Brother Hantan sent out five more green-scaled basilisks, but unfortunately, when the five green-scaled basilisks approached the purple narcissus, the vortex that could swallow them appeared again, and the entire army of the five green-scaled basilisks overwhelmed.

When the matter developed to this point, it was no longer necessary to send the green-scaled basilisk to test it out, so Gu Zheng led the father and son of the cold pool monks and continued to move towards the water pool.

When he came to the edge of the water pool, the son of the monk in the cold pool was a little unconvinced, and the monster power shot out from his palm, turning into a rope and shooting towards the purple narcissus.

But as Gu Zheng said before, due to the existence of restrictions in the water pool, the method of picking purple narcissus through black magic will not work.

Just when the rope of the monk's son's demon power in the cold pool was about to touch the purple narcissus, a strange fluctuation swayed from the water pool, just like a strong wind blowing away the haze, and the rope of the monk's son's demon power in the cold pool was given to him. blown away.

"Master, is there no way to break this restriction?" Brother Hantan couldn't help asking.

"The restriction is placed in the water pool, and if you want to break the restriction, you need to enter the water pool." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, how about I use up the number of teleportation available for one more time, and pick up that purple narcissus through teleportation."

In the previous battle, Brother Hantan's son had already used up two teleportation times a day, while he could use it four times a day.

"It's not cost-effective." Gu Zheng shook his head: "If you want to use teleportation to pick the purple narcissus, you will use it twice instead of once. If it's just one time, after you show up to pick the purple narcissus , you will fall into the pool, the result is no different from us going directly into the pool. As for, if you use teleportation twice, the number of times you can use teleportation today will be used up, which is not worthwhile! Go! Well, let's go straight into the pool."

Gu Zheng had already said so, and the father and son of the monk Hantan didn't say anything more, and followed Gu Zheng into the pool.

Gu Zheng's spiritual sense is useless in this magical water pool, otherwise he would have used his spiritual sense to investigate the water pool before.

After jumping into the pool, the three of Gu Zheng seemed to have come to another space. When they were at the edge of the pool before, they didn't feel how cold the water was, but when they actually jumped down, it couldn't be described as falling into an ice cave. Appropriately, the temperature here is so low that it can instantly freeze to death a cultivator in the Void Return Realm!

However, even though Gu Zheng's Void-returning late stage also belongs to the Void-returning stage, he is not an ordinary immortal cultivator in the Void-returning stage. He already has the spirit of true water in his body, and his ice attribute fairy art is also very proficient. In addition to the spirit of true water, he also has the spirit of true fire in his body, which can also provide him with good resistance to the power of extreme cold.

Although he has the spirit of true water and has a good ability to recognize and resist ice-type damage, Gu Zheng is basically useless in this environment! He could only resign himself to not being frozen to death, and it was basically impossible to attack the enemy.

For the father and son of the cold pool monks, since their realm is already in the golden fairyland, the invasion of this kind of extreme cold force can't hurt them, and it won't have any impact on them.

"Master, why don't you go to the shore and wait for us!" the son of the monk Hantan said worriedly.

"I can't go to shore."

Gu Zheng smiled wryly. After jumping into the pool, he realized that if the restrictions in the pool were not broken, they would be trapped in the pool forever.

"You can't die, if you die, I will die with you!"

On Gu Zheng's shoulder, enjoying the protection of the mountain rat, reminded Gu Zheng nervously.

"Shut your mouse mouth, can you speak? How could my master die!"

Brother Hantan's son rolled the mouse's eyes. Seeing that Brother Hantan was going to scold him for what the mouse said, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand to stop this unnecessary bickering.

"Although my divine sense is not available, I can still sense where the restriction is based on the things I detected outside the pool before. Let's go!"

Gu Zheng took the lead in sinking, and the monk Hantan and his son followed behind, and the visibility of the three began to shorten as the three of them went deeper.

The pool was very clean, whether it was aquatic plants, animals or monsters, Gu Zheng and the others didn't see them during the fall.

After sinking for about five minutes, Gu Zheng and the others finally came to the bottom of the pool. There was no silt as imagined, and the ground here was as flat as floor tiles.

"What a huge restriction."

Looking at the wanton stretching lines on the floor tiles in front of him, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh with emotion, because these lines are part of the restriction. He has never seen such a large-scale restriction before, which is no wonder that the environment of the pool is like this It's weird.

After observing the lines on the ground for a while, Gu Zheng began to attack the lines on the ground.

This restriction is different from the previous ones, it is more like a fairy formation, and the method of breaking it is relatively troublesome. It needs to be like breaking the fairy formation, first put this restriction into something that is equivalent to the eye of the formation. After being forced out, the thing that is equivalent to the eye of the formation is destroyed, so as to truly break the restriction.

Xianli shot out from Gu Zheng's palm, like a spirit snake, meandering along the cracks on the ground, a strange picture also appeared in Gu Zheng's mind, there are countless passages in that picture, The criss-crossing is like a maze, and the immortal power of Gu Zheng has to reach the exit smoothly from one to the other to force out the hidden prohibition itself.

When Gu Zheng broke the restriction, he was not disturbed, and the world in Xiaotan was still so peaceful. However, Gu Zheng understands that once he forces out the prohibition itself, this peace will be broken, because he has learned more about the prohibition in the process of forcing out the prohibition, and he found that the prohibition is connected with similar Things like the altar, the green-scaled basilisks that the mountain mouse mentioned before are all there.

Knowing where the altar is and the ancient dispute in the process of cracking the ban, he told the matter to the Hantan monk and his son. He ordered the Hantan monk and his son to go there first, and when he forced the ban itself out, The green-scaled basilisk on the other side of the altar will also be in a state that can be attacked. At that time, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool will be able to attack the green-scaled basilisks first.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan scratched his head and said, "Master, since those green-scaled basilisks will not appear until you force them out, why don't we take the opportunity to make some arrangements?"

Gu Zheng knew that the arrangement that monk Hantan said was to go to the prohibition itself first and set up a fairy formation, so that when he came back to force the prohibition itself out, the green-scaled basilisks that appeared would naturally They also fell into the Immortal Formation, and they could take the opportunity to catch a turtle in a urn, which would also reduce some of the risks they had to bear in the battle against the Green Scaled Basilisk.

"This method won't work! First of all, due to the special restrictions here, it is extremely difficult to arrange a powerful fairy formation under the existing restrictions. Secondly, I have entered the state of forcing the restriction itself to appear. Once the state is entered, it must have a beginning and an end, otherwise it will be backlashed, and the strength of this backlash will not be much weaker than the backlash that the fairyland needs to bear when it is broken." Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, if that's the case, then master, please be careful, we're going!"

Regarding the safety of Gu Zheng, the father and son of Hantan monks are still inevitably a little worried, but Gu Zheng's decision will not go wrong, this is also their deep-rooted concept, so they didn't say much, they hurried to Gu Zheng named place.

Although the place that Gu Zheng refers to is at the bottom of the pool, the purple lily is located above it, but Gu Zheng has explained that before the restriction itself is broken, do not touch the purple lily, or else it will be like the previous one. The six green-scaled basilisks were devoured by the ruthless vortex.

The water pool was originally not big, and the father and son of the cold pool monks soon came to the place named by Gu Zheng. Now Gu Zheng has not forced out the restriction itself, so it is also a very clean space.

However, before the Hantan monk and his son had to wait long, Gu Zheng sent an inquiry through the master-slave induction, and the Hantan monk and his son told Gu Zheng through the master-slave induction that they had arrived and were ready. Wait for Gu Zheng to give an order.

The pool water oscillated slightly. Since a large number of air bubbles emerged from the ground, in this state where the pool water seemed to be turning into boiling water, a large scene suddenly appeared at the bottom of the pool.

Like a piece of diamond-shaped crystal, it was as large as a round table, and the father and son of the monks in the cold pool could tell at a glance that the thing suspended in the pool was the restriction itself. However, since Gu Zheng told them before that the ban itself must be broken by special means, otherwise blind attacks will be willing to give up. If it is not for this, the Hantan monk and his son will definitely launch the ban itself immediately. attack.

The ban itself is suspended in the pool, and directly below it, that is, at the bottom of the pool, the three-tiered altar looks very grand.

The altar has three layers of rings. On the bottom layer are more than a dozen green-scaled basilisks, and on the middle layer are several red-scaled basilisks that Gu Zheng and the others have never seen before. At the top of the altar, the standing basilisk is very tall.

Normal basilisks are two feet tall when standing up, and more than ten feet long, while the basilisk standing on the top of the altar is twice the height and length of ordinary basilisks ! Moreover, it does not have only one head like a common basilisk. It has two heads, one is cyan and the other is red. The body is also bounded by the head, one side is cyan and the other is red. It is the queen of the double-headed snake among the king and queen in the mouth of the mountain mouse.

There is nothing to say, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool took the lead in attacking, and they had a clear target, unlike this group of basilisks, who have not yet recovered from the state of being suddenly forced out of the restriction itself.

Although according to the usual practice, the general basilisks are handed over to the monks of the cold pool to deal with, but the powerful fishbone from the sky of the monks of the cold pool was given to the queen of the two-headed snake in the first place. After all, the supernatural power of the fishbone from the sky will follow the attacked person like a shadow, which can be regarded as a help he gave to his son.

The red-scaled basilisk monks and the others have never seen it before, and they should have different supernatural powers from the green-scaled basilisk, but as long as their strength does not exceed the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, the son of the cold pool monk will not be his father. Worry. After all, in addition to the supernatural power of atomizing the dragon's body, the monk in the cold pool also has a clone, and five green-scaled basilisks controlled by him to assist him, so ordinary crises can definitely be resolved.

The son of the monk Hantan also launched an attack on the double-headed snake queen at the first time. He has always insisted on taking advantage of his illness to kill him, and immediately sprayed dragon-shaped lightning at the double-headed snake queen.

Because the prohibition itself was forced out too suddenly, the double-headed snake queen and other basilisks were in a state of confusion for a moment, which made all the attacks launched by the monk Hantan and his son hit the target, especially the cold one. The dragon-shaped lightning ejected by Brother Tan's son directly blasted the queen of the two-headed snake away.

The son of monk Hantan knew that the queen of the double-headed snake must be extraordinary, but the aura it exuded was only in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and the powerful dragon-shaped lightning of his son of the monk of Hantan directly gave the blue head of the queen of the double-headed snake to him. It slumped down.

However, the queen of the double-headed snake has two heads after all, one head is lowered due to injury, and the other head remains awake, so when it was blown out, the red head also hurt the son of the monk Hantan. Launched an attack, it opened its mouth and sprayed out something like red ink.

The red ink-like thing transformed into a huge octopus in the pool, and waved its tentacles towards the monk's son in the cold pool.

Facing the tentacles of the giant octopus, the son of the monk Hantan didn't panic at all, he sprayed a dragon-shaped lightning at the giant octopus.

However, what Brother Hantan's son did not expect was that he caused trouble to the dragon-shaped lightning ejected by the giant octopus. The huge octopus was directly penetrated by his dragon-shaped lightning, and with the help of the power of the dragon-shaped lightning, There came a blast.

The explosion power of the giant octopus is not great, but the blood water it turns into with the help of the dragon-shaped lightning power pollutes a very large area near the altar. This kind of pollution is poisonous, and the toxicity is very strong. It is much stronger than the poisonous mist sprayed by the green-scaled basilisk. Whether it is the cold pool monk or his son, after the scales are stained with poisonous water, they all emit green smoke! Moreover, due to the peculiarity of the pool water itself, although the father and son of the cold pool monks were born as water-type monsters, they were unable to strongly control it, and there was no way to further dilute the poisonous water. It could only be the first time to withdraw from the area where the altar is located, because that area is no longer suitable for fighting.

Gu Zheng is also depressed. He originally used the invisibility technique to come over and break the restriction, and it has been verified before that the invisibility technique can avoid the eyes and ears of the green-scaled basilisk, but he never thought that the area near the altar has been closed. Polluted by the poisonous water, even the father and son of the monks in the cold pool had to avoid it, so he couldn't stand it anymore, so he could only lie dormant and wait for the opportunity.

The concentration of the poisonous water is so high that it can already affect the line of sight, so the father and son of the monks in the cold pool did not notice that the blue head that was blown up behind the double-headed snake had stood up, and the two heads sprayed out a strange wave upward at the same time After the wave hit the monk's fishbone from the sky, even though the fishbone from the sky did not disappear, it lost the ability to continue to follow the two-headed snake like a shadow.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool did not see that the two-headed snake had already got rid of the fishbone from the sky. The monsters have no effect, and now the basilisks belonging to different camps are fighting on the periphery of the poisonous water.

In addition, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool also saw that the red-scaled basilisk is really different from the green-scaled basilisk. In addition to being stronger, there are also differences in attack methods. The red-scaled basilisk can launch light and shadow attacks. What the Green Scaled Basilisk doesn't have.

Since the queen of the double-headed snake could not be seen in the poisonous water for the time being, the son of the cold pool monk also launched an attack on the ordinary basilisks outside the poisonous water. ring.

Brother Hantan did not have his son's long-distance and powerful attack methods. He could only enter the poisonous water, aim at a basilisk, launch an ink rendering, and then quickly exit. After all, poisonous water is not a place to stay for a long time, rushing in instantly and withdrawing quickly is like copying hot water by hand, because the time is short, it will not feel very painful, but if it takes a long time will be scalded.

As for what happened outside the poisonous water, the Two-Headed Snake Queen naturally knew that the poisonous water could cover the eyes of the father and son of the cold pool monks, but it did not affect its vision at all.

The subordinates are being slaughtered, and the double-headed snake queen seems indifferent, but in fact it is the damage caused to it by the dragon-shaped lightning of Brother Hantan's son before recovering. After all, its strength is not as high as that of Jinxian's late stage. Brother Hantan's son's dragon-shaped lightning is more powerful, and it even hits its vital parts seven inches! If it didn't have two heads to complement each other, but that blow would be enough to kill it.

The Queen of the Two-Headed Snake wasn't worried. After it healed, its subordinates suffered heavy casualties. It didn't matter to it even if the subordinates died, because this was the altar.

However, it didn't take that long for the two-headed snake queen to heal her wounds. When more than half of her subordinates were injured, she had fully recovered.

After recovering from the double-headed snake, the two heads made roaring sounds at the same time.

The roar from the red head still spewed out the magic that can transform into a big octopus.

The roar from the cyan head is actually a kind of manipulation of the pool water. It makes the poisonous water that would not spread, like a torrent, rush towards the father and son of the cold pool monk, and even the ancient dispute in the dark is also disturbed. By the way, Gu Zheng had to show up and fly back. After all, in the invisible state, his speed has dropped, and if the invisible state is not ended, he will not be able to escape the torrent.

After all, the impact of the torrent has a distance, and in the process of the impact, the torrent is inevitably diluted, and the monks of the cold pool did not suffer any harm. However, without the cover of the torrent, the big octopus that was originally in the torrent was also seen by the monks of the cold pool, but this time there was not one big octopus, there were as many as three!

"Come here again!"

The son of the monk in the cold pool secretly gritted his teeth. It was because he attacked the big red octopus rashly with dragon-shaped lightning before, which resulted in flooding of poisonous water. After such an experience, he did not believe that his attack this time would be self-defeating .

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