The ointment for the sores boiled for the ray monster has been cooked, and Gu Zheng also appeared in the cave with it.

Although the cave is full of sea water, Gu Zheng is a cultivator who is good at controlling water, so he can let the sea water give him a space wherever he goes, so he doesn't have to worry about the problem of the ointment getting wet.

Looking at the black ointment in Gu Zheng's hand, the ray monster said, "Are you going to use this thing to treat my sores?"

"That's right." Gu Zheng nodded.

"Know that your time is only half an hour." The ray monster reminded.

"Do not worry!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to talk too much, anyway, there was an agreement between the two of them, and the seriousness of the consequences didn't need to be reminded by the ray monster.


As Gu Zheng put the ointment on the sore of the ray monster, the ray monster also made a sound like a human sucking in cold air. Gu Zheng could see its pain because the skin near the sore They all twitched with the sound of it sucking in cold air.

Itching first and then itching is what Gu Zheng has known for a long time, so he also understands that the current pain is nothing.

"I warn you, if you can't cure my sores, I will definitely let you die a miserable death!"

As Gu Zheng attacked more sores on its body surface, the ray monster grinned in pain.

"Shut up now! Do you want your sore to heal?"

Gu Zheng needs to touch the sore under the mouth of the ray monster. Although the ray monster doesn't believe it, he still closes his mouth so that Gu Zheng can smear it.

"This is a process. Pain is unavoidable, and after the pain is over, you still need to experience a lot of itching, and then these sores will detoxify, scabs and fall off." Gu Zheng paused, and then Said: "Of course, I still need your cooperation, that is, in order to promote the absorption and healing effect of the medicine, I need to use the way of entering the body through the immortal power to make the medicine itself effective!"

Gu Zheng lied, he didn't want to let go of an opportunity to observe a monster he had never seen before with a legitimate reason.


Although the voice of the ray monster was a little angry, it still agreed. Anyway, there was an agreement between them, and it was not afraid that Gu Zheng would do anything unfavorable to it when the immortal power entered its body.

After applying the ointment to all the sores on the ray monster, Gu Zheng also pressed his palm on it.

The cold and extremely resilient palm, this is the feeling that the skin of the ray monster gave Gu Zheng, but Gu Zheng didn't come to experience the feel of its body, the key is to see, the ray monster What kind of mystery does the map on his body hold.

After probing the body of the ray monster with celestial power, Gu Zheng was amazed at his discovery. The simple map on the surface of the ray monster does correspond to a peculiar space world. Gu Zheng dares to conclude that this space world is also in this world. The interior of the fairy-level space fairy artifact, or the map on the surface of the ray fish demon, is a teleportation fairy array leading to that space world. Moreover, through careful observation of the map, Gu Zheng has a little more understanding of the space world that he has never entered.

"Are you done yet?"

Feeling that although Gu Zheng didn't hurt it, but he was observing the map on it, the ray monster was a little angry, it was very itchy at the moment, the muscles all over its body were twitching, and this kind of itching was more painful than before. unbearable.

"What's the end? It's normal for me to use Xianli to promote the effect of the medicine."

Gu Zheng didn't blink his eyes when he was lying, but the ray monster obviously didn't believe it: "You are lying, I didn't feel that your celestial power has any effect on the efficacy of the medicine, you are obviously using celestial power to probe my body The map, these are all things that happen in my body, do you think I don't know?"

"You really don't know. If you know, do you know how this ointment is made? If you don't know, you should cooperate well. Through the stimulation of my immortal power, the effect of the medicine is already perfect. Don't you notice that while you are itching, your sores are bleeding out?"

Gu contends for reason, anyway, he is an expert, he can say whatever he wants, and he said that the poisonous sores of the ray monster are flowing out poisonous water, which is also an indisputable fact.


The ray monster was so angry that it could not speak, and finally its voice was squeezed out from between its teeth: "It's better that your ointment really works, or I will definitely tear you to pieces!"


Gu Zheng was secretly happy in his heart, and he didn't want to say anything more, so he took the time to explore the map on the ray monster, trying to learn more about the space world he hadn't been to. After all, the Immortal Level Space Immortal Artifact is in his hands now, this space world that he has never been to before, he might go there once at some point!

As for the sores of the ray monster, there is really no need for his immortal power to do anything. Its sores are almost healed. Once its sores are healed, the agreement between Gu Zheng and it will be completed. At that time Therefore, it is impossible for the ancient immortal power to rely on the body of the ray monster.

Five minutes later, the sores on the surface of the ray monster began to scab under the effect of the medicine, and the itchy feeling disappeared, and the ray monster wanted to hum comfortably.

"Not to mention, your medicine seems to be quite effective. My sore is neither painful nor itchy, and it has scabbed over!"

The voice of the ray monster at this time sounds a lot more friendly, but Gu Zheng knew that after two minutes, the scabs on its body surface would fall off, and their agreement would be fulfilled by then, so he didn’t want to say anything more, Just seize the time to sense the space world that he has not yet entered.

Seeing that Gu Zheng ignored it, the ray monster didn't say anything more.

Two minutes passed quickly, and the scab on the surface of the ray demon completely fell off, and the power of the contract between Gu Zheng and it also disappeared at this time.

"Enter, you have some means, my injury is really healed!"

The ray monster laughed proudly, while Gu Zheng said lightly: "Since our agreement has been completed, should you give way to me now?"

"It's natural."

The body of the ray monster shrank, and the cave that was originally sealed by it immediately became unblocked.

"Before I leave, let me tell you one more thing. You are really smart. You actually found a reason that I can't refute to observe that space world. I think your observation will definitely help you in your future journey."

The stingray monster disappeared, only its voice remained in the cave. The son of a monk in the cold pool who watched all this, pouted and said, "Do you need to say that?"

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly at the son of monk Hantan, and the master and servant went on the road again.

Flying forward for about two minutes, Gu Zheng not only stopped, he saw a statue in front of him.

This is the first time Gu Zheng saw such a thing as a statue in the four-way space, and Gu Zheng also confirmed that this is not an ordinary statue. As long as they get close to a certain range, the statue will definitely come alive and become a monster to fight with them.

The four-way space belongs to a space with more water and less roads, so Gu Zheng can hardly see any monsters on land, and the ones that can be seen are basically those that live in the water.

However, none of the six statues in front of them looked like aquatic monsters. They were all humanoid monsters, and each of them had very gorgeous costumes and held different weapons in their hands. Judging from their appearance, they could be regarded as Bull-head monsters, monkey monsters, jackal monsters, fox monsters, civet cat monsters and mouse monsters.

Gu Zheng didn't rush forward, but wanted to use his divine sense to investigate first, to see if there was any simple solution.

However, when the divine sense was separated to a certain distance, Gu Zheng discovered that there were not only the eight statues in front of him, but also the existence of formations!

Sensing the existence of the formation, plus there are eight statues in the formation, before Gu Zheng figured out what kind of formation it was, he felt the light dim in front of him.

After Gu Zheng's eyes passed the alternation of light and dark, he found that the environment he was in looked like a very large garden, in addition to various things, there were also things like rockery pavilions.

"Master, what's the matter?"

On the opposite side of Gu Zheng, the son of monk Hantan with a slightly panicked expression was rushing over to join him.

"Could it be that this fairy formation was activated because of the detection of the divine sense, and this activation captured me and the son of the monk in the cold pool?"

Gu Zheng was a little speechless, and this kind of formation did exist, but with his attainments in the way of formation, this situation should have been discovered long ago. After all, if he and the son of monk Hantan can be included in the formation, it means that he and the son of monk Hantan are already within the range of the formation. Since they are within the range of the formation, Then it should have sensed the existence of the formation long ago! Therefore, Gu Zhengcai was a little shocked and emotional. He felt that the formations in the space world are really weird, like quadruple fairy formations, or fairy formations that look simple on the outside but are very dangerous inside. He also has all of these experienced.

However, Gu Zheng didn't take it lightly because he found a suitable explanation in his heart. He was originally observing the surrounding scenery with the eyes of the Tao.

"When I used my divine sense to investigate the fairy formation before, I should have activated the fairy formation, and then both of us were photographed in! The eight monster statues I saw before should be inside, you have to be careful Just a little."

Talking to tell Brother Hantan's son to be careful, the sudden attack by Gu Zheng hit Brother Hantan's son in the chest.

The son of the monk Hantan was beaten into the air, and at the same time that he spurted blood from his mouth, his body also changed rapidly. When he landed on the ground, he had already turned into the fox monster corresponding to the statue.

The Elven Blade had already appeared in Gu Zheng's hands. Gu Zheng raised his hand and slashed at the fox monster, and then the fox monster disappeared without a trace after leaving a cloud of smoke in place.

The son of the monk Hantan is Gu Zheng's subordinate. Gu Zheng has seen their bodies countless times with the eyes of Tao, remembering every small detail of their body surface and body. However, just now when Gu Zheng used his Dao eyes to scan the Hantan monk's son, he found that the Hantan monk's son in front of him was different from the real person in details!

Gu Zheng in the ontology era is good at the way of change, and the way of change he is good at is the Xuantian Nine Transformations, which is more powerful than the Seventy-two Transformations of Disha and the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang, so he immediately knew that the cold pool cultivator in front of him The son of his son was actually transformed by a monster using the magical powers of the seventy-two transformations of the earth evil spirit, and only the transformed supernatural powers of the seventy-two transformations of the earth evil spirit can make this kind of person be close to 100% similar in appearance, but there is still a person inside. Fifty percent difference!

Knowing that the son of the monk Hantan is not himself, Gu Zheng has a better understanding of the formation. This understanding lets him know that in fact, the one who is in this formation space is not himself, but the It's just his own divine sense, and the formation method just absorbed his divine sense into it, and then transformed everything in front of him. This also explained why he didn't sense the existence of the formation method in advance when he was in the cave. But it was taken into the formation again.

Although Gu Zheng is only absorbed in his spiritual thoughts, he has a complete body and all the supernatural powers he possesses outside, and he has not encountered this special space before, so when he understands how to play here, As soon as he thought about it, the Elven Blade appeared in his hand.

However, this space also has restrictions. If he forbids such treasures as the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng has no way to get the Heart Demon Orb in. In addition, divine thoughts are inseparable from the main body. Although Gu Zheng in this space is not the main body, his current body parts also correspond to the body parts of his main body. Once any part is injured, the outer main body will also The same damage will occur.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to chase down the fox monster just now, because he knew that the other monsters were hiding in the dark. If he acted rashly without further deepening his understanding of this space, then he might He was plotted against by several other monsters.

Gu Zheng's conjecture is right or wrong. What is right is that there are indeed monsters lurking in the dark, ready to launch a fatal blow to him at the right time. As for the wrong thing, not all monsters are in the dark, hiding in the dark. Now there are only fox monsters, civet cat monsters, and mouse monsters. As for the other three monsters, because this space is the rule for stone carvings to gradually become monsters, they are still in the process of transformation.

Space is the formation space, and based on Gu Zheng's understanding of the formation method, he passed through the observation of the formation space, and he soon discovered that not all monsters are lurking in the dark. In the process of transforming from a sculpture to a monster, and in such a situation, taking the initiative to attack is the most beneficial tactic for him! After all, if it continues like this, all the monsters will change from stone carvings to living bodies, so the situation will definitely be even more unfavorable for him. Besides, the fox monsters I saw before already have the strength to return to the peak of the void, and they can no longer be regarded as It can be ignored. As for the strength of other monsters, he still doesn't know yet.

Gu Zheng moved, and he flew directly into the air. This place is in a semi-forbidden state. He can fly, but he can only fly up to a height of 20 feet. Gu Zheng also has his considerations in choosing to fly into the air. After all, there are several monsters in a hidden state, and it is naturally more difficult to hide in the air than on the ground.

In addition to the fox monster, there are civet cat monsters and mouse monsters among the hidden monsters. Among these three monsters, one of the fox monster and the mouse monster is hidden in the ground, and the other is hidden in the ground. Gu Zheng broke away from the ground , which is equivalent to making their hiding temporarily lose their threat! However, they didn't act rashly just because Gu Zheng left the ground, they were waiting for the civet cat monster lurking in the air and the other monsters that were about to wake up to create opportunities for them.

The civet cat monster is very happy, because Gu Zheng is flying towards its hiding place.

Gu Zheng didn't directly attack the place where it was hiding, but approached it with his body, so from the civet cat's point of view, this showed a problem, that is, Gu Zheng hadn't discovered its existence, and it was ready to attack Gu Zheng. It hit hard.

Gu Zheng has actually discovered the civet cat monster, no matter how he is real, he is also a master of space hiding. It's a pity that now he comes to do missions in the space world inside the fairy-level space fairy artifact, and things like strength are limited by the power of law, so he can't be as sharp as before, so the time to discover the hiding place of the civet cat monster It took a long time, if it was him who was real, just a glance in the air would make the raccoon monster invisible.

The raccoon monster made a move first, which was an opportunity given to it by Gu Zheng, because as soon as it made a move, it would be difficult to change its moves, and it would be difficult to evade Gu Zheng's next attack.

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. The civet cat demon is not big in size, but the aura exuded by the sharp claws scratching at Gu Zheng does not belong to Gu Zheng's elf blade at all.

Gu Zheng, who had been on guard for a long time, dodged the side of his body in the face of the civet cat monster's claw, and the palm he slapped towards the civet cat monster's head was the Mie Xianzhang that had already been brewing.

Through the claw wind of the raccoon monster, Gu Zheng has concluded that the strength of the raccoon cat monster is only in the late stage of returning to the void. Although its strength is lower than that of the previous fox monster, it can hide in space, which shows that it has a certain way of space , it is actually a more difficult existence than the fox monster.

Faced with Gu Zheng's slap on its head, the civet cat monster also shuddered in its heart. If it hadn't mastered part of the way of space, it would definitely be doomed by this move. At the same time, he can also avoid the ultimate move by teleporting.

Seeing that the raccoon monster disappeared without a trace, Gu Zheng smiled wickedly. Since everyone already knew that the civet cat monster would hide in space, how could he not guard against its instant movement, so the palm that Gu Zheng stretched out just now was just a feint. Go to the place where the raccoon monster appears, and hit it on the head with the real Mie Cactus.

Seeing that the raccoon monster didn't get cheap from Gu Zheng's hands, but was persecuted by Gu Zheng to be very embarrassed, the fox monster and rat monster that were originally hidden were no longer hidden, and they launched a rescue to the civet cat monster.

The fox monster flicked its tail, and a glaring beam of light flew towards Gu Zheng like an electric light. Its speed was faster than Gu Zheng's. If Gu Zheng didn't dodge, this beam of light would definitely be able to catch up to him , and hit him.

The mouse monster rushed out of the soil directly, opened its mouth while shooting towards Gu Zheng, and a huge phantom of the mouse's mouth flew towards Gu Zheng at a faster speed than its body.

It is undeniable that the rescue of the fox monster and the mouse monster did have an impact on Gu Zheng's actions, but this impact is only a follow-up! After all, teleportation is something that can be done in an instant, and the rescue of the two of them was still a step too late. The civet cat monster had already appeared from the sky, and it looked as if it had slammed into Gu Zheng's palm.

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