After staying in the cultivation world for a while, Gu Zheng, who had no other important matters, returned to the cave in the barren mountain again, and he was about to start his journey to the space world again.

Cross-legged in the cave, Gu Zheng took out a fairy-level space artifact like a miniature flying boat.

The last time I left the space world was because Qi Ling's dog-legged white-bearded old man wrecked the cornerstone of the space world, causing Gu Zheng to be squeezed out by the four-way space without clearing the four-way space .

Although it was squeezed out by the four-way space, it was still rewarded according to the customs clearance, so Gu Zheng's control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon has increased a bit.

Since Gu Zheng left the four-way space under the influence of unconventional means, as long as he enters the fairy-level space fairy this time, it is not his choice which space world he enters, and he will be directly sucked into the four-way space among.

Since the four-way space was destroyed by the white-bearded old man before, the four-way space will be in a broken and reorganized state, and the difficulty of the space world will also increase, but Gu Zheng does not know how far it will be improved. Everything is only clear when you see it.

With a thought, Gu Zheng entered the star-studded world inside the immortal-level space fairy artifact.

The sky full of stars seems to be around, and each of them represents a space world, but which space world to choose for adventure, this time it is not Gu Zheng who can decide the matter.

A star emitted a strong suction force, and the space world it corresponds to is the four-way space, and Gu Zheng was directly taken away by the strong suction force.

The sight in front of him alternates between light and dark, and Gu Zheng who opened his eyes is already in the four-way space.

The place where it appeared was the same as the previous two times, and it was still the trail in the four-way space. This was the third time that Gu Zheng had entered the four-way space. He had already walked through two roads before, and now he would follow the third The road went down.

The spatial reorganization caused by the breaking and breaking of the space makes the four-way space present a misplaced view. For example, the road that Gu Zheng is taking now, the road has been broken five miles away, and the broken road, another section It is suspended in the air. As for the ocean next to the road, it is also broken in this way, except that the ordinary ocean has sunk, and the water level is ten feet lower than the normal ocean.

This is not the first time Gu Zheng has seen the misplaced Jingguan, the last time he entered the four-way space, he had already seen such a scene. However, this time was obviously different from the last time. Gu Zheng felt faintly that the whole space seemed to be filled with a dangerous atmosphere.

Gu Zheng, who was walking forward, stopped in his tracks, because there were strange fluctuations in the void in front of him.

Gu Zheng thought that some monster was about to appear from the void, but it was the old man with white beard who made him gnash his teeth.

Gu Zheng was quite surprised to see the old man with white beard, because last time in the four-way space, because the old man with white beard destroyed the cornerstone of the space, Gu Zheng had a special feeling, and that special feeling also made him understand that the old man with white beard was going to be miserable. Yes, he violated the will of the law, and he will pay a heavy price for it, so Gu Zheng never thought that he could meet the old man with white beard again.

However, the surprise was only for a moment, and then Gu Zheng smiled. Although the white-bearded old man appeared in front of him, he was indeed severely punished. Although this punishment did not let him die directly, it made him live forever .

The white-bearded old man's eyes were dull. After careful observation, Gu Zheng found that his soul was imprisoned, and his facial expression kept twitching, which showed that he was in great pain. Behind him, there was a crawler that Gu Zheng had seen before. A strange monster, that is, a shadow leech that absorbs the original energy of the red-eyed sea monster.

The shadow leech was on the back of the old man with the white beard, doing the same blood-sucking action, but this time what it absorbed was not the original energy of the old man with the white beard, but the power of his soul, and this punishment of being drawn out of the power of the soul , the degree of pain is absolutely chilling.

"Welcome to this broken space. To pass through the current area, you need to reorganize the space world and defeat the ultimate monster at the end of the road."

The voice of the white-bearded old man sounded emotionless, and Gu Zheng didn't say anything to ridicule him, because Gu Zheng knew that the current white-bearded old man was in a state of imprisoned soul, and what he said was not from his original intention. It is a state of living and suffering, while being enslaved by the power of the law as a puppet.

The white-bearded old man who deserved what he deserved disappeared, and Gu Zheng has become accustomed to his opening explanation. No matter how you say a similar process, Gu Zheng has already experienced it when he was in the four-way space last time.

Gu Zheng went on the road again, and just when he was about to finish the current section of land, his footsteps stopped, and there was a roar in the sea water next to him, and the sea water spewed out like a fountain, and the cause of this movement was Three guys who look like tiger sharks but whose bodies are made up of various monsters.

The tiger shark monsters that rushed out of the sea did not come from the ancient times. They looked panicked, as if they were avoiding some prey.

The tiger shark monster had just rushed out of the sea, and a huge arm popped out of the sea immediately. It originally reminded the huge tiger shark monster. Compared with the palm of that weird arm, it was like an adult's palm grabbing a chick. Cubs are average!


The tiger shark monster caught by the strange arm was crushed into a puddle of blood directly. As for the other tiger shark monster, it took the opportunity to escape to the sky above the land, and the giant ocean arm didn't seem to chase it any more. Thoughts, slowly submerged into the sea and disappeared.

Until the giant ocean arm disappeared, Gu Zheng's wide-eyed eyes did not recover. Everything just now was too shocking.

When the tiger shark monsters rushed out of the water, they had already exposed their state in the late stage of Void Return. This is not a low-level monster! You must know that in the four-way space, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan's father and son all inherited the strength of the last time in the four-way space, that is to say, the highest state of the three of them is the son of the monk Hantan, and his state is also returning to the void In the later stage, as for the two of them, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan, their realm is only in the early stage of returning to the void.

When the giant arm of the ocean appeared, it also exposed its strength, mid-Gold Immortal!

It is precisely because when the giant ocean arm appeared, Gu Zheng knew that the power it represented was the mid-stage Golden Immortal, so he decisively used the invisibility technique to hide his figure, otherwise would the giant ocean arm attack him? Or, that is a difficult thing to say.

However, what shocked the ancients was not only the strength of the giant ocean arm, but whether it was just an arm, or was it just a part of the body of a monster. If it was just a part of the body of a monster, then how strong would the monster be? high? After all, what Gu Zheng saw was just that arm, and he had already demonstrated the power of the golden immortal in the middle stage. Even if it was just one arm, with the current state of Gu Zheng, even if he used the Immortal Realm, he might not be able to win it. This made Gu Zheng not shocked, he had just entered the four-way space not long ago, and unexpectedly encountered such a powerful existence, which also corresponded to the faint sense of danger that he had felt before.

In addition, Gu Zheng still felt weird. After all, it was not the first time he entered the four-way space, but it was the first time he saw this kind of monster killing each other in broad daylight! You must know that in the previous four-way space, monsters would never kill each other during the day.

Before Gu Zheng got out of the shock brought by the giant arm of the ocean, another shocking scene appeared. This scene came from the disappearance of the tiger shark monster.

There was a tiger shark monster in the sky that had been escaping from death. After the giant arm of the ocean disappeared, it landed towards the passage below. Just when it was about to fall to the ground, a black hole suddenly appeared in the void. Give it a chance to struggle, and swallow it directly.

Gu Zheng understands the black hole. He has also experienced the broken and reorganized four-way space before, but that time the four-way space has not yet had a sudden black hole! To know that black holes will suddenly appear in the space, the only explanation is that this space is extremely unstable, and an extremely unstable space is naturally a dangerous space! As for the tiger shark monster, it is sucked into the black hole in the space world, so the place where it will appear is the broken void created by the space world, and the broken void is more dangerous than another space form of nothingness, With a cultivation level like Gu Zheng's, entering it can be said to mean ten deaths and no life!

Not in a hurry, Gu Zheng felt that it would be better to carefully observe the current spatial structure of the four-way space now.

It is time-consuming to observe the structure of a space for the first time, especially now that the place where Gu Zheng is located is not the edge of the space, and it will take more time to observe the structure of the space.

He himself felt that there were dangers everywhere, and for the sake of safety, Gu Zheng used fire dragons and ice dragons to protect him. As for the father and son of the cold pool monk, he took on the job of guarding without saying anything.

Gu Zheng entered a state of concentration, and the world in front of him began to become blurred. As this process continues, the blurred vision will gradually become clear. When the clarity reaches a certain level, the structure of the space world will be in the form of lines. Seen by him, at that time he can know where the instability of this space has reached, and what kind of dangers will arise in this space world because of the instability.

Gu Zheng was concentrating on it, while the monk Hantan and his son were cautiously on guard, and the quiet environment was broken before it lasted long.

The sea level boiled up, and a group of flying fish-like monsters jumped out of the water, also looking panicked, but different from the tiger shark monsters before, this group of flying fish monsters, which numbered as many as thirty, turned out to be in a panic. Flying towards Gu Zheng.

Brother Hantan and his son couldn't help but feel a little nervous. They were afraid that the one chasing the flying fish monster would be the giant arm of the ocean that they had seen before, which they could not deal with.

It was too late and then it was too late, the flying fish monsters had already approached Gu Zheng within a certain range, and although the strength of these flying fish monsters is not too high, they are still in the early stage of returning to the void. If they attack Gu Zheng, they will definitely It will put Gu Zheng in a dangerous situation.

However, the flying fish monster that was flying fast one moment ago disappeared out of thin air the next moment, and this time it was not the black hole that caused the flying fish monster to disappear out of thin air, but the heart demon orb activated by the cold pool monk.

The cold pool cultivator is no different than the ancients. He can know what kind of monster can collect the heart magic pearl just by looking at it. However, if the cold pool monk wants to know what kind of monster can collect the heart magic pearl, he still needs to sense the monster. It was precisely because he was sensing whether the Flying Fish Monster could collect the Heart Demon Orb before, that made the Flying Fish Monster fly closer to Gu Zheng. If it was Gu Zheng who controlled the Heart Demon Orb, he would have already taken the Flying Fish Monster into it up.

The monk in the cold pool had just collected the flying fish monster into the heart magic bead, and a water column like a fountain was formed in the sea water. One reminder was relatively flat, and it looked like a monster with a pair of wings rushing out of the sea.

Seeing the monster ray rushing out of the water with fierce eyes, the father and son of the monks in the cold pool couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. It turned out that it was not the giant arm of the ocean that made people chasing the monster flying fish, but this monster ray.

The strength of the ray monster, from the moment it rushed out of the water, has been known to the father and son of the monks in the cold pool. This is a monster whose strength is equivalent to the late stage of returning to the void. according to.

Faced with this situation, among the two fathers and sons who have a tacit understanding, the son with the higher strength flew directly towards the stingray monster. safety.

However, the first one to rush up was not the son of the monk Hantan, but the fire dragon of Guzheng.

The Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon of Guzheng can feel whether the monsters are hostile to Guzheng. If there is hostility, they will take the initiative to attack, just like the flying fish monsters before. The reason why the Fire Dragon and Ice Dragon did not take the initiative to attack is because They didn't feel any hostility towards the flying fish monsters, those flying fish monsters just panicked.

The fire dragon rushed up, while the ice dragon stayed and continued to guard. Although they were only transformed by fairy art, Gu Zheng had already implanted his thoughts on their division of labor when he transformed them.

The fire dragon spewed out a sea of ​​flames towards the monster ray. The monster ray disdained this. Its wing-like fins flickered, and the whirlwind that appeared out of nowhere swept back the sea of ​​flames cast by the fire dragon.

The sea of ​​fire was rolled back, which did not pose any threat to the fire dragon itself, which was made of flames, but it could affect the son of the monk Hantan behind, as well as Gu Zheng and the monk Hantan.

A golden light flashed on the body of the cold pool monk's son. He avoided the revolving flame by raising his flying height, and at the same time sprayed an electric bubble towards the ray monster.

The cold pool monk and the ice dragon opened their mouths at the same time, one sprayed huge waves, and the other sprayed ice mist, both for the purpose of extinguishing the rolling flames outside the safe range of Gu Zheng.

The rewinding flame was extinguished, and the electric bubbles spit out by the monk's son also exploded beside the ray monster.

With the same strength in the late stage of Void Return, the electric light bubbles of the cold pool monk's son are also very harmful to the ray monster. Although the ray monster did not die in the explosion of the electric light bubbles, it was also torn apart by the explosion , the two fins that looked like wings were blown to pieces! Moreover, the electric glow bubble will not only explode, it will act on the target's body when it explodes, so there is still a raging electric glow on the body of the ray monster at this moment, and the existence of the electric glow makes its body became stiff.


The fire dragon of Guzheng had already circled around the back of the ray monster. It swung its tail and lashed at the ray monster, pulling its huge body towards the monk's son in the cold pool.

Although the fire dragon has no intelligence, it has good fighting skills. No matter which member of several forces is fighting against the enemy, it knows how to cooperate.

It wasn't the first time that Brother Hantan's son had cooperated with the fire dragon, so when he saw the fire dragon circle behind the ray monster, he already knew what the fire dragon was going to do.

The fairy flame stick was already in the hands of the cold pool cultivator's son. He raised the stick with both hands and threw it at the flying ray monster.

A heavy stick hit the ray monster's body, and its characteristics made the ray monster's body completely covered in flames. The ray monster let out a dying scream, and its body fell towards the ocean below.

Although it didn't take much time to get rid of the ray monster, the son of the monk in the cold pool didn't dare to stay any longer. In the ocean below, there was something terrifying like a deep-sea giant arm sticking out not long ago. If he could stop staying on the surface of the sea, he didn't want to stay for a moment longer.

The son of the cold pool monk used the light band tentacles on his back to bind the body of the ray monster, and took it back as a trophy.

The following time was relatively quiet, no monsters came to disturb, and Gu Zheng also ended his observation of the space structure after five minutes.

Gu Zheng's face is not very good-looking. Through the observation of the construction, he found that the current four-way space is extremely unstable, because there will be many dangers that will arise from this instability, and it is definitely not as simple as a black hole! What's more serious is that no matter what kind of danger from space, it has the ability to kill the three of them.

After telling the father and son of Hantan cultivator the results of the investigation, their expressions were not good. As far as they were concerned, they did not expect that the four-way space they entered again would become so dangerous.

"Now you all know how dangerous the four-way space is, so you must be careful along the way!"

Gu Zheng ordered the Hantan monk and his son, and the father and son quickly nodded in agreement.

"Master, what shall we do next?" Brother Hantan asked.

"Next, I'm going to the end of this broken road. I want to observe the space structure there, and then open a road to nothingness. I'm going to search for ingredients in nothingness to improve our strength. I want to gain a foothold in the four-way space. It’s not enough without strong strength.” Gu Zheng said.

"Okay, then please return Master to the Heart Demon Orb, and I will take the Heart Demon Orb on the road!"

Brother Hantan was also concerned about Gu Zheng, anyway, he was basically the one who took the Heart Demon Orb on his way before, as for Gu Zheng and his son, they stayed in the Heart Demon Orb.

However, Brother Hantan's proposal was rejected by Gu Zheng.

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