dish called 'Charcoal Roasted Green Feather Sparrow'.

The Green Feather Sparrow is an ingredient harvested by Gu Zheng in the Shu Ruins. Although the grade of its ingredients is only second-class, due to the good quality of its meat, it is considered the top-notch among the second-grade ingredients.

There are three quails baked by the old man in Tang suit, and the size of the green feather sparrow is equivalent to two quails. Gu Zheng plans to roast three at a time, one is considered as a dish for the old man in Tang suit, and the other two will be cooked with Elder Wuchou. Beat the tooth festival.

In the past, Guzheng often cooked barbecued meat. Compared with barbecued meat, charcoal-grilled green feather finch has stricter requirements on the heat, because the meat of this rare bird is very tender, and it will get old if the heat is slightly higher.

Gently turning the green feather finch on the grill, Gu Zheng used the fire control technique to make the flame roast the green feather finch very evenly.

Sprinkle a pinch of salt, and use water control to let the salt quickly enter the meat and spread evenly.

Although the meat of the green feather sparrow is very tender, the skin of the green feather finch is different from the skin of ordinary meat. When the skin is roasted to a slightly browned color, it will have a very special taste.

The skin was already turning brown, and the aroma of the barbecue was becoming stronger and stronger. The old man in Tang suit who was sitting quietly in the back garden couldn't help sniffing a few times.

"What kind of meat is this roasting? It looks like some kind of bird meat, but I have never smelled this kind of aroma before."

Just by the smell of barbecue, you can smell it as bird meat. The old man in Tang suit is no longer an ordinary foodie.

"Uncle, is this really the end of the matter?"

The original eight young people were now standing behind the old man in Tang suit. One of the young people who was stabbed in the thigh by Elder Wuchou's flying knife said something unwillingly.

"Forget it, what can we do? You don't want to let us confront Emei because of this matter? If Emei used to be fine, but now Emei, it is said that the water is very deep , let's not offend easily!" said the old man in Tang suit displeased.

"I always feel so useless. When have we ever been so angry?"

The young man who was stabbed in the thigh by the flying knife spoke a little softer, but he was still so unconvinced.

"Okay, don't mention this matter again. If they continue to go too far in the future, then the old and new scores will be settled together!" The old man in Tang suit waved his hand irritably.

In the kitchen, the charcoal-grilled green feather finch has been prepared, and Gu Zheng put it in the prehistoric space to keep warm, and the dish he is cooking now is also a meat dish called 'Steamed Sea Bass'.

Steamed sea bass is considered to be a relatively common dish. Before making it, Gu Zheng marinated the sea bass with the auxiliary ingredients in Zhao's kitchen, such as cooking wine, lemon juice, green onion and ginger, and salt. Steamed fish soy sauce and oyster sauce are blended into juice according to the appropriate ratio, put the fish in the juice, and steam it in a pan.

Sea bass meat is fresh and tender. If you want to make this tenderness more prominent, the requirements for the heat are also very strict. However, Gu Zheng is not an ordinary chef after all, he is a fairy chef with fairy skills, and the control of the heat is nothing to him.

While steaming the sea bass, Gu Zheng cut and marinated the ingredients for the other two dishes.

Among Gu Zheng's Five Elements Immortal Techniques, apart from the Fire Control Jue which is already at the advanced level, the other four are also at the intermediate level. When cooking, it becomes more handy to perform the Five Elements Immortal Technique, and it hardly delays his cooking. Some, simple things like handling ingredients.

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