The walrus ivory is a fairy artifact, but the level of the fairy artifact is only low-level. Gu Zheng didn't understand how it could solve the predicament in front of him, but since the special feeling gave him guidance, Gu Zheng immediately left the Heart Magic Orb and sacrificed the walrus ivory .

Because Gu Zheng had entered the Heart Demon Orb before, the two powerful monsters lost their target and flew far away, so when Gu Zheng reappeared, he was not attacked by the monsters.

The walrus ivory has been the foundation of Gu Zheng, and the scene that made Gu Zheng stare wide-eyed happened. The walrus ivory sacrificed by him actually ignored the rules in nothingness, and continued to grow and widen in nothingness, and finally turned into a strip. The winding white walrus road.

Since walrus ivory is Gu Zheng's fairy weapon, after it was used by Gu Zheng, some of its characteristics were immediately known to Gu Zheng.

The existence time is half an hour, the winding length is ten miles, and it can be used once a day, and Gu Zheng, as the owner of the walrus ivory, will not be discovered by the monsters in the void when he stands on the ivory road!

After knowing the characteristics of walrus ivory, Gu Zheng applauded excitedly. In the future, in this space world, he really doesn’t have to worry too much about such things as ingredients, and with sufficient ingredients, he can improve his cultivation speed It will also be much faster.

However, the fairy artifact of walrus ivory is powerful and powerful, but it also has its disadvantages. This disadvantage is that its winding is not controlled by Gu Zheng, which means that Gu Zheng can't change it into a twisted shape if it wants to change in any direction. What direction, which also led to what kind of ingredients Gu Zheng can come across, is entirely a matter of luck!

After all, the ingredients in nothingness don’t move, and in the void space, all of Gu Zheng’s attacks have a very short distance. If it wasn’t for the walrus ivory road that happened to be close enough to the ingredients, even if Gu Zheng could see it, he would definitely be able to see it. is not getting it.

The two monsters who originally left because of Gu Zheng's disappearance, after seeing Gu Zheng's appearance, flew towards Gu Zheng again, and Gu Zheng didn't waste any time, and immediately set foot on the road of walrus ivory, and After he set foot on the road of walrus ivory, the characteristics of the road of walrus ivory made his figure disappear, and the two powerful monsters lost their target and flew to other places again.

Gu Zheng ran wildly on the walrus ivory road. Although he hasn't seen the red carp yet, he believes that since the walrus ivory road is an immortal weapon against void space, he will definitely be able to get the red carp.

When running forward, Gu Zheng saw a lot of ingredients, some of these ingredients were sea fish, some were lobsters, and some were scallops. Anyway, they were ingredients from various sea areas, and the grades of these ingredients were also on the high side, the lowest of which was also medium. High-level ingredients, as for high-quality and high-grade ingredients, I also saw a lot.

But it is a pity that the winding of the walrus ivory road is not controlled by Gu Zheng. These ingredients are all three meters away from the walrus ivory road, and once it exceeds three meters, the distance is beyond the reach of Gu Zheng.

Running forward for a while, Gu Zheng finally harvested a high-quality lobster. The lobster was very close to the walrus ivory road. square inch.

Going forward for a certain distance, that is, when he was about to reach the end of the walrus ivory road, Gu Zheng finally saw the red carp, and the reason why he didn't see it before was because the red carp was relatively small and was surrounded by a group of people. Only large, good-grade tuna blocked it.

Gu Zheng must have excellent grades of tuna, and the red carp needed for the mission must not be let go. After collecting them all in the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng immediately collected the walrus ivory road, because the remaining part of the road can see the end , this time there are no more ingredients that can be harvested again.

The walrus ivory road was accepted, and its characteristics made Gu Zheng leave the nothingness directly, appearing in the place where he entered the nothingness before.

From entering the nothingness to leaving the nothingness, it took less than a stick of incense during this period, but Gu Zheng experienced a lot of heartbreak.

The two-headed sea monster was waiting for Gu Zheng outside. When it saw the red carp in Gu Zheng's hand, it laughed happily.

"Congratulations to the entrant, you have completed the last test of this road, now give me the red carp, and I will help you open the way to pass the ultimate pass." The two-headed sea monster said.

Gu Zheng handed the red carp to the two-headed sea monster. After the two-headed sea monster ate the red carp, it opened its mouth and blew a gust of wind behind it.

The road behind the two-headed sea monster was impassable before, it was covered by a mist, and even the divine sense could not penetrate it, but now a gust of wind from the two-headed sea monster completely blows away the fog, Gu Zheng also So I saw a gazebo at the end of the road.

"Will the gazebo be the cornerstone of the space?"

The moment he saw the gazebo, Gu Zheng couldn't help but think so. After all, at the end of the last road, the gazebo is a cornerstone of the space world. At that time, it was precisely because of the destruction of the cornerstone that Gu Zheng failed to pass the test of the four roads. , leaving the space world.

However, due to the destruction of the cornerstone of the space, the entire space was reorganized. After Gu Zheng once again entered the fairy-level space fairy artifact, he was inevitably sucked into this reorganized space world, and experienced many twists and turns during the period.

Seeing the gazebo again now, Gu Zheng feels quite embarrassed. Let alone the fact that the gazebo is unlikely to be the cornerstone of the space. Even if it is, Gu Zheng doesn’t want to destroy it anymore. After all, the task of repairing the space is not easy to do. .

Although he saw the gazebo, he doesn't intend to get close to the gazebo now, so as to draw out the final gatekeeper monster. He plans to wait until the walrus ivory's magical powers are restored tomorrow, and then enter the void again. If he can improve his cultivation base to return In the middle stage, then he will face the final gatekeeper monster. If he can't harvest enough ingredients tomorrow, then Gu Zheng will have to wait. Anyway, he still has six days to stay on this road!

Since he didn't plan to meet the final guardian monster right now, and he couldn't enter the nothingness to harvest food again, Gu Zheng went to practice in the Heart Demon Orb. He wanted to wait for the magical powers of the Walrus Tooth Immortal Artifact to recover during the practice.

Gu Zheng entered the Heart Demon Orb, but he didn't know that in the void at this moment, the old man with the white beard was looking at the Heart Demon Orb with hatred in his eyes.

Gu Zheng entered the reorganized space world. The white-bearded old man thought that Gu Zheng would die here under his tricks. He never thought that not only did Gu Zheng not die, but he even did an extremely important hidden mission.

The reason why the hidden mission is extremely important is because the white-bearded old man knows that the reward for the hidden mission is to restore Gu Zheng's fairyland magic power, and once Gu Zheng recovers the fairyland magic power, the monster guarding the gate will not be his opponent in the end. Xianyu can solve it! Of course, this refers to the weaker final gate-keeper monster during the day. If it were the final gate-keeper monster at night, Huyou and Gu Zheng would still have the power to fight! However, Gu Zheng is also very familiar with the current space world, it is impossible for him to face the final gatekeeper monster at night, he is not stupid!

Thinking of Gu Zheng's hateful face, the old man with white beard gritted his teeth fiercely.

"No, the situation of the master is not a second, and this guy is so powerful. He is obviously not injured, but he wants to enter the heart demon orb to practice. He probably intends to wait for the cultivation base to improve before facing the final guardian monster. However, if he really improves his cultivation, then even at night, the final gatekeeper monster will not be his opponent! No, I can't let this happen, I am willing to do anything to protect the master! "

The hatred in the eyes of the white-bearded old man turned into madness, and then he stopped paying attention to the Anima Orb, and flew towards the gazebo.

The gazebo was originally empty, but after the old man with the white beard flew in, the sea snake reliefs on the pillars of the gazebo suddenly came alive.

"What is the envoy doing here?" The sea snake asked.

"The entrant is right in front, you know that, right?" said the old man with the white beard.

"I know, I'll just wait here for it to come over!"

The sea snake's voice was very flat, anyway, for it, waiting for the entrant was its task.

"Do one thing for me, in exchange for your benefits in the Land of Freedom." The white-bearded old man said again.

All the special monsters in the space world will enter the land of freedom after completing their own missions. This is the dream of most of these monsters.

The sea snake's eyes lit up, as if the benefits of the land of freedom in the words of the old man with the white beard were very attractive to it.

"The envoy also knows that I don't have much power to act. I just take the initiative to come to the door after the entrant passes the last gatekeeper monster! If you just want me to do this, then I will sell the envoy's face. " said the sea snake.

"Yes, it's just asking you to do such a simple thing."

Hearing what the white-bearded old man said, the sea snake immediately swam towards the direction where the Heart Demon Orb was.

Looking at the leaving figure of the sea snake, a sneer appeared on the corner of the white bearded old man's mouth.

"I said, I am willing to do anything for the master, and I also said, I will make you pay for offending me!" the old man with the white beard thought.


Gu Zheng is practicing, while the monk Hantan and his son don't need to practice. They are chatting boredly, and they are also paying attention to the things outside the Heart Demon Orb. When they find a sea snake swimming from the pavilion, they immediately notify Gu Zheng. ! After all, the sea snake has three heads. When a person walks upright, half of the body is more than three feet high, and the body is even thicker like a big tree. It is not an ordinary character at first glance.

"He even took the initiative to come to the door!"

Gu Zheng frowned, but without thinking too much, he immediately left the Heart Demon Orb.

"Defeat me, then leave here, lose to me, then you will die!"

The three-headed sea snake didn't talk nonsense, it had already shouted to Gu Zheng before it came to Gu Zheng.

The blue light blade appeared in Gu Zheng's hands, and since the gatekeeper monster had come to his door in the end, he didn't want to say anything more.

"Hoo hoo!"

After a certain distance from Guzheng, the three heads of the three-headed sea snake sprayed out three rays of different colors at the same time.

Gu Zheng narrowed his eyes as he watched the three beams of light flying over. The three-headed sea snakes were at the early stage of Golden Immortals. When encountering monsters of this strength, the best way to settle them down quickly was the Immortal Realm. Anyway, Gu Zheng hadn't used it after the fairyland supernatural power was unlocked, so he might as well just leave it to the sea snake for the first time.

Seeing that the three rays of light were about to fall on Gu Zheng's body, Gu Zheng's figure suddenly disappeared, and even the three-headed sea snake disappeared. Gu Zheng activated his fairyland magic power, and he took the three-headed sea snake into the fairyland.

This is a world of ice and snow, Gu Zheng stands tall in the sky, while the three-headed sea snake stays shivering on the ground.

This is the fairyland of Guzheng, where Guzheng is the master, and he can't remember how many existences he killed by leapfrogging through the fairyland! As for a sea snake that is only equivalent to the early stage of Jinxian, he in the fairyland didn't take it seriously at all.

"Meet death!"

With a wave of Gu Zheng's hand, the energy in the Immortal Realm was mobilized, pressing towards the three-headed sea snake like a mountain.

The three-headed sea snake is the last gatekeeper monster on this road. It is already in the early stage of the Golden Immortal. As soon as it enters the fairyland of Guzheng, it has already felt how terrifying the fairyland of Guzheng is. It knows that it will not It is the opponent of the ancient battle, so its eyes are full of panic, and it is struggling under the weight of the energy of the fairyland.

At the same time, the white-bearded old man in the outside world is destroying the gazebo. He knows that the three-headed sea snake is not the opponent of the ancient dispute, so he must seize the time to destroy the gazebo.

Before Gu Zheng felt that the cornerstone of the last space world was the gazebo, so the pavilion on this road is unlikely to be the cornerstone of space, anyway, the cornerstone of space is a very hidden thing.

However, sometimes things are so unexpected, the pavilion on this road is really another cornerstone of the space world.

Destroy the cornerstone of the space world, the space world will be reorganized, and the entrant will temporarily leave the space world. After he enters the fairy-level space fairy artifact again, the reorganized space world will also suck him into it. The things that have been experienced, and now the old man with white beard destroys the cornerstone of the space world, and this is also the purpose!

The white-bearded old man has nothing to do with Gu Zheng. If he doesn't use this method of injuring the enemy ten thousand and self-defeating eight thousand, he feels that the tests on the next two roads will not be life-threatening for Gu Zheng! The only way he wants Gu Zheng to die is to destroy the cornerstone of the space and reorganize the space again, so that the difficulty of the space world will be increased, and only in the highly difficult space world can Gu Zheng fall.

Of course, destroying the space cornerstone will cause damage to the spirit of the weapon, and it will also allow Gu Zheng to pass through the current space world in advance, thereby gaining control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon. This is an undeniable drawback! However, if the white-bearded old man doesn't do this, his master will still be injured when Gu Zheng successfully clears the space world, and Gu Zheng will still gain the control of the fairy-level space fairy weapon. Since this is the case, it is better to be crazy Give it a go.

The old man with the white beard is indeed crazy. What he did would not only damage the spirit of the device, but he would also be wiped out because of this move! After all, he is a special existence in the space world. There are some things he cannot do, such as destroying the cornerstone of the space world. Suffer in a special space! However, for his master, the old man with white beard, he fought hard.

Attacking the gazebo, the white-bearded old man kept vomiting blood. This kind of violation of the law caused him great pain. If it wasn't for the help of Qi Ling, he couldn't do it at all.

Fortunately, the gazebo was about to collapse, and another crazy smile appeared on the face of the white-bearded old man.

Gu Zheng has already wiped out the three-headed sea snake through the fairyland. In fact, when he was in the fairyland, he paid attention to the outside world. He also saw the old man with the white beard attacking the gazebo. He also thought that the gazebo was again. A cornerstone of space!

However, before Gu Zheng solved the three-headed sea snake, he had no way to leave the fairyland to stop the old man with white beard, and he didn't want to stop it, because the special feeling he had had made him understand that the old man with white beard had to pay a price for doing this , including his master Qi Ling.

Gu Zheng left the Immortal Realm, and the white-bearded old man had already destroyed the cornerstone of the space world. A huge black hole suddenly appeared where the gazebo existed.

The black hole did not suck in the nearby old man with the white beard, but sucked away the entrants who did not belong to this space world.

The sight in front of his eyes alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng once again appeared in the fairy-level space fairy artifact full of stars.

Facing the inquiring eyes of Brother Hantan and his son, Gu Zheng told the father and son some of his guesses about what he had interpreted through his special feeling.

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, the monk Hantan and his son couldn't help but lament the madness of the old man with the white beard.

"Master, what should we do next? It's only been a few days since we entered the fairy-level space, do we have to go back to the wilderness for a while?" asked the monk Hantan.

Gu Zheng didn't want to go back to the prehistoric, just as the monk Hantan said, this time he entered the space world of the fairy-level space fairy artifact, and it took less than four days to go back to the prehistoric, as short as a year and a half. It may take ten or eight years to come back again.

However, it is impossible not to return to the wilderness, because even if Gu Zheng wants to venture into the space world now, he can't enter at all! Because the white-bearded old man destroyed the cornerstone of space, the space world he entered again must still be the space world with four paths, and now that space world is still being restructured, and he can't enter it in a short time, so he just The only way left is to temporarily return to the prehistoric cultivation world.

"Although it hasn't been long since we left Honghuang, considering the current situation, returning to Honghuang is inevitable! But no matter what, we have also left the space world. Right now we need ingredients and immortal wine, so Let's go to the cave to eat and drink first, and then go back to Honghuang."

Hearing that Gu Zheng wanted to reward the three armies, Brother Hantan and his son cheered, and immediately forgot all the unhappiness left by the space world.

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