Seeing that Brother Hantan's son was frowning with fear, Gu Zheng said, "You don't have to worry too much about things not being static. Whether there are any good variables or not, I'll have to wait until the first formation eye appears before I'll know."

"I don't quite understand the meaning of Master's words." Brother Hantan's son said blankly.

"After the formation eye appears, my understanding of the formation will be higher. If the first formation eye appears, I will know where the next two formation eyes will appear, or if there is any danger. existence. Then some things can be arranged in advance.”

While speaking, Gu Zheng also sensed the fairy formation, that is, when his voice fell to the ground, he had already sensed the appearance of the first formation eye.

After greeting Brother Hantan and his son, Gu Zheng immediately flew towards the direction of the first formation eye.

The first eye, Gu Zheng, regarded it as luck, because the place where it appeared was not far from Gu Zheng, and it only took twenty seconds for Gu Zheng to fly over. Moreover, after it appeared, the formation space did not produce anything that could resist the ancient struggle.

The formation eyes have different shapes. Gu Zheng has already seen the first formation eye that he considers lucky. It is on the trunk of a towering tree, and it looks like a huge wood ganoderma. over there.

The moment he saw the formation eye, Gu Zheng applauded secretly in his heart. This formation eye is really his luck. Not only did its appearance not bring any obstacles, even it itself has no protection such as prohibition. It takes a hard hit.

The Immortal Palm, which had already been brewing, was pushed out by Gu Zheng. After hitting the eye of the formation, there was a loud noise. The first eye was easily broken by Gu Zheng, and the time it took was very short. , if the latter two formations are as easy as the first formation, then Gu Zheng does not need to experience the ultimate move in the cloud wall in this fairy formation space.

After breaking the first eye, Gu Zheng immediately sensed the formation, and soon a smile appeared on his face, and then the smile began to solidify.

"Master, what's the matter?" Brother Hantan's son asked hastily.

"I have already sensed the location of the second eye, which is very far away for us."

Gu Zheng had already flown up when he spoke, and it would take him three minutes to fly from here to the position of the second formation eye. And the second formation eye is not as simple as the first formation eye. It should have protection such as prohibition, but what is the specific protection for it, Gu Zheng needs to go to the corresponding position to know.

Three minutes passed quickly, and Gu Zheng also came to the location of the second eye. Here was a pile of rocks. The moment he saw the pile of rocks, Gu Zheng had the urge to scold his mother.

There are a total of seven prohibitions and three barriers on the pile of rocks. These things will protect the eyes of the formation that are about to appear.

Miexianzhang, which had been brewing for a long time, was hit by Gu Zheng towards the three barriers outside, and these three barriers only needed to be broken with strength.

Seeing Gu Zheng's move, Brother Hantan's son also launched an attack immediately. The three barriers were quickly broken under the attack of the two people, but at this moment it was less than a minute before the first eye of the formation appeared. There are seven restrictions waiting for the ancient struggle!

Restrictions are different from barriers. Restrictions are often impossible to break, or the power that destroys them can be reversed, so breaking the prohibition is a relatively time-consuming thing.

Even if it is time-consuming, Gu Zheng needs to do it. He has no choice, but for Gu Zheng, these seven restrictions are not complicated, but it is a bit cumbersome to break.

Putting the palm on the restriction, Xianli acted on the restriction through the palm, and a wonderful pattern immediately appeared in Gu Zheng's mind.

The pattern looks like a maze, what Gu Zheng needs to do is to let Xianli enter from the intersection of the maze, and then come out from the exit, so that the restriction will be broken.

It sounds like a very simple thing, but it is actually very practical. It is difficult for ordinary people to see the map of the maze directly like Gu Zheng. What ordinary people see is only the entrance of the maze. Being able to see the map of the maze is also the key to his ability to pass through the maze quickly. As for why Gu Zheng can see the full map of the maze, of course it is because he is familiar with the way of formations. For better understanding.

The first ban, Gu Zheng, was broken in only five seconds, and the subsequent bans were more difficult than the next one, but it took me no more than five seconds for Gu Zheng to break them.

The speed at which Gu Zheng broke the restrictions was overwhelming, but even so, when he broke all seven restrictions, the second eye had already appeared for a while.

The second eye looks like a human face growing on a big rock. Without the protection of barriers and restrictions, it is extremely fragile under Gu Zheng's hands. Gu Zheng smashed it into pieces with just one blow. .

After breaking the second formation hole, Gu Zheng immediately explored the third formation hole, and an angry expression gradually appeared on his face.

"Master, what's the matter?" Brother Hantan's son asked hastily.

"It seems that we have to face the killer move in the wall of clouds and mist, because the third eye is far away from where we are, and when we are flying halfway, the killer move in the wall of clouds and fog It has already appeared!" Gu Zheng's voice paused, and then he said: "The only way now is that you two, father and son, will hold back that ultimate move, and after I break the eye, we will naturally be killed. This kind of fairy formation is pushed into the second layer of fairy formation! However, there are more complicated protections in the third formation, and I think I need some time to solve those protections."

"Don't worry, master, we will definitely do our best to complete the task entrusted to us!"

Brother Hantan and his son spoke in unison, and Gu Zheng also passed on the control of the Heart Demon Orb to Brother Hantan.

"As a killer move in the formation, that existence will come to look for the entrant once it appears, so we must separate now. I will go to the place where the third formation eye will appear, and you two, father and son, will go to the cloud wall now. Wait for him to appear, if the strength of that existence is really invincible, you two should try to save your life as much as possible." Gu Zheng said.

"Master, don't worry!"

The father and son of the monk Hantan spoke in unison again, and then the son of the monk Hantan turned his head and flew towards the cloud and mist wall with the heart magic orb.

The place where the three of Gu Zheng separated was not too far away from the cloud wall, so when the monk Hantan and his son came outside the cloud wall, the ultimate move in the cloud wall had not yet appeared.

However, the father and son of the monk Hantan didn't have to wait too long, and the vision had already appeared.

The originally very flat wall of clouds and mist began to twist, as if the clouds and mist were stirred by something, they began to shrink inward, and finally condensed on the body of a monster.

Brother Hantan and his son were a little surprised. They thought that the existence in the cloud wall would be a huge guy, but they didn't expect this so-called ultimate move to be less than one foot tall.

The guy who is less than one foot tall looks somewhat similar to the ape monster. It doesn't look like an ape but more like a monkey. Although this monkey monster is thin and not trash, the aura emanating from him is very powerful!

"Golden Immortal Peak!"

The father and son of the monk Hantan cried out in their hearts, they didn't know whether to be lucky or feel sad.

Fortunately, what I said was the past. Anyway, according to Gu Zheng's estimation before, the ultimate move in the cloud wall should be the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

The tragedy is also justified, and this tragedy is not only because of the monkey monster's realm, but because of the monkey monster's eyes.

The eyes of the monkey monster are full of aura, which shows that it is a monster with very high intelligence!

For the father and son of Hantan monks, if one is a monster with high spiritual intelligence at the peak of Jinxian, and the other is a monster with no spiritual intelligence at the early stage of Daluo Jinxian, these two monsters should be chosen by their father and son. If they want to deal with it, they would rather deal with the one where Da Luo Jinxian vented his anger!

After all, things like intelligence are very important. Members of their group are often able to defeat monsters that are stronger than them. The reason is not that they are lucky, but that they have higher intelligence than those monsters.

There was a fierce light in the eyes of the monkey monster, and at this moment he was staring at the heart magic bead suspended in the air.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool are also quite aware that they did not stand outside waiting for the ultimate move, but chose to hide in the heart magic bead, so they can see the monkey monster, but the monkey monster has not found them yet.

Although the monkey monster didn't see the father and son of the monk Hantan, he could feel that there was something hidden in the bead in the air!

However, the monkey monster who was on a mission didn't want to care about the things hidden in the dark. He just wanted to kill the intruder he could sense, so he flew up.

If the monkey monster was just wasting time looking at the Heart Demon Orb, then the monk Hantan and his son would not make a move, but he actually wanted to fly without looking at the Heart Demon Orb.

Through the characteristics of the mobile fortress of the heart magic orb, the son of the cold pool monk suddenly appeared behind the monkey monster, and opened his mouth to see a dragon-shaped lightning.

A strange electric sound sounded, and the monkey monster was attacked by the son of the cold pool monk, and the dragon-shaped lightning turned into electric light lingered around his body.

However, it is a pity that the monkey monster's defense is super strong. Even if the dragon-shaped lightning of Brother Hantan's son is powerful, it did not cause any substantial damage to the monkey monster. Mao, a trace of scorched black appeared under the action of lightning.

The monkey monster launched a counterattack, and without looking back, he raised his tail and farted.

Brother Hantan and his son were stunned. They had never seen such a powerful fart, the space was wrinkled because of the appearance of this fart, and the power of the explosion formed a shock wave spreading, that kind of momentum was no less than the explosion of a high-level fairy weapon! Moreover, the fart of the monkey monster is not only explosive, it is also highly toxic, so that wherever the shock wave spreads, it is all a green color.

Although the monkey monster's fart was extremely powerful, it did not hurt the son of the monk in the cold pool.

The monkey monster is the peak strength of the Golden Immortal. The task of the monk Hantan's son is just to hold the monkey monster down. Based on this premise, the son of the monk Hantan never thought of hurting the monkey monster. So after he attacked the monkey monster with the mobile fortress feature of the Heart Demon Orb, he didn't look at the result at all, and returned to the Heart Demon Orb in an instant, which also caused the monkey monster's powerful butt to fail.


The monkey monster screamed. Although he failed to sense the surprise attack of Brother Hantan's son in advance, he knew that the guy who attacked him must have returned to the bead in the air.

The monkey monster had observed the Heart Demon Orb before, so he knew that with his strength, he couldn't do any harm to the Heart Demon Orb, so he didn't have the same knowledge as the father and son of the cold pool hidden in the Heart Demon Orb.

However, the guy originally hidden in the Inner Demon Orb had the guts to attack him, and even shocked his white hair until it was scorched black, which made him really unbearable.

The angry monkey monster launched an attack towards the heart magic bead, and he waved his paw towards the heart magic bead.

A seemingly simple gesture of swinging the claw produced an extremely astonishing effect. A huge claw wind appeared in the air. After hitting the center magic bead, the heart magic bead flew towards the distance like a shooting star.

However, just when the monkey monster's claw wind was about to hit the center magic orb, the cold pool monk who knew that the monkey monster was going to get rid of the trouble immediately became a new trouble for the monkey monster. Being in the outside world, and separated into four clones in an instant.

The monkey monster was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the guy who hides in the heart magic bead and can only launch sneak attacks would dare to show up at this time, and when he showed up, it was a gaudy avatar technique.

The monkey monster was stunned for just a moment, and it didn't matter to him for a moment. Anyway, it didn't take him long to deal with the enemies who dared to appear.

The monkey monster launched an attack, but this time his attack on the monk in the cold pool was just a flick of his fingers.

However, the monkey monster's attack looks casual, but it actually produced an astonishing effect. With a flick of his finger, billowing thunder appeared in the void. , all of which are included.

There is not only one thunderbolt, but it is dense like an electric grid. This is no longer just a large-scale black magic attack, but a large-scale indiscriminate attack. Although the monk's clone technique is magical, it is what he fears most. It is this kind of indiscriminate attack!

The rolling thunder cast by the monkey monster is very powerful. The monk in the cold pool escaped the catastrophe by atomizing the dragon body, but his four clones did not have such means. It turned into four streaks of blue smoke, and the monkey monster killed his four clones with one blow!

Seeing that the monk in the cold pool escaped his rolling thunder by atomizing the dragon's body, the monkey monster immediately changed its attack method, and he sprayed a ray of light at the monk in the cold pool.

The ray of light is very deceptive. Brother Hantan just glanced at the ray of light, and he was already in a daze. If nothing special happened, he would never be sober when he was in a state of confusion! After all, Xiaguang aimed at his heart, and once Xiaguang penetrated his heart, his life would come to an end.

However, Cultivator Hantan is not fighting alone, he still has his son. Just when the rays of light were about to pass through Cultivator Hantan, his son who had already controlled the Heart Demon Orb and flew back, was at the most critical moment. When it was about time, he took back the Heart Demon Orb.

The cold pool cultivator who returned to the Heart Demon Orb woke up. He was frightened into a cold sweat by the experience just now, because when he saw the ray of light, an illusion of a mountain of corpses in a sea of ​​blood appeared in his mind. His son took him back to the Heart Demon Orb in time, so next year today will be his death day.

The monkey monster went crazy, and missed two consecutive attacks, which made him attack the Heart Demon Orb crazily. The father and son of the monk Hantan were very satisfied with the performance of the monkey monster. Launch an attack for a while, so as to buy more time for Gu Zheng.

Brother Hantan and his son held back the monkey monster, and Gu Zheng was also trying his best to clear the obstacles next to the formation.

There are many obstacles next to the third eye. In addition to barriers and restrictions, there are also two monsters that look like lions.

Unless the two lion-like monsters are dealt with, Gu Zheng has no way to break the restriction, but the strength of these two lion-like monsters is the peak of returning to the void. Although Gu Zheng has the characteristics of the moving fortress of phantom crystals, it can be used to solve them. The two are not an instant thing.

The two lion monsters roared angrily. They couldn't touch Gu Zheng at all. The trajectory of Gu Zheng's actions could be described as elusive, so that both of them were seriously injured, but they didn't touch Gu Zheng.

Appearing from the magic crystal again, Gu Zheng hit a lion monster on the head with a strike of the immortal palm, and finally turned the lion monster's head into a rotten watermelon.

Entering the magic crystal again to avoid the attack of another lion monster, Gu Zheng, who appeared from the magic crystal in an instant, appeared behind the last lion monster, and the elf blade in his hand fell in a beautiful arc. The body of the last lion monster was split in two.

Without the obstruction of the two lion monsters, Gu Zheng was finally able to deal with barriers and restrictions wholeheartedly.

Before, there were ten barriers and restrictions on the second eye, three of which were barriers and seven were restrictions, but as the last eye in this immortal formation, the restrictions and barriers here are enough The foot is the sum of the second formation eye.

Gu Zheng was also worried about the safety of the cold pool monk and his son, but now is not the time to think so much. The most important thing for him now is to lift these barriers and restrictions wholeheartedly.

The elf blade in his hand slashed out one after another, and Gu Zheng broke through the six barriers at the fastest speed.

Without the obstruction of the barrier, Gu Zheng pressed his hand on the restriction, and Xianli immediately acted on the restriction through the palm of his hand, and the maze-like picture also appeared in Gu Zheng's mind again.

Gu Zheng was cracking the restriction, while the monk Hantan and his son had vented their anger on the Heart Demon Orb, and gradually lost interest in the Heart Demon Orb. He gave up on the Heart Demon Orb and flew up again.

Faced with such a situation, the father and son of the monk Hantan naturally wanted to stop it, but it took a little skill to stop it. Besides, the monkey monster had a deep resentment towards them, and he already knew some characteristics of the heart magic bead , so if you start to block immediately, you may be blocked by monkey monsters.

I have to say that when there was no Gu Zheng by his side, the monks in Hantan were more considerate in their consideration. Fortunately, they did not launch an attack when they saw the monkey monster take off. At that time, the monkey monster had a very strong guard mentality , if they launched an attack at that time, it was very likely that they would be ambushed by monkey monsters, and with such a huge difference in strength, an ambush might be the difference between life and death.

Seeing that the monkey monster was about to go beyond the scope of a sneak attack, the son of the cold pool monk resolutely used the characteristics of the heart magic orb to move the fortress, and appeared behind the monkey monster.

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