The upper part of the mountain is only a hundred feet high. Gu Zheng's spiritual sense first detected the top of the mountain, and there was indeed the flower that the old man needed. ,

I have already seen the flower that the old man said, but Gu Zheng was not happy at all, because he found that the flower was guarded by three monsters, and these three monsters were all in the golden fairy realm, two of them were in the early stage of golden fairy , and the other one is the Golden Immortal Middle Stage.

Gu Zheng's divine sense found the monster, and the monster in the Golden Immortal Realm also discovered Gu Zheng's divine sense. It looked like a golden-feathered vulture, and uttered a cry at the other two monsters.

The other two monsters, one looks like a double-headed brown bear, and the other is a three-tailed leopard monster. These two monsters didn't realize Gu Zheng's divine sense at first, but after hearing the cry of the golden-feathered vulture , as if receiving guidance, the two heads of the two-headed brown bear roared at the same time, spraying red and yellow light towards Gu Zheng in the air. Rush in the direction of the main body, and even the fast speed brought out afterimages.

Gu Zheng frowned slightly, he regretted a little, he regretted why he didn't rush directly to the top of the mountain, if the main body rushed directly to the top of the mountain, then he could activate the fairyland to collect all three monsters, now the three monsters are scattered Well, even if you want to activate the fairyland, you have to wait and see the situation.

Although the two-headed brown bear uses two different lights to deal with Gu Zheng's divine sense, it is a pity that its light attack has no effect on Gu Zheng's divine sense.

Gu Zheng's divine sense was only for investigation, not to attack monsters on the top of the mountain. After all, it was very close to the items he needed, so it was not an ideal place to fight, so he took his divine sense back.

After withdrawing the divine sense, Gu Zheng immediately separated the divine sense, this time he directly separated the divine sense bird, and ran towards the three-tailed leopard monster rushing down from the top of the mountain.

The Three-Tailed Leopard Demon shook its tail, and three tornadoes rolled towards Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka.

For Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka, it was impossible for an ordinary attack to cause any harm to it. It passed through the tornado and directly hit the three-tailed leopard demon.

However, the three-tailed leopard demon is also quite strange. When the bird of divine sense hit it, its three tails shook again, and its whole body was surrounded by a layer of strange fluctuations. Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense lost its effect on it , and it is the first time Gu Zheng has seen the supernatural power that can make the power of decomposition of divine sense completely useless.

Although the spiritual attack was useless against the three-tailed leopard demon, Gu Zheng had other means of attack. He raised his leg towards the charging three-tailed leopard demon and kicked out wind dragons one after another.

The reason why Gu Zheng used this kind of not-so-high supernatural power to deal with the three-tailed leopard demon was actually to save the chance to use powerful supernatural powers. After all, there were three monsters in the golden fairy realm on the top of the mountain. Gu Zheng didn't want to Solve them one by one, even if it is a waste of the magic power of the fairyland, he still wants to get rid of all three monsters at once, so while holding the three-tailed leopard monster with Hunyuanfenglong's legs, he is also waiting for another Two monsters come over.

However, the other two monsters seemed to care about the life and death of the three-tailed leopard demon. The smog that can hallucinate people, and this kind of smog is also strange enough, as long as it can envelop people, even if people are in a breath-holding state, they will still be affected by its hallucinogenic effect.

"Since you don't come down, I want to get rid of this three-tailed leopard demon."

Gu Zheng sneered in his heart. He felt that he couldn't wait for the other two monsters. Since the other two monsters wanted their companions to die, he didn't mind fulfilling them.

Facing the mist launched by the three-tailed leopard demon, Gu Zheng played the Immortal Extermination Art. His palms faced each other to form a space, and the mist sprayed by the three-tailed leopard demon was continuously absorbed by the space between his palms.

Although the mist was partially absorbed by the Immortal Extinguishing Art, because the Three-tailed Leopard Demon continued to spit out mist, Gu Zheng was already wrapped in the mist, but what made the Three-tailed Leopard Demon depressed was that although Gu Zheng was surrounded by mist But the hallucinogenic effect of the mist didn't work on him, not because his soothe the nerves technique was unique enough, but because of the Immortal Extermination Art.

Miexian Jue is an immortal combat technique, and if it can be classified as an immortal level, it must be relatively powerful in all aspects.

For example, when Gu Zheng casts the Immortal Extinguishing Art, his body surface will produce a cyan shield of immortal power. The hood is stronger.

Although the three-tailed leopard demon sprays out only mist, it has the effect of ignoring the shield of fairy power, so Gu Zheng's own shield of fairy power cannot stop the mist from invading him, but with the shield of Miexian Jue, it is different Yes, it can completely shield the mist sprayed by the three-tailed leopard demon, which is the fundamental reason why Gu Zheng was not hallucinated by the mist.

Some things are troublesome to tell, but in fact they all happened in a very short period of time. Seeing that the ancient city was surrounded by fog, but it was not affected by the hallucinogenic effect of the fog, the three-tailed leopard demon understood it and felt it. The proud mist has no effect on Gu Zheng at all, and it roared immediately in anger. It wants to change its strategy and use different means to attack Gu Zheng.

However, the three-tailed leopard demon took a step back. The space between Gu Zheng's palms had already absorbed enough energy, and the energy of the mist had been compressed into a ball of light by him, and he threw it towards the three-tailed leopard demon.

Facing the flying ball of light, the three-tailed leopard demon flicked its tail, and a flash of lightning immediately struck towards the ball of light, but before the ball of light touched the ball of light, the ball of light exploded in the air, and the burst of light was extremely powerful. The fast speed effect hits the three-tailed leopard demon, and produces an effect to freeze it.

Although the three-tailed leopard demon has been fixed, but the three-tailed leopard demon is still the strength of Jinxian's early stage. Gu Zheng can't directly make it explode, but he can be killed if he can be fixed.

"Destroy the cactus!"

The powerful palm wind was pushed out by Gu Zheng, and there were two shots of the Immortal Palm, even if the first Immortal Palm could not kill the Three-Tailed Leopard Demon, the second Immortal Palm would be enough to make it into a meatloaf .

After all, Miexianzhang is also a very powerful fairy technique, and Gu Zheng's current strength is already in the late stage of returning to the void. Under normal circumstances, one hit of Miexianzhang can kill the three-tailed leopard demon who is immobilized, let alone Two notes.

However, something unusual still happened. The Three-Tailed Leopard Demon did endure the two strikes of the ancient celestial palm, but it did not die. It left a tail on the ground.

Seeing the tail left by the three-tailed leopard demon, Gu Zheng understood that the three-tailed leopard demon actually had three lives, and what he just solved with Mie Xianzhang could only be regarded as one life of the three-tailed leopard demon. It should also be the reason why the other two monsters on the top of the mountain didn't come to help the three-tailed leopard demon. In their affection for them, they first let the three-tailed leopard demon explore the depth of the ancient dispute.


The Three-Tailed Leopard Demon roared. Having lost his life, he had already returned to the top of the mountain, and the roar it made at this moment was angry and unwilling.


The two-headed brown bear responded to the roar of the three-tailed leopard demon, and then it rushed down to avenge its good brother.

"Still doing this trick?"

Seeing that only the two-headed brown bear was running down from the top of the mountain, and thinking about the strangeness of the three-tailed leopard monster before, Gu Zheng immediately understood that the two-headed brown bear is also a strange monster with two lives.

"You have quite a lot of lives, but are your supernatural powers the same? The three-tailed leopard monster was able to ignore my divine sense attack before, but I want to see if you are also unique enough to ignore my divine sense bird!"

Gu Zheng sneered, he had already planned to kill the cactus, and he wanted to kill the two-headed brown bear this time just like he killed the three-tailed leopard demon before.

The main body is preparing to destroy the cactus, but Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense is not idle, it has already bumped towards the two-headed brown bear.

When the two-headed brown bear was on the top of the mountain, it once attacked Gu Zheng's divine sense to investigate, but the two kinds of light it released at that time were of no use to Gu Zheng's divine sense.

It is precisely because of the fact that there was already a chance to deal with the divine sense, and after seeing the divine sense, which was not easy in itself, it turned into a more powerful bird, and the two-headed brown bear, who did not dare to be careless at all, directly released the big move, It roared at the bird of divine sense that Gu Zheng collided with, and a huge phantom of a brown bear immediately appeared behind it, and the phantom opened its mouth and swallowed the bird of divine thought of Gu Zheng.

Although the brown bear phantom swallowed Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense into its mouth, it didn't have the ability to destroy the bird of divine sense, it could only temporarily keep Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense in a state of confinement, And this state is only a short one minute long. However, for the confident two-headed brown bear, one minute is enough to tear Gu Zheng into pieces. No matter what, it can sense the strength of Gu Zheng. In its view, Gu Zheng is nothing more than a It's just a reptile in the late stage of Void Return, and it is not qualified to compete with it at all.

Gu Zheng is also drunk. This double-headed brown bear really has two brushes. It is not so weird that it can directly ignore the attack of divine sense like the three-tailed leopard monster. It is indeed quite surprising.

However, when Gu Zheng used the bird of divine sense to deal with the two-headed brown bear, his two shots of the cactus extermination had already been brewed. The two-headed brown bear hit.

The two-headed brown bear, which was still charging towards Gu Zheng aggressively, immediately stood up and roared at Mie Xianzhang when he saw the huge palm of Gu Zheng Mie Xianzhang, and while it was roaring, it also had red and yellow colors in its mouth. The light shot towards the palm wind of the Mie Cactus.

The two-headed brown bear used red and yellow light to deal with the divine sense of Gu Zheng, and it didn't achieve any effect, but this time it was different. The light it emitted was stronger than when it was used to deal with the divine sense before, and Mie Xianzhang is not like divine thoughts, there are very few attacks that can have an effect on it, so the next scene appeared, that is, under the attack of the red and yellow two-color light of the double-headed brown bear, Gu Zheng's The two cactus extermination records were broken immediately!

Divine thoughts and birds can be imprisoned, and Mie Xianzhang has no experience in fighting against ancient times. Since these three monsters want to try his methods, then why not play with these monsters!

Instead of using the Immortal Extermination Jue on the two-headed brown bear, Gu Zheng swung the elven blade and launched the Falling Leaf Sword Technique at the two-headed brown bear.

Daoist sword qi surrounded the two-headed brown bear like fallen leaves, and the double-headed brown bear caught in the sword qi attack soon had sword wounds on its body. Gu Zheng really can't calculate his strength according to the normal Void Returning Realm.

However, the two-headed brown bear has not been led by the nose by Gu Zheng's fallen leaves swordsmanship. The pain caused by the sword wound made it wake up, and let it understand that it will not have much time to trap Gu Zheng's divine thought bird. Let Gu Zheng's Divine Mind Asuka get out of trouble, and it will be even more invincible to defeat Gu Zheng.


The two-headed brown bear with a roar stood up, and it wanted to deal with Gu Zheng with the light attack that shattered the cactus before, but there was a disadvantage of launching this kind of attack, that is, it had to stand up, and once it stood up When he got up, he was in a dangerous state where the door of Buddhism was wide open, but if he didn't take any risks at this moment, he felt that it was impossible to defeat Gu Zheng.

If the two-headed brown bear had stood up earlier and had the awareness to launch a ray attack against Gu Zheng, then it would have been able to get rid of Gu Zheng's Fallen Leaf Sword Technique, at best, it would only cost a little injury. However, now that it is standing upright, Gu Zheng is not uncommon for taking the opportunity to hurt it with sword energy, no matter what, Gu Zheng is using the fallen leaf sword technique launched by the blade of the elf.

The characteristic of the Elven Blade is that every time Gu Zheng swung his sword energy, it would produce a leaf. When these fallen leaves accumulated to a certain amount, Gu Zheng could use the magical power of the Elf Blade to make the fallen leaves produce a powerful explosion When he used the falling leaf sword technique to attack the double-headed brown bear just now, the fallen leaves were already in the process of accumulating. When the double-headed brown bear stood up, Gu Zheng immediately activated the magical power of the elf blade to detonate the fallen leaves.


Amidst the loud noise, the huge body of the two-headed brown bear was blown into the air.

The magical power of the Elven Blade is basically equivalent to the self-explosion of a high-level fairy weapon. The damage suffered by the double-headed brown bear in this explosion is very fatal. These monsters want to have fun, and Gu Zheng doesn't mind beheading one of the two-headed brown bear's head. When Gu Zheng wants to cut off the second head of the two-headed brown bear, the body of the two-headed brown bear fades away, leaving only the one on the ground The head that was beheaded by Gu Zheng, and the way it disappeared was exactly the same as the three-tailed leopard demon before.

The two-headed brown bear also returned to the mountain, but when it returned to the mountain, it did not roar angrily and unwillingly like the three-tailed leopard demon before. As for the three-tailed leopard demon with only two tails left, it was already quiet at the moment After they came down, their eyes all fell on the golden-feathered vulture who uttered the first cry.

The Golden Feather Vulture was the first monster to discover Gu Zheng's divine sense, but it only became quieter after the first cry, even though its other two companions had already lost their lives in Gu Zheng, It also still has the appearance of closing its eyes and meditating.

In fact, it's not that the golden-feathered vultures are indifferent to the current situation, nor is it that they want to test the depth of the ancient conflict. The three-tailed leopard monster and the two-headed brown bear dealt with the ancient conflict separately, but they just wanted to delay the ancient conflict. , because at the beginning, including now, the Golden Feather Vulture was in a state of being unable to make a move.

Under normal circumstances, Gu Zheng would definitely know why the Golden Feathered Vulture couldn't make a move, but this is not a normal situation, so Gu Zheng didn't pay much attention to it.

The so-called normal situation is that Gu Zheng came to this mountain for exploration, so when he uses his spiritual sense to investigate the things on the top of the mountain, he must be very careful.

However, the reason why Gu Zheng came to this mountain was to help the old man get back the white flower on the top of the mountain. This is completely different from exploring, and this is a matter of clear purpose.

Because of this, when Gu Zheng's divine sense was on the top of the mountain before, he just took a rough look, so he just knew that there were white flowers that the old man needed on the top of the mountain, and there were three monsters in the golden fairy realm, so he missed it. For the exploration of white flowers, and for the exploration of golden-feathered vultures.

If Gu Zheng could investigate the golden-feathered vulture, he would find that this golden-feathered vulture is a very peculiar double-inner alchemy monster. It is both a metal-type monster and a wood-type monster. , It is using a technique similar to the Wood Control Jue to ripen the white flower.

If Gu Zheng had carefully investigated the white flowers, then based on his knowledge of food and drink, he would have discovered that the seemingly unattractive white flowers are actually a special kind of treasure. , not like the normal Tiancaidibao, people can tell it is very extraordinary at a glance, it is a hidden Tiancaidibao, only when it is about to mature, it will have a different aura and fragrance issue.

Heaven, material and earth treasures are good things, no matter for cultivators or monsters.

The Golden Feather Vulture wants to obtain the treasures of heaven, material and earth, so it ripens the treasures of heaven, materials and earth through black magic, and this method of ripening has already entered the final stage, so when it finds that an enemy is coming, it It can only tell its two companions to defend against the enemy, while he keeps casting spells and cannot move around.

At this moment, Gu Zheng was still standing still. He thought that after beheading the life of the two-headed brown bear, the three monsters on the top of the mountain should have paid enough attention to him, and they should collectively mobilize to deal with it. He, he just happened to clean up these few monsters.

However, not to mention the monsters on the top of the mountain came together to seek revenge, not even one came out.

"Could it be that they are cowardly?"

As soon as such a question arose in his mind, Gu Zheng immediately overturned it, and his intuition told him that the three monsters on the top of the mountain should not easily give up. If they didn't give up, why didn't they come down?

Gu Zheng didn't want to wait, this time he didn't choose to use his divine sense to investigate, he rushed directly to the top of the mountain.

"call out!"

As soon as Gu Zheng moved, the golden-feathered vulture, which had a relatively strong sense, immediately felt it. It sang to tell its two companions that Gu Zheng was running towards the mountain.

After receiving the notification from the golden-feathered vulture, the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear roared immediately. Their roars were not to demonstrate to Gu Zheng, but to summon their subordinates.

The three monsters on the top of the mountain belong to the top existence of the monster circle on this mountain, and all the monsters on the whole mountain are their subordinates, even though they also know that even if these monsters go up together, it is impossible for them to belong to Gu Zheng Opponents, but at this time, they have nothing to do, they can only call their subordinates to come to help, thinking that it can be delayed for a while, once the golden feathered vulture is able to move, then it will be too late. It's time for their revenge.

Hearing the roar of the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear, all the monsters on the mountain roared in response, and they rushed towards the top of the mountain while responding to the king's call.

The monsters who rushed to help were naturally not as fast as Gu Zheng, who had already reached the top of the mountain.

Since he already had doubts about the three monsters, Gu Zheng who climbed to the top of the mountain observed very carefully. Feather vultures are actually ripening white flowers.

Knowing that they were not Gu Zheng's opponents, but also waiting for their subordinates to come to help, the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear did not attack Gu Zheng.

As for Gu Zheng, it is impossible for him to attack the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear at this time.

First of all, the top of the mountain is not a suitable place for fighting. Gu Zheng was afraid of hurting the white flower when he was fighting here. If this was a suitable place for fighting, he would have fought the three monsters on the top of the mountain from the very beginning.

Second, Gu Zheng can't do anything to the Golden Feather Vulture now, even if he launches the Immortal Domain on it! After all, the key reason why Golden Feather Vulture dare not move now is that he cannot end the state of ripening the white flower. Once it is over, all the previous efforts will be wasted, and the white flower that could have become a treasure of heaven and earth will quickly wither As a useless thing, based on this premise, Gu Zheng naturally did not dare to do anything to the Golden Feather Vulture. Once the white flowers were destroyed because of his attack on the Golden Feather Vulture, then he would not be able to fulfill the agreement with the old man. The price he paid was too heavy.

Gu Zheng still made a move. Although he can't deal with the golden-feathered vulture, he can deal with the three-tailed leopard monster and the double-headed brown bear. If he can get rid of these two golden fairyland monsters in advance, then when he faces the golden-feathered vulture , he will naturally be able to relax.

Facing the Bird of Divine Mind released by Gu Zheng, the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear reacted exactly the same, they both roared.

However, this time the three-tailed leopard demon and the two-headed brown bear had different roaring effects. Their roaring this time was not offensive but defensive, so when their roaring ended, a wall of energy was formed in front of the golden-feathered vulture. Fearing that the ancient battle would be detrimental to the golden-feathered vulture, they teamed up to arrange this protection in front of the golden-feathered vulture.

After protecting the golden-feathered vulture, the three-tailed leopard monster and the two-headed brown bear felt less pressure, and they also rushed towards Gu Zheng immediately. Their fierce eyes seemed to tell Gu Zheng that they were going to fight Gu Zheng to the death.

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