Faced with the terrifying feeling that no matter how you hide, it is wrong, the sea mantis was also forced to use a method it had never used before. It launched teleportation to avoid the dragon tail swept by the cold pool monk's son.


Brother Hantan's son was very helpless about the spatial supernatural power of teleportation, because he didn't know much about the way of space. However, he was not alone in the battlefield, and Gu Zheng immediately named him the location where the sea mantis would appear.

The son of the monk Hantan turned into a stream of light, and he flew to the place indicated by Gu Zheng, and when he got there, the sea mantis just showed up.

It was too late to launch any powerful attack, the son of the monk Hantan just scratched the sea mantis with his dragon claws, but even so, he scratched a piece of flesh from the sea mantis.

Although the sea mantis can perform teleportation, it cannot use this kind of supernatural power in space one after another, and the time interval between it being able to use this kind of supernatural power again is enough for the son of the cold pool monk to kill him . After all, Brother Hantan's son is in the state of transforming into a dragon, and he is very good at melee combat in the state of transforming into a dragon.

The screams of the sea mantis rang out one after another. It was no match for Brother Hantan's son. It was being bitten repeatedly by Brother Hantan's son, and its flesh was falling off piece by piece. Moreover, what makes it even more frightening is that the soul power released by the monk's son actually imprisoned his body in the body controlled by it, which made him want to give up his body to escape from birth. plans come to naught.

Seeing that the sea mantis was being brutally killed by the son of the monk in the cold pool, a huge fish demon that looked like a lionfish spit out a bubble at the son of the monk in the cold pool.

The air bubbles spit out by the lion fish demon are not as powerful as the electric light air bubbles of the cold pool monk's son. Its function is only to envelop people. It used such air bubbles to enclose Gu Zheng in it before. , but Gu Zheng easily burst the bubble and escaped.

Gu Zheng can easily burst the bubbles because the bubbles of the Lion Fish Demon contain a certain principle of the way of space. For those who understand the way of space, it is very easy to break this kind of attack, and Gu Zheng happens to be the kind of existence who understands the way of space.

It was impossible for Gu Zheng to let the bubbles fall on Brother Hantan's son. He knew that Brother Hantan's son needed to vent now.

The spirit of true water in his body vibrated, and Gu Zheng shot an ice thorn at the air bubbles spit out by the lion fish demon.

The ice thorn is only as long as the chopsticks, but the point it stabs is the weakest point on the bubble spit out by the lion fish demon, and the result is that the bubble spit out by the lion fish demon explodes on the spot .

The lion fish demon was quite annoyed, and was about to launch an attack on this nasty guy, Gu Zheng, but the attack from Gu Zheng landed on him first.

Don't forget that Gu Zheng's divine sense has already cut off the tail between him and the main body. When Gu Zheng launched other attacks, his divine sense flying bird had already rammed towards the lion fish demon, but the lion fish demon did not notice that it was behind him. The divine mind bird, when it wanted to attack Gu Zheng, the divine mind bird hit him first.

The strength of the lion fish demon is only at the peak of returning to the void. It is the one with the lowest strength among the five remaining monsters in the stomach space. It is also the worst at decomposing the bird of divine thought. After being on it, the powerful decomposition ability immediately rendered it in a state of serious injury, and the next impact of the bird of divine thought in a very short time could already declare its physical death.

The physical body is being continuously decomposed, and the space monster controlling the lion and fish demon can only give up this physical body quickly, or it will be decomposed along with the physical body by Gu Zheng's divine sense.

The space monster who gave up the body of the lion fish demon just appeared, and the electric light bubbles spit out by the monk's son in the cold pool included it.

Gu Zheng and the others wanted to obtain space monsters, but right now the Heart Demon Orb could not be used to hold things, so they could only let the son of the monk in the cold pool temporarily contain some space monsters without physical bodies through the electric light bubbles.

The space monsters are really strange, so among Gu Zheng and his group, only Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan are the main combat power.

Because the cold pool cultivator's strength is only in the late stage of returning to the void, and he can control the supernatural powers of monsters, he can't control the monsters that are parasitized by space monsters, so it is not easy for him to kill a monster alone.

The Silver Light Mouse is in the same situation as the Cold Pool cultivator. Its strength is also in the late stage of Void Return, and although it has a sonic attack, it can be invincible in the same realm, but now only the monsters in the Golden Immortal realm are left. In such an environment, it also began to become as weak as the cold pool monk, but fortunately, its speed was fast enough, so it did not feel aggrieved like the cold pool monk.

Although the remaining monsters are all in the Golden Immortal Realm, for Gu Zheng and the others, it won't take too long to get rid of them.

However, although it doesn't take too long to solve the remaining monsters, Gu Zheng and the others still need to speed up because of some changes in the stomach space.

The change in the stomach pouch space is not good for Gu Zheng and them. This kind of change is a kind of increasing gravity, and it is only for Gu Zheng and them. Therefore, although the appearance of this gravity is only in the initial stage, as time goes by, it will definitely would put them in danger.

"Don't play any more, hurry up and deal with the remaining monsters, and remember to protect your father."

Gu Zheng sent a voice transmission to the son of the cold pool monk, because the son of the cold pool monk is still addicted to the kind of pure physical fighting, and the reason why he said that is because his body wants to break the stomach with the silver mouse With the sac space, and without his body and the silver mouse, the pressure on Brother Hantan's son will naturally increase.

"Master, don't worry!"

The son of the monk Hantan became serious. For him, with the departure of Gu Zheng, it is inevitable that his pressure will increase, but this is not terrible, and he is not completely alone. Although he left, his Divine Mind Asuka would stay and help, which is already a very good thing. As for his father, he didn't have any hope. As long as his father can take good care of himself, this is already a good thing. It was something that made him very worry-free.

Gu Zheng stood on the back of the Silver Mouse, and was led by the Silver Mouse to fly towards the weak point in the stomach space.

From the beginning, Gu Zheng already knew where the weak point in the stomach space of the fish monster was. At that time, the son of the monk Hantan also attacked the weak point in the stomach space, but later more than 20 monsters appeared interrupted.

In the process of fighting more than 20 monsters, Gu Zheng discovered the weakness of the stomach sac space, which is being repaired by the fish monster. , the general attack falls on it and has no effect. What's more, more than 20 monsters are entangled with them, and they don't have time to let go to break the restriction. Now that there are not many monsters left, Gu Zheng can free up his hands to do what he wanted before. Things to do.

The speed of the silver light mouse is very fast, and it flies to the weak point of the stomach sac with Gu Zheng, but this road is not even, and the fish demon naturally knows what they want, so another stomach acid attack appeared .

Stomach acid attack has a strong ability to damage Gu Zheng, and this is the third time it has appeared.

When the stomach acid attack appeared for the first time, Gu Zheng avoided it by entering the Heart Demon Orb.

When the second stomach acid attack appeared, Gu Zheng used the elf blade to form a light curtain and survived the stomach acid attack for a short time. And this third gastric acid attack occurred, since Gu Zheng was on the back of the Silver Light Mouse, so he didn't need any protection from him. The silver light rising from the Silver Light Mouse's body had already wrapped him up, allowing him Suffering from stomach acid attack.

Gu Zheng is not harmed by stomach acid attacks, but monk Hantan is in crisis, no matter how he is, he is only at the late stage of returning to the void, and this kind of cultivation base cannot last long under the continuous stomach acid attack.

Faced with this situation, the son of the monk Hantan had a solution. He used the methods of wrapping the monster to directly spit out electric light bubbles, wrapping its father inside, which played a protective role.

Gu Zheng was already very close to the stomach wall, and at this moment, a wicked smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth, because he finally seized an opportunity.

Of the wave of monsters that landed in the stomach space, there were twenty-three on the surface, but in fact there were twenty-four, and the remaining monsters were all hidden.

The hidden monster is very strange. Gu Zheng discovered its existence through abnormal fluctuations in the stomach space. Although this hidden monster did not sneak attack anyone, the disadvantages brought by its existence are more serious than any other. All monsters are big!

At the beginning, Gu Zheng suspected that this monster that was hidden but did not launch any attack actually affected the Heart Demon Orb, making it unable to use normally, and as time went by, he now felt that, The gravity that appeared in the space of the stomach sac also appeared because of this special space monster.

Under normal circumstances, even if a hidden monster does not launch an attack, it will become active as long as it is hit. This is the law of concealment, but this special space monster is different. For the burning of the sea of ​​fire, it is still in an invisible state.

In addition to being strange enough to hide, this special space monster also has extremely fast speed, so when Gu Zheng was not sure how to deal with it, he didn't specifically target it, so as not to scare the snake. As for putting it in the sea of ​​flames before, it seemed to be an attack against other monsters, and it happened to be wrapped in it.

Now Gu Zheng feels that his chance has come, because through the induction of divine sense, he feels that the special space monster seems to be a little tired, its speed has slowed down, and its speed is so slow that it is enough for divine sense flying bird overtook it.

The monster in the special space is indeed a little tired, and it is indeed affecting the gravity field in the heart magic bead and the stomach space, and knowing that the bird of the divine mind is extremely lethal, it has always been careful to keep a distance from the bird of the divine mind .

The special space monster originally hiding in the dark is not panicking anymore, but now it is really panicking, Gu Zheng's bird of divine sense is flying towards it, that kind of momentum is definitely not like passing by, it immediately starts to dodge, And Divine Sense Asuka followed closely behind.

Originally, the speed of the monster in the special space was equal to that of the bird of the divine mind. Under such circumstances, it was impossible for the bird of the divine mind to catch up with it, but now that it was exhausted, it was very easy for the bird of the divine mind to catch up to it.

"call out!"

Facing the dangerous situation of being chased by the bird of divine thought, the special space monster that had never made a sound made a sound like a scream for the first time. The monsters that the son was fighting with immediately targeted the Asuka of Gu Zheng's divine sense.

It's a pity that these monsters in the stomach space at this stage have no lethality to Gu Zheng's spiritual bird at all. If they are lethal to Gu Zheng's divine bird, it is impossible for Gu Zheng's divine bird to exist So far, when faced with the obstacles of those monsters, the steady bird of divine sense is like a warship in the sea, riding the wind and waves, and finally bumped into the monsters in special space.

After being hit by the flying bird of divine thought, the originally hidden special space monster immediately appeared. It was a transparent guy that looked like a jellyfish.

Monsters in special spaces have super speed, can affect treasures such as the Heart Demon Orb, and can also emit a gravity field, but their defense against attacks is particularly weak, not to mention the divine mind, which can overcome it. body is being rapidly decomposed.

Gu Zheng felt a little pity, this space monster is so special, Gu Zheng originally planned to save its life, so that the son of the monk Hantan could observe it with his soul power in his spare time, so he used his spiritual thoughts to bump into it. Afterwards, when the decomposition characteristics of the divine sense decomposed it into a seriously injured state, it wanted to withdraw the decomposition power of the divine sense so that it could still have half of its life left. However, the unprecedented situation was also encountered by Gu Zheng, and the decomposition power of divine sense could not be recovered by Gu Zheng, which led to Gu Zheng could only watch it being disintegrated by divine mind.

There are no special monsters to disturb, the ban on the heart magic bead is lifted, and the gravity field in the stomach space also disappears, but those monsters that originally fought against the monk and his son in the cold pool all rushed towards Gu Zheng, and they wanted to protect the stomach. weak point of the capsule space.

"It's really annoying enough!"

Just as Gu Zheng started to break the restriction, he saw that the remaining four monsters were all rushing towards him. In this case, he had to get rid of them all.

Ordering the Silver Mouse to take him to fly, Gu Zheng stood on the Silver Mouse and kicked out wind dragons one after another at the monsters that dared to approach.

Although the damage that the wind dragon can cause when it hits the monsters in the early stage of Jinxian is a bit weak, it can slow down their speed, and for Gu Zheng, it is already enough to slow down the speed of these guys. It's a very good thing, no matter how you say it, he doesn't just use the wind dragon as a method. Once the speed of those monsters is slowed down, the son of the cold pool monk will take the opportunity to attack them, and the gods of the ancient war will also attack them. hit.

When there were more than 20 monsters, none of them had much influence on Gu Zheng and the son of monk Hantan. Now there are only four monsters left, and it is easier to deal with them.

With the screams of the monsters, the four monsters were quickly eliminated, and the stomach space was finally cleared.

However, a bad premonition also arose in Gu Zheng's heart. This premonition made him feel that if he wanted to leave the stomach pouch space, he might not be as simple as breaking the weak point of the stomach pouch space and destroying the viscera of the fish demon. What danger awaits them.

As if corresponding to Gu Zheng's premonition, the fish monster's stomach wall was wriggling crazily. Since the danger has not yet appeared, Gu Zheng will first break the restriction on the weak point of the stomach pouch space. And the restriction on the weak point of the stomach pouch space, also under the effect of Gu Zheng's immortal power, changed from invisible to tangible, looking like a complex light array.


With a roar, a huge thing descended in the space of the stomach sac. It was a three-eyed sea monster covered with red hair. The stomach wall of the fish monster shrank crazily before, just to let it in. It can be seen that its size is too large. Compared with it, Gu Zheng's body is equivalent to the length of its palm.

"Gold Immortal Late Stage!"

Gu Zheng gasped, he didn't expect that the danger that would appear again would be a late-stage Jinxian monster.

As soon as the three-eyed sea monster in the late Jinxian period appeared, a powerful coercion acted on Gu Zheng and the others.

Gu Zheng didn't know how uncomfortable the son of the monk Hantan was when he faced this kind of coercion, but his real feeling was that all internal organs were hit hard, and under the influence of such coercion, he could Said that the three-eyed sea monster didn't need to do anything else, Gu Zheng would vomit blood and die in just five seconds.

Gu Zheng was a little lucky. He was glad that when he faced those twenty monsters before, he didn't use the Immortal Domain to wipe them all out in order to save trouble. If he had used the Immortal Domain at that time, then he would not have the Immortal Domain now. The supernatural power can be used, but without the supernatural power of the fairyland to break the situation, facing the current situation, he can only take his subordinates to hide in a treasure like the Heart Demon Orb, and once he hides in a treasure like the Heart Demon Orb, , No one knows what will happen next.

Gu Zheng activated the supernatural powers of the fairyland, and he took all the son of the cold pool monk and the three-eyed sea monster into the fairyland. As for the silver light mouse and the cold pool monk, they are no longer able to help in this level of battle What's busy.

Gu Zheng's fairyland is different from ordinary people. If you start from the strength of his fairyland, although his strength is only in the middle stage of returning to the void, the strength of his fairyland is enough to reach the realm of the early stage of Jinxian! However, it is very dangerous to trap an enemy in the late stage of Golden Immortal even in the Immortal Territory of the early stage of Golden Immortal, because no one knows what magical powers this enemy has, but the difference in realm alone determines It is not very difficult for it to break through the fairyland, so after taking the three-eyed sea monster into the fairyland, what Gu Zheng has to do is to solve it quickly.

In view of the fact that the enemy is more powerful, Gu Zheng used a method that he had never used before in this fairyland, that is, the deployment of the energy of the fairyland.

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