Gu Zheng received a sign, which was regarded as temporary identification.

The sign is very simple, it just says "Gu Zheng, Na Yuan Jue Man"

Being full of Na Yuan Jue means having the power of nine bulls. There is no need to explain it specifically. If Gu Zheng practices other techniques and has not completed them, his strength will be marked later.

The strength of a few oxen is the simplest way to calculate strength in this world. There are other methods, but Gu Zheng has not yet come into contact with them.

In this world, Gu Zheng uses his own name and does not need to use an alias.

The dinner was quite sumptuous. Although Gu Zheng only had the strength of nine oxen and was not a master, he was still much stronger than ordinary people. He no longer belonged to the ranks of ordinary people. People who had the strength of nine oxen or more were collectively called "warriors" in this world. '.

If you are a warrior, you can get a certain amount of respect.

After a full meal, Gu Zheng was very satisfied. Although their cooking skills were not worth mentioning in Gu Zheng's eyes, and the taste had a lot to change, but in this world, it was enough.

In this world, Gu Zheng has no intention of making any more food, he just wants to experience life well.

Before dawn the next day, the yard became busy. Two carts pulled by four horses were parked at the door. The carts were very large and long. There was no one on the carts for the time being. Someone was cleaning the carts. seat.

The so-called seats are a row of wooden boards. Passengers will spend the next five days on this wooden board and sleep next to the carriage at night, protected by escorts.

"Master Gu, you will be following the truck later. Manager Ma will arrange the vigil and subsequent arrangements for you. When you arrive at Da'an Mansion, you will be given a Vitality Card first, and the remaining two Vitality Cards will be given to you when you return. !”

It's the same young man from yesterday. The young man's surname is Liu. Yesterday Gu Zheng chatted with him for a long time. Gu Zheng didn't have the airs of a warrior at all, which made the young man very fond of him.

It's not that the young man has no talent, but that his foundation was injured when he was young, so he can no longer continue to practice and can only stay like that. As for the person who hurt him, he didn't mention it, and he just looked very depressed. This expression made Gu Zheng also You can guess that it must be intentional by the enemy.

Gu Zheng didn't ask in detail. He was only here to play, not to seek justice. Everyone here has their own destiny.

The comfort of the truck is not as good as that of the passenger car, but I am right. The simple wooden chairs and crude shock absorption of the passenger car are not very comfortable to sit on. Gu Zheng got into the truck and randomly found a sack. Na Yuan Jue gently Running, the seventeen acupuncture points shine with a slight purple color.

Running the Nayuan Jue can keep out the cold. Although it's not winter right now, it's still a bit cold in the morning.

Time flies, the sky slowly gets brighter, and there are more and more people at the door. Not only their escort agency, but also other escort agencies. There are more or less carriages at the door, loading goods and people. It was very noisy in the early morning.

The truck on Gu Zheng's side was already full and packed with guests. With the driver shouting loudly and waving his whip, the convoy of pick-up trucks slowly walked out of the city.

Manager Ma was a forty-year-old warrior. He did not ride in a car, but rode a horse alone. He was the only one riding alone in the entire team, and the rest rode in cars.

After leaving the city gate, the city wall gradually faded away. The people on the bus in front began to become active. Those they knew and those they did not know were all hacking from north to south that day. The seven spirits of Guzheng moved slightly, and their voices were immediately clear. reached his ears.

Listening to the discussions of these strangers and lying on the rocking carriage was a unique experience.

"Do you know the safety supervisor? My uncle is the safety supervisor of Da'an Mansion, and he has a high position!"

One person held his head high and was spitting. Many people around him looked at him with envy, and some were skeptical.

The safety supervisor is the general supervisor of a market. The number of markets in each city is different, and the number of safety supervisors is also different. For example, in the Daqing Prefecture they just left, there are six cities in total, so they have six safety supervisors.

Da'an Prefecture is larger than Daqing Prefecture. There are seven cities in total, and there are seven safety supervisors in each. But whether it is Da'an Prefecture or Daqing Prefecture, the safety supervisors in each market are high officials to ordinary people like them.

Even the steward on horseback pricked up his ears at this moment.

The headquarters of their bodyguard bureau is in Daqing Prefecture, but they have branches in every big city they visit. Even in Daqing Mansion, their security supervisor in Dongshi City is someone they cannot afford to mess with. If the security supervisor is offended, their bodyguard bureau will not be able to operate. It's all a trivial matter, and if you don't get it right, people will die.

Manager Ma also didn't expect that among the people riding the carriage, there was actually the security supervisor's nephew.

But after thinking about it for a while, Manager Ma felt relieved.

When big shots and officials travel, even if they need escorts, they hire them individually or entrust an escort agency to hire them. It is absolutely impossible to ride in such a large carriage.

As for the really poor people, most of them still walk when they go out. However, most of them don't go far when they go out. If they encounter monsters on the road, they will basically die.

There is really no way to travel far away. Most of the poor people gather together, hire a few escorts, and then go out together on foot. Those who can really go out with the escort fleet are almost all "middle class".

If there are relatives among these middle class officials who are officials, that is possible.

However, this kind of relative is definitely not a direct relationship. If the security supervisor just says hello, the security bureau will take him with him, instead of spending money to take a special bus from the security bureau.

Manager Ma thinks a lot. He is just a relative, not a big shot, but it is better not to offend such a person. The relatives in the province really stand up for him.

"Then you're lucky. When you go to Da'an Mansion this time, your security guards and relatives can give you any work, and it will make you fat!"

Some people said with envy that a market could be considered big or small, but it was really a relative of a security supervisor. It was very easy to arrange a job for him, and it was normal for him to gain weight.

"That's right, my uncle said, let me be the protector of the tap this time, otherwise I won't go over!"

The person who spoke before was very proud, and the people around him were even more envious.

Baotou does not have an official position, and is not even a member of the government. He is just a private hire by officials. However, they come to collect taxes. No one doing business dares to offend them. Many people will fawn over him. There is indeed plenty of money.

Working for one year to protect your head can equal the income of ordinary people for a lifetime.

"Save your head!"

Manager Ma muttered again. There were eight guarantors in Dongshi, and he knew five of them. Of course, they were all acquaintances. Being a guarantor was not something ordinary people could do. They had to be strong, able to fight, and flexible and smart. In the market, Not everyone can be manipulated by security guards and security guards, and they dare not offend some people with backgrounds.

But looking at that man's appearance, Manager Ma didn't believe that he could do it and save his head.

It was just that the matter had nothing to do with him. Manager Ma didn't say anything and let him brag.

The day passed quickly. It was a safe day. I passed by two places where monsters were infested without encountering any danger. There was also a bandit village. Manager Ma had already prepared money for the journey. He sent the money there and passed safely.

Setting up camp at night, Manager Ma arranged for Gu Zheng and another person to keep watch. Gu Zheng had been lying on the carriage for a day and he had seen it. If he didn't keep watch, who would keep watch?

You can't sleep during a night watch. It doesn't matter whether you sleep or not. This is the first time you have to do this night watch.

"Xiao Gu, what have you done? You dare not reveal your identity. Gu Zheng is not your real name, right?"

The person keeping watch together was a man in his fifties. He had been working in the escort agency for more than twenty years. He was an old man. He was not practicing the Nayuan Jue, but another technique, but it was also considered low-level. He was only thirteen cows. Power.

However, his skills have not yet been perfected. At this time, he only has the strength of eleven oxen, which is still a little far away from perfection. However, although the level of Nayuan Jue is relatively low, he can still practice other skills after he has completed the training. Yes, not before it is full.

So he didn't feel that Gu Zheng was worse than him, and his attitude was pretty good. After all, Gu Zheng was younger than him, and he was full of Na Yuan Jue. After practicing other techniques in the future, he would definitely be better than him.

"I don't have everything, that's my name!"

Gu Zheng smiled. There was a fire in front of them. It was Lao Hu who found firewood to light it. Lao Hu was the one who kept vigil with him.

"Pretend I didn't ask!"

Gu Zheng's answer did not satisfy Lao Hu at all. How could his real name be without identification? However, most people who really commit crimes these days don't trust others too much. He just asked casually, and it didn't matter whether Gu Zheng answered or not.

There is a midnight snack during the night watch. The so-called midnight snack is very simple, which is one dry biscuit per person and half a bottle of wine. It is cold at night and it is easy to harm the body if you don't drink, so each person watching the night can get half a bottle.

The so-called half pot is actually only one or two taels. It can warm you up, but it is impossible to get drunk. How can you get drunk during a night watch.

"Wait a minute, I'll come as soon as I go!"

Gu Zheng looked into the distance and said something to Lao Hu. Just when Lao Hu wanted to stop him, Gu Zheng had disappeared.

"Why did this man run out at night? Although this is a safe area, who knows if there will be monsters at night? He was so careless!"

Although their camp is simple, they light fires everywhere. Most monsters are smart and will avoid places with fire. But in the dark, if there is a monster and you run over and startle it, you Everyone deserves to be eaten.

The power of Jiu Niu is still a little weaker, and many monsters are stronger than Jiu Niu.

After a while, only twenty minutes, Gu Zheng ran back. Lao Hu gently exhaled and complained: "You can't run around at night. Our mission is to keep vigil. In case you run and alert the powerful Monster, it’s better if you’re dead, but if you’re not dead, you’ll kill everyone if you come here!”

Old Hu was complaining, but Gu Zheng picked up the branches and set them up.

In his hand, he was holding a recently dead sheep, and it was still skinned.

"No more... Is this a one-horned sheep?"

As he spoke, Lao Hu turned around, his eyes widened, and his voice immediately rose. Gu Zheng had already passed a wooden stick through a leg of lamb and was slowly roasting it on the fire.

One-horned sheep are low-level monsters with average intelligence, but don’t underestimate this low-level monster. A mature one-horned sheep can explode with the power of more than six cattle, and most one-horned sheep live in groups. If a group of one-horned sheep rushes over, Even Manager Ma, who has the strength of thirty oxen, has to flee.

Gu Zheng went out for such a short time, but he caught a one-horned sheep. From the looks of it, he was fine.

"This mutton is okay. You can try my craftsmanship later."

Gu Zheng said with a smile. No one had tried his craft for a long time, and even he missed it a little. It was just a good time to re-train his craft in this small world and satisfy his taste buds.

"Your craftsmanship smells so good!"

Just as Lao Hu was about to say something, he sniffed it fiercely. Gu Zheng had just started roasting, and before the leg of lamb was even cooked, a scent came out, which almost made his mouth water.

He didn't even look at what Gu Zheng was using, so why did it taste so good?

"Which of you killed the one-horned sheep?"

The fragrance attracted Manager Ma. He had already fallen asleep just now, but he slept lightly. He woke up when he smelled the fragrance. When he saw that Gu Zheng was roasting a one-horned sheep, he couldn't help but frown.

He was the manager, and he knew very well what was in the caravan. There was no one-horned sheep at all, and the unroasted parts of the sheep were bloody. It was obvious that it had just been killed.

"Go back to the manager, I killed you!"

Gu Zheng did not deny it, and set up another leg of lamb. The two legs of lamb were roasted together, and the aroma became stronger.

"Manager, this is a lone one-horned sheep that just ran near our camp, so Gu Zheng went to kill it!"

Lao Hu suddenly said something, and Gu Zheng glanced at him in surprise.

"The lone one is not allowed to be killed in the future. Who can guarantee that there will not be a bunch of sheep behind it? Forget it this time. You guys keep a good watch!"

Manager Ma snorted and left after saying this. Gu Zheng looked at Lao Hu with a smile, and Lao Hu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you!"

Gu Zheng said softly that although he had a way to deal with Manager Ma, Lao Hu said this for him, which at least saved him some time. As for the team, he still wanted to stay.

If nothing else, walking with the convoy is indeed a good way to understand the world.

"It's okay, just don't do this again next time!"

Lao Hu shook his head. In fact, the reason why he helped Gu Zheng was because he was also a night watchman. If Gu Zheng was punished, he would also be punished. At least his income from running darts this time would be reduced by half.

He is not like Gu Zheng, who is a temporary escort. He is an employee of the escort agency, and his income is higher than that of Gu Zheng. The whole family depends on him, and he cannot and does not allow anything to happen to him.

Gu Zheng kept flipping the leg of lamb, sprinkling something from time to time.

The condiments he sprinkled are all owned by the team. They are very simple, but simple things can also produce extraordinary results in Gu Zheng's hands.

Gu Zheng controlled the quantity of these ingredients, the speed of melting in the meat, the speed and uniformity of the meat's absorption. The control of the heat and the speed of turning made the meat more fragrant in a short while.

"It smells so good, no, Gu Zheng, we can't bake it anymore!"

Old Hu's face suddenly changed as he smelled the scent. The scent was too strong. They were in the wild now, and it was very likely that they would attract some monsters with sensitive sense of smell.

"It's okay, don't worry, they can't smell it!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and as soon as Lao Hu's face changed, he knew what was going on. After Manager Ma came just now, he had already started to control the aroma while baking.

It is not difficult to control the scent so that it does not spread to outsiders. In addition to practicing the Nayuan Jue, he also practices the Seven Star Yuan Jue, the spiritual cultivation method of the Seven Star Yuan Jue, so that he can do this.

"Impossible, the scent is so strong..."

Before Lao Hu finished speaking, his mouth was opened wide and he stared at Gu Zheng blankly.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and a ball of purple appeared in his palm, and then he took it back.

"You, you are not a warrior, you are a spiritual master!"

After a while, Lao Hu came to his senses and looked at Gu Zheng stupidly.

Psychics are not much stronger than warriors, but we are talking about junior and intermediate psychics here. Senior psychics can kill senior warriors instantly without any problem.

Psychics are more difficult to train than warriors, and there are far fewer of them. The Escort Agency actually wants to recruit psychiatrists, but when recruiting psychiatrists, they usually only escort important cargo, and the rewards are very high.

However, low-level spiritual masters have limited combat power and can only be used as assistants. Intermediate and high-level spiritual masters charge high prices, so many escort agencies will only hire spiritual masters when there is no other way, and they will not do so in normal times.

Therefore, among the recruitment that Gu Zheng saw that day, none of the escort agencies hired psychiatrists.

Although the purple spiritual master has not yet taken shape, it is still at the top of the low-level. Such a spiritual master has many auxiliary means to prevent the fragrance from spreading, which is indeed easy to do.

"I have practiced the Seven-Star Yuan Jue!"

Gu Zheng nodded. He was a spiritual master and had nothing to hide.

"Then you, why are you with a small convoy like ours?"

Lao Hu stuttered, while Gu Zheng smiled: "You didn't say you were recruiting spiritual masters. I happen to have the Nayuan Jue with the power of nine oxen, so I'm here!"

We didn’t recruit a psychiatrist, so you came here?

Lao Hu now looks at Guzheng as if he were looking at a monster. The reason why they didn't recruit a psychiatrist is because they can't afford it. Besides, their fleet doesn't have any valuables, so they don't need to recruit psychiatrists to protect them.

But even if there is no photo, if Gu Zheng wants to show his identity as a spiritual master, the reward will be at least doubled. Here, the spiritual master is much more important than the warrior.

"Everything is done!"

Lao Hu's expression changed again. Judging from Gu Zheng's appearance, he was less than thirty years old and had already completed Na Yuan Jue and Seven Star Sword Jue. Then, if he wanted to practice whatever he wanted to do in the future, there would be many people willing to give him techniques to recruit him.

At Gu Zheng's age, it is certain that a spiritual master can reach an intermediate level. Even a high level is not impossible. This really makes Gu Zheng a high-level spiritual master. He is a figure that can be counted in both Daqing Mansion and Da'an Mansion.

"Gu, Master Gu, you are so amazing!"

After thinking about this, Lao Hu's attitude towards Gu Zheng has also changed, and he has become very respectful. Gu Zheng may not be strong at the moment, but people know that he is a low-level peak spiritual master. Don't recruit too many people to recruit him. Even if he really kills someone and commits a crime, as long as it's not a big deal, someone will be able to settle it for him.

"Lao Hu, there's no need to be like this, just keep getting along as before. Also, you have to keep it a secret from me. The lamb leg is ready, come and try my craftsmanship!"

As Gu Zheng spoke, he turned over the leg of lamb in his hand. The roasted leg of lamb was charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It looked very appetizing. Gu Zheng roasted it. Lao Hu took the leg of lamb respectfully. The aroma made him He couldn't help but take a bite, just one bite, and he stayed there.

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