Maybe the pig-headed monster has another name for the orcs, so when Gu Zheng talked about the pig-headed monster, the female orc didn't stop, but when Gu Zheng took out the pig's hair from the pig-headed monster, it was as if she smelled it. With the smell of a pig-headed monster, the female orc immediately turned around.

"You are really amazing, the token that the boar demon saint gave you is actually the hair on the top of its head! Since you can get the pig hair token on the top of the boar great sage's head, it seems that you are coming to me to ask questions, not to explore When you get here, you don't need to accept any tests, I will tell you the questions you have to ask."

The female orc's attitude changed a lot, and a smile appeared on Gu Zheng's face.

"Since it is the pig hair token on the head of the Great Sage Boar, can I ask a few more questions?"

Gu Zheng didn't expect the pig-headed monster to have such an imposing name, and from the words of the female orc, Gu Zheng also heard that the pig hair on the head of the boar Great Sage seems to have a different meaning, so if this is the case, he naturally wants to Maximize your profits.

"No, I can only ask one!" The female orc looked at Gu Zheng with a smile, and once again said a lot to Gu Zheng: "No wonder you can become the master of another entrant, and you can also get the pig on the head of the boar sage." Mao, you are really good at doing tasks, and you are very good at fighting for profits!"

Hearing the female orc's praise, Gu Zheng just smiled. He has a high degree of control over the fairy-level space artifacts, and he has done a lot of tasks, and sometimes he will inevitably have some useful experience.

"Since you can get the most out of your interests, as a little extra reward, I will provide you with a little help on the matter you asked."

After the female orcs said so, Gu Zheng hurriedly told about the search for Xiao Qicai, and used his spiritual thoughts to transform into Xiao Qicai's appearance in the air.

"You actually received this mission."

The female orc murmured, her gaze was very complicated.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Zheng hurriedly asked, and the expression of the female orc became very serious: "Finding Xiao Qicai is a hidden task, the task is extremely difficult, if the entrant happened to ask me about Xiao Qicai, then I can give the entrant A choice, this is the setting left by the original fairy-level space master."

"What choice?"

Gu Zheng frowned, this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"Give up on the task of finding the little colorful, and I will send you out of this enchantment. Continue to do the task of the little colorful, and I will send you to the place where the little colorful is haunted, but I want to declare again that this task is very difficult, You probably won't make it!"

This is the first time that a special monster has such a reminder experience, and this special monster has the power to eliminate another special monster task.

Faced with the choice, Gu Zheng has a special feeling, but the special feeling is not to guide him what choice to make, but to tell him that what the female orc said is true.

Gu Zheng was very annoyed. After tossing and tossing for so long, he finally had a clue to Xiao Qicai, but he had to face giving up. Naturally, he couldn't get the baby that helped him deal with the guard monster.

Thinking of the otter monster, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel angry. Now he is sure that he must have fallen for the otter monster. Before seeing the otter monster, he had already passed the test of the special formation. It is reasonable to say no. It should be such a difficult task.

"Take this task!"

Gu Zheng’s voice squeezed out through his teeth, giving up is not in his character, although it is difficult to continue the task of Xiao Qicai, but whether there will be extra rewards, this is something that he still does not know, but what he knows is that if If he gave up on this task, it would be a waste of work and he would not get any benefit at all.

"Okay, since you have accepted this task, I will send you to the range where Xiao Qicai haunts right now, and you will be blessed!"

After the female orc said this, she waved her hand, and a crack appeared at the entrance of the valley.

Without waiting for Gu Zheng to ask any more questions, after creating a space channel for Gu Zheng, the female orc disappeared.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan also heard the seriousness of the matter from the previous conversation.

"Cold salad!"

Gu Zheng shrugged and smiled. Although his movements were helpless, his eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Let's go!"

Gu Zheng ingested the monk in the cold pool into the heart magic bead, and then stepped into the space passage.

No matter how dangerous and difficult the front is, but for Gu Zheng, at least for now, it is still relatively good. The space channel of the female orc will directly send him to the range where Xiao Qicai haunts, even if he cannot be seen at that time Xiao Qicai, but as long as he can capture the remaining Qi, Gu Zheng thinks it should not be difficult to catch it.

After alternating light and darkness in front of his eyes, Gu Zheng appeared in a sea area.

He was not so lucky to see Xiao Qicai as soon as he appeared. On the contrary, Gu Zheng frowned as soon as he appeared. He once again felt the malice of the task of looking for Xiao Qicai. He felt that a space vortex appeared beside him.

Hurry up and dodge to the side, the space vortex also appeared when Gu Zheng started to retreat, fortunately Gu Zheng's reaction was more sensitive, otherwise the space vortex at the beginning alone would have ruined him.

The space vortex appeared in the sea water, and its power remained undiminished. The sea water poured into the vortex, and the vortex seemed to be full. Gu Zheng saw that many monsters were pulled from a distance, and finally swallowed by the vortex. .

Monsters can be pulled into the space vortex from a distance, not to mention the ordinary fish in the sea. When some colorful and beautiful fish are sucked into the space vortex, Gu Zheng's heart is a little tight. He felt that Xiao Qicai was also among them, and if Xiao Qicai was really swallowed by the space vortex, then this mission would really be over.

The space vortex lasted for a long time, a full five minutes. When it finally subsided, Gu Zheng couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Among the beautiful fish that were swallowed by the space vortex just now, there was no sign of Xiao Qicai . However, although Xiao Qicai has not been swallowed into the vortex, if it has been active here not long ago, then its aura that was originally left in the seawater has also disappeared when the seawater poured into the space vortex just now.

Originally, Gu Zheng planned to search for traces of the target more effectively through spiritual thoughts, just like when he was in the body of the wild boar. However, after seeing the space vortex here, Gu Zheng gave up this idea! After all, in the body of the Great Sage Boar, Gu Zheng can also protect the safety of the body by arranging a fairy array, but in the sea area where there is a danger in space, this approach will not work, because in front of the danger in space, The Immortal Formation is just like paper! As for hiding in such treasures as the Heart Demon Bead or Magic Crystal, it is also impossible, because when a person hides in the treasure, the external divine sense will automatically break the connection with the main body.

He couldn't use his divine sense to find Xiao Qicai, so Gu Zheng could only go into battle himself. While searching for Xiao Qicai's trace in the sea, he paid attention to the changes in the spatial structure.

Gu Zheng's flight speed was very slow, and soon he came out of the range that the previous space vortex could affect, and his people became more careful, because the power of the space vortex in this place could not be affected, not only There are all kinds of fish and many coral reefs that can block people's sight.

Gu Zheng divided his divine sense. He has observed the space in the sea area just now. After feeling this area, the space structure is in a relatively stable state. In this state, even if a space trap suddenly appears, As long as Gu Zheng's body is not too far away from the main body, he can still withdraw to the main body in time. Moreover, Gu Zheng didn't intend to let the divine sense be too far away from the body. He used the divine sense only to detect those places that could not be reached by sight, but might hide the little colorful.

Then, Gu Zheng had just separated his divine sense, and had just explored a piece of coral reef. A strange fish hidden in the mud on the bottom of the sea, whose strength was equivalent to the realm of transforming gods, rushed out of the mud on the bottom of the sea immediately, facing Gu Zheng's Divine Sense is just one mouthful.

It is impossible for Gu Zheng to launch a spiritual attack at this time, so his spiritual sense is only used for detection, and he has no strength to harm the strange fish. He can only escape from the strange fish's mouth, or he will be the monster When it bites Gu Zheng's divine sense, it is already a dead end, and its head will soon be broken down by Gu Zheng's divine sense.

Although Gu Zheng's divine sense failed to decompose the head of the strange fish, Gu Zheng's body arrived quickly, and he slashed at it with the blade of the elf, and the sea water was divided by his blade energy. How could the strange fish in the realm of God be able to withstand such an attack, and was immediately beheaded.

However, just as Gu Zheng cut off the strange fish's head, he found four sea monsters rushing towards him from different directions.

The sea monster that rushed towards Gu Zheng looked like a beautiful woman in its upper body, but some of its lower body looked like crabs, while others had tentacles like octopuses.

The ocean with crab legs is crawling from the bottom of the sea towards Guzheng, while the siren with octopus legs is flying towards Guzheng. They hold seaweed and coral branches in their hands respectively, and these things are in their hands. Hands are like fairy artifacts, each with its own use.

Gu Zheng has seen that the strength of these beautiful sea monsters is much higher than that of the previous strange fish, and they should all have the appearance of returning to the void.

Gu Zheng didn't pay attention to the sea monsters in the early stage of returning to the void, but Gu Zheng didn't want to create too fierce a fight. He didn't want to disturb Xiao Qicai who might be not far away, so he didn't start the fight first. attack.

Gu Zheng didn't launch an attack immediately, but the beautiful sirens are not welcome. The beautiful sirens who approached Gu Zheng from the bottom of the sea waved the algae in their hands, and a large piece of seaweed immediately appeared beside Gu Zheng. Seaweeds are so fragile, yet powerful and beneficial, they can exert a strong bondage on immortal cultivators in the Void Return Realm.

The beautiful sea-monsters flying towards Gu Zheng were not idle either, they waved the coral branches in their hands, and lightning bolts were generated one after another, and they slashed towards Gu Zheng.

However, whether it was the seaweed that wanted to bind Gu Zheng, or the lightning that wanted to kill Gu Zheng, none of them could hit Gu Zheng, because Gu Zheng's body suddenly disappeared, and he entered the Heart Demon Orb in an instant. Although the Heart Demon Orb remained in place, it was impossible for an attack of this level to harm it. Anyway, up to now, Gu Zheng had not encountered an attack that could damage the Heart Demon Orb or the magic crystal.

Although the Heart Demon Orb can't instantly capture the beautiful siren, it is Gu Zheng's mobile fortress. This movement does not mean that the Heart Demon Orb moves, but that after Gu Zheng enters the Heart Demon Orb, he can choose to be within a certain range of the Heart Demon Orb. Any point inside appears! Therefore, just entering the ancient battle of the Heart Demon Orb, it reappeared in the sea in an instant, and it was very close to a beautiful siren.

The beautiful sea monsters were still in a daze at the disappearance of Gu Zheng. After seeing Gu Zheng's sudden appearance, they were also taken aback, and then immediately launched an attack on Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng, who appeared in the bead, had already completed the beheading plan of the beautiful sea-monster he approached, and entered the heart demon bead again.

Shock appeared in the eyes of the beautiful sirens, but before the shock in their eyes subsided, the reappearing Gu Zheng raised the elf blade in his hand to another beautiful siren.

There were four beautiful sirens in total. When Gu Zheng appeared for the third time, three of them were beheaded, and the whole process took less than five seconds.

Now, there is only one beauty siren left, and this beauty siren seems to know that Gu Zheng is not easy to mess with, and it no longer attacks Gu Zheng, it swims towards the distance like an arrow. However, even if the beautiful siren swims as fast as an arrow, it is still too late to escape the category where the Heart Demon Orb can be regarded as a mobile fortress. The palm hit it on the back, and it was seriously injured directly.

Gu Zheng did not kill the last beautiful sea monster, which does not mean that he was merciful, but that he wanted to keep the beautiful sea monster alive. This kind of monster with intelligence in its eyes is a rare thing that can be searched for souls.

Gu Zheng's palm had severely injured the beauty siren, and then his celestial power fell on the beauty siren, unlocking the fact that the beauty siren cannot be protected by the power of the law that is included in the heart magic bead, and his thoughts will The beautiful Siren was collected in the Heart Demon Orb. After all, the outside world is not a safe environment. It is better to search for souls in the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng pressed the palm of the beautiful siren's head, and Gu Zheng immediately noticed the few memories of the beautiful siren.

Through searching the soul of the beautiful siren, Gu Zheng discovered excitedly that not only has he seen Xiao Qicai, but he also has a good understanding of Xiao Qicai's trajectory, because Xiao Qicai will come to this coral reef to eat at a fixed time every day. Food, and now it's less than an hour before Xiao Qicai comes over.

After finishing the soul search for the beautiful siren, Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan the result of the soul search, and Brother Hantan couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

"Finally, we have the specific information of Xiao Qicai, and it will appear an hour later, so there is more than enough time left to complete the task. It seems that this task is not so difficult at this time. After all, judging from the size Judging from the above, Xiao Qicai, who is only one foot long, shouldn't be a very powerful character."

Hearing what Brother Hantan said, Gu Zheng just smiled, and didn't say anything more about it. Not only was he not as optimistic as Brother Hantan, but after searching for the soul of the beautiful sea monster, he still had a bad premonition in his heart , this task may be really difficult.

Feeling that the task is difficult, but he doesn't know where the task is difficult, Gu Zheng decided to leave this coral reef first, because there are other monsters in the sea, and this is the place where Xiao Qicai will appear later. It's not good for Xiao Qicai. Although he will leave temporarily, he will stay not far from this coral reef, where it is easy to observe this position.

He found a suitable place to stay, but Gu Zheng did not enter the Heart Demon Orb. He speeded up his recovery by adjusting his breath. He just stayed quietly on the bottom of the sea, because he had seen the space vortex before, and he didn’t want to enter the Heart Demon Orb. When the bead was being used, the space vortex happened to appear nearby, directly involving the heart demon bead, that would be really troublesome.

Staying quietly on the bottom of the sea, Gu Zheng also used the invisibility technique for this purpose, the purpose is not to disturb any monsters, and Gu Zheng's invisibility technique is also relatively powerful, usually very few monsters can find him in the invisible state.

However, things are always so unsatisfactory, there is still a monster who found Gu Zheng, it is a fish monster with a head like a metal box and four eyes.

Although the appearance of the four-eyed fish demon is strange, its strength is not very strong, which is equivalent to the appearance of the middle stage of transformation.

In response to that sentence, the toad crawled on the feet, did not bite but was disgusting, and this four-eyed fish demon was like that.

Gu Zheng didn't want to deal with the four-eyed fish demon, but since the four-eyed fish demon had discovered Gu Zheng, it launched an attack on Gu Zheng, and once Gu Zheng was attacked, the invisibility technique would be destroyed, making it even more annoying What's more, this four-eyed fish demon is also the kind that cannot be included in the Heart Demon Orb.

The helpless Gu Zheng rushed to kill the four-eyed fish monster with a sword before the four-eyed fish monster attacked him.

However, Gu Zheng would not have imagined that his appearance this time would trigger a chain reaction, and he would never have imagined that this damned four-eyed fish monster was not as simple as he thought.

Gu Zheng chopped off the four-eyed fish demon with a single knife, and its head was completely separated from its body, but the fish head of the four-eyed fish demon exploded. Although the explosion was not powerful, it was There was a special wave that could spread far away, and all the monsters that received this wave all swam towards Gu Zheng!

"It's so deceiving, it's impossible to guard against!"

Gu Zheng was furious, and he deeply felt that the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop. For him, he originally wanted to sit quietly for a while, but he never thought that the quietness would become noisy, and Xiao Qicai might be disturbed by this noise! Now that this is already the case, Gu Zheng didn't want to hide it, he let the cold pool monk out, he knew that his subordinates were also full of anger, if this is the case, let's vent it !

There were many startled monsters, and Gu Zheng quickly felt the scene of the monster heads swarming.

Without using the Elven Blade, Gu Zheng directly launched the Immortal Skill Furious Sea Raging Wave, and a cold current of shattered ice with a strong impact appeared in the sea water, rushing towards the monster in one direction, and the range was very wide.

Brother Hantan stood back to back with Gu Zheng, his hands were waving in the sea water, he made a fairy formation appear in the sea water, one after another fishbone like sharp swords fell from the fairy formation, continuously piercing towards Those monsters who came.

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