The pool water is only effective against fish-scale monsters, but has no effect on Gu Zheng, so Gu Zheng who dived into the water didn't feel any difference.

Gu Zheng has already seen the monster with fish scales, this nasty guy has recovered to a great extent in such a short period of time, which can be seen from his eyes.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had also entered the pool, the arrogant fish-scale monster sent a voice transmission to him: "Just because you want to kill me? Tell you, I am immortal in this pool!"

"It turns out that ignorance gave you courage. You do have a strong recovery ability in the pool. Then do you think if I activate the fairyland and tear you into pieces in the fairyland, will you still be able to come back to life?" Gu Zheng's eyes narrowed into a line.

"Don't talk about those useless things with me, your fairyland supernatural powers can't be used yet!" the fish-scale monster said disdainfully.

"I can't use my immortal supernatural powers now, but why hasn't he been able to use them all the time?" Gu Zheng felt amused.

"Even if you were able to perform it, it would be half a day later. At that time, did you think I would stand in front of you and let you perform Immortal Domain for me? Tell you, the water system here extends in all directions. Wait until your Immortal Domain is about to recover." By the time I was here, I had already traveled to other places through the water system here."

The fish-scale monster laughed loudly, he was really confident, but facing his confidence, Gu Zheng's eyes became more and more mocking and cold.

"To deal with you, there is no need to wait until the fairyland recovers. The supernatural power I just realized has not been used against any monsters. As a monster in the Void Return Realm, you are very fortunate to have a sneak peek!"

He has heard what Gu Zheng said, and the fish-scale monster has not yet felt fear. In his opinion, he is an invincible existence in this water area. He can open an undercurrent to escape at any time when he feels that the situation is not right.

The fish scale monster is still too proud, and he will pay the price with his life after this time.

Gu Zheng activated his supernatural power, which is his dragon domain.

As a fairy-level combat technique, the Shenlong Domain naturally has its unusual features. For example, it is a range-of-attack fairy technique, and after it is activated, it is in a banned state within a certain range, and this banned state includes No air and no escape.

The Shenlong Domain has been casted, and the huge area around it is shrouded in the scope of the Shenlong Domain. Countless phantoms of the Shenlong shuttle within the range covered by the supernatural powers, attacking all enemies within the current range!

As soon as Gu Zheng's Shenlong Domain was launched, the fish-scale monster was knocked into the air by a phantom of a Shenlong, and he vomited blood on the spot. If he had not possessed a very powerful self-healing ability in this water area, then A single impact from the phantom of the dragon could kill him.

For the first time, the fish-scale monster felt fear in his heart. Without daring to stay longer, he wanted to open an undercurrent to escape, but he was wrong. This is the Shenlong domain of the ancient dispute, and the current area is forbidden to escape!

The so-called forbidden escape means that all the five elements escape techniques are prohibited, and the method used by the fish-scale monster to escape through the undercurrent is a kind of water escape.


The water escape failed, and the fish-scale monster screamed. Even though he still had the super protection provided by the silver wine glass, he couldn't last long in the ancient dragon's domain.

"Spare me, I'm giving you this wine glass!"

The fish-scale monster begged Gu Zheng for mercy, but Gu Zheng responded with a cold snort. He didn't cherish the opportunity given to him, so don't blame Gu Zheng for being cruel. He wanted to get the silver wine glass, but he didn't need the fish-scale monster Give it to him, he can kill the fish-scale monster and take the silver wine glass from his corpse.

The protection of the fish-scale monster's body surface was quickly smashed by the phantom of the dragon, and his body was completely torn apart by the phantom of the dragon, and his death was a miserable one.

However, before letting Shenlong Xuying tear up the fish-scale monster's body, Gu Zheng did one thing to the fish-scale monster, and this thing was to search for his soul! After all, the fish-scale monster is also rare to have spiritual intelligence. Gu Zheng wanted to learn more about this space world from him, but it was a pity that Gu Zheng didn't get any valuable information from the fish-scale monster.

After the fish-scale monster died, Gu Zheng got the silver wine glass as he wished, and this silver wine glass was a high-level fairy artifact.

What kind of magical powers do silver wine glasses have? It has already been demonstrated on the fish-scale monster. Gu Zheng holding the silver wine glass has to sigh with emotion. This time, every item that helped the special monster find is a real good thing. The orb, or the golden key I got last time, or the silver wine cup I got this time, each has its own use. If they are not necessary for Gu Zheng's mission, then Gu Zheng really wants to keep them in his pocket.

Without staying in the pool, Gu Zheng rushed out of the pool and headed for the next destination.

Gu Zheng's next destination is in a valley. As for where this valley is, Gu Zheng has obtained a specific location in the memory of the half-human poisonous bee.

The place where the water pool is located is not too far from the valley, and according to Gu Zheng's flight speed, it is only a meal effort.

Nothing special happened during the meal. Gu Zheng couldn't find any ingredients, and he didn't encounter any unsightly monsters. Anyway, it was very peaceful.

The valley has arrived, and Gu Zheng's brows are slightly frowned. He is above the valley at the moment, but when he looks down, the scenery below is hazy, which shows that there is a formation in the valley.

Things like formations are arranged by someone. Although Gu Zheng has never seen anyone in this space world, it cannot be ruled out that there are people here.

Landing outside the valley, Gu Zheng saw the fairy formation barrier that sealed the entrance of the cave.

As soon as he separated his divine sense to investigate, Gu Zheng immediately understood that this barrier of the fairy formation was the kind that was easier to break through with fairy power.

Pressing the palm of his hand on the barrier of the fairy array, the immortal power acted on the barrier along Gu Zheng's palm. According to Gu Zheng's estimation, it would take him five minutes to break the barrier.

However, just as Gu Zheng pressed his hand on the barrier, a ghostly old man appeared behind the barrier. The reason why he is described as ghostly is not only because he looks like a ghost, but more importantly What's more, the way he appeared was really sudden, as if he had traveled through teleportation.

Although he looks like a ghost, the old man's eyes are full of aura, and it is inconvenient for Gu Zheng to continue to break the barrier when he is staring straight at him.

"What are you staring at me for?"

Gu Zheng's attitude is not good. In his opinion, this old man must belong to a special monster. Since he is at the same level as a special monster, he doesn't take the initiative to speak when he sees the entrant. This feeling makes Gu Zheng uncomfortable. , in the test of the space world that Gu Zheng has experienced, it seems that none of the old men is a good thing, let’s not talk about the far ones, let’s just talk about the old man in white who was killed by Gu Zheng yesterday, he made Gu Zheng miserable, Otherwise, Gu Zheng would have already cleared the four-way space.

"I'm watching what you do."

The old man's voice was very unpleasant, as if two pieces of dry wood were rubbing together, and his words were rather irritating, so Gu Zheng squinted at him and said, "Don't you see that I am breaking the barrier?"

"Well, I just noticed." The old man said slowly.

Not bothering to continue talking nonsense with the old man, Gu Zheng asked directly: "There is a purple gourd in this valley, but is it in your hands?"

"Is this what you mean?"

The old man touched it from his body, and when he stretched out his hand again, there was a big purple gourd in his palm, and there should be something like a space fairy on his body.

"That's right, that's it." Gu Zheng paused, then said again: "I want this gourd, do you have anything to say?"

Not surprised that Gu Zheng wanted his purple leather gourd, the old man said slowly: "What are you going to want? Just ask for it, or after doing something for me, I will give you this purple leather gourd?"

Gu Zheng, who listened to the old man's way of speaking, cursed him secretly in his heart. He knew what he wanted, so it's not good to say something clearly? You have to look like you're half dead, waiting for someone to ask you!

Although there is anger in my heart, who is separated by this fairy barrier? Gu Zheng had to speak well. If there was no such barrier, he would definitely tell the old man that he wanted to insist, and then kill the old man and take the purple gourd from him. However, with the barrier of this fairy formation barrier, even without interference, it would take five minutes for Gu Zheng to break through the fairy formation barrier, and within these five minutes, if the old man is extreme enough, , he must have enough time to destroy the purple gourd, so as to achieve the goal of fighting against Gu.

"Tell me first, what kind of thing can you do for you to give me this leather gourd?" Gu Zheng asked.

"It's very simple, you just need to pick the flower on the top of the mountain and give it to me before sunset."

The old man's voice fell, and a picture appeared on the invisible barrier. From far to near, the picture showed the top of a mountain, and on the top of the mountain, there was a plant like a datura growing on it. A flower like a lily blooms.

The picture appeared quickly and disappeared just as quickly, but Gu Zheng could still see that the mountain was the one that the golden-armored crocodile wanted him to help bring back the two boulder salamanders!

Previously, Gu Zheng chose cooking and food repair instead of going to that mountain to help the golden-armored crocodile bring back the giant boulder salamander. The reason is that there are more powerful monsters on that mountain, and Gu Zheng felt that one thing more is worse than one thing less. Of course, he has never been to that mountain before. His understanding of that mountain is based on the memory of the poisonous half-human bee. The so-called monster with terrifying strength is only for the poisonous half-human bee. Gu Zheng guessed that on that mountain, there must be a few monsters in the early stage of Golden Immortal, and even in the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

"Can you change the content of what you said?" Gu Zheng asked.

"What kind of changes do you want to make?" the old man asked back.

"Do you have to get that flower, or can that flower be replaced by something else?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I want that flower, and I don't want anything else." The old man's attitude was very firm.

"Can the time be changed? At noon tomorrow at the latest, I'll help you bring that flower back!"

Knowing that there is a golden fairy-level monster on the mountain, Gu Zheng wanted to restore his hole cards before going to the mountain for safety reasons, and his hole cards would not be restored until night.


Regarding the time change of Gu Zheng, the old man happily nodded in agreement.

"Then let's make a deal!"

Gu Zheng submitted the conclusion of the agreement to the old man, the specific content of which is that not being able to speak is nothing.

The old man looked at the appearance that Attachment was not afraid of Gu Zheng, but he was as cautious as the golden armored crocodile. He also made changes to the conclusion of Gu Zheng's agreement, and also added the one that could not cause trouble! However, compared to the one that the golden armored crocodile just added and couldn't cause trouble, the old man also added another one, that is, if Gu Zheng fails to complete the agreed things within the agreed time, then Gu Zheng needs to live forever stay in his valley!

Although the punishment for mission failure is very severe, and staying in the Sangu for eternity is equivalent to killing Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng still accepted the old man's change to the agreement. Who made the purple gourd be the first thing he had to bring back? Four mission essentials.

After leaving the valley mouth, Gu Zheng flew towards the mountain.

As far as Gu Zheng is concerned, he still has a lot of time left for the task of helping the sea anemone banshee bring back items from this space world, so he can restore the hole cards first in the next time. However, Gu Zheng still had some melancholy in his heart. What he was worried about was not how to get the flower on the top of the mountain, but the cave related to the last quest item. He still doesn't know where it is!

Regarding the cave related to the last quest item, Gu Zheng did not get any clues from the soul-locking half-human poisonous bee, the flamingo and the fish-scale monster. From the golden-armored crocodile and the old man, Gu Zheng also asked them about the cave. Things, the result is also nothing.

Although on the old man's side, Gu Zheng failed to get the purple gourd smoothly, but Gu Zheng still thinks about things in a good way.

Whether it was the old man or the golden-armored crocodile, they were all monsters of a special level. Since they all pointed their targets at that mountain, it might not be certain that they could get information about that cave on that mountain. After all, there are powerful monsters on that mountain, and powerful monsters may have spiritual wisdom. As long as they have spiritual wisdom, they can be searched by Gu Zheng, and he may get information about the three buildings.

The direction of the mountain is not very close to the valley where Gu Zheng started, and it feels like it will take nearly an hour to fly Gu Zheng.

However, Gu Zheng was not in a hurry. Since there are powerful monsters on that mountain, for safety's sake, he still planned to restore the used cards before climbing the mountain.

He found a random hilltop, and used immortal techniques to open up a cave. After arranging a fairy formation that could serve as a defense and warning, Gu Zheng sat cross-legged in the stone room of the cave.

On the surface, it looks like he fell into a deep sleep, but in fact Gu Zheng is full of thoughts. There are many things in his mind. Among them are the worries about the son of the monk in the cold pool, and the anxiety that the space world at the current stage will not be repaired for a long time.

Time passed unknowingly, and soon came the night in this space world, and all the hole cards that Gu Zheng had used up were restored.

Gu Zheng, who left the cave, flew towards the mountain. There is no sun and moon in this space world, but the night is not dark, and the visibility is just like that of a full moon in a normal environment.

Gu Zheng didn't know much about the mountain he was about to go to. All he knew was obtained through soul searching of the poisonous half-human bee, and the poisonous half-human bee had never been close to this mountain. Shan's understanding is just hearsay.

Originally, Gu Zheng planned to fly directly to the top of the mountain and land next to the flower, but when he really got close to the mountain, Gu Zheng realized that it was a strange mountain with the power of clear space , and the existence of this kind of power also made it impossible for him to fly to the top of the mountain. He had to climb all the way up from the bottom of the mountain.

For Gu Zheng, it won't take long to climb this mountain, but there is an air-forbidden force on this mountain, so the danger on this mountain may be higher than what he predicted before.

Gu Zheng has already started to climb the mountain. His figure is like a ghost, shuttling through the woods on the mountain. Despite the existence of the power of clearance, Gu Zheng's walking speed is not slow. Calculated according to this speed, if along the way If you don't get caught by anything, it will take only one meal to reach the top of the mountain.

While walking up the forest, Gu Zheng, who separated out the environment of the divine sense to investigate, soon discovered that there were indeed a large number of monsters on this mountain, but Gu Zheng used the stealth technique when climbing the mountain, so these The monsters did not discover his existence, but through the investigation of his divine sense, Gu Zheng found that these monsters were basically weak, and the strongest ones were only in the realm of transforming gods. They were already regarded as the super weak ones he had encountered in this space world. Monster.

In addition to the discovery of monsters, Gu Zheng's divine sense also detected high-quality ingredients, but for Gu Zheng who is not very short of ingredients, in order not to waste any time, he does not specifically collect high-quality ingredients unless is a high level.

When the woods came to an end, the scene in front of them was obviously a bit desolate, as far as the eye could see, the greenery had become very little, and it was basically exposed stones.

The ancient struggle in this desolate land, through the investigation of divine sense, also found the existence of some monsters, but in this desolate place on the mountainside, the strength of the monsters is obviously higher than that of the mountain. All the monsters are below the Void Returning Realm, but in this area halfway up the mountain, all the monsters that Gu Zheng encountered were at the Void Returning level, and some of them even reached the Void Returning peak .

Such an obvious division of strength also made Gu Zheng feel that when he walked out of this desolate land, he would not be too far from the top of the mountain, but during this not too far journey, he would definitely encounter a monster in the golden fairy realm. It's a sure thing.

The green ahead gradually became more and more, and the ancient battle that was about to end in the desolate land was about to step into the upper area of ​​the mountain, but at this moment, a strange cry of a monster broke the tranquility of the night.

The strange screams sounded from the front of Gu Zheng, and the strange screaming monster looked a bit like a weasel, hiding behind a big rock, looking at Gu Zheng with a pair of eyes that glowed yellow at night.

Gu Zheng frowned. Although the weasel monster's cry was not loud, it gave him a feeling that it not only found him, but even sent an alarm to those monsters through its cry.

Sure enough, after the weasel monster's cry fell to the ground, the roar of the monster became noisy, and even the ground shook slightly. This was the sound of a monster running towards this side.

The frown was a frown, but Gu Zheng did not hesitate in his actions. Since this little weasel monster can see through his invisibility, he must take down this weasel monster if he wants to save trouble! What's more, although the weasel monster is small in size, its eyes are full of aura, and it is a guy who can accept the ancient struggle to search for souls.

The bird of divine sense that Gu Zheng divided had already flown towards the weasel monster. The weasel monster flew away when it saw the bird of divine thought, but its speed was not as fast as that of the bird of divine thought. between things.

Although the weasel monster is small in size, it is still a monster that appeared in the mountainside area, and its strength has already appeared in the middle stage of returning to the void. Facing the spirit bird that is chasing him, the weasel monster jumped up He plunged his head toward the ground.

This is a desolate rocky area, and the weasel monster wants to use the golden escape technique here, and use the golden escape technique to shuttle through the rocks to escape.

It is a pity that this is a desolate rocky area. If it is a dirt area, the weasel monster escapes through the technique of earth escape. Gu Zheng may really have nothing to do with it. Who made Gu Zheng have only his own life in his body? What about the source of the earth! However, this is a desolate rocky area, and the escape method launched by the weasel monster is the golden escape technique, and Gu Zheng happens to have the real gold spirit in his body, and his gold control art is already very good.

At that moment, the real gold spirit in Gu Zheng's body vibrated, and he manipulated the rock with the gold control art, making the rock that could have been rumored by the weasel monster so hard that he wanted to escape when he stuck his head on the rock The weasel monster, the one who hit it was a bloody head.

Head smashing wasn't the worst thing. For the weasel monster, it was the bird of divine sense that followed closely behind.

"You can shut up!"

Gu Zheng, who rushed over, slapped the weasel monster on the head, knocking him out directly, and in the process of taking it away, he also activated his soul.

It is not at all difficult for Gu Zheng to do such a thing, and it is not a conflict for him to use the stealth movement technique to rush on the road, while the weasel monster is searching for souls. After all, what is used to absorb the soul is the divine mind, and what is used to perform the stealth technique is the immortal power. Between the two different powers of the immortal power and the divine mind, he has already achieved dual purposes.

Through the soul search of the weasel monster, although Gu Zheng didn't get any clues about the cave, he learned a lot about the situation on this mountain.

However, due to the special smell on the weasel monster, even Gu Zheng couldn't cover it up with the stealth technique, which made Gu Zheng have pursuers behind him.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Gu Zheng to search for the weasel monster's soul, and after the soul search, he also discarded the weasel monster, and the pursuers had no clues to continue tracking, so they didn't follow Gu Zheng into this place. The upper area of ​​the mountain, otherwise, listening to their angry roars, Gu Zheng felt that when facing foreign enemies, there should be no such clear boundaries between these monsters, and they should be consistent with the outside world.

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