The big red octopus is waving its tentacles. Although it is just a sorcery cast by the Queen of the Two-headed Snake, its biggest function is to injure people instead of using its tentacles to hurt people, but the destructive power of its tentacles cannot be underestimated. It has reached the destructive power equivalent to the early stage of Golden Immortal.

Moreover, there are three big red octopuses in total, and each one has many tentacles. When these tentacles twitch at the same time, it is equivalent to many early golden immortal cultivators attacking the cold pool monk and his son at the same time. If the father and son of the cold pool monks dare not dodge or dodge, then the power of these tentacles is enough to kill them instantly. If they fight back, the big red octopus that has absorbed enough damage will explode, turning into a monster that makes them dare not stand around again. One piece of poisonous water has characteristics similar to the dragon-shaped lightning of Brother Hantan's son.

Facing the tentacles of the big red octopus, the son of the monk Hantan didn't want to repeat the same mistakes. He didn't use the dragon-shaped lightning to fight the enemy this time. He spit out a series of electric bubbles at those tentacles.

The supernatural power of the electric glow bubble will also explode after absorbing enough damage, but you can also choose whether to explode or wrap the enemy when the cold pool monk's son sprays it out. Moreover, in the supernatural power of the electric glow bubble, in addition to the two characteristics of exploding and enveloping the enemy, the super electric glow bubble can also be continuously manipulated by the son of the monk in the cold pool, and the son of the monk in the cold pool sprayed out this time. It's not the super electric glow bubble, but it's enough for him.

One electric glow bubble may not be able to wrap a big red octopus, but two electric glow bubbles can wrap a big red octopus at the same time, this is an absolute thing for the son of the cold pool monk. After all, although the big red octopuses have the destructive power of the early stage of Golden Immortal, their defense power is not as high as that of the early stage of Golden Immortal. Two electric glow bubbles are more than enough to wrap a big red octopus.

The small electric glow bubble is like a snake's mouth. After touching the tentacles of the big red octopus, it immediately pulls the big red octopus to shrink.

While struggling, the big red octopus attacked the electric bubble with its tentacles, and the electric bubble burst under the attack of many tentacles! But just as Brother Hantan's son thought before, one lightning bubble may not be enough to deal with a big red octopus, but two are more than enough! There were only three big red octopuses, but the total number of electric bubbles he spit out was nine.

Whether it was the shattering of the electric glow bubble, or the large red octopus being wrapped in the electric glow bubble, all of this happened in a short period of time. After the three big red octopuses were wrapped in the electric glow bubble, the cold pool The monk's son waved his hand forward, filled with the bubbles of the big red octopus, and immediately flew towards the queen of the two-headed snake in the distance.

Since the poisonous water has been diluted, it is just the darkness at the bottom of the pool, which does not have much impact on the vision of the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, so the father and son of the monks in the cold pool can see the remaining basilisks and double-headed snakes. Afterwards, they stood at the altar.

Brother Hantan's face was a bit ugly. The green-scaled basilisks he worked so hard to control had lost control. Although he didn't see it with his own eyes, he believed that the out-of-control green-scaled basilisks must have been killed by the two-headed snake. The queen moved something, because they are now obediently standing beside the double-headed snake queen.

Brother Hantan's guess was correct. After the double-headed snake queen launched the attack of the big red octopus, she just took a look at the controlled green-scaled basilisks, and those green-scaled basilisks that were originally controlled by the cold-tan monks got rid of it. out of his control.

Facing the flying lightning bubbles, ordinary basilisks attacked the lightning bubbles. Perhaps in their view, after breaking the lightning bubbles, the big red octopus inside could turn into poisonous water again. But the fact is not like this. If they will turn into poisonous water, then Brother Hantan and his son will repeat the same mistakes, and all he has done will be meaningless!

After absorbing the power of the dragon-shaped lightning, the big red octopus can explode into poisonous water. Then, under the control of the cold pool monk's son, the big red octopus wrapped in the electric glow bubbles, after being processed by the electric glow bubbles, they It can also be turned into the explosion energy of electric awn bubbles.

"Bang bang bang!"

There were three loud noises in succession, including the electric glow bubbles of the big red octopus, which were broken by ordinary basilisks. They were full of damaging energy and released a powerful explosion, and those ordinary basilisks were blown away. , As for whether it is death or injury, it depends on how they are created.

However, even though the explosion of the electric glow bubbles sent those ordinary basilisks flying, the eyes of Brother Hantan's son widened because of this, because he forgot one thing. I have explained that the body of the ban cannot be attacked with brute force, otherwise it will have counterproductive effects, and now the power of the explosion is about to spread to the body of the ban, and the son of the cold pool monk does not know whether this kind of explosive power is considered brute force. force damage.

The son of the monk in the cold pool is worried too much. The power of the explosion is not considered a brute force injury. If it is considered a brute force injury, the ancient struggle who already knew what he was going to do must have reminded him through the voice of his mind.

However, although the explosive power did not have any effect on the body of the ban, the effect of the impact on the body of the ban appeared immediately, because behind the two-headed snake that stood still, it was actually full of bad water. It even launched an attack on the forbidden body.

As the monster guarding the bottom of the pool, the double-headed snake queen can't destroy the main body of the restriction, and it doesn't need that, so it won't benefit it at all. However, the intelligent double-headed snake understands that as long as it uses the forbidden body reasonably, it can help it, so it also launched an attack on the forbidden body, and the impact of this attack is that Tan The cracks on the bottom of the ground glowed, and the originally dark bottom of the pool was illuminated like daytime. The vortex that could engulf the green-scaled basilisk before began to appear irregularly in the bottom of the pool. This vortex is very strange. It is not an exaggeration to say that they cannibalize people without spitting out bones, because the six green-scaled basilisks that were swallowed by them before really didn't even have a scum left.

"Retreat while fighting, try to lure these basilisks away from the altar, and prepare for me to break the forbidden body. You can use teleportation once, but you have to use it skillfully!"

Gu Zheng, who was hiding in the dark, understood that they couldn't go on with such a painless battle. The longer the time dragged on, the more unfavorable it would be for them.

After receiving Gu Zheng's order, Brother Hantan immediately launched an attack on the ordinary basilisks, and as for the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake, he handed it over to his son to deal with.

The son of the monk Hantan understood that the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake didn't want to leave the vicinity of the altar, unless it was to annoy her, which was why Gu Zheng said that she could use a teleportation.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to get close to the queen of the double-headed snake. It will definitely launch an attack to stop it, but even if he knew it would be like this, the son of the cold pool monk still did it. His purpose was to lure the double-headed snake The Queen of the Headed Snake attacks, and only when the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake is attacking, using teleportation to sneak attack it, will there be a greater chance of success.

As for whether he would be attacked by the Queen of Two-Headed Snakes after launching teleportation, the son of Brother Hantan was not worried about this. He believed that Gu Zheng would say that, because he must have seen that the Queen of Two-Headed Snakes was not good at the way of space.

Just as Brother Hantan's son thought, when he approached the queen of the two-headed snake, the queen of the two-headed snake really launched an attack on him, and the light from its four eyes swept across in a wide fan shape.

No matter how destructive the double-headed snake queen's fan-shaped vision is, anyway, the son of the cold pool monk didn't want to bear it. With a thought, he activated teleportation and appeared behind the double-headed snake queen. The electric glow bubbles were spat out, and he wanted to use the super electric glow bubbles to wrap the queen of the double-headed snake.

The Queen of the Two-Headed Snake really didn't have the way to master space, so it didn't sense in advance the space fluctuations produced by the cold pool monk's son when he launched teleportation. However, the queen of the double-headed snake has enough spiritual wisdom. It belongs to the kind that originally mastered the way of space but was banned by the power of law. Jumped out.

However, since Gu Zheng had already reminded Brother Hantan's son before that teleportation needs to be cleverly used, coupled with the fact that the queen of the double-headed snake has enough aura in her eyes, this is something that Brother Hantan's son had already discovered, so The place where he appeared in this teleportation was also predicted, and it happened to be very close to the fleeing queen of the double-headed snake, so the super electric bubbles he spit out successfully touched the body of the queen of the double-headed snake.

If it is a snake mouth, the volume is not too big. After touching the body of the queen of the double-headed snake, it immediately swallowed the queen of the double-headed snake.

The son of the monk Hantan hastened to continuously control the super electric glow bubble to prevent any changes.

Under normal circumstances, as long as a monster of the same realm is wrapped in a super electric glow bubble by the son of a monk in the cold pool, it will end in death. There is basically no possibility of breaking free.

However, the double-headed snake queen is not an ordinary monster. Whether it can break free, the son of the cold pool monk does not know. Post moult! After all, once it has a tendency to break free, the son of the cold pool monk will let the super electric light bubble explode in advance, and the explosion power of the super electric light bubble is not weaker than the general dragon-shaped lightning.

The queen who saw them was wrapped in the super electric glow bubble, and the basilisks that were still entangled with the monks in the cold pool all swam towards the super electric glow bubble, and they wanted to save their queen.

Seeing that the basilisks were all going to rescue their queen, of course the cold pool monk would not launch a group attack on the basilisks at this time, he was only targeting one of them. After all, what the basilisk did was in the middle of its own agenda. They wished that there would be no basilisk at the altar, so that it would be convenient for Gu Zheng to break the restriction.

"Careful to the left!"

Just when the monks in the cold pool were happy that the basilisks had left, the voice of Gu Zheng's thoughts suddenly sounded. The monks in the cold pool, who didn't dare to delay at all, immediately moved in the opposite direction. It appeared at the position where monk Hantan had just stood.

Forbidden itself was attacked by the queen of the double-headed snake, the bottom of the lake is not a complete environment, and from time to time there will be such a vortex that can make people's bones disappear.

The vortex is related to the way of space. Whether it is Gu Zheng or the son of the monk Hantan, they are all people who have mastered the way of space. They can sense the appearance of the vortex in advance, so there is no need to worry about the vortex. , but the monk Hantan is different. Without mastering the way of space, he cannot detect the fluctuations that the vortex will produce in advance, so Gu Zheng has to take care of him. Every time a vortex is about to appear beside him, he will pass The voice of the mind sent a reminder to him.

Now there is only one basilisk left on the altar. Under the dual effects of the fishbone from the sky and the ink color rendering by the monks in the cold pool, he will definitely die soon. It will take some time to get rid of it by itself.

On the side of Brother Hantan's son, he didn't get entangled with the chasing basilisk, he just ran away with a super electric bubble. Prohibition itself creates opportunities.

However, the idea is good, but the reality is unsatisfactory. The double-headed snake queen is not easy to suppress. It launches various attacks in the super electric glow bubble, and the super electric glow bubble can't suppress it for a long time.

A sneer appeared on the corner of the cold pool monk's son. Since the super electric bubbles can no longer suppress the queen of the double-headed snake for a long time, and there are more than 20 pursuers behind him, then he simply gave the queen of the double-headed snake and those pursuers Get ready for a surprise.

Giving up on continuing to suppress the double-headed snake, the super electric glow bubble immediately began to absorb the destructive energy brought by the double-headed snake's struggle. When its absorption of damage energy was about to reach its peak, the son of the cold pool monk It hit the pursuers behind it.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the super electric glow bubble exploded. The original twenty or so ordinary basilisks all died in this explosion. After all, they have already experienced an explosion before, and they still have injuries left in normal battles. It is not surprising that the explosion of the super electric glow bubble sent them back to the west this time.

The queen of the double-headed snake is in the super electric glow bubble. When it explodes, it suffers more damage, but it is not an ordinary monster after all. This is to avoid the explosion damage this time!

After the double-headed snake without a head, its strength has been reduced to the early stage of Jinxian. It is more sensitive to the prohibition itself, and it already knows that someone is destroying the prohibition itself. Although it cannot see the ancient dispute in the invisible state, but It can feel it.

The head left behind by the double-headed snake is red. It opened its mouth towards the restriction itself, and sprayed out a large amount of red liquid, turning a certain area where the restriction itself was located into poisonous water.

Gu Zheng's strength is relatively low, facing the attack of poisonous water, he can only temporarily give up the attack on the forbidden body.

Fortunately, giving up the attack on the forbidden body will not cause Gu Zheng to be backlashed by it. He just hides aside and waits for the opportunity.

The double-headed snake queen attacked Gu Zheng, and the son of the monk Hantan also attacked it, spraying dragon-shaped lightning at it.

Although the double-headed snake queen has lost a head and her strength has been reduced to that of the early golden immortal, she is the queen of the basilisk family after all, and she still has some means.

Knowing that he was defeated by the monk Hantan's son, facing the dragon-shaped lightning ejected by him, the double-headed snake queen chose to dodge.

I saw a blue light flashing on the back of the double-headed snake, and a phantom of a green-scaled basilisk appeared under its body. The distance between them also gave it time to turn around and launch a glow attack on the dragon-shaped lightning, so as to detonate the dragon-shaped lightning.

The phantom of the green-scaled basilisk that appeared under the back of the double-headed snake is actually a life-saving supernatural power of it, and this supernatural power can only be used after it loses a head. Moreover, its lost head is not really lost, including those lost ordinary basilisks are not really dead. As long as the altar is still there, it can get back everything it lost. What it needs most now is to follow Brother Hantan's son, a formidable enemy, distanced himself and gave him time to manipulate the altar.

The son of the monk Hantan naturally didn't want to give the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake a chance to distance herself, but since she was already the queen of the Two-Headed Snake who had fought hard, it was still possible to imprison him for a while.


The fleeing double-headed snake made a strange cry. Although this sound was not a sonic attack, it could make people's ears itch and goosebumps all over their bodies.

As the strange cry of the double-headed snake continued to sound, the forbidden lines on the ground shone brightly again, and vortices began to appear frequently. Only this time, the vortexes that appeared were no longer irregular. Under the control of the Queen of the Two-headed Snake, they targeted the son of the monk in the cold pool, forcing the son of the monk in the cold pool to protect himself first.

However, the super powerful method of manipulating the vortex can't last long. After the two-headed snake queen forced the cold pool monk's son away, it screamed strangely again.

After the double-headed snake screamed this time, the sound became very piercing, like a bitter woman crying at night, its hands kept dancing, and as its screaming continued, the scales on the surface of its body fell off, and the eyes and mouth There is blood flowing out of it.

The son of the monk Hantan understood that the double-headed snake queen was launching some kind of forbidden spell, but he had no way to stop it, not even through teleportation, because the double-headed snake queen was guarding against him, and there were several people around it. A vortex exists, and the vortex is related to the way of space. In the case of the existence of the vortex, there is no way for him to travel to the front of the double-headed snake through teleportation.

At this moment, Gu Zheng is still hiding in the distance looking for opportunities. As for the cold pool monk, he is doing something to change the poisonous water area that can affect Gu Zheng.

If the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake wasn't in the process of using the forbidden spell, then it would definitely stop the cold pool cultivator's behavior, but now that he is launching the forbidden spell, he is too busy to take care of himself! And the poisonous water area it created has been diluted a lot under the continuous efforts of the monks in the cold pool.

Although the poisonous water has not been fully diluted, Gu Zheng feels that this is an opportunity, he can't wait any longer, who knows what will happen if he waits any longer, and after all, when the double-headed snake uses the forbidden technique, he I have also felt the fluctuations caused by the altar's response.

Gu Zheng appeared from the invisible state. When the double-headed snake queen released the poisonous water to attack, he had already understood that if he attacked the ban itself, then his invisible state would also be affected by the double-headed snake queen. It is equivalent to a falsehood, and in the invisible state, he can't resist the poisonous water that has not been fully diluted yet.

The Queen of the Two-Headed Snake also saw that Gu Zheng was doing something to the ban itself, but it was at the critical moment of casting the ban, and there was no way to deal with it. It could only be secretly anxious.

However, although it takes a little time to cast the forbidden technique, the Double-headed Snake Empress started first, so its forbidden technique was successfully activated before Gu Zheng broke the forbidden body.

The altar gave birth to a wave like a shock wave in the slight shaking. This wave has no destructive power, but it has a strong power of regeneration! With the rippling of the waves, all the 20-headed basilisks that had been killed were all revived, and even the lost head of the queen of the two-headed snake was re-condensed.


The son of the monk Hantan yelled, they put in a lot of hard work to achieve the situation just now, but now a forbidden technique is activated by the queen of the double-headed snake, making their previous efforts come to naught, this kind of thing It's hard to accept it on anyone.

However, after the forbidden technique was successfully activated, the bottom of the pool, which was originally glaringly protective, also became dark. Without the light from the forbidden pattern at the bottom of the pool, there would be no such whirlpool in the pool, and everything seemed to return to its original state. .

"go to hell!"

The son of the monk Hantan was furious. While he sprayed dragon-shaped lightning at the queen of the two-headed snake, the dragon claws kept waving, and also launched an air burst at the queen of the two-headed snake.

The two snake mouths behind the double-headed snake opened at the same time, still the same attack method as before, one mouth spewed out rays of light, and the other spouted mist that could transform into a large red octopus.

However, the two different attacks launched by the Queen of the Two-Headed Snake were very clearly arranged. The glow it launched was aimed at the son of the monk in the cold pool, and the red mist it sprayed was aimed at the ancient It thinks that the ancient war is a threat.

As for the revived basilisks, they are also speeding up towards the ancient battle at this time. They are intact after they are finished, and they don’t need their protection for the time being, but the prohibition itself must not have any accidents. It's over.

But it is a pity that although the basilisks tried very hard to approach Gu Zheng, because they had already distanced themselves from Gu Zheng because of protecting their queen, it took a little time to get close to Gu Zheng.

Although a little time is very short, things that often determine life and death happen in an instant.

This is the second time that Gu Zheng has destroyed the restriction itself. Although the first time was interrupted by the double-headed snake who was discovered in time, it has finally touched the restriction itself. Regarding the matter of breaking the restriction itself , is already familiar with the way, so this second destruction of the restriction itself is even more familiar.

When the danger was about to approach, Gu Zheng finally broke the restriction itself, and the lake world in front of him immediately shook violently, those attacks flying towards Gu Zheng were like a drop of ink dripping into the water , they were diluted in an instant. As for the crystal-like prohibition itself, it fell to the ground like a broken mirror, and the altar below collapsed like a sand sculpture. It was bright and dazzling, and then completely dimmed in an instant, and there were no traces of the prohibition lines.

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