It took some time, and when the preparatory work was done, Gu Zheng thought of collecting all the blood-winged black mosquitoes into the heart magic bead.

Hundreds of blood-winged black mosquitoes were all taken away by Gu Zheng, and the originally chaotic swamp became quiet at once, but this quietness was soon broken.

There are many lotus-like plants growing in the swamp. These plants have round leaves and lotus-like stalks, but instead of lotus flowers blooming on the stalks, there are blood-red fruits growing on them. This kind of fruit is usually the food of the blood-winged black mosquito.

Gu Zheng originally thought that this lotus-like plant was just a simple plant, but he didn't expect that after the blood-winged black mosquitoes were gone, they would all come alive. They are not plants at all, but It is a monster! Because there is a strange-looking head under their lotus-like leaves. These guys who are afraid of the blood-winged black mosquitoes, in the absence of the blood-winged black mosquitoes, even frantically launched the attack on the Heart Demon Orb. attack.

I saw streams of strongly corrosive liquids spewing out from the lotus monster's mouth, but it's a pity that these corrosive liquids are of no use to the Heart Demon Orb. However, seeing that corrosive liquids are useless to the Mind Demon Orb, the flower stalks of the lotus monster have played a role again. They seem to use the air as a wall, spreading quickly in the air, trying to give the Mind Demon Orb to trapped.

Gu Zheng is really too lazy to entangle with these inexhaustible monsters. He just controls the heart magic orb and continues to move forward. Anyway, those flower stalks that spread like vines will not have any effect on the heart magic orb, but it will make people who follow behind The number of lotus monsters keeps increasing.

After controlling the Heart Demon Orb to fly forward for a certain distance, Gu Zheng had already seen the sapphire cabbage growing in the swamp, and the lotus monster who was still chasing the Heart Demon Orb couldn't help but stop at this moment.

From the memory of the black strange bird, Gu Zheng didn't find any danger in this place, but the abnormality of the lotus monster made Gu Zheng understand that this place must have reached the territory of some kind of monster, and this kind of monster made the lotus monster afraid , so they stagnate.

Gu Zheng is not afraid of any monsters appearing, but he doesn't want the sapphire cabbage to be polluted. After all, the water in the swamp is too dirty. Although sapphire cabbage is a food that grows in the swamp, it cannot directly contact the muddy water in the swamp. , otherwise the grade of its ingredients will be affected and dropped.

In view of this situation, Gu Zheng worked out a plan. He first let the heart demon bead into the air, and then released the son of the cold pool monk at a suitable distance. As soon as the son of the cold pool monk appeared, he immediately shot out the vine The sapphire cabbage was picked, and Gu Zheng was the son of a monk who manipulated the Heart Demon Orb in the cold pool, and before he fell into the swamp, he ingested it into the Heart Demon Orb.

Gu Zheng's plan was perfectly executed. The son of the monk Hantan was released, and then he was collected into the heart demon orb. The whole process was like flowing water. It made Gu Zheng a little frightened.

Because the son of the monk Hantan had just swept away the sapphire cabbage, the land floating on the swamp where the sapphire cabbage originally grew suddenly exploded, and a huge strange fish that rushed out from below almost missed it. The sapphire cabbage taken away by the monk's son.

The strange fish jumped very high, but failed to bite the sapphire cabbage, and fell back into the swamp again. The movement it produced was like dropping a bomb in the swamp, so that the muddy water splashed for a long time. high.

Gu Zheng manipulated the Heart Demon Orb to rise rapidly, he didn't want his Heart Demon Orb to be swallowed by the fish monster just now, thus wasting time! After all, when the fish monster appeared just now, he already knew that that huge fish monster could not be included in the Inner Demon Orb, such a guy Gu Zheng didn't want to waste time solving it.

Just as Gu Zheng manipulated the Heart Demon Orb to rise, the fish monster jumped out of the swamp again and bit the place where the Heart Demon Orb had just stopped, but unfortunately, Gu Zheng had already lifted the Heart Demon Orb into the air, so he did not bite The fish monster that arrived at the Heart Demon Orb fell heavily into the mud again, like a bomb.

Failed to bite the Heart Demon Orb, and the sapphire cabbage protected by it was stolen. The angry fish monster vented its anger on those lotus monsters, and with its fins exposed, it was like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Generally, wherever the fins pass, a lotus monster will definitely disappear.

Looking at the disappearing lotus monsters, Gu Zheng felt a little more comfortable. These annoying guys finally found something that could clean them up.

No longer paying attention to how the fish monster slaughtered the lotus monster, Gu Zheng focused his attention on the sapphire cabbage. Through the observation of the eyes of Tao, this sapphire cabbage is indeed a qualified ingredient, and it goes well with the remaining white pork , and the ingredients of this sapphire cabbage are high-grade, if it wasn't for Gu Zheng who wanted to wait for another ingredient to make the delicious food more medicinal, in fact, now he can find a place to cook these two ingredients Cooking brought the cultivation base to the point where it was close to the late stage of gasification.

The suspected food ingredients on this island are gone, at least that’s what Gu Zheng knows. He who controls the Heart Demon Orb is going to find the poisonous fruit that the water monkey needs. After finding the fruit, Gu Zheng will I'm going to take the water monkey and the others to deal with the golden-eyed fish demon.

The poisonous fruit needed by the water monkey grows in a valley full of miasma. Although the miasma is poisonous, it has no effect on the poison of the water monkey. The reason why the water monkey knows that the valley has the fruit it needs , but the reason why I can't get it is because there is a white-haired bear demon in that valley. .

After controlling the Heart Demon Orb to fly for a while, Gu Zheng has already seen the valley in the memory of the water monkey. From the outside of the valley, he can't see the situation in the valley at all, he can only see that it is filled with pink miasma.

Hiding in the Heart Demon Orb, naturally there is no need to be afraid of miasma, but for Gu Zheng, it is difficult to obtain the poisonous fruit that does not look like a peach. After all, from the memory of the water monkey, Gu Zheng has seen that the white-haired bear demon is the kind that cannot be included in the Heart Demon Orb, and the only water monkey that is not affected by the poisonous miasma is not the white-haired bear The opponent of the demon, this is the difficulty of this matter.

As for solving the difficulties, Guzheng has no good way now, and can only take a step first.

Controlling the Heart Demon Orb to enter the valley, Gu Zheng saw some fruit trees like peach trees. These fruit trees were basically blooming, and a small part of them had fruits, but these fruits looked like peaches, but they didn't Eat, they are all poisonous, and the fruit that the water monkey needs is the most poisonous one among these peaches.

Through the memory of the water monkey, Gu Zheng felt that the peach that the water monkey needed hadn't grown, which was why the white-haired bear demon guarded it but hadn't eaten it yet.

Before Gu Zheng could see the peach that the water monkey needed, he had already seen the white-haired bear demon under a big tree, breathing miasma like he was practicing.

Gu Zheng had originally avoided the white-haired bear demon, but since it looked like he was cultivating, he simply avoided it and secretly picked off the fruit that the water monkey needed.

However, the white-haired bear demon is very alert, and it seems to be cultivating with its eyes closed, and it has already sensed the heart magic bead.


The white-haired bear demon roared, and a very shocking scene took place. Its roar was a sonic attack, and this sonic attack was so powerful that it could be seen from the bottom. What moved Gu Zheng even more was that in the sonic attack of the spiral, the same With the fluctuation like the power of Tao, Gu Zheng felt that its Heart Demon Orb would not be so useful when facing the white-haired bear demon.

Sure enough, the original character of the Heart Demon Bead, which was as immovable as a mountain, was broken by the white-haired bear demon. After the spiral sound wave attack hit the center magic bead, the Heart Demon Bead was immediately swept away as if it had no weight, and directly smashed into the rock wall of the valley among.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to let the heart demon bead out of the stone wall, he wanted to see what the white-haired bear demon was going to do next, he wanted to see if the white-haired bear demon would pick out the heart demon bead and put it in his mouth, if so , he wanted to see if the Mind Demon Orb could crush it to pieces in the white-haired bear demon's body!

The white-haired bear demon really pulled out the heart demon bead. It took the heart demon bead and looked at it again and again, but it didn't swallow the heart demon bead into its belly as Gu Zheng hoped, but took the heart demon bead again. It was still on the ground.

Due to the great strength of the white-haired bear demon, the heart demon orb thrown by it smashed deep into the ground, but the white-haired bear demon did not intend to just let the heart demon bead go. It sucked out the bead from the ground, and started a new round of tossing and tossing against the heart demon bead.

Gu Zheng didn't do anything, since the white-haired bear demon wants to toss, since it has plenty of strength, let it toss, anyway, it can't do any damage to the Heart Demon Orb.

After tossing the Heart Demon Orb for half an hour, apart from not swallowing the Heart Demon Orb, the white-haired bear demon probably used no less than a hundred methods to toss the Heart Demon Orb.

"This bastard, how long are you going to toss? I really want to go out and fight him!"

The white-haired bear demon tossed the heart demon bead, and the father and son of the cold pool monk in the heart demon bead naturally saw it, so that the same words came out of the mouth of the father and son of the cold pool monk more than once.

Gu Zheng didn't answer, he had already told the cold pool monk and his son what he had to say, the miasma outside was too strong, let alone the white-haired bear demon, the miasma alone could seriously hurt the vitality of the cold pool monk's son, so The fight is not worth it, so they just stayed in the Heart Demon Orb and watched the show for the time being. Anyway, Gu Zheng didn't believe it. After the white-haired bear demon got tired of tossing around, he still couldn't find a way to break through the predicament.

The white-haired bear demon was finally tired of tossing around. Just as Gu Zheng wanted to control the Heart Demon Orb to fly up to see how it reacted, Gu Zheng never expected that it would fly the Heart Demon Orb at this time. was swallowed.


As soon as the Heart Demon Orb was swallowed by the White-haired Bear Demon, Gu Zheng immediately applauded happily. Although he has a good temper, the Heart Demon Orb has been tossed by the White-haired Bear Demon for so long. To be honest, he has been enduring it all the time. Now he can finally It exploded.

As soon as I thought about it, Gu Zheng was fully fired to make the Heart Demon Bead the heaviest state. Although the sonic attack launched by the white-haired bear monster can make the Heart Demon Bead light, its internal organs obviously don't have it. With this kind of ability, the Heart Demon Orb with its full weight is as heavy as a mountain. Just imagine the consequences of a monster swallowing a mountain! It can be said that using a mountain to describe the weight of the Heart Demon Orb after it is fully opened is a bit inappropriate. It should be said that it is a golden mountain. With such a weight fully opened, Gu Zheng has never used it on any monster. It is not difficult to see from this point , How much he hates the white-haired bear demon!

The white-haired bear demon screamed, and the heart demon bead was fully opened, and it was gutted immediately. It was extremely angry, and grabbed the heart demon bead from the ground.

The white-haired bear demon can make the heart demon bead weightless because of the sonic attack, and its bear paw also has this ability. It is precisely because of this ability that it was able to ravage the heart demon bead through the bear paw before.

The white-haired bear demon was still not impulsive enough. The one who grabbed the Heart Demon Orb was obviously trying to crush the Mind Demon Orb, but when he thought of the terrifying weight of the Heart Demon Orb, he was so annoyed that he immediately gave the Heart Demon Orb to pieces. Throwing it out, eating it again caused the heart magic orb to smash into the cliff.

After smashing the Heart Demon Bead into the cliff, the white-haired bear demon immediately went to pick the peaches on the tree, and the water monkey told Gu Zheng not to let the white-haired bear eat those peaches, and those peaches would speed up the recovery of the white-haired bear's injuries. It was a rare opportunity to kill the white-haired bear demon, and it begged Gu Zheng to let it go.

Gu Zheng didn't hesitate, since the water monkey took the initiative to ask for a fight, he thought of letting the water monkey out of the heart magic bead. For Gu Zheng, although the water monkey was not an opponent of the white-haired bear demon before, that doesn't mean it still isn't! Anyway, the white-haired bear demon is now seriously injured, and the water monkey has improved his strength once after eating the golden perch. It is not the weak guy who dared not fight against the white-haired bear demon before .

The Water Monkey was released from the Heart Demon Orb by Gu Zheng. Although it has always been called the Water Monkey by Gu Zheng, it is actually very capable of fighting on land. It was released from the Heart Demon Orb by Gu Zheng. A black light shot at the white-haired bear demon.

The white-haired bear demon looked like it was eating peaches hastily, but in fact it was still vigilant, and it turned around suddenly and slapped the water monkey with its bear paw.

The water monkey's reaction was very sensitive. It seemed that it had known for a long time that the white-haired bear had the carbine. Its body sank when it was flying in the air. of the wound.

The venom of the water monkey is very powerful, but it is a pity that the white-haired bear demon lives in this valley full of miasma. After the very powerful venom fell on its wound, it didn't produce any special effects, but it could be seen that the flesh of the white-haired bear demon's wound was festering.

The white-haired bear demon roared angrily. Its roar was a sonic attack capable of knocking away the heart magic beads, but it was a pity that this sonic attack was of no use to the water monkey. If it was useful, go to It is also impossible for sub-water monkeys to escape from its bear's paw.

Since the sonic attack had no effect on the water monkey, the water monkey rushed to the white-haired bear demon's wound, and the monkey's claws were like sharp knives, piercing directly into the white-haired bear demon's wound.

A scream came from the white-haired bear demon's mouth, one of the water monkey's arms pierced into its body, and it slapped the water monkey's body in pain.

With the slap of the white-haired bear demon, the water monkey couldn't dodge it, and was immediately sent flying.

"I thought that the water monkey would dig out the heart of the white-haired bear demon. Even if it couldn't get out the heart, it would be good if it could pull out a piece of intestines. I never thought that it would bring out nothing!"

The monk Hantan, who was watching the battle in the Heart Demon Orb, couldn't help but say so.

"Although the water monkey didn't take out any internal organs in the body of the white-haired bear demon, in fact, the damage suffered by the white-haired bear demon is no easier than being taken out of its internal organs." Gu Zheng said.

The water monkey has already recognized Gu Zheng as the main one, so Gu Zheng is quite clear about the ability of the water monkey, so he understands that when the water monkey inserted the monkey's paw into the body of the white-haired bear demon just now, it actually released a toxin. This toxin is more powerful than the toxin it sprayed on the white-haired bear demon's wound!

Sure enough, the water monkey that was blown away by the white-haired bear no longer fought at close quarters with the white-haired bear. This is not to say that the bear paw of the white-haired bear just now had made it lose the ability to continue fighting. It just didn't want to fight anymore. Take a risk, anyway, it knows that the toxin in the white-haired bear demon will soon make it less rampant, so it is not in a hurry for this moment.

The white-haired bear demon chased the water monkey and launched various attacks, but the water monkey was so flexible that none of these attacks fell on the water monkey. Instead, the peach trees in the valley suffered seedlings.


The white-haired bear demon whose blood was originally red spit out a mouthful of black blood at this moment. It was chasing the water monkey, and for the first time there was panic in its eyes. The toxins planted in its body by the water monkey had fully exploded. This kind of danger, it can't chase the water monkey now, it must seize the time to detoxify itself first.

However, the water monkey would not give the white-haired bear demon a chance to detoxify. It was always running away, but at this time it turned back and attacked the white-haired bear demon.

It was as if their identities had been switched. The white-haired bear demon was chasing the water monkey and attacking the moment before, but now the water monkey was chasing the white-haired bear demon.

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