Gu Zheng didn't speak, he was observing the body of monk Hantan through the eyes of Tao.

Regarding the current situation of the cold pool monk, Gu Zheng has already seen it clearly. He knows that the cold pool monk is under control, and he also knows that if the special spirit body monster voluntarily gives up the control of the cold pool monk, the body of the cold pool monk will be damaged. What will be the damage.

"Master, why are you looking at me like that?"

Gu Zheng looked at the special spirit monster with hairs. It controlled the body of the monk in the cold pool, and put his hand on his cheek pretendingly.

"You call me master? Shall we talk then?"

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's son widened his eyes.

"It's not your father. Your father has been controlled by a special spirit monster."

Not to confuse the son of monk Hantan anymore, Gu Zheng took the initiative to explain something to him, and he was going to open the skylight to speak frankly.


Brother Hantan's son's eyes widened, and he was at a loss for a while.


The special spirit monster controlled the body of the cold pool monk and sneered: "How do you want to talk to me?"

"Let him go, I can spare your life. As for whether there are other benefits, we can talk about it."

For the special spiritual monsters, Gu Zheng didn't have much understanding, that's all he could say.

"Impossible! You have to think about it. I am now your subordinate. Unless you want your subordinate to die, how can you let me die?" Brother Xiang Hantan's son: "Or, in his eyes, the lives of his subordinates are worthless at all?"

"Hey! Damn guy, you need to sow discord!"

Before Gu Zheng could open his mouth, Brother Hantan's son was already angry. He believed that even if Gu Zheng wanted to abandon his father, it would be a last resort. After all, they had experienced many things between them. He knew that Gu Zheng was a very A person who protects his weaknesses is also very kind to his subordinates. If it wasn't for a special spirit monster controlling his father's body, if this word came from someone else, then he would have to fight others desperately.

"Who said that I can kill you only if my subordinates die? Don't think that you know me completely just because you know the memories of my subordinates. You must know that my subordinates did not follow me from the beginning."

Gu Zheng's gaze had turned cold, and he was also very angry about the special spirit monster sowing discord.

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, the special spirit monster was also a little panicked. It said sternly: "I tell you not to act recklessly. If you dare to act recklessly, your subordinates will definitely have trouble!"

"Are you threatening me? I will give you one last chance to leave my subordinate's body alive, or I will make you look good!"

Gu Zheng solemnly warns that if he thought before that if the special spiritual body monster cooperates, they may be able to cooperate in other things, but now he doesn't want to cooperate with the special spiritual body monster. If this guy is sensible, he should leave If he didn't know the body of the monk in the cold pool, he would rather risk the monk in the cold pool to get hurt, and he must destroy this special spirit body monster. He believed that no one would like the feeling of being threatened by others.


The special spirit monster refused. It can't get on someone casually. Once it gets on someone, it will cause serious damage to itself if it gets off in a short time.

"Then you just wait and die!"

Gu Zheng was really angry. With a thought in his mind, he stretched out his hand and pinched a formula, and the monk Hantan fell to the ground.

Brother Hantan and his son were Gu Zheng's enemies at the beginning. Although Gu Zheng took them back as his subordinates, Gu Zheng placed restrictions on their souls just in case. The father and son of Hantan also knew that Gu Zheng set them up. Restriction can determine their life and death with a single thought, but what they don't know is that Gu Zheng can also put them into a deep sleep with a single thought, but doing so will cause some great damage to them.

Since it is the soul restriction that has an effect, the fainting of the monks in the cold pool is not a general deep sleep. Although the special spirit monster can control the monks in the cold pool, as long as it can't release the seal on the monks' souls, then It is impossible to wake up the monks in the cold pool.

Without the puppet of the cold pool cultivator, the special spirit body monster actually does not have a very effective attack method, not to mention that even if it has such an attack method, it must first leave the cold pool cultivator's body, and once it leaves The body of a monk in the cold pool, then it will suffer serious backlash first! What made it even more frightening was that, because they didn't know that there was a seal on the soul of the monk in the cold pool that could make him fall into a deep sleep, the special spirit body monster had already blocked the road when facing the peace talks of the ancient dispute. Even if he wants to take a step back now, it depends on whether Gu Zheng answers or not.

The special spirit monster was thinking about what to do next, but Gu Zheng didn't give it a chance to think clearly. He directly used the nemesis of the spirit monster, which is divine sense!

Seeing Gu Zheng's divine thoughts shooting at it, the fear of divine thoughts in its origin made it immediately want to beg Gu Zheng for mercy, and now it feels that according to Gu Zheng's words, it is not unacceptable to let the cold pool monk go , but it is a pity that the current monk in the cold pool has fallen into a deep sleep due to the restraint of the soul, and without the body of the monk in the cold pool to control, it does not even have the ability to make a sound.

Spiritual Mind is the nemesis of the spirit monster. When it hit the spirit monster, the body of the spirit monster immediately began to disintegrate. Even without the body of the monk in the cold pool to control, it could not express its regret to Gu Zheng. But from its distorted body, Gu Zheng can also see that it is in great pain, but Gu Zheng will not pity it, and when it is given a chance and it doesn't cherish it, death is its only ending.

The spirit body and monsters were quickly decomposed by the divine mind. Gu Zheng released the soul of the monk in the cold pool by manipulating the restriction on his soul.

However, although the state of deep sleep was lifted, monk Hantan did not wake up, which was something Gu Zheng knew before.

"Using the soul restraint will hurt you. I wouldn't use it easily, but there is no other way if I don't use it this time. Like the method of decomposing special spiritual body monsters with divine sense just now, if it is not based on the use of the soul restraint Basically, then what is decomposed is not the special spirit monster, but your father's body."

Gu Zheng said this to Brother Hantan's son, and Brother Hantan's son hurriedly said: "Master, don't worry, I can understand, but what is my father's situation now?"

"I will make your father wake up later, but using the soul restraint itself will cause damage to your father, plus there are still problems left over from the control of your father by spirit monsters. If the two problems are solved together, I estimate that your father's strength may be reduced because of this."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan's son heaved a sigh of relief. As long as his father is not life-threatening, everything else is easy for him to accept.

Gu Zheng began to solve the problem of the monk Hantan, he pressed his palm on the forehead of the monk Hantan, and the immortal power in his body also entered the body of the monk Hantan through this contact.

After a stick of incense, Cultivator Hantan faintly woke up. He actually knew what happened during the period of being controlled, but at that time he seemed to be in a nightmare state, and could only watch helplessly. , but just can't wake up.

Knowing from Gu Zheng that because of this incident, his cultivation has been reduced from the late stage of returning to the void to the middle stage of returning to the void, and the cold pool monk is unavoidably depressed. Originally, he was at the bottom of the team because of his own strength. As for distress, now that his cultivation base is lower, this is indeed something that makes him feel sad.

Although the fall of the realm is not a master, the fall of his realm is not particularly serious. He only needs to cook another food repair for him, and the realm can return to the late stage of returning to the void. It will take several days before he can take food repair next time, and during this time, who knows how many things will happen, but because of his lack of strength, he can't intervene at all!

Depression is depression, but things have already happened, and Brother Hantan can only hide this depression in his heart, he doesn't want to express it to affect everyone's mood.

Next, Gu Zheng was about to enter the cave, but this time after he entered the cave, unlike the previous times, he went directly to the depths of the cave, and he had already stopped when he first entered the cave.

Xianli shot out from Gu Zheng's fingertips, and Gu Zheng started the arrangement of the fairy formation, and he wanted to seal the hole. After all, the special spirit monster that controlled the monks in the cold pool before has been determined by him to have come out of the space fission, so since such a special monster can appear in the space fission, more special monsters may appear, he I don't want to be disturbed by these nasty spirit monsters while I'm doing something in the cave.

Gu Zheng has experienced many caves like this in the Great Trench. There are such caves in every Great Trench, and in every cave, there is also a special monster that can give Gu Zheng tasks or tests. . However, before seeing these special monsters, Gu Zheng usually has to go through some tests.

For example, now, Gu Zheng saw the first test in this cave.

The cave is relatively huge, but the front is completely blocked, and what blocks the cave is a monster. This monster looks very strange, and Gu Zheng has never seen it before.

The strange-looking monster looks like a ray, and its oval fins seem to be pasted on the rock wall of the cave, blocking the cave tightly. However, this monster that looks like a ray looks too huge, and the fins blocking the cave seem to be only half of its two halves.

The fins of the ray monster are very peculiar, with special lines and spots on them. The lines look like rough maps, and you can see the marks like mountains and forests. As for the spots, they are actually festering scars.

Gu Zheng stopped walking. While observing the ray monster, he was also waiting for what it would say. After all, the body surface of this ray monster is protected by the power of law, and it belongs to the kind that cannot be harmed.

"Enter, help me!"

Sure enough, the stingray monster spoke to Gu Zheng, and the voice was a male voice, which was relatively rare among monsters. Even if ordinary monsters can express their intentions with mental power, their voices are indistinguishable between men and women.

"Help you? How do you want me to help you? What are the benefits of helping you?" Gu Zheng asked.

"Help me cure these sores on my body, and I will let you pass through my guard." The ray monster said.

"Let my master pass your guard? Does my master need you to let me go?"

Brother Hantan's son also followed Gu Zheng outside. What he usually hates the most is that someone belittles or disrespects Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng didn't blame Brother Hantan's son for talking too much, on the contrary, he was quite satisfied that Brother Hantan's son said such things at this time. After all, he didn't see how this monster ray could stop them!

"It seems that you don't believe my words, you want to try?"

The voice of the ray monster changed from pleading to a strange laugh.

"Try it and try it!"

The son of the cold pool monk made a gesture to attack the ray monster.

Even though Gu Zheng didn't know what would happen if Brother Hantan's son attacked the ray monster, he still stopped Brother Hantan's son at this time.

"You mean, as long as I cure your sores, you will let us go there?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right, but if you want to cure my sores, you must enter the map on my back and search for medicine in the environment represented by the map."

Hearing what the ray monster said, Gu Zheng understands that treating the ray monster's wounds is also a test. This guy doesn't look too special on the outside, and it doesn't make people feel that it is very powerful, but it The map on the back should represent a space. If such a monster attacks rashly, the consequences should be very serious! You must know that the body surface can carry a space. This is not something that ordinary people can do. The son of the monk Hantan can't do it, even Gu Zheng can't do it.

"As long as I cure your sores, it's all right? It doesn't necessarily mean that you have to enter the environment represented by the map on your body to find medicine?"

Gu Zheng spoke again. Hearing what he said, the ray monster froze for a moment, and then said again: "I just want you to cure my sores. As for what method you use, I won't interfere, but no matter what you use Either way, you only have one chance, do you understand what I mean?"

"Understood." Gu Zheng smiled slightly: "That is to say, whether I use my method to treat your illness, or enter the space represented by the map on your body to search for medicine, I have a time limit for you. Right? And if I can't cure you within the time limit, you won't let us pass, right?"

"In the end, you are an entrant with strong comprehension skills. The time limit is correct, only half an hour, but once you can't cure me within half an hour, then I won't let you pass, I will kill you you!"

After the ray monster said this, Gu Zheng also felt the conclusion of the contract issued by it, and Gu Zheng also initiated the acceptance, which meant that there was an agreement between them.

"Master, can you cure the poisonous sore on the monster ray?"

Gu Zheng took Brother Hantan's son back to the Heart Demon Orb, and Brother Hantan's son immediately asked curiously.

"Of course I can, but how can I agree if I can't?"

Gu Zheng smiled, he knew that Brother Hantan's son didn't believe him, but he just wanted to hear what he said.

Sure enough, after hearing what Gu Zheng said, the son of the monk Hantan suddenly smiled: "Master, do you want to use food therapy to heal the ray monster?"

"No, the method of food therapy is too slow, and the time limit for the task it gives is only half an hour. In addition, even if I want to cook food therapy, there is no suitable place. There is no environment where cooking can be done in the Heart Demon Orb." Gu Zheng said.

"Then what is the master going to do?" the son of the monk Hantan asked again.

"His sores are not easy to treat, but it is quite a coincidence that when I was in Honghuang, I got something that was also regarded as a treasure. That thing is called Xingxu Mountain, and it is also a treasure belonging to the world outside the circle. From the books I left behind in the Xingxu Mountain, I learned some unpopular medical books, among which there are prescriptions for treating the sores of rays and monsters, which can be used at this time! As for the things used, they are all taken from the inner demon Part of the tissue from the corpses of those monsters in the bead."

Some of the tissues in the corpses of the monsters that Gu Zheng wants to take are actually all the same tissues, but the tissues of different monsters contain different special substances. When these special substances are mixed together, they will become one after boiling. Strong medicine, and this strong medicine has the meaning of fighting poison with poison, and it has a very good effect on malignant sores, especially the spotted sores on the surface of the ray monster.

The tissues that Gu Zheng wanted to obtain from the corpses of monsters were actually the gallbladders of several monsters, such as the gallbladders of seal monsters, the gallbladder of lizard monsters, and the gallbladder of sea snake monsters.

It didn't take long for Gu Zheng to pick seven suitable gallbladders. These gallbladders were of different shapes, sizes, and even colors.

Through the observation of these gallbladders through the Eye of Tao, Gu Zheng poured the bile from the seven gallbladders into a pot. This pot was originally used for cooking delicious food by Gu Zheng. Even if this pot is scrapped, Gu Zheng will have to make another pot when he encounters suitable stone materials. Fortunately, it is not troublesome to make such a pot.

The heart magic bead is not suitable for cooking delicacies and food repair, this is because the space in the heart magic bead is not a real space, there is no immortal element in it! In the process of cooking delicious food and food cultivation, it seems that immortal essence is not needed, but in fact, without the nourishment of immortal essence, such delicious food and food cultivation cannot be cooked at all, and the immortal essence in the air cannot be created by immortal practitioners. It belongs to the essence of heaven and earth, but there is no heaven and earth in the Heart Demon Orb.

However, brewing ointment for the ray monster that can treat sores does not require immortal yuan, so Gu Zheng doesn't need to find a special venue, he can just boil it in the heart magic bead.

Boiling medicine also requires the fire control formula and the water control formula. The size of the fire will affect the fusion of special substances in the bile, and the water control formula is used when removing the chaff and saving the essence.

The bile of monsters is not a food material, and there is no fragrance when it is boiled. On the contrary, it emits an indescribable stench, and with the passage of time, the stench becomes more serious. Fortunately, Gu Zheng can hold his breath Cook it, otherwise he would not be able to stand the smell.

The bile, which was originally only slightly viscous, became more viscous as the cooking process continued, until it became viscous and became like a paste, and the original stench became tasteless, Gu Zheng collected it. out of the pan.

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