Brother Hantan's son's dragon-shaped lightning didn't absorb the enemy's destructive power, so its damage to the enemy was only lightning.

Under normal circumstances, the dragon-shaped lightning with only electric awns is not enough to seriously injure the long-haired bone spur monster in one go, but this is not a normal situation. The success power was all blessed on the body of the cold pool monk's son, so just a dragon-shaped lightning was enough to put the long-haired bone spur demon on the verge of death.

Looking at the long-haired bone spur falling downwards, the son of the cold pool cultivator showed hatred, and he chased after him in the state of dragon transformation. The four dragon claws were like unparalleled sharp blades, and inserted dragon-shaped lightning into the long-haired bone spur in the wound left.


Following the resounding dragon chant issued by his son of Brother Hantan, he, with four dragon claws exerting force at the same time, directly tore the long-haired bone spur demon into pieces.

Seeing that Brother Hantan's son had dealt with the long-haired bone spur monster, Gu Zhengdongnian took back 90% of the energy blessed on him, and now he needs absolute control over the energy of the fairyland.

With absolute power in hand, Gu Zheng wanted to punish the golden-scaled pangolin.

The golden-scaled pangolin didn't know that the long-haired bone spur demon was dead, and it was still confused by the two pseudo-kinds underground.

However, the golden-scaled pangolin, which was still in a state of confusion and three ways, woke up instantly, and it sensed that the pressure in the soil was increasing at a terrifying speed.

The golden-scaled pangolin, which is an earth-type monster itself, is very sensitive to the pressure in the soil. Because of this, it knows very well that under such strong pressure, the only thing it can do is to leave the soil quickly, otherwise it will be killed. This pressure squeezes to death!

Letting go of the two pseudo-kinds entangled by it, the golden-scaled pangolin rushed out of the soil at a meteor-like speed.

The strength of the Golden Scale Pangolin is only in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. When there is a long-haired bone spur monster to deal with, Gu Zheng can only focus on solving the key points. Now there is no such thing as a long-haired bone spur monster. If it is only the golden scale pangolin, Gu Zheng, who has the absolute right to regulate the energy of the fairyland, did not take it seriously! Although its earth monster is weird, this is the territory of Gu Zheng after all, otherwise how could it be forced out by Gu Zheng!

The golden-scaled pangolin rushing out of the ground was very angry. It wanted to tear the guy who disturbed its happiness to pieces, but it was a pity that it was suppressed by powerful fairyland energy just after it rushed out of the ground. It was so powerful that it directly pressed it to the ground, and what made it even more frightening was that it wanted to go back to the ground again by burrowing, but found that the soil was as hard as a stone, and it would take a little time to enter. And even if he returned to the soil, he would still have to face the terrifying squeezing force just now in all likelihood.

"Master, let me beat it to death!"

Looking at the golden-scaled pangolin that was suppressed by the ancient struggle and couldn't move for a while, the son of the monk Hantan gritted his teeth with hatred. He wanted to use the method of extracting the original energy alive to absorb the golden-scaled pangolin into powder, but only Only in this way can he relieve the hatred in his heart.

"No need, it's still useful to me, hurry up and absorb the remaining original energy of the long-haired bone spur monster!"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's son stopped talking. He shot light-banded tentacles from behind, and began to absorb the original energy that the long-haired bone spur demon had not yet dissipated.

Brother Hantan's son hated the two monsters for forcing Gu Zheng's fairyland out this time, but for Gu Zheng, although the fairyland was forced out, everything has two sides, and it can be used once. It is reasonable for Xianyu to solve the ultimate move monsters in the second and third areas, not to mention the situation at that time, if you don't use Xianyu, there is no other way to break the situation. In addition, Gu Zheng felt that he would most likely gain something practical this time!

The golden-scale pangolin is a very peculiar monster. It is not only an earth-type monster, but also a metal-like monster. The first time I saw a golden-scale pangolin, Gu Zheng had a feeling that the original energy in its body belonged to metal. Should be of great benefit to him.

Gu Zheng has always refined the metal inner alchemy, the purpose is to let himself have the real gold spirit earlier, but refining the metal inner alchemy is a relatively time-consuming thing, so that Gu Zheng's body is still only There is the source of the real gold instead of the spirit of the real gold.

If you want to study the golden-scale pangolin, you must first let it be in a peaceful state, but now it is obviously restless, it is struggling and is about to be suppressed by the energy of the ancient Zhengxian domain.

How could Gu Zheng make the golden-scale pangolin fulfill his wish? While suppressing the golden-scale pangolin with the energy of the fairyland, he used the blade of the elf to chop the golden-scale pangolin. It is more terrifying than the outside world!

While enduring the suppression of the energy of the fairyland, and being slashed by the sword energy at the same time, the golden scale pangolin is really uncomfortable. Although the golden armor on its body is powerful in defense, it already has the source of the real gold in its hands. Controlling Jinjue, the defensive power of the golden armor is not very strong for him.

Although the golden-scaled pangolin was beaten to the point where it had no ability to resist, Gu Zheng frowned tightly, because he discovered a strange phenomenon.

It stands to reason that Gu Zheng's knife qi chopping one after another would definitely be able to shatter the golden armor on the surface of the golden-scale pangolin. The sword energy slashed on it was transformed into a kind of piercing damage.

Although Gu Zheng didn't know why the normal damage turned into piercing damage for the time being, it didn't affect the golden-scaled pangolin being seriously injured and dying under his constant slashing.

The golden-scaled pangolin has entered the state that Gu Zheng wanted to see, and the power of Gu Zheng's natal real gold is also like a silk thread, shooting out from the fingertips to connect the body of the golden-scaled pangolin.

The Golden Scale Pangolin is different from ordinary monsters. It is the kind without inner alchemy. What exists in its body are two original energies that are like liquids. The two original energies are one earthy yellow and the other golden. They are golden scale pangolins. Pangolins are the basic substances that can cast earth attribute magic and metal magic.

Observing the two pure original energies, Gu Zheng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, but unfortunately he couldn't absorb these original energies, and although the son of the monk Hantan could absorb this original energy, after this original energy was absorbed by him, It's just transformed into demon power, and it can't really reflect its original attributes. It has to be said that this is a very regrettable thing.

Observing the metallic energy of the golden-scaled pangolin with a regretful attitude, Gu Zheng's brain suddenly shook. He felt that the golden energy was no longer in a liquid state under his observation, and he seemed to have seen the essence of liquid , the essence is actually countless fine golden particles!

The golden liquid appears in the form of golden particles in the sensation, which to Gu Zheng is like seeing the lines that make up the spatial structure through observation.

Carefully observing the golden particles, Gu Zheng quickly entered a mysterious realm. In this mysterious realm, he seemed to be swimming in a golden ocean. The feeling was very comfortable and very meditative. So much so that the passage of time was forgotten by him.

The passage of time was really forgotten by Gu Zheng. At first, the son of the monk Hantan hadn't noticed this, but when the sleepy smile gradually appeared on Gu Zheng's face, he knew that Gu Zheng must have entered The mysterious realm.

He was happy for Gu Zheng in his heart, but the son of the monk Hantan didn't realize at all that the mysterious realm that Gu Zheng entered this time seems to be a little different. It lasted too long, and even the fairyland disappeared because of time. Gu Zhengdu has not yet escaped from the mysterious realm. One must know that the fairyland can exist for a stick of incense, but the time of a stick of incense has not been able to come out of the mysterious realm, which makes the son of the monk Hantan a little anxious! After all, without the protection of the fairyland, they are in the last stage of the triple fairy formation. Although the killing monsters in the first three stages of the triple fairy formation have been dealt with, there is still a mastermind behind the scenes, isn't there? And the existence of the black hand behind the scenes also means that the danger in this fairy formation has not really been lifted.

However, worry is nothing but worry, but Brother Hantan's son is somewhat relieved, because Gu Zheng still has a smile on his face, and this expression means that he is not very embarrassed in the mysterious realm. It should be rewarding! Moreover, Gu Zheng has not escaped from the mysterious realm after so long, so when Gu Zheng really escapes from the mysterious realm, his harvest should be very good.

At this moment, not only the son of the monk Hantan was worried about the situation of Gu Zheng, but even the short-haired birdman hiding in a big tree was also very worried about the situation of Gu Zheng.

The short-haired birdman's worry about Gu Zheng is different from that of the monk Hantan's son. The son of the monk Hantan is worried that the black hand behind the scenes will come out at this time and threaten the safety of Gu Zheng, while the short-haired birdman is worried whether Gu Zheng will Comprehend in the mysterious realm.

"Damn the entrant, the monsters with the ultimate moves of the second and third stages, not only did not kill you, but also gave you a chance to enter the mysterious realm!"

Looking at Gu Zheng with a smile on his face as if he was sleeping, the short-haired bird man gritted his teeth resentfully, but it is a pity that it can't attack Gu Zheng now, otherwise it will definitely interfere with Gu Zheng's state.

No matter what the mentality of the people outside is, Gu Zheng immersed in the mysterious realm is very happy. He swims in the golden ocean, and he seems to have comprehension every moment. Although the amount of these comprehensions is very weak, within the time After accumulating, in the end, it was still inclusive of all rivers, causing Gu Zheng's mind to resound.

With a bang in his head, the smile on Gu Zheng's face became even brighter. It was him who was still in the mysterious realm, and his body reacted very miraculously. He pressed his palm on the golden-scaled pangolin's head.

Seeing Gu Zheng's reaction, Brother Hantan's son widened his eyes. If he was an ordinary person, the action of widening his eyes would definitely be replaced by covering his mouth at this time, because he thought that Gu Zheng had escaped from the mysterious realm. He almost didn't ask how Gu Zheng's harvest was.

Fortunately, the urge to ask Gu Zheng was stopped in time. Brother Hantan's son discovered that Gu Zheng's body reaction was in an unconscious state, and he should still be in the mysterious realm. If he was called at this time, it would definitely lead to The end of his mysterious realm.

The next moment, Brother Hantan's son's staring eyes had just returned to normal, and they stared even bigger than before. He discovered an incredible thing, Gu Zheng was actually absorbing the original energy of the golden scale pangolin! You must know that immortal cultivators and monsters are not of the same species. They have no way to directly absorb the original energy of monsters. Even if they want to use the original energy of monsters, they must go through refining methods, just like Gu Zheng refining metal properties The inner alchemy is the same, but the current situation is that Gu Zheng is directly absorbing the original energy of the monster.

In the staring eyes of Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng's body surface began to emit golden light, and the golden light became more and more intense, and finally reached the level of glaring!

Seeing the dazzling golden light, Brother Hantan's son was ecstatic in his heart. He now understands that Gu Zheng comprehends the way to directly absorb the original energy of monsters in the mysterious realm, and this absorption is different from his absorption and transformation. Those who are striving to comprehend don't need transformation at all. He has already absorbed the original energy of the golden scale pangolin, which has transformed the source of true gold in his body into the spirit of true gold, completing what he has always wanted to do.

The son of the monk Hantan was very excited, but things that made him even more excited came one after another. He found that the ancient struggle that had turned the source of the real gold into the spirit of the real gold had not yet escaped from the mysterious realm, but With his eyes still closed, the expression on his face has changed from a smile to a frown.

It is true that Gu Zheng did not break away from the mysterious realm, and he did understand something in the mysterious realm, but he did not comprehend the way to absorb the original energy of monsters like Brother Hantan's son thought, what he comprehended was only absorbing monsters With the method of metallic original energy, he also completed the transformation from the source of the true gold of his life to the spirit of the true gold of his life.

However, this comprehension is extraordinary. The method Gu Zheng comprehended is not only useful in this space world, it is a real skill, even if Gu Zheng leaves the space world in the fairy-level space fairy , this method of absorbing the metallic original energy of monsters, or the metallic inner alchemy can also be used! And this direct absorption method is naturally more effective than traditional refining. Apart from the advantage of speed, the conversion rate is also not comparable to traditional refining.

Normally, the Mysterious Realm should end after Gu Zheng realized something, but what Gu Zheng experienced was not normal. First, he entered the Mystical Realm while observing the metallic origin energy of the Golden Scale Pangolin. The body of the pangolin not only has the original energy of the metal nature, but also the original energy of the earth attribute in its body. No matter which of these two energies is missing, the golden scale pangolin is not considered a complete individual, so the ancient dispute is over. After absorbing the metallic energy of the golden-scaled pangolin, the golden ocean in the original feeling disappeared, replaced by the soil that enveloped the ancient struggle.

The soil that wraps Guzheng is sometimes loose like dust, and sometimes hard like a stone. No matter whether it is loose or hard, it does not cause any discomfort to Guzheng. The feeling it brings to Guzheng makes Guzheng I feel that he himself is one with these soils, no matter what shape they are, being wrapped in them is as comfortable as taking a hot bath.


Looking at Gu Zheng, his frown turned into a smile again, and the short-haired bird hiding behind the big tree cursed angrily. It was able to achieve continuous entry.


After scolding Gu Zheng just now, the short-haired bird man who was immediately backlashed let out a muffled grunt, and a touch of fear appeared in its eyes.

The short-haired bird man is the fourth-stage ultimate monster in this fairy array space, and at the same time it is also a special monster that can communicate with Gu Zheng and trigger follow-up.

The short-haired birdman can shuttle between the four areas, but before Gu Zheng enters the fourth area, he has no way to attack Gu Zheng directly. The killer move monsters in the area converged to create a super killer move to deal with Gu Zheng.

The short-haired bird man can do something if it complies with the rules, but if it doesn't comply with the rules, if it does something, it will be sanctioned by the power of the law.

Gu Zheng is in the mysterious realm, and the cursing of the short-haired birdman at this time will lead to the end of the ancient Zheng's mysterious realm, and even cause injuries. It was hurting back, it was like being hit in the chest by someone, it was very uncomfortable.

"Although the ultimate moves in the second and third areas have been broken by you, and you have gained comprehension in the mysterious realm, this comprehension should only be the improvement of metal-type spells and earth-type spells. Still can't change your fate of dying in my hands, see you in the fourth area!"

Not daring to make any more noises, the short-haired birdman could only speak cruelly to Gu Zheng in his heart.

The short-haired bird man who said cruel words in his heart disappeared, and the mysterious realm of the ancient dispute also ended at this time.

In this second experience of the mysterious realm, Gu Zheng was not as lucky as the first time, he failed to directly comprehend the method of absorbing the original energy of the monster's earth attribute.

However, even if he failed to comprehend the method of absorbing the original energy of the earth attribute monster, as a reward, the earth attribute energy transformed by the power of the law of the golden scale pangolin still flowed into Gu Zheng's body.

Feeling the earth-attributed energy pouring from the body of the golden-scaled pangolin into its own body, and knowing that it was the ancient struggle to receive the reward, he quickly guided the earth-attributed energy into the dantian.

At this moment, there are four spheres suspended in Gu Zheng's dantian, one of which is his fairy ball, the other is the spirit of true water, and the other is the spirit of true fire. As for the one that just appeared, It is the spirit of real gold.

Gu Zheng, who guides the energy of the earth attribute into the dantian, immediately makes the energy of the earth attribute act on the place in the dantian that can produce the spirit of the real earth.

It is impossible for the spirit of the natal true soil to appear in one step. If you want to have the spirit of the natal true soil, you must first have the natal true soil cyclone, and then rotate the natal true soil into the source of the natal true soil, and then you can use the natal true soil The source of transformation into the soul of life and true soil.

According to Gu Zheng's estimation, although he has been rewarded, the earth attribute energy rewarded is not enough for him to possess the spirit of the real soil in one step, at most it is to let him have the source of the real soil.

However, even if he can't directly possess the spirit of the real soil, Gu Zheng is already satisfied. After all, this is equivalent to a free benefit, not to mention that with the source of the real soil, he can use the soil control technique, and The characteristic of the earth attribute fairy art is that it wins by surprise. Gu Zheng doesn't need it to be so powerful, it only needs it to have miraculous effects at some critical times.

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