Bai Yi, who took over his new position and refused congratulations from others, came to the inn excitedly and was stunned when he arrived.

Gu Zheng left.

When he returned to the palace, Gu Zheng had already left with Hou Ping. Gu Zheng didn't want to get involved in their palace affairs. The reason why he told Bai Yi those technologies was because he really needed a space bracelet at the moment. Second, it is a gift to my fellow countrymen.

Meeting an old friend in a foreign land is a beautiful thing. Gu Zheng also secretly inquired about Bai Yi in the past two days. Bai Yi is quite famous in this world and is known as the most talented person in the empire.

Bai Yi was born into a distinguished family. He had been very smart since he was a child. He could compose poems at the age of three and solve cases at the age of five. He was known as a child prodigy when he was a child. Everyone thought that he would become an official in the future, but they did not expect that when he became an adult, he would actually start a literary company. Hua Academy taught students.

In short, Bai Yi has a good reputation and I have never heard of him doing anything to bully the market, so Gu Zheng is willing to give it to him. If Bai Yi is a dude, Gu Zheng will not pay attention to him at all.

Gu Zheng was about to leave, but Hou Ping followed Gu Zheng without asking.

The Xuantie spear and other items were put into the space bracelet by Gu Zheng, but he insisted on carrying Hou Ping's sword all the time, so Gu Zheng let him.

Two people, still three horses, headed east directly.

There is a sea in the east, boundless in width, far away, and bottomless, surrounded by stars in the sky. It is called the Sea of ​​Stars and Dust.

The destination of Guzheng this time is the Stardust Sea. The Stardust Sea is located in the easternmost part of the Qinglong Empire. There are countless legends here. Even in Kyoto, there are many stories about the Stardust Sea. The Stardust Sea is about 100 meters away from Kyoto Prefecture. Three thousand miles.

Some people say that the Stardust Sea is the place where gods live. The sky is filled with stars, and each star is a god. Countless gods live there, and that is the kingdom of gods.

This statement is the most popular and widespread, but it is only spread among the common people. The higher-ups know it, but this is not the case in Stardust Sea.

For many years, there have been many high-level warriors and high-level spiritual masters exploring the Stardust Sea, and even heaven-level warriors and spiritual masters have been dispatched. Heaven-level warriors and spiritual masters can fly, but even they cannot fly to the end of the sea, let alone I have seen a god.

Over time, no one went to explore the Stardust Sea anymore. It was just a paradise for aquatic animals. There were indeed many water monsters living in the sea, but they were all in the deep sea and there were very few shallow seas.

Three thousand miles, Gu Zheng took two full months.

In the past two months, he has almost learned about the Qinglong Empire. There are still many unique places in the Qinglong Empire. He plans to go back to these ancient battles when he has the opportunity in the future. The mysterious Stardust Sea is what makes him most curious now.

Along the way, Gu Zheng has been collecting stories and legends about the Stardust Sea. Regardless of whether they are useful or not, they have all been gathered together.


Arriving at the seaside and standing on the seaside, Gu Zheng softly uttered two words with a playful look on his face.

Stories of gods in the Stardust Sea are widely circulated. There is a god here, and the most popular one is Poseidon. According to legend, Poseidon is kind and likes to save people, especially people on the seaside. There are many stories about people being saved by Poseidon. .

But there are many different appearances about Poseidon. Some people say he is an old man with a white beard, others say he is a beautiful fairy, and some even say he is a mermaid, with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a fish.

The appearance is different, the story is different, but the core is the same, the sea god saves people.

There is even a living person who swears that he was saved by Poseidon. Indeed, there is still a statue of Poseidon in his home and he offers incense every day.

"Hou Ping, go buy a boat. We will go to sea today!"

Go out to sea, look at the mysterious Stardust Sea, and look for the legendary Poseidon. This is Gu Zheng's current idea. As for whether Poseidon can be found, he doesn't care. Anyway, he came here just to take a look inside the sea. Poseidon is nowhere to be seen, even in this sea of ​​stardust.

Hou Ping nodded, said nothing, and walked towards the pier in the distance. What Gu Zheng was talking about was buying a boat. He directly bought a medium-sized rowing boat at a high price, and carefully learned how to row from the boatman. It wasn't until an hour later that he finally return.

Hou Ping is smart. He learned to row a boat in an hour, which is considered very fast.

By the time Hou Ping rowed his boat to Gu Zheng's side, an hour and a half had passed and it was almost dark.

Hou Ping didn't ask if he wanted to go to sea after dark. This was his advantage. He only obeyed orders and did whatever Gu Zheng asked him to do. He never asked why. Hou Ping and Gu Zheng were still very satisfied.

After a deep jump, Gu Zheng landed lightly on the boat. Boats cannot be parked casually on the beach, as they can easily get stranded. Besides, the distance from the beach to the boat is not that far. With such a distance, Gu Zheng could easily jump over.

"Don't go to sea, don't..."

Hou Ping rocked the boat and sailed towards the sea. In the distance, Gu Zheng heard someone shouting to them and waving their hands to persuade them not to go to sea.

There are legends of sea gods in the sea, but there are even more legends about sea monsters, and there are warriors or spiritual masters who have captured sea monsters. Sea monsters are real.

When you go to sea at night, it is easy to encounter and be attacked by sea monsters. This is not a worry, but an experience summed up by countless bloody examples. People on the beach do not go to sea at night, even if they go to sea, they cannot come back. , it will float quietly on the sea at night without moving.

Gu Zheng smiled at the kindness of these people and accepted it in his heart. The sea monster is nothing. Unless it is a heaven-level sea monster, it will not pose a threat to them. He and Hou Ping are both high-level warriors, and he is also a high-level warrior. A spiritual master who can detect the sea monster can detect it from a distance.

"On land, we can explore ten miles, but in the sea, we can only detect one-tenth of it!"

Using Yuan Shen to explore his surroundings, Gu Zheng shook his head slightly. The sea water had a great impact on Yuan Shen's detection power, so he could only detect about five hundred meters, unlike on land where his detection range was within ten miles.

Five hundred meters is enough, at least if the sea monster appears it can be detected in time.

Gu Zheng didn't say stop or direction, so Hou Ping kept shaking. He kept shaking all night long, and he didn't know where they were.

The sky was bright and the sun was rising. Gu Zhengcai pointed to a black spot in the distance and asked Hou Ping to stay close to the island.

On their boat, there was a giant squid weighing hundreds of kilograms and a three-meter-long fish. Both of them were sea monsters. If they wanted to sneak attack on them, Hou Ping would solve it without Gu Zheng. got them.

With these two guys, their breakfast is sorted. Today, they eat seafood.

The island is not big, and there is a hillside in the middle. If you run up to it, you can see the whole island. Hou Ping searched it carefully and found that there was no danger before he came to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng did not stop Hou Ping's search. Although he had investigated and everything on the island had been known for a long time, it was a good habit for Hou Ping to remain vigilant. Gu Zheng never regarded the detection of Yuanshen as insurance. Some Yuanshen could avoid detection. Gu Zheng himself had this ability.

Therefore, we still need to be vigilant.

Grilled sea fish, grilled squid, large pieces of meat were grilled, and then quickly entered the stomachs of the two of them. The aroma spread out, and some small animals on the island came running over, standing far away, not daring to get close at all. .

These are ordinary animals, no monsters.

There were monsters lurking in the sea, but after seeing what they were eating, they ran away in despair. Only a few waited quietly.

The two monsters that Gu Zheng and Hou Ping ate were both of average warrior strength, and were more powerful than many monsters that lurked over. These monsters all had certain intelligence, and those who were stronger than themselves were all eaten by others. Staying here is simply courting death.

The remaining monsters are either stronger or greedy and have a lucky mentality. They think that the sea is their own territory. As long as they go to the sea, they still have a chance to eat these two people if they attack by surprise.

Yes, it eats people. Monsters eat people.

In this world, there is no coexistence between humans and monsters. Monsters eat humans, and humans eat monsters. This has always been the case. The meat of monsters is more delicious than ordinary meat, and it can also increase your strength. That’s why Gu Zheng became a bodyguard. When they came out, Manager Ma was so happy that he invited everyone to eat monster meat. Everyone was so happy.

It was the same when fighting for invitations in ancient times.

However, the power of the monster beast can only be absorbed, far less than the vitality liquid, otherwise the monster beast's meat would be more valuable.

After eating all the two monsters, their stomachs were basically full.

Warriors are different from other people. Their appetites are large, but not every meal. Like Gu Zheng and Hou Ping, they can basically last three days after eating such a meal. It is perfectly fine to eat less on a regular basis.

But even if he can take care of it for three days, the warrior's appetite is still terrifying. If there is no vitality liquid provided, any empire can be destroyed by the warrior.

The seafood is pretty good, high-end ingredients that only require simple cooking.


After breakfast, Gu Zheng asked Hou Ping to row the boat and go to sea again.

This was a tent boat, a boat with a big shed. There was a room and a living room under the big shed. Gu Zheng didn't even enter the shed, so he sat down on a chair outside, holding a small teapot in his hand.

Having a space bracelet is convenient, you can carry anything, otherwise it would be troublesome to carry a big package.

"I wonder how the little mare and the others are doing?"

Gu Zheng sighed quietly. Before coming to the sea, Gu Zheng entrusted the three horses to an inn for foster care, especially the young mares. According to his requirements, they must be fed with the best fodder. If he comes back and finds the young mares, The horses lost weight and their inn was demolished.

For this reason, Gu Zheng also asked Hou Ping to reveal his identity as a high-level warrior, which scared the shop owner and kept swearing.

"Hou Ping, get ready!"

Gu Zheng was thinking about the little mare when he suddenly said something. He had detected a monster in the sea in the distance and was coming towards them quickly. The monster that came was a big crab. It was very fast and very powerful. , Gu Zheng estimated that this crab probably has the power of a high-level warrior.

Gu Zheng warned Hou Ping, but he didn't move. Hou Ping immediately understood that the monster coming was not weak, and Gu Zheng would give him another chance to train.

Gu Zheng didn't even remind him of the two monster beasts before.

After stopping the boat, Hou Ping took off the sword and held it in his hand, fully alert.

Soon, he noticed the movement in the water. Before the crab monster could get close to their boat, he jumped out and dived into the sea.

That's right, they went into the sea to fight. Their ships were ordinary ships and could not withstand the ravages of the war, so they had to deal with the monsters outside the ship.

Gu Zheng looked at the rolling sea water in the distance and smiled slightly.

In the water, Hou Ping has a disadvantage. After all, sea water is the territory of monsters. They can perform better. Sea water has resistance, which will make humans very uncomfortable. But Hou Ping has a knife, and it is made of pure black iron. , extremely sharp.

Weapons can make up for this disadvantage.

The underwater battle was fierce. Through the sea water, Gu Zheng could still see clearly. The crab's shell was very hard. Hou Ping's speed was limited in the water. Every time he attacked, the big crab used his pincers to hit him. Block.

But the big crab didn't feel well either. Hou Ping's knife was not an ordinary knife, it was a black iron knife, which would leave a mark on the big pliers every time.

"There are still people who are not afraid of death!"

While Hou Ping was fighting, two demonic beasts with medium warrior strength suddenly swam toward the side of the boat. Gu Zheng chuckled. When they were almost at the bottom of the boat, the seawater around them suddenly solidified.

To be precise, it is not solidification, but ice. If it were in the prehistoric times, Gu Zheng could instantly turn them into specimens, but here, they can only freeze them.

The ice in Guzheng is not ordinary ice, it is ice transformed by high-level spiritual masters.

Two medium-sized monsters were instantly frozen in the ice.


Accompanied by the sound of the sea water washing, the two frozen monsters, along with the ice cubes that sealed them, landed on the ship's overtime.

"It's been frozen for three days and it's still fresh!"

Gu Zheng was thinking in his mind, while his eyes were fixed on these two monsters. What he was thinking about was frying and stir-frying. Anyway, how to eat these two monsters next. Even if the two monsters were frozen and imprisoned, they would still have swelling on their bodies. Got a lot of goosebumps.

In the distance, in the sea, the battle between Hou Ping and the big crab continues.

The pincers of the large collateral system had been smashed in two places by Hou Ping. Fortunately, there was not much blood on the crab's pincers, otherwise the sea area would have been dyed red. Even so, there was some bright red blood.

These are all Hou Ping's blood.

After all, the strength of the big crab has reached that of a high-level warrior, and it is in the sea. Even if Hou Ping has a black iron sword, if he fights for a long time, it is he who will suffer. Compared with him and the big crab, he is the one who is seriously injured.

As his blood entered the sea, it attracted some monsters that were sensitive to blood, such as great white sharks.

There was a monster great white shark swimming quickly in the distance. It was too far away and even Gu Zheng didn't know it. However, Gu Zheng brought the boat close to Hou Ping. If Hou Ping had anything to do, he would be able to stop it as soon as possible! "

The great white shark in the distance stopped more than a thousand meters away from them.

This great white shark is very large, nearly a hundred meters long, and its weight is calculated in tons. No one knows the exact number of tons. No one has weighed it, and even the humans who have seen it have died long ago.

The great white shark seems to have a premonition that there is a little danger, and it is not approaching even though it is thousands of meters away.

It didn't move, and Gu Zheng, who only had the detection ability of 500 meters, did not find his presence. Only the purple light of a soul kept flashing, which was a reminder that danger was approaching.

Crisis reminder is also a characteristic of Guzheng Yuanshen. It is unique to Xiaoyaojue. With fifty Yuanshen and more than a hundred characteristics, his ability has indeed improved a lot compared to that of a mid-level spiritual master.

If there is a reminder, Guzheng will not take it lightly, the exploration will be turned to the maximum, and the spirit will be highly concentrated.

Under the water, the battle between Hou Ping and the big crab has reached a fever pitch. Monsters are monsters. Even with wisdom, their fighting experience is still far inferior to humans. Finally, Hou Ping caught a loophole and killed it. Big pliers, cut it off completely.

The big crab made a thick sound and kept rolling. There were big waves on the water one after another. Fortunately, the tent boat was controlled by Gu Zheng, so no matter how big the waves were, it would not capsize.

Without a pincer, it is equivalent to losing an extremely important weapon. The combat effectiveness of the big crab is also reduced by 30%. After the pincer is broken, it sinks to the bottom of the sea. The big crab hurriedly dives deep into the sea, trying to regain its pincers.

Its pliers were cut off, not cut off, nor burned and vaporized by the flames. If it can be retrieved, it can be reattached.

How could Hou Ping, who was already ruthless, let it find its own pliers? He kept moving forward, getting closer, and attacking. The big knife cut off one swing mark after another on the big crab's body. Finally, Hou Ping slashed it with one blow. After opening the shell of the big crab, the crab liquid in the shell quickly seeped out and penetrated into the sea water.


The big crab let out a piercing roar, and this knife was a serious injury to it. It ignored the pliers that sank to the bottom of the sea and rolled towards Hou Ping. The great white shark thousands of meters away also rushed towards Hou Ping at this moment.


The great white shark only felt that he had hit a wall, a very hard wall. The collision made him dizzy and a little confused.

When he was close to 500 meters, Gu Zheng spotted him, and immediately activated the Absolute Wall, a skill of the mentalist, to create a wall stronger than steel. He was just hit by a great white shark, and it would be strange if he didn't knock his head.

The struggle between Hou Ping and Big Crab also entered a fever pitch, and both of them began to fight tooth and nail.

"What a big shark fin, it must taste delicious!"

Gu Zheng looked at the great white shark in front of him and smiled. This great white shark could really hide. Gu Zheng didn't detect him, but he felt its presence. He had been waiting for it and finally waited for it to appear.

The nearly 100-meter-long great white shark can feed him and Hou Ping for a month just by eating meat. After capturing this great white shark, they won't have to worry about the source of food for the next month.

Of course, according to Gu Zheng's tricky mouth, it is impossible to eat this great white shark for a month. He will get tired of it in a few days and will catch other prey. As for the remaining great white shark meat, Hou Ping is willing to eat it. Just keep it for him, and if he doesn't want to eat it, put it into the sea.

This great white shark can hold up a whale. Whales can support many sea creatures, and the same goes for this great white shark.


Even at the bottom of the sea, Hou Ping still yelled. After all, he was a high-level warrior. He had no problem holding his breath for an hour. But now he couldn't even fight for half an hour. The bottom of the sea alone couldn't trap him.

As he roared, the bottom of the sea seemed to be rippled. Hou Ping's black iron sword emitted bursts of white light, and shaped sword energy flew out quickly. In the blink of an eye, the huge crab was cut into seven or eight pieces. Pieces scattered in the sea.

The big crab was killed by Hou Ping, who seemed exhausted and quickly floated to the surface, breathing heavily.

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