Not seeking to injure the enemy, but only to harass the enemy, this is the purpose of Brother Hantan's son, and it is precisely with this requirement that Brother Hantan's son did not suffer a disadvantage when he appeared behind the monkey monster this time.

Because the monkey monsters who have been harassed one after another have not completely dispelled their guard. As soon as the son of the monk Hantan appeared, his long tail swept towards the son of the monk Hantan.

The tail of the monkey monster will not only become longer when it sweeps, but also has a very powerful momentum on it, which can make people feel that no matter how they hide, it is wrong. However, his attack this time still failed to hit Hantan. The son of a monk, the reason is that the son of a monk in Hantan was too cautious. He just showed his face when he felt that the situation was not good, and he didn't even launch an attack, so he entered the heart magic bead again.

The son of the monk Hantan is also bold. He escaped the attack of the monkey monster again. Seeing the monkey monster standing in the air and looking at the Heart Demon Orb angrily, he felt that the monkey monster's anger should be a little bit worse. If this Once the fire is ignited, the monkey monster will burn completely, so he once again appeared behind the monkey monster through the mobile fortress feature of the heart magic orb, and opened his mouth to spit out a dragon-shaped lightning bolt at the monkey monster.

Brother Hantan's son never thought of severely injuring the monkey monster, and his attack on the monkey monster was just provocation.

However, this time was different from the previous few sneak attacks. The monkey monster also paid for it. The moment the monk's son in the cold pool appeared behind him, he launched an attack that he had never wanted to launch. A large piece of monkey hair flew out in an instant, and the destructive power of each of the millions of monkey hairs was quite good. In an instant, the dragon-shaped lightning spit out by the son of the frigid cold pool was sustained until it exploded. However, even if the son of the monk Hantan returned to the Inner Demon Orb in time, he would inevitably be affected by the power of his own dragon-shaped lightning explosion, and a mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

However, Brother Hantan's son's risky attack this time was worth it. The monkey monster that was only short of a fire was really ignited. Now he doesn't want to care about any forbidden people anymore. The monk's son was crushed to death.

The frenzied attack acted on the Heart Demon Orb. Under the crazy attack of the monkey monster, the Heart Demon Orb drifted with the current like a rootless duckweed. On the big tree, he fell into the river after a while, anyway, he was tossed by monkey monsters to his heart's content.

At this moment, thanks to the precious time that Brother Hantan and his son bought him, Gu Zheng is about to break the last restriction. As long as he breaks the last restriction, he will be able to attack the center of the formation.

There was a crisp sound under the palm, and the last restriction protecting the third formation eye was broken by Gu Zheng, and the formation eye that lost its protection was exposed in front of Gu Zheng's eyes. To Gu Zheng, it was as fragile as a a newborn.

Gu Zheng had already planned Miexianzhang long ago. When he slapped Miexianzhang at the third formation eye, his heart sent a warning to the monk Hantan and his son.

According to the previous agreement, when this step is reached, Gu Zheng will be responsible for issuing a warning to the monk Hantan through the master-slave relationship, and the father and son of the monk Hantan will leave the Heart Demon Orb immediately after receiving this warning. It can be pushed into the next layer of immortal formation by the force of exclusion generated after breaking the formation.

Gu Zheng was a little worried! After all, he wanted the father and son of the monk Hantan to risk leaving the Heart Demon Orb, and in his heart, the guy who was held back by the father and son of the cold pool should be the existence of the Daluo Jinxian realm. Facing such a guy, as long as Even if it is exposed, there is a possibility of being killed in seconds.

The eyes of the array shattered like glass under the attack of Gu Zheng's Mie Immortal Palm, and a powerful force of exclusion also appeared, and Gu Zheng was pushed into the second layer of immortal array in an instant.

Appearing in the second level of the fairy formation, Gu Zheng couldn't help screaming in his heart that he was not good. There was no father and son of Hantan monk beside him.

However, because they were squeezed into the second layer of immortal formation in different places, it is not surprising that there is a distance between Gu Zheng and the father and son of the monk Hantan.

However, Gu Zheng not only did not see the father and son of the monk Hantan, he really felt through the master-slave relationship that the father and son of the monk Hantan did not enter the second level of immortal formation at all!

"What kind of change happened?"

Gu Zheng asked himself in his heart. Through the master-slave relationship, he could feel the distance between Brother Hantan and his son, which had already crossed the space. In the first layer of immortal formation! However, Gu Zheng could also feel that the father and son of the monk Hantan were not in danger, at least not right now.

There was indeed a change in the matter, and this change happened at the moment when Gu Zheng was about to smash the third eye.

The fire of Brother Hantan's son completely ignited the monkey monster, and the monkey monster who fell into madness not only tossed about the Heart Demon Orb, but also happened to be at the moment when Gu Zheng was about to shatter the third formation eye. , swallowed the Heart Demon Orb into his belly.

The monkey monster pushed down the heart magic orb just to vent his anger, but what he didn't know was that he also left behind the father and son of the cold pool monk. After all, after this layer of immortal formation is broken, the power of exclusion will push the entrants to the next layer of immortal formation, but the premise is that the entrants cannot stay in the treasure.

The warning that Gu Zheng gave to Brother Hantan and his son at the critical moment, Brother Hantan and his son naturally felt it. If they left the Heart Demon Orb at that moment, they would indeed be able to follow Gu Zheng into the second level of the immortal formation, but if they left at that time Heart Demon Orb, then the Heart Demon Orb will be left in this layer of fairy formation, because at that time the Heart Demon Orb was being held in the hands of the monkey monster.

Whether it is Gu Zheng or Hantan monk and his son, they have not been able to recognize the Heart Demon Orb as the owner. This has always been a reality, because there are too many secrets in the Heart Demon Orb. To become his master, the reason why they can use the Heart Demon Orb is because they know more about the Heart Demon Orb than ordinary people. Then under the circumstances at that time, the Heart Demon Orb had to be in their hands.

The Heart Demon Orb is the most precious treasure, and it is also the heart and soul of Gu Zheng. It is impossible for the father and son of the monks in the cold pool to let the Heart Demon Orb stay in this immortal formation for their own sake, so they stayed with the Heart Demon Orb, trying to find the return A way to leave with the Inner Magic Orb.

At this moment, the Heart Demon Orb was in the stomach of the monkey monster, and the father and son of the Hantan cultivator in the Heart Demon Orb had very ugly faces.

Brother Hantan's father and son's face is not good-looking, which is naturally related to how to get out of trouble.

The current situation is that the eyes of the formation have been broken, as long as they can appear in the formation space, they will be sent to the second level of the formation by the crowding force generated by the current formation.

However, the point of getting rid of the difficulty is that they are not in the space of the fairy array now, but in the stomach space of the monkey monster.

If it was just an ordinary stomach pouch, it would be easier to get out of trouble, but the stomach pouch of the monkey monster has already created a space. What the cold pool monk and his son saw is no longer a flesh and blood stomach wall, but a desert-like space. The difficulty of leaving here has naturally increased a lot.

The stomach sac space outside the Heart Demon Orb is full of yellow sand, and the father and son of the Hantan monks in the Heart Demon Orb are frowning. They know that the yellow sand outside is actually the gastric juice of monkey monsters, but the stomach sac has been upgraded to the stomach sac space. The original gastric juice has also changed its form, and the gastric juice in this form has a very strong destructive power against foreign objects. As long as the father and son of the cold pool dare to appear in the space of the gastric sac, they will first be attacked by the gastric juice. The attack of yellow sand.

Relying on his relatively strong defense, the son of the monk Hantan decided to enter the stomach sac space, looking for a way to break through this space.

However, as soon as he entered the stomach sac space, the son of the monk Hantan returned to the Heart Demon Orb as quickly as possible. When he returned to the Heart Demon Orb, the golden scales on his body surface had been corroded and mottled, and a large number of blue Smoke is rising from the mottled scales.

"Excellent, the corrosiveness of the gastric juice is really too strong, we don't dare to stay outside in this situation, how can we get out of danger!"

Brother Hantan's son frowned. The current situation made him really unable to think of a way out of the predicament.

"Don't be in a hurry, just calm down and think about it, maybe you can really think of a way to get out of trouble."

There is also no good way. But in order to appease his son's emotions, Brother Hantan could only say this.

At the same time, Gu Zheng in the second layer of immortal formation has completed the investigation of the second layer of immortal formation.

Although monk Hantan and his son are still in the first layer of immortal formation, since Gu Zheng has no way to return to the first layer of immortal formation to help them now, then the right way is to do well what is in front of him.

Through the investigation of Gu Zheng, it was discovered that this second layer of immortal town was a phantom formation, and once he took a step forward, the phantom formation would be triggered. Moreover, this phantom formation is different from the normal phantom formation. As long as the normal phantom formation is seen through, it will be considered as a pass. However, this phantom formation is divided into five stages, which means that Gu Zheng needs to go through five phantom attacks before he can really pass. Deciphering this immortal formation.

Gu Zheng is an expert in the way of illusion. Deciphering the illusion is a very simple matter for him. He will not be confused by illusions for a long time like others, and he can see through illusions very quickly.

Without staying any longer, Gu Zheng stepped forward to activate the phantom array, and the scene in front of him changed from an empty space with nothing to a bleak forest. Everything went back to when he first entered this space world. The phantom array made him feel that he was now going to find the humble dog among the three necessary items for the mission.

Illusions are born from the heart, this is the power of the phantom formation, and this kind of phantom formation is also the most difficult to see through, because this is indeed what happened to Gu Zheng, the phantom formation is just some memories of Jiang Guzheng got confused.

"Master, what shall we do next?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"The next step is naturally to look for the humble dog."

Gu Zheng was a little puzzled, he remembered that he had just mentioned this question to the son of the monk Hantan.

Brother Hantan's son didn't say anything more, and the two started to fly in the direction of the tribe that Gu Zheng mentioned.

The reason why Gu Zheng had the kind of doubt just now was his own reaction to the high recognition ability of illusion.

Although the magic array can blur the memory of Gu Zheng, but the recognition of illusion is there, so the magic array can't confuse the memory of Gu Zheng indefinitely, so the situation just now appeared, The son of the monk Hantan thought it was the first time to ask such a question, but on Gu Zheng's side, it was the second time such a question was asked, and to see through the illusion formation, two factors are more important, one is doubts, and the other is It was suddenly awakened.

Huan Youxin's supreme way of illusion is really powerful, and it has already sensed Gu Zheng's doubts, so the son of monk Hantan temporarily shut up, and the two of them remained silent for a while.

"Master, I suddenly felt a feeling that seems to come from the aspect of soul power."

Brother Hantan's son suddenly spoke, looking very puzzled.

"Soul power? How does it feel?"

Gu Zheng immediately asked, although he didn't have soul power, a mysterious energy similar to divine thoughts, but he had always maintained a strong curiosity about it.

"The guidance given to me by the soul power makes me feel like the dog is calling me in that direction."

Brother Hantan's son was still very puzzled, and his fingers pointed in one direction.

The son of the monk Hantan is an illusion created by illusion. It knows that Gu Zheng is curious about soul power, so it attracts Gu Zheng to follow its meaning and go on. Once Gu Zheng does this, it is equivalent to being rejected. It leads by the nose, and if a person is led by the nose in the illusion, then he will gradually lose himself in the illusion.

"Then you mean, are we going in that direction now?"

Gu Zheng looked at the direction that Brother Hantan's son pointed, and muttered to himself. The ability to see through illusions made him doubt again. He felt that this situation of being guided by soul power seemed to be not the first time. , but when and under what circumstances it appeared last time, he couldn't remember for a while.

"Yes, let's go there to have a look first. Anyway, we don't want to. Even if there is no clue of the dog, it won't waste much time."

Hearing what Brother Hantan's son said, Gu Zheng nodded and flew towards the direction that Brother Hantan's son pointed.

However, as soon as it flew out, Gu Zheng stopped in the air.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Brother Hantan's son hurriedly stopped and turned his head, looking at Gu Zheng full of doubts.

"I remembered. I told you before that we will no longer go to the tribe we were going to, but to the location where the teleportation fairy array is located, but you asked me a second time. Your soul Power can also produce guidance? Are you stealing the incident where your father was guided by the judge's pen and helped me find the clues of the slingshot? So, you are not my subordinate at all, you are just an illusion!"

Gu Zheng sneered, and when he was sure that the incident he was encountering was just an illusion, the son of the monk Hantan, including all the scenes in front of him, began to fade rapidly, as if the fog had evaporated.

Seeing through the first illusion, Gu Zheng didn't waste too much time. He didn't stay in the same place, and walked forward in the empty illusion space. He knew that as long as he walked a hundred feet away, he belonged to this illusion The second illusion test is about to come.

It didn't take much time for Gu Zheng to see through the first illusion, which is a good thing for Gu Zheng, and for the father and son of the monk Hantan, there is also a good turning point on their side.

A good turning point is that the sandstorm in the stomach space has weakened. Moreover, in the space deep in the stomach sac, monk Hantan and his son can clearly feel the emotions of the monkey monster. The monkey monster was very angry before, but just now, the monkey monster's mood is gradually calming down. Although the monk father and son didn't know the reason for this, they thought it must be a good change.

Gu Zheng, who was hundreds of feet away, has passed, and he is now in the second wave of illusion.

This wave of illusion is very similar to the previous wave of illusion, except that the scene has changed to make contact with the ape king for the first time.

"I can tell you the clues of the humble dog, but you have to promise me one thing."

Different from the real incident, when the King of Apes promised to tell Gu Zheng the whereabouts of the dog, he made other requests to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng frowned, he just felt that the King of Apes shouldn't make a request to him, but he still asked, "What do you want me to promise you?"

"I'm inconvenient in this formation. If you can help my concubine get cured, I can tell you the clue of the dog."

Huan You Xin Sheng is indeed very powerful, and Gu Zheng is also good at curing diseases.

"What disease does your concubine have?"

Although curing diseases is Gu Zheng's specialty, Gu Zheng doesn't want to waste too much time. He often uses diet therapy to treat diseases, but there is one thing to say, diet therapy produces effects slower than pills, and he is not so Much time can be wasted.

"I'm not good at treating my illnesses, so I don't know what kind of illness it has. You'll only find out after seeing it. I'll let my subordinates take you to see it."

Hearing what the ape king said, Gu Zheng frowned: "You are not good at curing diseases, can I be good at curing diseases?"

Gu Zheng felt very strange, why would he make such a request to him when the other party didn't know about his medical skills. Moreover, it is now atoning in the fairy formation in the clouds, and it must be out of reach for some things. Isn't he afraid that Gu Zheng will blackmail it through his concubine after seeing its so-called concubine? Isn't this equivalent to handing over the things you care about to others? What's more, the two had just had a conflict. If there was a relationship between them, it could only be enemies rather than friends.

"Aren't you humans all good at curing diseases?"

Huan Youxin wanted to tell a lie, but at the moment Gu Zheng was already very alert, so he didn't say anything more about him, and began to think based on that suspicion.

"What do you think?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng closed his eyes and did not speak, the Monkey King already understood that he wanted to see through the phantom formation, so he hurriedly intervened, trying to distract his thoughts.

"How are you thinking?" Gu Zheng opened his eyes and sneered: "The result of my thinking is that you can disappear!"

Eyes closed and opened again, the phantom dissipated in front of Gu Zheng, and he saw the real world again, here is still the phantom space with nothing.

Going forward again, Gu Zheng knew that if he walked a hundred feet further, he would encounter the third wave of illusion tests. (end of this chapter)

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