The long-haired bone spur's companion is a monster that drilled out of the soil. It is as huge as the long-haired bone spur, with golden scales all over its body. It looks like a pangolin monster. From the aura it emits, the cold Brother Tan's son could tell that it was an early golden fairy monster.

The golden-scaled pangolin jumped out of the soil to block the long-haired bone spur monster, and used the golden armor on its back to block the dragon-shaped lightning of the monk's son in the cold pool.

The son of the monk Hantan was stunned. The monsters of the earth attribute were not easy to deal with because of their strangeness, but this golden scale pangolin was not only an earth attribute monster, but also a metal monster. With its miraculous characteristics, it actually dispelled such a powerful ultimate move as the dragon-shaped lightning! Such a monster, although its realm is equivalent to the early stage of Golden Immortal, its strength can no longer be judged according to the normal early stage of Golden Immortal. Brother Hantan thinks that it should be more difficult to deal with than the long-haired bone spur monster in the middle stage of Golden Immortal. .

Without any hesitation, since the golden-scaled pangolin can dispel the dragon-shaped lightning, the son of the cold pool monk swung the dragon's claws and launched an air blast. His greatest wish now is to quickly blow up the long-haired bone spur demon to death, so that he can Can have one less enemy.

However, Brother Hantan's son's wish came to nothing. The air burst he launched failed to cause any damage to the long-haired bone spur monster, because the golden-scaled pangolin was so weird that its scales turned up completely, blowing the air Absorb all the explosive power of the explosion! Moreover, not counting absorbing the power of the air burst, it opened its mouth and roared at the son of the monk in the cold pool.

The roar of the golden scale pangolin is also not a sonic attack, but its roar caused a large-scale subsidence of the ground under the feet of Brother Cold Pool's son. Don't forget that this golden scale pangolin is both an earth attribute monster and a metal attribute. The fact of the monster!

The son of a monk in the cold pool is very slow in his perception of earth-attributed magic, and he inevitably fell into a deep pit before he could feel it. Under the influence of the empty environment, it is impossible to fly out, and the depth of the deep pit is still extremely sharp bone spurs. Once it really falls into the deep pit, those bone spurs may pierce the dragon scales of the monk's son in the cold pool, and penetrate deeply into the pit. his flesh.

Brother Hantan's son also reacted very quickly. With a twist of his body in the air, he shot towards the inner wall of the deep pit. The dragon claws firmly grasped the soil on the inner wall and quickly crawled upwards.

Knowing that the son of the monk in the cold pool wanted to escape, the golden scale pangolin continued to launch the earth attribute magic, and its earth attribute magic caused the original spikes at the bottom of the pit to change, and they became many and many on the arms. His sharp claws scratched and scratched towards the son of the cold pool monk! Moreover, under the magic of the golden-scaled pangolin, the inner walls of the pit closed together, as if to squeeze the son of the cold pool monk to death underground.

Although the earth attribute magic is weird, the golden scale pangolin itself is only strong in the early stage of Golden Immortal, so those sharp claws did not cause much damage to the son of the cold pool monk in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, they just grabbed a few pieces of him. Dragon scales! However, such an injury is already a great shame to the son of the monk Hantan. You must know that since he entered the middle stage of Golden Immortal, the dragon scales on his body have not been dropped due to battle.


With a dragon chant in his mouth, the son of the cold pool cultivator rushed out of the ground before the deep hole in the ground closed, and the situation on the ground made his eyes widen instantly, because it was only this moment, and he was originally blown into a The seriously injured long-haired bone spur demon has basically recovered from his injuries.

Seeing Brother Hantan's son flying out of the deep pit, the long-haired bone spur demon no longer used the beam of light to deal with him, but raised his arm to strike at Brother Hantan's son!

There are sharp bone spurs on the long-haired bone spur monster's arm, and its chop directly created a force that cannot be underestimated.

Seeing the saber-like airflow flying towards him, the son of the monk Hantan activated the electric glow bubble.

The electric awn bubble contained the energy from the long-haired bone spur demon inside, but knowing that the explosion would be absorbed by the golden-scale pangolin, the son of the cold pool monk did not let the electric awn bubble explode, and let it float in the air. Spare in the air.

However, the long-haired bone spur demon is not fighting alone, it also has its companion, the golden-scale pangolin.

That is, when the son of the monk in the cold pool wrapped the energy of the long-haired bone spur monster with the electric light bubbles, the golden scale pangolin launched an attack of earth attribute magic on the son of the monk in the cold pool again, and suddenly shot out The four arms firmly clamped the dragon claws of the monk Hantan's son, and the long-haired bone spur monster who seized the opportunity shook his body, and all the bone spurs on its body fell off, and pointed towards the cold like dozens of spears. Brother Tan's son shot at it, and the air was wrinkled because of its blow, which shows how powerful its blow was, and it wanted to finish off Brother Hantan's son with one move.

Faced with this situation, the son of the monk Hantan could only open his mouth and spit out four electric bubbles, trying to cover the bone spurs shot by the long-haired bone spur demon.

However, the bone spurs of the long-haired bone spur monster have a very good destructive power against the electric glow bubbles. They are not surrounded by the electric glow bubbles like the energy that the long-haired bone spur monster slashed before, they directly destroy the electric glow bubbles. Pierced.

The pierced electric light bubbles exploded, and this kind of forced explosion was not very powerful. Even the bone spurs flying towards the monk's son in the cold pool failed to blow off a single one.

Seeing that the son of the cold pool monk was about to encounter an accident, the ancient struggle in the dark had to take action. He activated the fairyland with a thought, and took the long-haired bone spur demon, the golden-scale pangolin and the son of the cold pool monk into the fairyland. .

In fact, when he saw the golden-scaled pangolin, Gu Zheng already knew that the son of the monk Hantan was no match for these two monsters! After all, the environment is too unfavorable for the son of the cold pool monk. Fighting an earth attribute monster in a forbidden state is a matter of disadvantage in itself, and the reason why he didn't activate the fairyland at that time was because Because the black hand behind the scenes has not yet appeared, he wants to wait and see, if the black hand behind the scenes also appears, it will be a relatively labor-saving thing to collect them into the Immortal Domain together.


Hiding on a big tree, looking at the place where Gu Zheng and the others disappeared, the short-haired bird man applauded in his heart!

The short-haired bird man can't take action against Gu Zheng at this time, so it can only pin its hopes on those two monsters. Although those two monsters were brought into the fairyland by Gu Zheng, it knows how powerful Gu Zheng is. , I don't think that Gu Zheng can kill those two monsters with the help of Immortal Domain!

"Master, I'm sorry!"

After entering Xianyu, the son of monk Hantan apologized to Gu Zheng. He knew that for Gu Zheng, Xianyu was his trump card, but Gu Zheng even used Xianyu to save him.

"Needless to say I'm sorry, I now bless you with 90% of the energy of the Immortal Realm, and I will leave these two monsters to you to deal with."

Since Gu Zheng only has the strength in the mid-stage Void Return, no matter how powerful his Immortal Domain is, with the help of the energy of the Immortal Domain, he can at most kill a mid-Golden Immortal monster, but now his Immortal Domain is trapped. With the long-haired bone spur demon and the golden-scale pangolin, two monsters in the golden fairy realm, even the weak points of his fairyland can move with his thoughts, but under the attack of two monsters of this level, the fairyland itself has already It seems a little not strong enough.


The familiar jungle suddenly turned into a world of ice and snow, and the long-haired bone spur demon and the golden-scaled pangolin roared at the same time.

When the long-haired bone spur monster roared, a beam of light spewed out from its mouth, pointing directly at the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland. This kind of situation, which knew the weak point of Guzheng's fairyland as soon as it appeared, was enough to show the strength of the long-haired bone spur monster , and its keen perception of the magical power of the fairyland. However, how could the long-haired bone spur monster hit the weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland? The weak point of Gu Zheng's fairyland can move with the mind, which is equivalent to the existence of no weak point, but he and the long-haired bone spur monster's own strength The gap is large, and the fairyland itself is not strong enough under the attack of the long-haired bone spur monster.

The long-haired bone spur monster directly attacked the weak point of the fairyland, while the golden-scaled pangolin stomped its feet towards the ground. When the ground shook and the mountains shook, it also got into the underground of the fairyland.

Many enemies have been trapped in the fairyland of Guzheng, but no enemy can penetrate into the underground of the fairyland. This is the first case of the golden scale pangolin!

The Immortal Realm is not the real world. Although there are natural objects such as mountains and rivers in it, it cannot be as real as the outside world. the point. Because of this, the land and sky of the fairyland are two special places in the fairyland. One of them is not as thick as in the real world, and the other is not as high as in the real world. They are usually trapped in the fairyland. Even if the enemy can use the dungeon, they can only dive to the level allowed by the ancient war, and they can only ascend to the height allowed by the ancient war, and once they break through the speed allowed by the ancient war, they will touch the immortal. The domain itself is gone!

Once the caster's fairyland is touched on the structure itself, it's the same as Gu Zheng, who has mastered the way of space, can see the lines of the space structure through observation. Since he can see the lines of the structure, he can make changes to the lines Change, the result of this kind of change, to put it lightly, the caster's fairyland will be anti-controlled, and to put it seriously, the fairyland of the immortal cultivator will be easily broken, because touching the structure of the fairyland is equivalent to So it touched the weak point of the fairyland, which is equivalent to touching the original energy of the monster.

Although Gu Zheng blessed 90% of the energy of the fairyland to the son of the monk Hantan, as the caster of the fairyland, he still has a strong control over the fairyland. Facing the golden scale pangolin, he drilled into the underground of the fairyland It is impossible for him to be indifferent to this matter. He wants to use the power that belongs to the fairyland and cannot be used for blessing, but can only be used for defense, to launch sanctions on the golden scale pangolin.

With a thought, Gu Zheng launched sanctions on the golden-scale pangolin. It is impossible for him to let the golden-scale pangolin touch the structure of the fairyland.

Under Gu Zheng's control, the earth in the Immortal Realm squeezed towards the golden-scaled pangolin. The force of this squeeze was much stronger than it squeezed the cold pool monk's son through the subsidence before! After all, this is the Immortal Realm, another way of presenting Tao, a magical place where abnormal strength can be measured. Although the Golden Scale Pangolin can compete with this kind of power because of its strength, this power is enough to cause it a great deal of damage. Influence.

Sure enough, the golden-scaled pangolin that went deep into the ground slowed down due to the sanctions imposed by Gu Zheng, but its body surface also burst into a khaki-yellow light at this moment, and the squeezing force from the ground also slowed down. Approaching the fairyland structure of Guzheng at a relatively fast speed.

Gu Zheng had another thought, and the ground changed. In addition to the force of extrusion, it was also because of his thought that two monsters that looked very similar to the golden-scaled pangolin appeared, and they attacked the golden-scaled pangolin in the soil. .

Able to conjure monsters in the soil, many of the monsters who died in Gu Zheng's Immortal Realm have seen this supernatural power of Gu Zheng, and this kind of monsters that have been transformed from the soil, the most obvious representative is the earth dragon .

Although the earth dragon is powerful, it is a magical power that Gu Zheng uses to deal with enemies on the ground. He can't drive it out of monsters that have sneaked into the ground, such as the golden scale pangolin. It may be that through the defensive power of the fairyland, something similar to the golden-scale pangolin is transformed into something similar to the golden-scale pangolin, trying to prevent the delay of the golden-scale pangolin's approach to the fairyland structure.

It has to be said that the things that Gu Zheng transformed through the defensive power of the fairyland are still somewhat useful. Even though the attacks they launched did not really fall on the golden-scaled pangolin, they managed to drag the golden-scaled pangolin towards the fairyland. Domain structure approaching plan!

The Golden Scale Pangolin is a male monster. Although it is powerful enough to reach the early stage of the Golden Immortal, it is only a monster with low spiritual intelligence. When the ancient times used the defensive power of the fairyland, it turned into two appearances that looked similar to it. It was almost the same, but when it was a female of the same kind, its attention was immediately attracted.

If it wasn't in the fairyland, with the strength of the golden scale pangolin, it should be able to immediately see through that the two so-called similar pangolins are fakes at all, but now it has penetrated into the defense layer of the fairyland, and it will inevitably be attacked by the defense layer. Affected by the influence, there is a deviation in the judgment of some things.

The golden-scaled pangolin had been trapped in the previous space of the fairy array for an unknown number of years. When it suddenly saw two opposite sexes, all it could think of was instinct. It was chasing two opposite sexes of the same kind, and it was very Gentle only avoids the attacks launched by the same kind, and is not willing to attack the same kind.

The golden-scaled pangolin was held back by Gu Zheng, and as for the long-haired bone spur monster, it was almost overtaken by the son of the monk Hantan who had fled.

With the blessing of 90% of the energy of the ancient battle, the strength of Brother Hantan's son is naturally stronger than before, and his size has become larger than that of the long-haired bone spur monster, and the long-haired bone spur monster can't stand it with just a single blow. The reason why during the period when Gu Zheng dragged the golden-scaled pangolin, he has not been able to solve the long-haired bone spur demon is that the long-haired bone spur demon understands the seriousness of the problem. The long-haired bone spur monster severely injured by Brother Tan's son will definitely not attack the weak point of Guzheng's fairyland as soon as it comes up. It should seek revenge from Brother Hantan's son! It is precisely because he understands the seriousness of the problem that the long-haired bone spur demon does not fight the cold pool monk's son, but just avoids it blindly!

In a one-on-one situation, even in the outside world, the long-haired bone spur demon is no match for Brother Hantan's son, let alone in the fairyland of Guzheng.

However, although the long-haired bone spur monster is not the opponent of Brother Hantan and his son, it will take some time for Brother Hantan's son to take it down when it is running away blindly. How similar? Why isn't it holding back the son of monk Hantan! It's a pity that the teammate of the Golden Scale Pangolin is not good. It is really held back by the two similar species transformed by Gu Zheng, but Brother Hantan's son has a strong teammate Gu Zheng.

Being able to free up his hands to help Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng would naturally not stand idly by, but since he had already blessed Brother Hantan's son with 90% of the power available for blessing in the Immortal Realm, he himself did not have much The power can be used, even if a mountain can barely stop the fleeing long-haired bone spur monster, but this mountain can no longer hit the enemy like a meteor, it can only rise suddenly to obstruct the enemy when the enemy is approaching .

However, such things as strength do not necessarily mean that the more fierce the better, sometimes it can play a very good role if it is used skillfully, just like the mountain that rises in the ancient struggle now, although because there is no How much power can be dispatched, and the mountain peak cannot be bumped towards the long-haired bone spur monster, but rising on its only way makes it inevitable!

Facing the unavoidable mountain peak, the long-haired bone spur monster directly bumped its head, and the huge mountain peak was shattered by the impact of the long-haired bone spur monster.

Crashing such a mountain would not cause any harm to the long-haired bone spur monster, but it would slow down its escape speed a little.

The speed of fleeing slows down, which is extremely fatal under such circumstances, because the son of the monk in the cold pool is chasing after it, and the situation caused by its deceleration this time is that the son of the monk in the cold pool is close enough to deal with it. The point where it launches the red bellyband.

The red bellyband, the natal demon weapon, was sacrificed by the son of the cold pool monk, and it wrapped towards the long-haired bone spur demon at an extremely fast speed.

Just like a spirit snake, after the red bellyband touched the body of the long-haired bone spur monster, it immediately touched from one point to a large area in a entangled posture, and it was about to enclose the long-haired bone spur monster.


The long-haired bone spur roared, and the bone spurs on its body swelled and moved around. The result of this situation was that the red bellyband of Brother Hantan's son was directly pierced and torn by the moving bone spurs. broken!

However, the red apron has no offensive ability, but its defensive performance is very strong. Although it was torn to pieces by the bone spurs of the long-haired bone spur demon, this kind of shattering is just a performance, and it is still against the long-haired bone spurs. The hairy bone spur was packing, and the long hairy bone spur didn't really let go of its entanglement! Moreover, because of the entanglement of the red bellyband, the son of the monk in the cold pool is also closer to the long-haired bone spur monster. He opened his mouth and sprayed dragon-shaped lightning at the long-haired bone spur monster!

Like a drowning person being entangled by kelp, the inflexible long-haired bone spur demon failed to escape the dragon-shaped lightning launched by the cold pond cultivator's son. Mang fell downwards. (end of this chapter)

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