"The moment I left just now, I checked the stomach space of the fish monster. This fish monster is not simple. Its stomach space is different from that of ordinary monsters. Its stomach space is very similar to the real space. , and being able to do this will represent that there are many possibilities in its gastric pouch space."

Facing the question raised by Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng gave an answer, and when he heard what he said, the eyes of Brother Hantan's son widened: "The master means that this stomach pouch space is somewhat similar to the fairyland?"

After all, he had stayed with Gu Zheng for a long time. Gu Zheng just said that, and the son of the monk Hantan immediately thought of this terrible possibility.

"That's right."

Gu Zheng nodded, this is exactly the point that makes people a little shocked, after all, Immortal Domain is a very powerful supernatural power, and a stomach capsule space can be like Immortal Domain, even if it is only three points similar, it will become very powerful. Difficult to deal with.

The stomach acid rain was not endless. When it stopped, Gu Zheng and the son of the monk Hantan appeared in the stomach sac space together.

Entering the gastric sac space, Gu Zheng didn't want to understand how strange it is, his biggest purpose was to get out of trouble, so he was looking for a solution to this gastric sac space.

Compared with Gu Zheng'an who used his divine sense to investigate quietly, the son of the monk Hantan tried to launch an attack.

The peculiarity of the stomach pouch space is actually because foreign objects like Gu Zheng become smaller, which makes the stomach pouch space very large.

The attack launched by the son of the monk Hantan on the stomach sac space was directly launched the dragon-shaped lightning, and because the stomach sac is relatively large, the dragon-shaped lightning flew for a while before reaching the stomach wall of the fish demon, but what fell on it The effect produced is simply negligible.

Although the stomach sac space has the characteristics of the fairyland, it is not a real fairyland after all. Gu Zheng had already explored it once before when he was attacked by stomach acid here. Now this is the second inspection. method of space.

Seeing the smile on Gu Zheng's face, Brother Hantan's son guessed that he had found a solution, so he asked happily.

"The stomach pouch space is somewhat similar to the fairyland, so there is also a weak point here. As long as it is a method that can hit the weak point, it is a good cracking method."

Facing the inquiry of Brother Hantan's son, Gu Zheng gave an explanation, and pointed down with his finger, where the weak point exists.

The son of the monk Hantan was overjoyed, and immediately launched an attack towards the place pointed by Gu Zheng. This time he did not use dragon-shaped lightning, but the magical power he used was air burst.

Continuous explosions sounded at the weak point of the fish demon's stomach pouch. The fish demon's stomach pouch, which had no reaction to the impact of the dragon-shaped lightning, continued to vibrate during the explosion.


The weak point of the stomach pouch was attacked, and the fish demon was naturally in great pain, and its cry made the entire stomach pouch space vibrate.

With the vibration of the stomach sac space, the scene of dumpling took place, and one after another, the monsters controlled by the space monster descended in the stomach sac space.

There were originally more than twenty space monsters, but they were not the ones that acted alone like the one caught by Gu Zheng before. The current space monsters belonged to the group living, and these group living Space monsters, after one of them parasitizes the fish monster, due to the huge size of the fish monster, the other ones also control the parasitized monsters and live inside the body of the fish monster, so it seems that there is only one space monster like the fish monster. However, when fighting the enemy, this fish demon can release more than twenty other space monsters.

The fish demon released all the twenty-three other space monsters, so that only Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's son's stomach space seemed very lively.

The twenty-three space monsters living in other monsters have really powerful supernatural powers. As soon as one of them came out, it imprisoned Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb. In addition to moving, it also made the Heart Demon Orb temporarily lose its characteristics of a mobile fortress. Gu Zheng could no longer enter the Heart Demon Orb, nor could he dispatch the son of the cold pool monk to enter it.

However, although Gu Zheng cannot enter the Heart Demon Orb, the contents of the Heart Demon Orb can still be used, including his subordinates in the Heart Demon Orb. come out.

"Master, let me go out too!"

Seeing the silver light mouse beside him suddenly disappear, Brother Hantan knew that Gu Zheng didn't send him out together, but he was worried that he would not be able to cope with the situation in the stomach space, so he quickly sent a request to Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng was really worried that Brother Hantan would not be able to cope with the current situation in the stomach sac space. After all, the strength of Brother Hantan was only in the late stage of returning to the void, but after thinking about it, Gu Zheng still called him out. Since he still wants to join the battle even though he knows that he is not strong enough, it is better for him to experience the result, otherwise he may be even more depressed because he cannot participate in the battle.

Brother Hantan was also transferred out, knowing that it was more dangerous outside, he released three clones as soon as he appeared to increase his own safety. As for Gu Zheng and the others, they had already started fighting with monsters.

The entire stomach space became radiant because of the fighting skills of the two sides. Except for the monk Hantan, everyone else felt a sense of joy. After all, Gu Zheng has many methods, and these methods are also very powerful. Although there are a large number of monsters, they will not be very dangerous to deal with. The cold pool monk is different, he appears to be cautious when fighting.


A scream came from the mouth of one of the cold pool cultivator's avatar, and the avatar was cut off by the sharp forelimb of a sea mantis.

The monk in the cold pool broke out in a cold sweat, because he just regarded the clone as his main body just now, and it was precisely because he felt that he could not escape the cut in the middle by the sea mantis that he quickly switched his main body from that clone to the current one , thus avoiding the fatal blow just now.

However, even though the cold pool monk dodged the fatal blow, the sea mantis that was staring at him did not intend to let him go just like that. like airflow.

Cultivator Hantan was also annoyed, he felt that the sea mantis had mate with him.

Brother Hantan has a total of four clones, including the main body, a total of five, he can turn any clone into the main body, and this kind of supernatural power means that he has five lives, which can be regarded as a very powerful supernatural power . However, at the beginning, the sea mantis was not targeting the cold pool monk. It wanted to attack the silver light mouse through invisibility. The cold pool monk launched a hunt.

The strength of the cold pool cultivator is at the early stage of the Golden Immortal, and he is also very cunning. The cold pool monk only fought with it for a while, and three of the original four clones have been beheaded. If he dies now as a clone of the main body, Then he only has the real body available.

The last avatar, and the sea mantis was attacking him endlessly, which made the monk in the cold pool grit his teeth with hatred. If it weren't for his supernatural powers to control monsters that were useless to these monsters controlled by space monsters, he wouldn't be like he is now Such a mess. After all, among the current space monsters, there are not those who are less powerful than the early Jinxian, and Gu Zheng didn't want to let him out at the beginning, because he already knew that these monsters that were parasitized by space monsters were not the ones that could be controlled by the space monsters. The kind he controls.

The strength of the sea mantis has come to the front. This strength is somewhat similar to Gu Zheng's mad knife. It seems ordinary but actually has a strong momentum. It will make people feel that no matter how to hide, it is wrong. Before Han The reason why those clones of Brother Tan were killed by Hai Tianlan was because this situation was too annoying.

However, after several avatars were killed by the sea mantis, monk Hantan also found the technique to break the strength of the sea mantis, so when the strength was only ten meters away from it, it seemed that there was nothing In any action, he suddenly increased his speed to the extreme, and he began to avoid the strength of the sea mantis. However, a different situation happened before. The sea mantis cast a monster that the cold pool cultivator had never seen before. This monster had a strong confinement force on him, making his body that just flew out seemed to hit a wall. stop!

The body of the monk in the cold pool has just stopped, and the chill emitted by the strength of the sea mantis is close to the place where the monk in the cold pool can easily feel it. The monk in the cold pool who has nowhere to hide can only pass through The main body was switched to avoid this fatal blow, and the price he paid for this was that his last clone was also beheaded by the sea mantis.

"I'm fighting with you!"

The four clones were all killed by the sea mantis. Although these four clones will appear again tomorrow, the monk in the cold pool is still extremely annoyed. With a roar, his scales fell off his whole body, like countless hidden weapons, and he aimed at the sea mantis. flew over.

Brother Hantan is a militant, and militants are more likely to lose their minds. It seems that the magic he is launching now, although it is powerful, is indeed possible to kill the monsters in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, but As long as he uses this kind of witchcraft, let alone whether he will kill the monsters at the early stage of the Golden Immortal targeted by him, he himself will fall into a very unfavorable situation, because without the protection of the scales, he will be in a very disadvantageous situation. That naked body would also become extremely fragile, and in this stomach space, the number of enemies was far more than just the sea mantis.

The golden scales of the cold pool monk shot towards the sea mantis like a torrent, and a space monster that was attacking the silver mouse suddenly launched an attack on him.

The space monster that attacked the monks in the cold pool was like a crocodile. It seemed to be inspired by the monks in the cold pool, and it also shed the scales from its whole body, and those black scales that were shed by it were like countless The hidden weapon usually flew towards the monk in the cold pool.

Faced with this situation, the cold pool cultivator could only wield the flame stick to resist with all his might, and the flying scales flew out like a "ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping".

The same sound of 'ping-pong-pong' was also heard beside the sea mantis, and the scales that the cold pool cultivator used to deal with it were also blown away by it. Cultivator Hantan struck out that deadly energy again.

Facing such a predicament, cultivator Hantan was in danger of falling from the black scales that were constantly shooting at him and the deadly vigor on the other.

However, there was a turning point in the matter, and this turning point was brought by the son of the monk Hantan.

Compared with the embarrassment of the monk in the cold pool, his son fought heartily in the space of the stomach sac. Although those monsters in the space were difficult to deal with, few of them could really pose a threat to him. In the space of the stomach sac, he slammed left and right at those monsters.

Although Brother Hantan's son also has his own battle, he is also very careful about his father's situation. If Gu Zheng hadn't told him through voice transmission that he wanted Brother Hantan to experience some danger, he would have helped his father a long time ago. up! Now, seeing that all four of his father's clones had been beheaded, and that he himself would be locked in a dead end, the son of the cold pool cultivator immediately took action.

A red bellyband flew towards Brother Hantan. This is his son's natal demon weapon. This red bellyband is rarely used by the son of Brother Hantan now. The reason is that his own strength is relatively strong now. Only monster weapons with similar defensive effects did not fit his personality traits of quick battles. However, the red bellyband, which is relatively strong in defense but insufficient in attack, can come in handy at this moment.

After the natal demon weapon in the middle stage of Jinxian was sacrificed, it produced extraordinary effects. The enlarged red bellyband first covered all the black scales, and then reduced the strength that could kill the monks in the cold pool with one blow. Being caught in it, he instantly helped Brother Hantan resolve the fatal crisis. This is due to the gap in strength.

The son of the monk Hantan did not just help his father resolve the crisis. After using the red bellyband to absorb the scales and knife energy, he was already close to the crocodile monster, and opened his mouth to the crocodile monster. shaped lightning.

The crocodile monster discovered the approach of the cold pool monk's son, so before the cold pool monk's son sprayed out the dragon-shaped lightning, it had already sprayed an orange beam of light towards the cold pool monk's son, and this beam of light had a similar The ability to decompose the mind.

Both sides were attacking each other, and the scene turned into silver-white dragon-shaped lightning passing through the orange beam of light, and the attacks of both sides landed on each other one after the other.

The attack of the crocodile monster first fell on the son of the monk in the cold pool. Although the monster in the crocodile was also in the early stage of the Golden Immortal, the orange beam of light did not cause serious damage to the son of the monk in the cold pool. A few scales from Brother Tan's son. After all, the son of the monk Hantan is in the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, and his own scales are very protective.

On the other hand, the crocodile monster is not so lucky. Although its orange beam of light is powerful, it has a disadvantage. This disadvantage is that when it spews out the orange beam of light, its mouth is in an open state. The dragon-shaped lightning that flew past the beam of light directly entered its mouth.

After all, the crocodile monster is the strength of the Golden Immortal in its early stage. If the dragon-shaped lightning fell on the place where it was caught, then it would not be killed by the blow of the cold pool monk and his son, but the mouth is very fragile. And this fragile place is connected to the more fragile abdomen, so when the dragon-shaped lightning enters its mouth, the effect will be very terrifying. Its mouth becomes burnt in an instant, and the dragon-shaped lightning travels along it. After its mouth entered its abdomen, it first paralyzed the space monster controlling its body by releasing lightning, and then exploded under the control of the cold pool monk's son, so that the crocodile monster was destroyed not only the physical body , and the space monster that controlled it were also blown up into thin air in this explosion. It really was a very beautiful lore.

The lore was completed, but Brother Hantan's son also had a deep wound, and this wound was given by the sea mantis who had been targeting his father before.

After the son of the monk in the cold pool helped his father out of the siege, the sea mantis aimed at the son of the monk in the cold pool. Just now, when the son of the monk in the cold pool solved the crocodile monster, it finally caught the opportunity and let it be so terrifying. The energy fell on the cold pool monk's son.

Although the energy displayed by the sea mantis is terrifying, it also depends on who it falls on. For example, when it falls on the monk in the cold pool, it can directly cut off the monk in the middle of the cold pool, but when it falls on the monk in the cold pool When his son was on his body, he could only leave a deep-looking scar on his body.

A dragon chant came from the mouth of Brother Hantan's son, and the son of Brother Hantan was furious. He had never had such a serious trauma since he was promoted to the middle stage of Golden Immortal. It's not as simple as being injured, it's an unbearable shame, the guy who hurt it is a heinous crime, not only leaving damage on his body with the strength of the early Jinxian, but also beheading his father's four He is a clone, so he wants to let this hateful guy die. As for the way to let it die, he is going to use the most cruel and primitive method. He will use his sharp claws and teeth to kill this hateful guy. Bite to pieces!

What Brother Hantan's son wanted to do to Hai Mantis was something he had never done to any monster before, and to have such an honor, Hai Mantis didn't know whether it was gratifying or sad.

The son of the monk Hantan has already flown towards the sea mantis. Facing the flying enemy, the sea mantis naturally launched a counterattack, and these counterattacks are various. In addition to its effective attack, there are also some It hadn't used Xiaguang much, and the purpose of using these attacks was of course to hurt or kill the son of the cold pool monk.

However, now is no longer the time for a sneak attack. When the Sea Mantis sneaks up on Brother Hantan's son, its strength can still fall on Brother Hantan's son, but when it comes to fighting head-on, no matter its strength Even Xiaguang couldn't affect the son of the monk in the cold pool, which made the son of the monk in the cold pool soon come to its side.


There was a dragon chant, and the son of the cold pool monk flicked the dragon's tail to beat the sea mantis.

This time it was the sea mantis' turn to panic, because the scene before it was very similar to the one it had dealt with the monk in the cold pool before, it was an attack with a strong aura, and the aura attached to the attack was so powerful that it made people cry. There is a feeling in life that no matter how you hide, it is wrong.

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