Although there are a large number of monsters, they are not the opponents of Gu Zheng and Hantan monks. After Gu Zheng and Hantan monks slaughtered them, those monsters were quickly killed by Gu Zheng. Fight for the existence of their counterbalance.

The occurrence of the siege by a group of monsters was indeed somewhat unexpected, and Gu Zheng still doesn't know whether Xiao Qicai will come by then.

However, regardless of whether Xiao Qicai will come or not, Gu Zheng must deal with this area. The smell of blood here is too strong now.

It is easy to deal with the bloody smell in the seawater. Gu Zheng's natal true water spirit vibrated in his body, and the raging sea tide he unleashed again caused a huge vortex to appear in the seawater, and this vortex completely cleaned the nearby seawater.

After cleaning the current area, Gu Zheng collected the cold pool cultivator into the Heart Magic Orb, and then entered the invisible state to wait for the small colorful to appear. It will take time to find, of course, this is not what he wants to see.

However, emergencies are always so unpredictable. When Xiao Qicai appeared half an hour later, Gu Zheng had to release his invisible state again because he felt that the spatial structure became unstable. There should be signs of danger in space, and the place of occurrence is nearby.

Gu Zheng felt strange, why the spatial structure suddenly became unstable, and the danger still appeared near him. Anyone with a little common sense of space should know that this is not normal! If the first time can still be said to be a coincidence, then the second time can only be said to be the existence of some existence that can manipulate space to make troubles secretly.

No matter what kind of existence it is behind the scenes, Gu Zheng has no way to deal with it right now, because this kind of attack is untraceable, Gu Zheng can only dodge it first.

However, the time is no longer half an hour ago. Half an hour ago, due to the crazy massacre of Gu Zheng, there were no monsters nearby. When he was running, he did not know what to do to stop him.

Gu Zheng didn't have time to entangle with the monster blocking him, even if he raised his hand and slashed with a knife, because of the delay of the knife, he would have less time to travel, and would even be drawn into the whirlpool.

The vortex had already appeared at this moment, and Gu Zheng had also reached the edge of the vortex's power. When he was about to cross the edge and enter the safe area, a tail that suddenly appeared slashed at his body.

The sudden attack came from the tail of a fish demon, which was the size of a great white shark. The reason why it won the fight is because it has some spatial skills, and it was hidden in the space just now.

Gu Zheng, who was attacked unexpectedly, was blown away by the black fish monster's blow. Although he didn't suffer any harm because of the fairy power shield on his body, the black fish monster's blow pushed him into a dangerous zone , the strong suction of the space vortex immediately acted on him, even if he resisted desperately, he still couldn't escape the fate of being dragged back quickly.

Gu Zheng's cultivation base has not even reached the middle stage of returning to the void, and in this situation, even if the son of the cold pool monk in the early stage of Jinxian is here, he will inevitably be dragged into the space vortex. However, Gu Zheng escaped from the terrifying suction of the space vortex by relying on his strength in the early stage of returning to the void! Because, Gu Zheng is not an ordinary initial stage of returning to the void. He had already awakened the magical space teleportation skill in advance in the mysterious realm given by the giant ocean arm, so at the critical moment, he escaped the space through teleportation. With the suction of the vortex, he fled to a safe place.

The first thing Gu Zheng did when he entered the safe zone was to push out a palm to the somewhat unintelligible, silly-looking black fish monster.

The black fish monster is similar to Gu Zheng, it mastered this supernatural power when it should not have mastered the supernatural power of the way of space, because the strength of the black fish monster is also not in the middle of returning to the void.

The palm launched by Gu Zheng firmly hit the black fish monster who had not yet reacted, and the black fish monster was immediately thrown into the danger zone by Gu Zheng. Under the effect of the space vortex, its body moved towards Vortex approached.

However, the black fish monster is a wonderful thing that has mastered the supernatural powers of space. It not only uses space to hide to attack Gu Zheng, but also uses teleportation to get out of trouble! However, Gu Zheng hated the black fish monster very much, and he also knew that it knew the supernatural power of space, so he was very guarded against it. When he sensed a change in the space structure, he immediately moved towards the place where there seemed to be nothing. Hit a palm.

The black fish monster appeared through teleportation, but the place where it appeared happened to be where Gu Zheng launched a palm, which made it look like it was delivered to the door, directly hitting the palm that Gu Zheng shot. In the palm of his hand, he was beaten into the danger zone again. Moreover, this time Gu Zheng hit the black fish monster with more force than the previous one, so that the black fish monster rolled far away in the sea, and there was no chance to display any life-saving magical powers. It was pulled in by the space vortex.

The space vortex ended, and the sea water calmed down again, but this time Gu Zheng didn't go to the camp immediately, he started to search in the sea water, he wanted to see if he could find the guy who used the space trap to target him before. Moreover, in the process of searching for Gu Zheng, he did not use the retrograde technique, because since the enemy can accurately place the space trap beside him, it means that his invisibility cannot be hidden from the opponent at all.

Gu Zheng patrolled the vicinity openly, and soon found traces of monsters, which really meant a solid camp of flowing soldiers. Anyway, even if there were two space vortices in this place in a short period of time, there would still be Monsters come.

Encountering the obstruction of monsters, Gu Zheng will solve it. It doesn't matter whether there will be any big movements this time. Anyway, for him, there is an enemy in the dark. If this guy doesn't find out first, he really has to wait until he When seeing Xiao Qicai, the other party may still play tricks in the dark.

The killing went very well, anyway, these monsters are not too powerful.

As time went by, when Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb again, and once again used the Heart Demon Orb to flash off the head of a fish demon, the surrounding environment temporarily returned to tranquility, but the smell of blood in the sea was very strong. Zheng killed dozens of monsters here.

During the killing process, Gu Zheng didn't see the mastermind behind the scenes, nor did he see Xiao Qicai. Since this is the case, he still needs to clean up the bloody smell in the sea water. Anyway, it doesn't take much time to do it.

Using the water-type immortal skill of Raging Sea Raging Tide, Gu Zheng caused a huge vortex to appear in the seawater, and began to clean the seawater.

However, something unusual happened during the cleaning process this time. A monster that was originally hidden in the mud and even deceived by Gu Zheng had to escape from the mud when faced with the suction of the vortex. Escape from this place of right and wrong.

Gu Zheng didn't let the monster hidden in the mud get his wish, so he launched a chase to the monster. After all, being able to hide in the mud and escape the detection of Gu Zheng is already a very unusual place, but this abnormal monster is still in human form, with enough aura in its eyes, it is the kind suitable for being searched for souls!

The monster being chased by Gu Zheng looks like a conch banshee that Gu Zheng met before, with a huge shell on the lower body and a naked woman on the upper body.

Even the vortex of Gu Zheng can pose a threat to this special banshee, so the strength of this banshee is naturally not high. Facing the pursuit of Gu Zheng, she has no possibility of escaping at all. He fell under Gu Zheng's attack, and was later collected by Gu Zheng into the Heart Demon Orb.

The banshee is already in a state suitable for searching for souls, and Gu Zheng's hand is also pressed on her head, and her few memories are soon presented to Gu Zheng.

After completing the search for the banshee's soul, Gu Zheng was both excited and worried.

What excites Gu Zheng is that the banshee has not only seen Xiao Qicai, but also remembers Xiao Qicai's aura. Through searching the banshee's soul, Gu Zheng also already knows Xiao Qicai's aura, and with Xiao Qicai's aura, Gu Zheng can now start the pursuit of Xiao Qicai.

What Gu Zheng was worried about was that through the memory of the banshee, he deduced that the guy who used the space vortex to attack him was the little Qicai he wanted to find! Because in the banshee's memory, although Xiao Qicai is relatively small, she is a bully here, and she used the space vortex more than once to take away those who made her displeased.

Small Qicai can create a space vortex, which is a very troublesome thing. This means that when Gu Zheng is waiting for it outside the coral reef, it is also observing Gu Zheng in the dark, and will observe Gu Zheng in the dark. It shows that it has not low spiritual intelligence, and once the spiritual intelligence is not low, this in itself is already a troublesome matter.

However, fortunately, Gu Zheng now has Xiao Qicai's aura, so he can try to track it nearby first.

"Master, do you think you can find Xiao Qicai through the qi machine?"

Brother Hantan had obtained the understanding from Gu Zheng's soul search, and seeing that Gu Zheng had tracked the time of a stick of incense and still had no breakthrough, he couldn't help asking.

"Probably not." Gu Zheng smiled: "If it is possible, then during this time of burning incense, there should be a discovery, but the surrounding sea water is very clean, and there is no Qi Cai left in it , coupled with its own spatial supernatural powers and not low spiritual intelligence, then it may even have processed its Qi machine, and once the Qi machine has been processed, tracking will become useless Yes! It's just that there is no good way right now, and we can only try our luck by tracking like this."

It is not difficult to deal with qi mechanism. When cultivators usually avoid the pursuit of their enemies, they usually erase the remaining qi mechanism in the air. Since Xiao Qicai has a lot of intelligence and no problem with her own strength, it wants to It is very simple to dispose of the gas machine left in the sea water.

"Master, what shall we do next?"

Brother Hantan is really worried. His patience is not as good as that of Gu Zheng. Usually, when faced with such a situation, as long as Gu Zheng has a solution, even if he doesn't know what the solution is, he will be satisfied with Gu Zheng's words. become reassured by speaking.

"Next, I will search for a while. If there is still no result after a stick of incense, then go back to the coral reef and wait for the rabbit."

Hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan showed curiosity, because he heard the affirmation in Gu Zheng's words.

"What does the master mean, Xiao Qicai will definitely return to the coral reef?"

Brother Hantan wanted to hear an affirmative answer very much at this moment, but he was also very curious. He didn't know that Gu Zheng's words would have that kind of affirmative meaning.

"Nine times out of ten, they will." Gu Zheng said.

"Why?" Brother Hantan asked.

"Little Qicai goes to the coral reef every day to eat a kind of small snail, and after searching the soul of the banshee just now, I also observed it with the eyes of Tao, so I know In the body of the little snail, there is a special substance, which has addictive properties. The attraction to Xiao Qicai should be the same as the attraction of catnip to cats. During that period of time, it will reach its peak! Therefore, Xiao Qicai will go to eat small snails in the original time period in all likelihood. Although it has discovered my existence, it must have sensed my danger. It uses space magic to It attacked me, although I didn't hurt me, but I didn't hurt it, and it shouldn't be able to withstand the temptation of that kind of addiction, and it should pass by that time period. "

Gu Zheng spoke out his analysis, and his analysis was not wrong, Xiao Qicai really thought that way.

However, what Gu Zheng didn't know was that the special substance in the little snail's body not only made Xiao Qicai addicted, but also the antidote that Xiao Qicai had to take every day. If Xiao Qicai couldn't take the antidote on time, then Its body will appear unwell!

In addition, Xiao Qicai is really good at space supernatural powers, as if at this moment, it is actually hiding in the space through the supernatural powers hidden in space to observe the ancient disputes in the distance.

The time has passed since the special substance in the little snail's body is about to reach its peak, but Gu Zheng is guarding the coral reef, and the coral reef guarded by Gu Zheng, Xiao Qicai dare not go there at all, because it is an extremely rare monster, and there is no rule of law on it. The force protects it, so that no matter how powerful its space magic is, as long as Gu Zheng dares to get close to it within a certain range, Gu Zheng can end the battle by collecting it into the Heart Demon Orb! This is the reason why Xiao Qicai has never shown up in front of Gu Zheng, otherwise it has the supernatural power of space, even if it is not the opponent of Gu Zheng, it will still have no problem running.

Seeing the time to eat the small snails, but Gu Zheng is still sticking to the coral reef, which makes Xiao Qicai very angry, and it breaks away from the state of hiding in space with a flick of its fish tail.

As soon as Xiao Qicai escaped from the state of hiding in the space, Gu Zheng immediately found it, and did not start chasing it immediately, but just looked at Xiao Qicai quietly, and Xiao Qicai also looked at him quietly, one person and one fish just like that Looking across the sea.

Gu Zheng didn't take any action immediately, because he was sure that since Xiao Qicai appeared at this time, it meant that Xiao Qicai had enough effect on Xiao Qicai. As long as he didn't show too much hostility, Xiao Qicai might not be able to withstand it To attract and swim over.

The reason why Xiao Qicai didn't move was very simple, it was just waiting for Gu Zheng to catch it, and when Gu Zheng came to catch it, it threw Gu Zheng away.

One person and one fish each had their own concerns, and stared at each other for a minute. The first one who couldn't stand it was Xiao Qicai. Since Gu Zheng couldn't catch it, it took the risk of delivering it to the door. It still didn't believe that Gu Zheng couldn't take the bait.

Shaking her head and tail, Xiao Qicai swam towards the coral reef, watching Gu Zheng, who was gradually approaching the coral reef, her eyes widened, because he had already noticed that something was unusual.

In the process of Xiao Qicai's approach, Gu Zheng has already discovered that this guy is not protected by the power of law, and without the protection of power of law, it means that it can be included in the heart magic bead! However, how could Gu Zheng have thought of this before? After all, in this sea area, except for Xiao Qicai, he has never seen a monster that can be directly collected into the Heart Demon Orb, so he is still a bit far away from the coral reef.

Gu Zheng was waiting, he was waiting for Xiao Qicai to get close to the range where he could collect it from the Heart Demon Orb, but what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that Xiao Qicai entered the coral reef, and stopped at the place where Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb could collect it. Even if it moved a foot away, it would reach the capture range of Gu Zheng's Inner Demon Orb, but it just didn't swim another foot forward, not even an inch! And in the periphery of the range where the Heart Demon Orb can collect it, it is not that there are no small snails, so at this moment, Xiao Qicai has already started eating.

The wide-eyed Gu Zheng felt that he still didn't expect that Xiao Qicai actually knew that his Heart Demon Orb could collect it, and he still thought that Xiao Qicai was just lucky enough to stop at the periphery of the Heart Demon Orb's collection range. So I don't swim forward anymore, it's just that there are small snails to eat in that place.

Gu Zheng couldn't bear it anymore, he felt that if he could bear it any longer, Xiao Qicai might be full, and it would be even more difficult to catch this little thing at that time.

Gu Zheng wanted to get close to Xiao Qicai, but he felt that using ordinary methods would not work, no matter how fast he was, so he launched teleportation. He felt that through this kind of space magic, he would suddenly disappear and then suddenly approach, without giving Xiao Qicai time to react , it would be better to directly put it into the Anxin Orb.

He did it when he thought of it, but Gu Zheng, who completed disappearing and appearing through teleportation, was dumbfounded. He had already come to the coral reef, but he didn't see Xiao Qicai around, but only caught its remaining aura in the sea water.

There is no need for Gu Zheng to think about where Xiao Qicai has gone, the shaking head and tail of Xiao Qicai appeared outside the coral reef, when Gu Zheng approached it through teleportation, it also used teleportation to pull away the follower who had always been on guard The distance of Gu Zheng is still outside the range that Gu Zheng Heart Demon Orb can collect.

One man and one fish looked at each other again.

Little Qicai shook its head and tail very happily, because it had already eaten five small snails at that moment, and the number of small snails it needs to eat every day is only ten. If he buys a little more time there, it will be able to finish eating today, and then slip away. At that time, the vast ocean will let it swim, and it is impossible for Gu Zheng to catch it.

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