After a long time, Gu Zheng woke up faintly, looked around, and couldn't help but smile.

This is another small world, but it is a different world. This world is completely unrelated to the prehistoric world. It is a completely independent world. The prehistoric world only delivers energy to such a world.

Looking at myself again, my appearance has not changed, but there is no energy in this body, and the meridians of my body are also different.


Gu Zheng didn't care about this, he had experienced this kind of thing a lot, and besides, he came here completely randomly, just to experience it.

He strode out. Although there was no energy in his body, he was very strong. It was just that the meridians were different, but he couldn't practice in the original way.

"Luojia Town!"

In less than an hour, Gu Zheng reached the first inhabited place. This was much better than when he came to the primitive world as Master Tiexian.

Luojia Town is not big, and you can easily forget it at a glance. It is said to be a town, but in fact it is just a village.

There was someone at the entrance of the town, but it was not a guard, but a tea stall selling tea.

"Stranger, where do you come from?"

The tea stall owner asked with a smile. The stall owner was an old man in his sixties, with half-white hair and wearing a gray undershirt.

"I came from Dongguan Village. Old man, I got lost. How do I get back to the city?"

No matter which world it is, the styles of villages are similar, with different names. Each world also has its own town. If you want to understand a world, it is better to go to the city. After all, what you can understand in the village is limited.

"Dongguan Village?"

The stall owner was confused, and Gu Zheng immediately smiled and said: "It's the east side of the city, that's what we call it!"

Not every world has a Dongguan Village to the east of the city, but it doesn't matter, most of them do, and it's easy to hide it.

The stall owner suddenly realized that it was normal for many villages and towns to officially have the same name, but he also had another name.

Just like their Luojia Town. In fact, the official name is not Luojia Town, but Luoyi. It was originally an inn. Later, some veterans who retired from the battlefield settled in the inn. Some of the veterans brought their families to take root here. , and then the inn was abandoned, but the people living here did not leave, and it gradually became the current Luojia Town.

Gu Zheng didn't know this and had no interest in knowing it. After the stall owner pointed out the direction, he headed directly towards the town.

Daxing Mansion is the city closest to Luojia Town. This city is not small and is the home of several small cities nearby.

There are guards at the city gate. They have experienced countless scenes and years of ancient disputes. With a few words, the guards let him go and entered the city.

In just one hour, Gu Zheng had a certain understanding of the world.

This is not a world of immortals, ancient martial arts, or magic. There are practitioners here, but the cultivation system is a bit weird. The practitioners here are divided into two categories. One is a spiritual master who specializes in spiritual cultivation, and the other is a spiritual master. A kind of Qi practitioner who specializes in physical training.

In Gu Zheng's view, the so-called spiritual cultivation is actually similar to the soul, but the soul in this world is different. It can be practiced since childhood, and it is not necessary to cultivate more than one soul.

This is a bit interesting. Although the strength is not strong, there is still some merit in being able to practice the multi-god cultivation method in the early stage.

As for Qi Refiners, they do not practice immortal power and store it in the Dantian like they did in the ancient times. Instead, they incorporate the energy of this world into acupuncture points and store it, and then use their different eight meridians to exert power.

"Nayuan Jue!"

"Seven Star Yuan Jue!"

Soon, Gu Zheng had two more cultivation methods in this world. Na Yuan Jue was the most basic and introductory Qi refining method in this world. As for Seven Star Yuan Jue, it was a slightly more advanced spiritual cultivation method.

Gu Zheng didn't pay anything to get these two exercises, nor did he steal them. Someone gave them to him in the teahouse. The reason for giving them to him was even simpler. He just saw that he was extraordinary and Gu Zheng proposed that he wanted to practice the exercises. When practicing the law, I took out these two types.

Before talking about it, Gu Zheng could kill half of them with a slap in this world, but now he is practicing and resting, and has not brought down his strength. Naturally, he has to improve his strength in this world.

"Na Yuan Jue, seventeen acupoints, one level can burst out the power of one ox, and at the ninth level, it can burst out the power of nine oxen. It is a method commonly used by soldiers on the battlefield, and it is also the most practiced technique by ordinary martial artists!"

The exercises were also introduced. Gu Zheng smiled when he saw the introduction of Na Yuan Jue. The quality of the exercises is naturally important, but is it really the most important? At his level, he has long known that martial arts are nothing more than assistance.

Rejecting the person who sent him the technique, Gu Zheng left the city by himself, found a deserted place outside the city, and immediately started running the Nayuan Jue.

Soon, the Baihui point on Gu Zheng's head lit up. All body-training techniques in this world start with the Baihui point.

In less than two minutes, another acupuncture point on the chin lit up. An hour later, the sea of ​​blood on the legs lit up. After the ground machine lit up, all seventeen acupoints on Nayuan Jue lit up. The basic martial arts Nayuan Jue was replaced by the ancient He was cultivated in Zheng, and now Gu Zheng has become more powerful in this world.


Gu Zheng smiled again. The exercises were different, and the eight extraordinary meridians were different, but the acupuncture points were the same. The so-called acupuncture method only transferred the effect of the Dantian to the acupoints. Because there are many acupuncture points, they are more flexible.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. The upper limit is too low, unlike Dantian, which can accommodate all rivers.

Let's make peace with what we have come. Gu Zheng has never thought about practicing the method of Dantian. It is quite good to be a pure person in this world.

Half an hour later, the Nayuan Jue practice was completed. Fortunately, there was no one here. If there was anyone, he would probably be stunned.

Many people in this world are practicing Nayuan Jue. As long as they have the foundation of cultivation and meet the conditions, 80% of those who practice Nayuan Jue are Nayuan Jue. However, there are no so-called ordinary people in this world. Most of them are They are cultivators, except for the very few who are completely unable to practice.

The Nayuan Jue is one of the basic techniques. Under normal circumstances, it takes about seven years of practice. After that, it takes eighteen years to reach the third level.

It is recorded here that the fastest person to practice Na Yuan Jue was Luo Badao, one of the geniuses of the generation. He was one of the later Martial Emperors and died eight hundred years ago. It only took him thirty-three days to complete Na Yuan Jue and reach the first level. Three years later, Na Yuan Jue reached the ninth level and learned more advanced techniques.

It is impossible to complete the Nayuan Jue in half an hour.

"Na Yuan Chu acupoint!"

Gu Zheng closed his eyes, and all his morale acupuncture points shone with light at the same time.

Opening acupuncture points is the basis of practicing Qigong. After that, the acupoints are allowed to store vitality and explode with more powerful force. Acupoint storage is also a process of expanding the acupoints. The more vitality is stored, the stronger the explosive force will be, and the level will be higher. The higher.

The seventeen acupuncture points shone brighter and brighter, suddenly changing from white light to green light, and the Nayuan point became double.

The second Nayuan point has the power of two oxen.

Gu Zheng didn't pay attention and continued to close his eyes. As the color continued to change, it finally turned into deep purple, and these seventeen acupuncture points were almost ten times larger than usual.

Nayuan Jue, ninth level.

In one hour, the Nayuan acupoint reached the ninth level.

"A little strength is much better, look at this!"

Gu Zheng threw the Nayuan point technique aside and took out another Seven-Star Yuan Jue.

Seven Star Yuan Jue is a spiritual master's cultivation technique. Unlike Nayuan Point, this technique is not of a low level and can be regarded as a lower-level cultivation technique.

The reason why that man gave Gu Zheng such a technique was simply because he happened to have it in hand and gave it to him directly.

Don't think that martial arts in this world are cheap. Some good martial arts are still very expensive. Even the most common Nayuan Jue requires a Yuan Qi card in this world. The value of the Seven Star Yuan Jue is about three Ten vitality cards.

In other words, that person gave away something worth thirty-one vitality cards just because he thought Gu Zheng was a bit extraordinary.

The vitality cards are considered as the universal currency in this world. They store the vitality that can be cultivated. They are similar to the ancient immortal stones. However, the vitality cards here are forged, unlike the ancient immortal stones, which are mined directly.

The purchasing power of one Yuanqi card is enough for an ordinary family of four to live for a month. Thirty-one Yuanqi cards are not too few. They can be given out at the first meeting, which surprised even Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng originally came from the earth, so he knew that this was a considerable fortune.

"Chen Qi!"

Gu Zheng remembered the name of the person who gave him these two things. He was lucky and there would be a big opportunity for him in the future.

Seven Star Yuan Jue does not mean cultivating the power of seven stars, but it means cultivating seven different Yuanshen.

The souls cultivated by spiritual masters in this world all have different functions. For example, some souls can play the role of invisibility, some souls can play a role in change, and some souls can create environments. Even some powerful souls can create powerful attacks and kill people.

Seven Star Yuan Jue is a different technique that can cultivate seven Yuan Shen.

These souls do not look like villains, but clouds of fog. Only when they practice to the top can they become like themselves. Such souls can kill people directly out of their bodies without having to stay in their heads.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, a white mist slowly appeared, and the first soul was cultivated in this way.

Followed by the second and third, in less than half an hour, all seven groups of white mist appeared.

"No wonder there are very few spiritual masters. The ratio to Qi Refiners is about one to ten. The cultivation of Yuan Shen is indeed a bit more difficult than direct physical training!"

Gu Zheng naturally muttered to himself. Of course, what he said was a bit more difficult. He was referring to this place, not him.

In half an hour, seven souls were opened, which has never happened before in this world.

The fastest record for opening a soul is seven days, but the fastest time for opening seven souls is five years. Many spiritual masters practice skills. After opening the first soul, they will cultivate it before opening the third soul. Two souls.

There is no one like Gu Zheng who can open seven souls at once.

The primary Yuanshen basically has no power, and the initial cultivation of Yuanshen is faster than that of Na Yuan, but the later it gets slower, the spiritual master who does not cultivate Yuanshen to a certain level is no different from ordinary people.

Therefore, many spiritual masters practice one soul at a time. After the first soul is strong, they will practice the second one. After the two souls are strong, they will continue to cultivate the third one, and so on.

People like Gu Zheng who open seven souls at once will only be regarded as fools in this world. If the first soul is strong in cultivation, the subsequent souls will become stronger. Cultivating seven souls at one time will only make the following souls stronger. Cultivation becomes slower and even accomplishes nothing.

Two hours later, the seven clouds of white mist turned into purple mist, which meant that the Seven Star Yuan Jue of Gu Zheng had also been practiced.

The sky was getting dark. On the first day he came to this world, Gu Zheng had mastered all two techniques. At this time, Gu Zheng was no longer a simple strong man, but had more or less ability to protect himself.

There was no talking all night, and Gu Zheng entered the city the next day.

The level of the two skills is not high. Although the Seven-Star Yuan Jue can cultivate seven souls, it only has the nine-color phase in the early stage and does not have the later manifestation skills. The spiritual master wants to turn the souls into his own appearance. , you must have the cultivation techniques in the manifestation period. The techniques in the manifestation period, at least, start with medium techniques.

What Gu Zheng got yesterday was only low and high. It is normal for him not to be able to cultivate the true spirit.

In the morning, there were so many people entering the city. He hadn't eaten anything all day and night. Now Gu Zheng's stomach was growling a little. This was not his original body. If it was his original body, there would be no problem if he didn't eat all the time.

This is just a mortal body and cannot escape the transformation of grains and grains.

There are many food stalls and shops in the city. Unfortunately, Gu Zheng's pockets are empty. He just has a body with a genius for cultivation, and nothing else.

There is a crowded area in Dongshikou. When Gu Zheng entered the city yesterday, he noticed that there was the escort agency area, and there were many escort agencies operating there.

The logistics in this world are very underdeveloped, and there are not only various beasts in the wilderness, but also monsters and robbers with certain intelligence. Whether it is valuable goods or people, if you want to travel far away, unless you have certain strength, otherwise They all have to be escorted by an escort agency.

An escort agency is more like a bodyguard agency.

Gu Zheng turned his feet and turned directly over there.

If he wants to make money, Gu Zheng has many ways. Literary and military, industrial, medical, and even magic tricks can help him earn some money. However, seeing Gu Zheng in the Escort Agency piqued his interest, for him it was just for fun. Yes, I haven’t tried it before, but I want to try new things!

"Recruiting escorts with the strength of seven oxen or above, three vitality cards every month!"

"Recruiting escorts for traveling, starting with five oxen, one day for each trip, and two taels of tattoo silver!"

"Recruiting spiritual masters for traveling, requiring orange souls to start. Each trip lasts for three days, and will be rewarded with a vitality card!"

Many people were shouting that this world's vitality cards are equivalent to gold or fairy stones in other worlds. Most of the people with low cultivation levels or who have not been able to cultivate vitality at all use silver patterns.

A piece of vitality card is roughly equivalent to ten taels of silver.

"If you only count money, the prices here are not low!"

Gu Zheng chuckled. In other worlds, two or three taels may be enough for an ordinary family to live for a year, but here, ten taels of silver is only enough for a family of four for one month. In terms of prices, it is indeed very high here. .

Seven Bulls, Nine Bulls, and Gu Zheng are all qualified. As for the spiritual master, Orange is only the sixth level of the Nine Color Stage. His seven souls have all reached the ninth level, which fully meets the standards.

In addition to these companies, there are many escort agencies that are also recruiting escorts, and they are similar.

Gu Zheng listened and suddenly walked towards a young man who was shouting hard.

"From Daxing Prefecture to Da'an Prefecture, we are recruiting six temporary escorts. They are required to have the strength of nine oxen or more. Each trip will take ten days, and they will be rewarded with three vitality cards!"

The young man was not of a high level. When he shouted, only the acupuncture points on his head and chin glowed slightly with white light. He looked to be seventeen or eighteen years old. Either his talent was poor or he had not practiced well.

People like him have no strength at all. They are no different from ordinary people and can only do some chores.

Gu Zheng walked towards him without saying a word, and directly let the acupuncture points on his body light up. The young man's eyes lit up, and he shook his head slightly, but he still received Gu Zheng respectfully.

Gu Zheng showed purple acupuncture points, but only seventeen acupuncture points lit up. This was the lowest level of Nayuan Jue, the ninth level of Nayuan Jue.

Although he has the power of Jiu Niu, he is the lowest Jiu Niu. The young man secretly looked at this ancient battle. He looked close to thirty years old. He seemed to have average talent and limited future achievements.

But after all, with Jiuniu's strength, the young man still took Gu Zheng in.

This is an escort agency that specializes in traveling between two cities. Daxing Prefecture and Da'an Prefecture are almost 500 miles away. The escort agency has two large carriages, one for people and one for pulling goods, specifically for this journey.

The speed of the carriage is not slow, but the horses cannot run all the time. They have to rest after running for a while. A day is almost a hundred miles, so it takes ten days to go back and forth.

Ten days, three vitality cards, the reward is not bad.

Gu Zheng ignored the previous ones and directly applied for the escort agency in this city. Ten days of traveling back and forth between the two cities was enough for him to have a deeper understanding of the world.

"Master Gu, our car will set off tomorrow. Including you, there will be a total of six escorts, led by General Manager Ma. General Manager Ma practices Pure Yuan Jue. He has opened thirty-five acupuncture points. Now he has thirty Niu With his strength, it will be no problem for him to lead the team!"

After the young man reported his name to Gu Zheng, he took him to the backyard of the escort agency and introduced the situation to him. As for Gu Zheng's identity and origin, he briefly asked about it and didn't say much else.

There is no identity card in this world, but there is a household registration system. Gu Zheng made up a few at random, and they did not check them carefully.

There is no peace between Daxing Prefecture and Da'an Prefecture. Most people are not willing to be bodyguards. It can be said that such bodyguards live a life of bloodshed. Unless they are forced to do so, most people are not willing to be bodyguards. Is there any problem? There are problems with the identity of these few people. If we really investigate carefully, I'm afraid they won't be able to recruit an escort.

As for the spies of bandits and robbers, these escort agencies also have their own methods of screening. The most important point is that most of the bandits and robbers on the road are taken care of by the escort agencies. They have paid tolls and will not really take action against them.

As for the monsters, no one will cooperate with them. Monsters are intelligent, but their intelligence is limited. If you cooperate with monsters, no one will know when they will become food in their mouths.

In this way, Gu Zheng came to this small world and found his first job.

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