The matter in the cultivation world has come to an end. Gu Zheng once again found a barren mountain that is rarely visited by people. After opening the cave, he arranged some fairy arrays, and then took out the fairy-level space fairy in the cave, and he was going to enter the fairy-level space. The space world in the fairy artifact.

The last time he left the space world in the fairy-level space in a short period of time, the reason was that Gu Zheng found the cornerstone to destroy the current space world through the previous entrant, so he destroyed the cornerstone in the original space world. He left before the test was over.

Leaving the last space world, Gu Zheng brought out all the things he owned in it, such as ingredients, current cultivation base, and everything about the father and son of the monk Hantan, who can bring out the things in the original space world. Because if Gu Zheng enters the space fairy weapon again this time, he will still appear in the space world that he did not pass the level last time. The reason for this is not because he destroyed the cornerstone of that space world, but the tool spirit.

For a long time, Gu Zheng thought that the spirit of the fairy-level space fairy weapon was already in a sleeping state of being constantly hurt during the process of constantly clearing the space world, but what Gu Zheng ignored was that it was, after all, the entire The spirit of the fairy-level space fairy should have many arrangements, and the old man Gu Zheng saw in the last space world is one of the arrangements of the spirit.

It is precisely because of the advance arrangement of the spirit that Gu Zheng entered the space world this time, and he will appear in the space world that he failed to pass last time. According to what the old man said when he left that space world, due to his destruction Because of the cornerstone of the space world, when he enters that space world again, the difficulty of the space world will become very high.

At the beginning, Gu Zheng was not afraid of changes in the difficulty of the space world. Regardless of the old man's reminder, he insisted on destroying the cornerstone of the space world. The reason was that he knew that the old man would not remind him kindly. s damage.

"I don't know what will happen to the space world this time."

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and entered the fairy-level space fairy artifact with a thought.

The interior of the fairy-level space fairy artifact still looks like the sky is full of stars, but this time, without waiting for Gu Zheng to choose to enter that space world, a powerful force directly pulled Gu Zheng into a star, and this time This star is exactly the one that Gu Zheng chose last time.

The sight in front of him alternated between light and dark, and Gu Zheng saw the illusion he was in, and his eyes couldn't help but widen.

"It turns out that destroying the cornerstone of the space world will change the space world so much!" Gu Zheng murmured.

The last time he entered this space world, Gu Zheng appeared on a small island, and the four roads extending from the small island lead to four directions.

This time, Gu Zheng was still on the small island, but the scene outside the small island had changed a lot, giving people a feeling of being destroyed and reorganized. For example, the original ocean is now fragmented, with a part suspended in the sky, and the original ocean has holes one after another because of the lack of these fragments, and the original road has also been broken. It has become many paragraphs, and the fragments are also suspended in the air.

In addition to the changes in the scene, what Gu Zheng can clearly feel is the disorder of the power of law, but the disorder of the power of law is enough to show that this space world is very dangerous and unknown! In addition, Gu Zheng can also feel that this space world is the initial difficulty, and its difficulty will be enhanced by certain things that happen.

"How? Isn't it spectacular?"

The old man was by his side when Gu Zheng appeared, now that Gu Zheng has looked at this space world, he also sneered.

"Yeah! How do we get through here?"

Gu Zheng also sneered, this old man is protected by the power of law, and he belongs to the kind that can't be killed, otherwise Gu Zheng really doesn't want to talk nonsense with him, so he can kill him happily. However, because of the power of law protecting him, Gu Zheng knew that he still had to issue missions in this space world to Gu Zheng. This cannot be changed at all.

"The rules here are still the same as before. You only need to go to the end of the remaining three roads and kill the monster at the end of the road." The old man paused and said sadly: "It's just that because The space world has already been destroyed by you, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to get to the end of the road this time."

The old man disappeared after saying this, leaving only his laughter still echoing in the air.

Gu Zheng didn't take the old man's words too seriously. Anyway, he is just Qi Ling's dog leg, so it's not surprising that there are elements of alarmism in his words.

With a thought, Gu Zheng released the father and son of the monk Hantan from the heart magic bead.

Just as the father and son of the monk Hantan emerged from the Heart Demon Orb, the sea area outside the island immediately surged, and two very strange-looking monsters jumped out of the water and flew towards the island.

The reason why the appearance of the monsters is very strange is because the two monsters roughly look like sea monsters, but in fact they are made up of several kinds of monsters. They have a fish-like body and a crab-like size. The pliers, and the tentacles of a few octopuses, seemed to be due to the destruction of the cornerstone in this space world due to ancient disputes, and everything appeared in a disordered state.

Looking at the two flying monsters, Gu Zheng frowned, and the difficulty of the space world has been clearly reflected at this time. After all, when he came in last time, Gu Zheng traveled a long way before meeting the monster, but this time he met it so quickly, and the monster is still the kind that cannot be included in the Heart Demon Orb.

The father and son of Gu Zheng and Hantan cultivator still had their cultivation bases, and the three of them immediately attacked the flying monster.

The son of the cold pool cultivator spit out electric light bubbles, and the cold pool cultivator flicked the dragon's tail, and fish bones like sharp swords immediately fell from the sky. A person's cultivation stage, as well as the abilities he has mastered, are all the same as those in the previous space world.

The two monsters are also unambiguous. Their bodies are as if pieced together, which also allows them to have many attack methods. For example, huge waves will be ejected from the fish's mouth, and strength will appear when the big pliers are swung. As for The octopus-like tentacles would wrap around Gu Zheng and the others.

In addition to the variety of attack methods, the two monsters also possess high intelligence, which can be seen from the aura in their eyes.

However, even if the two monsters are extraordinary, they are not the opponents of Gu Zheng and the three of them after all, not to mention the father and son of the cold pool monk, but the fire dragon and ice dragon of Gu Zheng are all existences that can fight independently. The two monsters were not just fighting Gu Zheng and the three of them.

The battle ended soon, and the two monsters were taken down by Gu Zheng and the others. Gu Zheng didn't kill them immediately. Their eyes had wisdom, and they belonged to the category that could be searched for souls. Gu Zheng wanted to search for their souls. Thereby increasing the understanding of the space world.

Gu Zheng's current cultivation is in the early stage of returning to the void. With this level of cultivation, it is no longer necessary to use the heart magic orb or magic crystal to search for the soul of monsters. Gu Zheng puts his hand on their heads, and the immortal power acts on them After entering the body, the soul search began immediately.

The soul search for the monsters ended soon. Although the two monsters can be searched, they don't have much memory.

After finishing the soul search for monsters, Gu Zheng frowned, looking at his frowning, Brother Hantan hurriedly asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

"This space world is interesting!"

Gu Zheng smiled, and then told the monk Hantan and his son the information obtained from the soul search.

None of the information obtained from soul searching from the two monsters was good for Gu Zheng.

First of all, among the father and son of Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan, if they want to improve their strength, Gu Zheng and Brother Hantan basically rely on food repair, and they need a lot of ingredients to cook food repair. However, from the memories of the two monsters, Gu Zheng did not find any ingredients!

Originally, the food in this space world was relatively scarce. The so-called land was just a road, and not even a root of grass grew on the road. As for the ocean, there were very few plants, and even less could be counted as food. However, even if the so-called ingredients are very few, there were still some ingredients when we were in this space world last time. There are still a lot of ingredients. The ingredients that Gu Zheng collected last time were basically collected at night.

However, after the cornerstone of the space world was destroyed, the space world has undergone great changes. It is not to say that there are no animals and plants in the current sea area, but these animals and plants are all reorganized things like the two monsters. Even at night it looks like this. And Gu Zheng, through observing the two monsters, he has discovered that the recombined things are all poisonous and cannot be used as food at all.

In addition to the ingredients, which made Gu Zheng feel that it was not a good sign, there was also a problem about the road.

The current space world is a reorganization, the road has been divided into many sections, some roads are in the sky, some roads are on the ground, including the ocean, and the current situation is that if you follow a section of the road to the end, Then you must find a way to climb another section of the road, otherwise you will face a situation where there is no way to go. As for the other section of the road, it looks like it is in the sky, but if you want to climb it, it is not an easy task. There are unknown tricks in it that need to be discovered by Gu Zheng! In addition to the situation of the road, the sea area is also in a similar situation, because the sea area has also been divided into many pieces. If you want to go from this sea area to the sea area that is separated in the sky, you also need tricks.

"Trick? What's the trick?"

After hearing what Gu Zheng said, Brother Hantan murmured.

"I don't know. After all, these two sea monsters are always in this sea area. Even at night, they are just in the air above the sea area. They haven't found the trick, and they haven't entered the next sea area." Gu Zheng The voice paused, and then said: "But I feel that this should be a trick related to space."

Did not go further on this issue. For Gu Zheng, if he wants to know more, he must observe it in person. He set his sights on the son of the monk Hantan: "These two monsters, Can you still devour their original energy?"

The current monsters are different from the previous monsters. The two monsters are poisonous, and Gu Zheng doesn't know whether there will be any adverse reactions after the son of the monk in the cold pool devours their original energy.

Brother Hantan's son didn't answer right away either. He lowered his head, and two bands of light shot out from his back and landed on the two monsters. He was using this method for induction.

"Master, I think it's okay." A moment later, the son of the monk Hantan withdrew his light belt and said.

"Then swallow these two monsters first, and the monsters in the Heart Demon Orb!"

There are also many monsters left over from the last time in Gu Zheng's Heart Demon Orb. Last time, Gu Zheng didn't want these monsters to be devoured by the son of the cold pool monk, because he didn't want the difficulty of the space world to increase, but now it's different. This space world It has been reorganized, depending on the situation, the difficulty is not low, and Gu Zheng now wants to improve his own strength to deal with the upcoming danger! As for whether the strength of the cold pool monk's son will increase the difficulty of this space world, Gu Zheng can't care so much anymore.

"Master, is this really good? If I swallow these two monsters, together with those monsters in the heart magic orb, all of their original energy, the strength should break through from the middle stage of returning to the void to the late stage of returning to the void, to Will the difficulty of the world of time and space increase because of my strength!" the son of the monk Hantan asked worriedly.

"It's okay, there's nothing you can do if you really want to add more people, I can't take care of that much now." Gu Zheng said.

Gu Zheng said this, and the son of the monk Hantan didn't say anything more. He began to use two light bands to devour the original energy of the two monsters.

When the son of the cold pool cultivator entered the Heart Demon Orb to devour the original energy of those monsters last time, Gu Zheng controlled the Heart Demon Orb and flew towards the end of the road. The road in front of him only looked like three miles. He thought Go to the end of the road to see what it will be like.

The road that was three miles away soon came to an end. The end of the road was cut off very abruptly, and there was a void below. The original broken road appeared obliquely above, about a mile away.

Standing on the edge of the road, Gu Zheng stretched out his hand towards the void in front of him, but there seemed to be an invisible barrier there, and his hand couldn't get through at all. He wanted to try to fly, but he couldn't leap, just like they were trapped in the sky. In this small area.

"Sure enough, it's an obstacle related to space!"

Gu Zheng murmured, and the space in his mouth refers to something about the way of space.

Gu Zheng is in a forbidden state in this space world, especially his strength, which naturally includes the Taoism he has comprehended. However, Taoism is mysterious after all, and it is not easy to prohibit it, so Gu Zheng's understanding of Tao is relatively deep in this space world, but he cannot use the power of Tao, even if he can use it, the power he can exert It is also limited.

"Master, is it difficult?"

Seeing that Gu Zheng seemed to have found a solution, Brother Hantan couldn't help asking.

"It's okay! After all, my understanding of Taoism is still there, but it is limited and not as sharp as before, but I can still feel that this is a kind of dilemma on the space fault, and I want to get rid of this dilemma , you need to find a way to the next fault, it's just a matter of time."

Gu Zheng said lightly, in fact, he was in a very bad situation. Fortunately, he had the most precious heart magic bead, and he could store the father and son of the cold pool monk in the bead. Otherwise, even if he found a way to the next space fault, he would have no way Brother Hantan and his son brought them there.

Gu Zheng's natal true fire spirit and natal true water spirit oscillated one after another in Gu Zheng's body, and a fire dragon and an ice dragon appeared beside him. Next, he will focus on observing the nature of space. Fire dragons and water dragons that can fight independently, can Provide him with protection while he observes the nature of space.

Seeing that Gu Zheng had already unleashed both the fire dragon and the ice dragon, knowing that he was going to concentrate on finding a solution, Brother Hantan also concentrated his attention. He was going to be responsible for the safety of Gu Zheng at this time. As for his The son is devouring the original energy of those monsters in the heart magic bead.

Gu Zheng is very focused. He needs to enter a state of ecstasy before he can see the essence of space, and the essence of space will be presented in the form of lines in his concentration.

Gu Zheng wants to enter the state of ecstasy very quickly, but it takes a little time to be able to see the essence of space, anyway, the current him is not the original him.

Just when Gu Zheng was concentrating on observing the nature of space, a swordfish-like thing suddenly rushed out of the void at the end of the original road.

Gu Zheng was protected by fire dragons and ice dragons, but before the swordfish-like thing rushed forward, the cold pool cultivator who had already made a move trapped the swordfish-like thing in the void, and then He stretched out his hand and waved again, and the swordfish-like thing was taken into his hands. The fire dragon and the ice dragon were going to attack the swordfish-like thing, but they saw that it had been captured by the cold pool cultivator. If it is restrained, it will not attack it again.

Brother Hantan has been following Gu Zheng for a while. Although he has no talent in food, he has a lot of knowledge about ingredients, so he feels that this swordfish-like thing should be It is a high-grade ingredient! So he wanted to wait for Gu Zheng to finish his observation of the nature of space, let him see if this thing is an ingredient.

"There is such a thing in the void, this reorganized space world is really amazing!"

The monk in the cold pool murmured in his heart, the second harassment from the void appeared soon, this time the harassment was a sea monster, the size was as big as a house, it rushed out of the void, towards Gu Zheng spewed out a huge wave.

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