"Bai Yi, you said he is already a senior spiritual master, are you sure?"

Grand Marshal Bai Zifeng asked quickly. Bai Zifeng and Bai Yi are also somewhat related. Anyway, they are both members of the Bai family. As the elder, Bai Zifeng asked more casually.

"Make sure, he showed fifty purple souls in front of me!"

Bai Yi nodded again. Gu Zheng was a senior spiritual master. He had seen that with his own eyes, and he had previously found out that Gu Zheng had practiced Xiaoyao Jue, which had fifty souls.

"It's only been more than a month since he bought Xiaoyao Jue!"

Qingdi couldn't help but mutter to himself, and the others nodded silently. Qingdi was right, more than a month, just more than a month, even if Gu Zheng had only practiced Xiaoyao Jue before meeting Bai Yi, it would only be Just over a month to go.

In more than a month, no matter how talented a person is, I am afraid that he can only train one Yuan Shen, or a few Yuanshen. It only takes more than a month to train all the Yuanshen to the full level. This is still person?

The most important thing is that this time is the most. Who knows when Gu Zheng was mastered? What if it was half a month ago, or even a month ago?

If that were the case, Guzheng would be really terrifying.

"Bai Yi!" Qingdi suddenly stood up straight.

"I'm here!" Bai Yi bowed.

"I order you to make good friends with Gu Zheng. No matter what, you must keep him in the empire. You can give him whatever he wants!"

The civil and military ministers, princes, generals and ministers in the main hall were all stunned for a moment. Qing Emperor's behavior was a bit abnormal. He gave him everything he wanted. What if Gu Zheng wants the position of prime minister? What about the position of generalissimo? Want to be crowned king? Can you give it to him?

Gu Zheng is a powerful, dual martial artist who cultivates both Jingwu and Jingwu, but giving him everything is a bit too much.

"Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate!"

The prime minister was the first to stand up and object. As the saying goes, there is no reward for no merit. Even if the ancient strife is great, it will not do any credit to the empire. If you really give a high position or a high reward rashly, it will only make people dissatisfied.

"Bai Yi, what do you think?"

Qing Emperor ignored the prime minister and asked Bai Yi instead. Bai Yi thought for a while and shook his head: "Your Majesty, I also think it's inappropriate. It's not that the gift is not enough, but that he doesn't want it. According to what I said to him, Observation, his heart is not in the officialdom, not even in the empire, relying on high-ranking officials and generous salaries cannot keep such people!"

Qing Emperor knew Bai Yi's true identity.

When he was young, Bai Yi behaved differently from others. Emperor Qing was a smart man, even a very smart man. A king of the country could bring up the entire empire, which a stupid person couldn't do.

Those who are too stupid will be ignored by the ministers and can only take the blame for them.

Ten years ago, when Bai Yi performed too well, the Qing Emperor saw through it. He used a few tricks to get Bai Yi to reveal his identity. He knew that Bai Yi had a previous life, and that his previous life was not in this world, but in another world. A technologically advanced world.

Qingdi longed for the world Bai Yi mentioned, but it was a pity that he couldn't go there.

Why Bai Yi deeply trusted Qing Emperor was also because of this. Bai Yi's biggest secret was in Qing Emperor's hands.

This is why Bai Yi never thinks that he is the protagonist. If the protagonist can be seen through by the emperor, is he still the protagonist? It's already pretty good without being sliced ​​and observed.

Before the minister came, Bai Yi had secretly reported it to Emperor Qing.

Gu Zheng came from the same world as him, but he came as a soul. Gu Zheng seemed to have come directly in body. That’s why the empire’s all-pervasive Yipintang couldn’t find out about him. It would be strange if they could find out. Gu Zheng is Suddenly appeared in this world.

Therefore, the Qing Emperor would not pay so much attention to the dual masters of Jingwu and Dual Cultivation. What the Qing Emperor valued was his other level of identity, that of a time traveler.

Qingdi knew that the world that Gu Zheng and Bai Yi came to had many things that they could not imagine. Just what Bai Yi showed shocked him.

Over the years, Bai Yi has done more than just sell and recite poetry. Although he is a liberal arts major, he still knows many basic things.

For example, the magnet compass did not exist before. Later, under the guidance of Bai Yi, the empire secretly invented it. Before the compass, the empire relied on looking at the sky to determine the direction.

Another example is levers and pulleys. Bai Yi doesn't understand the complicated ones, but he understands the basic ones. The rest is left to the craftsmen to figure out.

There are many more, such as horseshoes, advanced password settings, wheelbarrows, etc. These have been applied or built, and Qing Emperor has also tasted a lot of sweetness.

So he wanted to keep Gu Zheng, more to see if he could get anything from Gu Zheng.

"Can't you really keep it?"

Bai Yi's answer made Qing Emperor a little disappointed. Bai Yi nodded again, unable to keep it.

Gu Zheng is not him. Maybe Gu Zheng is thinking of a way to return to Earth. In fact, he also wants to know if Gu Zheng can go back. If he can really go back, he also wants to go back and take a look.

"Since you can't keep it, then ask him for advice. As much as you can get from him, you can give him whatever he wants!"

After thinking about it, Qingdi quickly made a decision. Since Bai Yi said he couldn't keep him, it means he really couldn't keep him. Qingdi is a decisive person. If he can't keep people, he will keep things. The ministers at the scene were all confused. Wu Shui didn't understand what Qingdi said, only Bai Yi knew.

"I obey the decree and must find a way to let him keep more things!"

Bai Yi resigned, and Emperor Qing had no intention of continuing the meeting, so he let all the ministers disperse. He sat there, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Brother Gu, please forgive me for coming uninvited!"

On the third day in Kyoto Prefecture, Bai Yi took the initiative to go to the inn where Gu Zheng was staying. In fact, people were watching him no matter what he did these days. Gu Zheng asked everywhere where he could buy the three yellow stones, and let Bai Yi know What does Gu Zheng want?

A space bracelet? Others don’t have it, he doesn’t have it, but Qingdi does. As long as Gu Zheng can leave behind technology of sufficient value, there’s no problem in giving a space bracelet to Gu Zheng.

"Come here, something must be wrong!"

Gu Zheng didn't need to guess. Just seeing Bai Yi bringing two people with him and pen and ink, he knew that something must be up with him this time.

"Brother Gu Huiyan, I do have something to do, and I will tell you the truth. I am here to learn from you and learn some earth technologies at your Majesty's insistence!"

Bai Yi got straight to the point and made clear his purpose of coming.

They are both time travellers, and they know each other's identity. There is no need to pretend to be a snake. It is better to get straight to the point. After all, he is here to buy something, and it's not like he doesn't have to pay anything.

"Your Majesty, does he know your identity?" Gu Zheng was stunned for a moment and asked.

"He knows my identity and I won't hide it. He figured it out when I was a child!"

Bai Yi smiled bitterly, proving once again that he was not the protagonist. Before time travel, he was also a young man with little social experience. How could he be compared with the leader of a country? It is normal for him to be seen through.

"What do you want?" Gu Zheng smiled, it was quite interesting, he came to buy technology from him.

"Anything is fine, as you know, glass, papermaking, gunpowder, machinery, tools, agricultural tools, etc., as long as they can be used, His Majesty said that as long as you can come up with ten useful technologies, I will give you space. A bracelet!”

Ten skills, exchanged for a space bracelet, is equivalent to at least more than 10,000 yuan of energy cards for one skill. This emperor is quite generous.

Of course, they also have premise, ten useful technologies, what is useful, it is their right to explain.

"Even if it's not very useful, three of them can be used as one useful technique, but it has to be something I don't know how to do!"

Bai Yi explained again that he was also afraid that Gu Zheng would misunderstand and treat the useful ones as useless and kill them. In fact, neither he nor the emperor had this idea. They really wanted to buy technology.

"Okay, okay, no problem, but I'll add a little bit, a very useful technique, count as two!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly and sold technology. He didn't expect that when he came to this world, he could sell some earth technology. It seemed that he really seemed like a time traveler.


Bai Yi only hesitated for a moment, then made the decision and agreed. If Gu Zheng could really give them gunpowder, muskets and other technologies, it would greatly increase the strength of the empire. If they really created artillery, they would not be able to threaten high-level warriors or medium-low warriors. They were all killed with one shot.

"Okay, I said, you remember!"

Gu Zheng finally understood why they brought pen and ink, it was specially for copying.

"The first item is farmyard manure!"

Gu Zheng said softly, and Bai Yi's eyes widened. Farmers are fat. Why didn't he think about this? It was such a mistake.

He has traveled through time for more than 20 years, and he has never thought about farmyard fertilizer. This is his failure. However, even if he thinks about it, he does not know the specific method of making farmyard fertilizer. If farmyard fertilizer is used directly in the fields, it will only cause the crops to fail.

It's not Bai Yi's fault. He did travel through time, but he was Young Master who had never been in the fields. Even if he saw the crops grown in the fields, he wouldn't have thought of this. He has many ways to make money.

Gu Zheng is a chef. He has searched for high-end ingredients before. He knows what is in the fields very well. Besides, he has written many articles. He really knows how to make farmyard manure.

"This item can increase grain production by at least 30%. I count it as two technologies!"

After Gu Zheng finished speaking, he said something to Bai Yi. Bai Yi thought for a moment and then nodded.

An increase of 30% in grain production is not a small amount. It will be of great help to the entire empire. As two technologies, they have not suffered a loss and the purchase is worth it.

"Second, eight oxen plow!"

Gu Zheng talked about a farm tool. Gu Zheng came here slowly. After using it for a month on the road, he naturally saw how the people here worked. It has to be said that their working methods are very outdated.

The eight-oxen plow can be pulled by eight oxen at the same time. It can plow the land faster and more efficiently. It can not only open up wasteland quickly, but also help increase grain production.

"The Eight Ox Plow is a good thing. It's more suitable here. I'll give you this one as well!"

Bai Yi was stunned for a moment, and then showed his excitement. This is not the earth, and cattle must be used. There are a lot of cattle here, but it is impossible for every family to have one. Most of them are manpower.

But the manpower here is different from the manpower in other places. The people here are very powerful.

Low-level and low-level, there are many people with the power of nine oxen, and one person can pull the eight oxen plow.

They also had prisoners from the war, and those prisoners were doing high-intensity and tiring work. With them, even without cattle, they could see a lot of wasteland and greatly increase food production.

As food production increases, vitality liquid can be saved, and with more vitality liquid, more masters can be produced. This is a virtuous cycle.

Bai Yi became more and more excited as he thought about it, and couldn't help but walk back and forth there. This time he came to find Gu Zheng, and he really found the right one.

The two technologies, if doubled, are equivalent to more than 40,000 vitality cards. The empire is really willing to give it up, and it is really rich.

Forty thousand vitality cards may seem high, but it is not worth mentioning in terms of the harvest of the entire empire. Farmyard manure and eight-oxen plows can be widely used, and the harvest in more than one year is more than 40,000 vitality cards. Generally speaking, After all, the empire still makes more money.

"The third one, glass!"

Gu Zheng said the third thing with a smile. Bai Yi was startled and looked up at him.

"Can you make glass?"

Glass is a must-have for time travellers. Unfortunately, Bai Yi is a liberal arts major and doesn't understand how to make glass, otherwise he would have made a fortune long ago.

In such a time and space, crystals are high-value items. Once glass comes out, you can imagine how huge the profit will be.

"Brother Gu, if you are really good at making glass, I will give you four items, or I will give you 10% of the future harvest!"

"Count four!"

The profits from glass are absolutely terrifying, especially in the early stage. Things are rare and expensive. It is not a problem to earn millions of Yuanqi cards a year. Unique things, such luxury goods that nobles like, are not only needed by the Qinglong Empire, but also by others. All countries want it, and they can also fight trade wars to earn other countries’ money back.

No wonder Bai Yi was so excited. He knew the truth inside best. Because he didn't understand the making of glass, he regretted it for a long time.

Also, with glass, he can make mirrors without Gu Zheng giving him the skills. The mirrors are more valuable. Secondly, he can also make telescopes.

Although some spiritual masters can see far away, warriors cannot. When fighting, the commanders are basically warriors. Giving them a telescope can give them a better grasp of the battlefield.

In short, glass has many benefits and profits.

Gu Zheng knew that he would get more if he paid 10%, but he was here to travel. It didn't matter how much money he had. He didn't know how long he could stay here. There was no need to ask for a share. He just wanted to get the benefits.

"Any more?"

Bai Yi's eyes were shining now. He could verify the authenticity of what Gu Zheng said and give him the skills. All he had to do was find a craftsman to try it out, and he would be able to make a finished product quickly.


Gu Zheng said another name. Bai Yi nodded fiercely, but he was not as excited as before. Compared with glass, soap has a slightly simpler effect, but it can still make a lot of money.

"Another good thing. This one counts as two things. Here, this is a space bracelet!"

Bai Yi nodded. Soap is also very profitable. With soap, he can let craftsmen test soap. There is no need to ask about soap anymore. There is no problem in competing for two technical quotas for Gu.

Four technologies, replaced by a space bracelet, it is still unclear who will make the profit and who will accompany them, but in the long run, the one who will make the most money will definitely be the empire.

It didn't matter to Gu Zheng. He didn't intend to make money with several technologies, so he could just leave them to Bai Yi. After all, he was a fellow countryman, and the space bracelet was indeed what he needed now.

"anything else?"

After Bai Yi's excitement subsided, he continued: "Next, as long as it is good technology, the minimum is 20,000 vitality cards for each item. If it is particularly practical, I can double it for you, or whatever you want, as long as the empire has it, Give you all!"

"No, no need, the space bracelet is enough, I don't need anything else for now!"

With the space bracelet, he doesn't have to carry so many things, and it's easy to carry things. He really has many skills, including gunpowder and flintlock. Who told him to have a photographic memory when he was on Earth? Read novels, there are many in them.

But there is no need to give it all to Bai Yi, especially gunpowder. This thing is a murder weapon. If it is really given to Bai Yi, I don’t know how many people will die. Although Gu Zheng doesn’t care about these causes and effects, it is better to use less. .

"No, Brother Gu, you don't need us. If there is anything else, please tell me."

How could Bai Yi be willing to let Gu Zheng go like this? He knew that Gu Zheng must have more good things, so he would be even more unwilling to let Gu Zheng go.

"It's all gone, Brother Bai. As the saying goes, you can't bite off more than you can chew. These are enough for you!"

Gu Zheng looked a little more serious. Farmyard manure and eight-oxen plows can increase food production. Glass and soap are all profitable. Bai Yi also discovered at this moment that Gu Zheng didn't give him anything that could be used in the military. Glass is okay, but it can only make a telescope.

Use glass to kill people?

Just kidding, let alone here, if a group of soldiers on Earth rush forward with glass, they will not be laughed out of their minds.

"I understand, thank you Brother Gu, Bai Yi has learned a lesson!"

Bai Yi understood the meaning of Gu Zheng, bowed to the end and gave a big salute.

Here, in addition to the kneeling ceremony performed when the king is solemn, this kind of bending down ceremony is the most important. Gu Zheng did not hide and directly accepted his ceremony.

The few things Gu Zheng gave him were definitely more than what he could earn from selling poems.

"Brother Gu, I'll go back to the palace first. I'll be back in the evening. I'll be the host. Let's have a good drink!"

Gu Zheng dictated that these people wrote down all the techniques. Bai Yi carefully put away the paper and immediately took it to the palace himself. Once inside, he would make another copy of these things and then save them. These are the last steps. Precious technical information.

As for the two people brought by Bai Yi, they are trustworthy people in the palace. However, according to Bai Yi's idea, even if these two people do not die, they will not leave the palace in a short time. Unless these technologies are made public in the future, they will all Had to be kept under house arrest.

There is no way, who makes these things too important and the profits are so huge.

After Qingdi learned the importance of these things, he was also very excited. He immediately had people copy and seal them, and then promoted Bai Yi to the rank of Minister of the Ministry of Industry. He was then fully responsible for the promotion and use of these things. This time Bai Yi did not refuse. With the title of Minister of Industry, it would be easier for him to do these things.

It's true that Bai Yi, if he doesn't become an official, he will be a high official, and he will be on the same level as his father. They are both ministers, but they are in the Ministry of Works and the Ministry of Households.

The Bai family was originally a distinguished family, with the Great White Mansion outside, the Grand Marshal inside, and now two ministers, both of whom were deeply trusted by the emperor. Many people understood that the Bai family had risen, and was now said to be the first family in the empire. It’s not an exaggeration.

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