The human-shaped skeleton was very devoted to the battle, and Gu Zheng was also very devoted. After entering this space world, it was the first time he encountered such a decent opponent, and had a one-on-one duel.

The fire dragon is roaring, and the ice dragon is flying. This is the fairy art of Gu Zheng.

The ghostly mist and the gloomy wind are blowing, this is the method of the human skeleton.

However, the human-shaped skeleton is not the opponent of Gu Zheng after all. Gu Zheng, who is good at attacking with flames, is very restrained in the methods commonly used by its ghosts, and the attacks from Gu Zheng frequently fall on it.

Finally, the human-shaped skeleton was unable to fight anymore, and it fell into the flames of Gu Zheng. Just as Gu Zheng was about to control the fire dragon to take his life, the human-shaped skeleton said, "Wait a minute!"

Gu Zheng didn't want to wait, he wanted to get rid of the human skeleton as soon as possible and end this mental test as soon as possible.

However, it may be that the voice of the human-shaped skeleton has the taste that people are dying and their words are kind. Gu Zheng stopped the fire dragon and extinguished the sea of ​​​​fire on the ground. He wanted to hear what the human-shaped skeleton would say. What it said was meaningless nonsense, so it would not be too late to use thunder to solve it. Anyway, with its current situation, it can't make any waves.

"Anyway, we are all entrants. I want to tell you something that you may not know. How about we make a deal?"

The words of the human-shaped skeleton made Gu Zheng frowned, and the special feeling made him understand that this was not a deal made by the original owner of the fairy-level space artifact. , can personally make decisions and make transactions with entrants, this is the first one I have seen!

"You can make a deal with me? How did you do it?"

Gu Zheng is really curious. It stands to reason that an existence like a human skeleton should not have the freedom of speech, let alone the freedom to make such decisions.

"Anyway, I am also an entrant who has passed through several space worlds. I have some privileges, or I have a unique understanding of this fairy-level space fairy, isn't it strange?"

The human-shaped skeleton smiled miserably, while Gu Zheng nodded: "Tell me first, what kind of deal do you want to make with me, if your deal can impress me, it's not impossible to make a deal with you!"

"The deal I want to make with you is that I will tell you how to quickly pass through this space world, and all you need to do is, after you become the master of this fairy-level space fairy artifact one day, you will resurrect me and return me Just one freedom!"

Seeing that Gu Zheng was considering what it said, he didn't speak immediately, and the human-shaped skeleton urged: "I don't have much time, I think you can see it too!"

The human-shaped skeleton is really weak, and it will dissipate soon. Once it dissipates in the state of mind test, even if it is outside, Gu Zheng will not be able to see it.

"Okay, I promise you! The premise is that the method you mentioned can indeed allow me to quickly pass through this space world."

Gu Zheng agreed to the human-shaped skeleton, and the human-shaped skeleton spoke again: "Every space world actually has a cornerstone. As long as you can find the cornerstone and destroy the cornerstone, then this space world will be scrapped, and you can naturally pass the level quickly. !"

"What you said is indeed true, but where is the cornerstone, how can people find it, at least in those space worlds I have experienced, I have never found where the cornerstone is!" Gu Zheng paused, and then said Said: "In other words, even if the cornerstone can be found, I think there should be some powerful monster guarding the cornerstone?"

"The cornerstone is indeed hard to find, but it just so happens that the place where I am waiting for entrants in this space world is where the cornerstone is located. The cornerstone of this space world is the pavilion outside! And I can also tell you that the pavilion outside is indeed There are monsters guarding them, but they are not extremely powerful and cannot be defeated at all. At least I think you and your subordinates have the strength to defeat those two monsters! Well, I have already said what I should say, remember you What you promised me."

After the human-shaped skeleton's voice fell to the ground, its body faded and disappeared, and the test of its state of mind also ended, and Gu Zheng's mind returned to its original body.

There are no human-shaped skeletons outside, only the father and son of the Hantan monks who are waiting anxiously. They can see the situation outside in the Heart Demon Orb, but they can't dare. When they see Gu Zheng's face is aging, they also know that Gu Zheng must be There was trouble, but no matter how anxious they were, they couldn't help. However, fortunately, Gu Zheng's facial aging stopped soon, otherwise the father and son of the monk Hantan, don't know what they would be in a hurry.

The human skeleton is gone, but there is a void crack in the gazebo. Gu Zheng understands that as long as he enters the void crack, he will enter the area where the next path is located, and continue his test in this space world.

However, Gu Zheng didn't want to continue the test. He came to the space world in the fairy-level space fairy tool, not to accept the test. He wanted to clear these space worlds and control the fairy-level space fairy tool early, so he Think about what the human skeleton said.

Gu Zheng decided to give it a try, he also released the father and son of the monk Hantan, and told the father and son of the monk Hantan of his decision.

At the same time, somewhere in this space world, the old man with white beard appeared beside Gu Zheng.

"Enter, what are you doing?"

The old man made a sound before Gu Zheng made a move on the pavilion.

"Didn't you see it? I want to destroy the cornerstone of this space world!"

Gu Zheng didn't hide anything, and his attitude was not very good. He didn't like the old man from the beginning. He didn't think the old man was a good person, at least he didn't have enough kindness towards him.

"I advise you not to do that!" said the old man.

"Why?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right, destroying the cornerstone will indeed allow you to quickly pass through this space world, but at the same time it will also cause some damage to the fairy-level space device itself. You don't want to do this, do you?"

The old man seemed to remind me kindly, but in exchange for Gu Zheng's playful eyes: "You seem to know everything I have experienced in this space world! In fact, I have asked myself from the very beginning, what kind of thing are you? Why did I bump into you twice! Now? When I was about to destroy the cornerstone of this space world, you came out to stop me again. It seems that I don’t destroy it. It has nothing to do with you, right? I didn’t know what you were , but your practice of not having three hundred taels of silver here made me guess about your identity, and I think my guess is right!"

"Oh? What a guess, let's hear it!"

The old man's face has changed, and he has become a little mocking, and he no longer has the kindness he had when persuading Gu Zheng.

"The destruction of the cornerstone of this space world will indeed have a certain impact on the entire fairy-level space fairy artifact, but this impact is not great to me, and the existence that this impact can really threaten is this fairy The Artifact Spirit in the Super Space Immortal Artifact is right, this should be a good blow to it which is already injured? You will come to stop this matter, so what is your identity? Artifact Spirit’s subordinate ?"

Gu Zheng laughed. The spirit of the artifact seemed very quiet after entering the space world of the fairy-level space artifact these few times. Although Gu Zheng felt that it was injured, it should be in a deep sleep state! However, the Artifact Spirit is an Artifact Spirit after all, if it has woken up from a deep sleep, or manipulated something to do something, it is not impossible!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The old man laughed and admitted generously after laughing: "Yes, I am the master's subordinate, and your guesses are not wrong, but I still advise you not to do that! Although, the power of the law makes it impossible for me to stop you What he did, but my master was able to take some countermeasures! If you insist on destroying the cornerstone of this space world, you can indeed pass through the level quickly, but this space world will not only not disappear, but will become your next time. After entering the fairy-level space fairy artifact, you are forced to enter the space world, and at that time, the difficulty of this space world, which was originally not too difficult, will increase to a level that scares you!"

"Okay, you can shut up, I don't want to hear what you have to say anymore!"

Not intending to talk to the old man about the ancient dispute, he started to attack the pavilion, and his two subordinates saw that he had already launched an attack, and launched their own methods against the pavilion.

For Gu Zheng, the words that the old man stopped it from saying were a little too naive, he couldn't be led by others, not to mention that person still wanted to kill his spirit! He only knows that every time he passes through a space world, his control over the fairy-level space fairy weapon will increase by one point, and the spirit of the weapon will also be damaged by one point!

As for the words that the old man threatened Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng didn't take it too seriously. If he would really be sent to a difficult space world after entering the fairy-level space fairy next time, he would gladly accept it, let alone I don't know if what the old man said is true or not, if he is frightened by this, then Gu Zheng simply doesn't want to live.

Seeing that Gu Zheng insisted on this, the old man who left behind a sneer disappeared.

Gu Zheng led his subordinates to continue attacking the gazebo, causing the entire space world to shake and the seawater to produce a tsunami. This pavilion is indeed the cornerstone of this space world. Once it is touched, it will have a great impact on the entire space world.

Gu Zheng speculated before that there should be a powerful monster guarding the cornerstone of the space world, and the human-shaped skeleton also confirmed that he was right, and also told him that although the monster guarding the cornerstone is more powerful, but with Gu Zheng and the three of them Strength is not without the possibility of victory.

The monster guarding the cornerstone of the space world has appeared, and it is the stone table in the gazebo.

However, when the guardian needs to defend the gazebo, its form is no longer a stone table, but a stone man with a long stick and wings behind his back.

The two-winged stone man appeared, and the three of Gu Zheng immediately attacked him.

However, no matter it was the fire dragon of Guzheng, or the electric light bubbles of the monk Hantan's son, or the huge tail of the monk Hantan, none of them could cause any harm to the double-winged stone man. The degree of strength is extraordinary, it should have the strength of returning to the peak of the void.

However, Gu Zheng and the others did not cause any harm to the double-winged stone man, and it is not easy for the double-winged stone man to hurt them, because Gu Zheng's heart magic orb and magic crystal are not restricted by the power of law, so now Gu Zheng had already led his subordinates to temporarily retreat into the Heart Demon Orb, avoiding the violent attack of the two-winged stone man! It's a pity that the two-winged stone man is not ordinary after all, it cannot be included in the heart magic orb, otherwise the battle would be easier.

Entering the Heart Demon Orb was just a temporary escape. Gu Zheng told his two subordinates not to hold back, and temporarily handed over the control of the Heart Demon Orb to Brother Hantan, and he himself controlled the magic crystal and rushed out first.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, even if the three of them are weaker than the two-winged stone man with the two treasures of Heart Demon Bead and Magic Crystal, they are basically invincible.

Taking advantage of the convenience of entering and leaving the magic crystal, Gu Zheng escaped the attack of the double-winged stone man, and released ice dragons and fire dragons to consume the double-winged stone man.

Gu Zheng would not fight recklessly with the double-winged stone man, his small body could not withstand a stick from the double-winged stone man.

The son of the monk Hantan also came out of the heart magic orb, and he still spit out electric bubbles at the two-winged stone man, which was also a kind of consumption of the two-winged stone man.

As for the monk Hantan, he has not been hiding in the heart magic bead. His cultivation base has been improved in the third cave, and he has awakened powerful supernatural powers. The powerful supernatural power is dealing with the double-winged stone man.

The powerful supernatural powers of the monks in the cold pool are actually the sword array in the three-story pagoda test, but this sword array is not the other sword array. The sword array displayed by the monks in the cold pool is not the sword rain falling from the sky, but the fishbone falling from the sky! However, don't underestimate the fishbone of monk Hantan, it also has good destructive power.

The sky is full of fish bones falling continuously, and these fish bones are like sharp swords.

Beside the two-winged stone man, there were continuous explosions, which were the attacks launched by the son of the monk Hantan.

As for the ice dragon and the fire dragon beside the two-winged stone man, they either hit them or spewed ice and fire.

With the help of the two treasures, the Heart Demon Orb and the Magic Crystal, Gu Zheng and the others did not suffer any harm. On the contrary, the powerful double-winged stone man's body was already covered with scars from various attacks.

It feels like it's time to resort to the bottom of the box. Gu Zheng, who is no longer waiting, rushes out of the magic crystal, and he wants to use his "Mad Demon Knife" that hurts the enemy ten thousand and self-damages eight thousand.

Crazy Demon Knife has been Gu Zheng's big killer move from the beginning to the end. In this space world, Gu Zheng has already comprehended when his cultivation base entered the middle stage of transforming gods. It's just that this kind of overbearing fairy skill has not reached the golden Immortal Realm cannot be used arbitrarily, otherwise it will be backlashed, so Gu Zheng has always let it be the bottom of the box.

It seems that there is only one saber aura, and the flying speed of the saber aura is not fast, but no matter how the double-winged stone man dodges, the saber aura still cuts at it. After passing through the human body, the double-winged stone man, who was already seriously injured, was directly shattered into ninety-nine and eighty-one pieces, completely cutting off the breath of life.

Although Gu Zheng was injured and unable to fight for the time being, without the cornerstone protected by the guardian, there is no need for Gu Zheng to destroy it himself.

A moment later, under the successive attacks of the father and son of the monk Hantan, the pavilion made of the cornerstone finally collapsed, and the entire space world emitted a dazzling light.

After the sight in front of them returned to normal, Gu Zheng and others had left the space world and returned to the fairy-level space fairy artifact.

Looking at the father and son of the monk Hantan beside him, Gu Zheng frowned slightly. He now believes what the old man said, and believes that when he enters the interior of the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space next time, he will be forced to enter a difficult space world! Because, not only the bodies of monk Hantan and his son, but also maintain the appearance in the previous space world, even himself, all those things that he had in the previous space world are still there now!

He didn't care too much about this ancient dispute. When the time comes, the soldiers will come and cover the water and earth. He put the father and son of the cold pool monk into the Heart Demon Orb, and returned to the previous cave with a thought, and when he left the fairy-level space fairy After using the weapon, he also returned to what he should have been in the prehistoric world.

Without staying longer, Gu Zheng left the cave. For the time being, he doesn't plan to enter the fairy-level space fairy artifact again. He wants to go back to the wilderness to have a look. How much time has been spent in the world, as long as he clears a space world, he has to return to the prehistoric practice world for a while.

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