Gu Zheng did not hesitate. He gave the golden perch to Shui Hou. For him, the golden perch was just a qualified ingredient, but Shui Hou could deal with the existence of the golden-eyed fish demon. Whoever is lighter after comparing the two Heavy, Gu Zheng is naturally very clear. As for whether the water monkey will obey his orders after eating the golden perch, this issue can be discussed later.

The water monkey quickly finished eating the golden perch, and its originally black body began to emit a black light, and it trembled like a convulsion.

Gu Zheng understands that the water monkey is in the process of breaking through, and this process may take a long time.

Leaving aside the water monkey, the ancient dispute that had already sent Magic Crystal towards the location of the next suspected ingredient, once again controlled Magic Crystal to return to the water pool. He wanted to see if there were any golden perch in the pool that he hadn't finished exploring. This kind of thing, not to mention whether the water monkey needs it, at least it is also a qualified ingredient.

It took Gu Zheng almost half a stick of incense to complete the investigation of the entire water pool. During this time, he actually harvested a total of seven golden perch, and after he controlled the illusion to leave the water pool again, the water monkey had also finished. breakthrough.

After breaking through, the appearance of the water monkey has not changed much, it is still dark and inconspicuous, but Gu Zheng can detect that its strength has indeed been improved, but the increase is not large.

Gu Zheng had a thought. Originally, he could not be seen by the water monkey, but he appeared in front of the water monkey again. He wanted to try to communicate with the water monkey again. After all, as long as a monster breaks through, its spiritual intelligence will also improve. If it couldn't communicate before, it doesn't mean it can't now.

The water monkey gave Gu Zheng a surprise, but he couldn't even ask Gu Zheng, so it directly initiated a communication with Gu Zheng with intentions, and it used intentions to ask who Gu Zheng was.

Now that the water monkey can communicate, Gu Zheng also communicated with it, and soon he knew something about the water monkey.

The water monkey is indeed the natural enemy of the golden-eyed fish monster. Although the golden-eyed fish monster appeared in its phantom, it has never seen the golden-eyed fish monster. The golden-eyed fish monster belongs to a kind of memory and perception in its bones. .

The day Gu Zheng entered the barrier, the sleeping water monkey woke up, and then it was on its way to break through itself.

If the water monkey wants to break through, it needs three kinds of food in total. The first food is a poisonous insect, which the water monkey has already eaten. The second food is golden perch, which has also been eaten by the water monkey. As for the third The first kind of food is a poisonous fruit. After the water monkey eats this poisonous fruit, it will complete the final breakthrough, and then it will be able to deal with the golden-eyed fish demon.

After knowing the intention of the water monkey, Gu Zheng also expressed his intention to it, and he wanted the water monkey to recognize him as the master.

For Gu Zheng, the water monkey can deal with the existence of the golden-eyed fish monster. If he can get its help, he will naturally have more confidence in acting in this space world.

The water monkey is the old enemy of the golden-eyed fish demon. It seems that its existence is to deal with the golden-eyed fish demon. What's more, it has been subdued by Gu Zheng now, so it naturally has no objection to recognizing its master.

After the water monkey recognized Gu Zheng as the owner, Gu Zheng had two more places to go on the island. One was where the suspected ingredients were supposed to be, and the other was where the poisonous fruit the water monkey needed.

The two places to go, the location of the suspected ingredients are relatively close, wait for Gu Zheng to go to see the suspected ingredients, and then go to get the poisonous fruit that the water monkey needs.

The suspected suitable ingredient looks like a Chinese cabbage, but it is not as big as a real Chinese cabbage. It looks like a three or two. It is located in a swamp.

In places like swamps, there are usually no qualified ingredients, but there are exceptions to everything. At least from the memory of the goshawk monster, Gu Zheng saw that the ingredient that looked like a cabbage was very special like a jade carving. Extraordinary gloss.

The goshawk monster didn't know what kind of monster was there in the swamp. At that time, it just happened to see sapphire cabbage when it flew over there, and it didn't stop near the swamp.

However, when the goshawk monster flew over the swamp, it was attacked by a black strange bird, and the black strange bird was very powerful, and the goshawk monster that was not its opponent was lucky enough to escape.

The heart magic orb is still carried by the monks of the cold pool, which can save time on the road, and the monks of the cold pool use the body of the goshawk monster. Suddenly, the black strange bird flew out of the clouds, as if it was waiting for the cold pool monk, and grabbed the cold pool monk with a pair of sharp claws.

The goshawk monster's body is not small, but the black monster bird's body is even bigger, and its dual wields are three feet wide. Naturally, such a huge monster is not a problem to deal with the goshawk monster. However, the current goshawk monster is not the previous one, it is actually a cold pool monk, so when the black strange bird grabbed him with its claws, the cold pool monk decisively released the soul power attack.

Under the attack of the soul power of the monk Hantan, the huge black strange bird immediately fell downwards, and the monk Hantan let out a sneer: "I thought you were so powerful, but you are nothing more than that!"

Did not go after the black monster bird, according to the judgment of the cold pool monks, the monster bird that has been attacked by soul power will definitely fall into the swamp before waking up, and even if it can fly out of the swamp, it should not dare to die again He chased after him, but what the cold pool monk didn't expect was that the black strange bird woke up very quickly, and it flew up again before it fell into the swamp, and it was not afraid of the cold pool monk at all. Flying towards the cold pool monk at a faster speed.

Brother Hantan turned around in the air. Since the black strange bird was so reckless, he thought it would be better to take some time to get rid of it, so as to save it from being annoying to follow along the way.

Looking at the cold pool cultivator rushing forward, a black mist spewed out from the mouth of the black strange bird, instantly covering its figure in the mist. Moreover, the black mist is not just as simple as being able to block the line of sight, it has begun to transform like a living thing, turning into a sphere, but it has many tentacles.

Although the black tentacles are in a mist state, when they are drawn on the cold pool monks, they can still cause the cold pool monks a lot of pain, and the soul power attacks of the cold pool monks will not work at this time, which makes people feel uncomfortable. It's a bit of a headache. It can be said that the monks in the cold pool have nothing to do with the sphere that the black strange bird has turned into. However, the black strange bird in the state of the ball is not very destructive. What about the monk in the cold pool, he can only follow not far behind the monk in the cold pool.

"Land down to the ground and let your son come forward and settle it."

Gu Zheng was also very speechless about this magical enchantment. When the black strange bird didn't turn into a sphere, he didn't think about collecting it into the heart magic bead. After Brother Tan couldn't settle it, he wanted to collect the black monster bird into the Heart Demon Orb, but found that even the black monster bird in the sphere state couldn't be absorbed by the Heart Demon Orb.

Since it was going to land on the ground, and the son of the monk Hantan was going to deal with the black strange bird, Gu Zheng also included the monk Hantan in the Heart Demon Orb.

The body of the monk in the cold pool suddenly disappeared, leaving only the heart demon bead, and the tentacles on the black sphere immediately rolled towards the heart demon bead.

Originally, the tentacles on the black sphere couldn't roll the Heart Demon Bead, but since this guy wanted to roll it, Gu Zheng gave it this chance, and made the Heart Demon Bead lighter with a single thought, but the black tentacles gave it Involved in the black sphere.

Gu Zheng can see the eyes of the black strange bird hidden in the mist through the Heart Demon Orb, but the black strange bird still cannot be included in the Heart Demon Orb, so Gu Zheng also wants to see what it wants to do , if it dared to swallow the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng would crush it to death with the Heart Demon Orb.

The black strange bird's eyes stared at the Heart Demon Orb warily for a while, but still couldn't resist the temptation of the Heart Demon Orb, it really swallowed the Heart Demon Orb into its stomach.

After the black strange bird swallowed the heart magic bead into its stomach, Gu Zheng immediately thought to increase the weight of the heart magic bead, and the result was to immediately press down on the black strange bird, causing its body to fall rapidly.

The black strange bird screamed, and what happened next surprised Gu Zhengdu. Its body was completely aerosolized, as if teleporting, and appeared in another place, thus getting rid of the influence of the heart magic bead. The kind of weight it creates.

Looking at the black strange bird that was on guard and staring at the Heart Demon Orb and dared not go forward, Gu Zheng could only think for a second, releasing the monk from the cold pool again, and let him land with the Heart Demon Orb, to see if he could survive. It cannot attract the black monster bird to follow it to the ground.

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't have to kill the black strange bird, but the key point was that this black strange bird was really annoying. If he didn't kill it, it would keep pestering him, thus wasting Gu Zheng's time.

The cold pool monk descended with the heart demon orb. Although the black strange bird also rushed down, it didn't dare to get too close, so that the cold pool monk had already landed on the ground, and it was still watching from the sky.

There was a swamp in front of him. If the swamp was not suitable for the son of the cold pool monk to show up to fight, Gu Zheng really wanted the cold pool monk to fly close to the swamp. He still didn't believe that the black strange bird could not stand it forever.

"Master, what should we do now?"

Brother Hantan was also depressed, his attack methods were useless against the black monster bird, and now he didn't know what to do.

"Wait, I'd like to see when he can't help it. When it can't help it, it will die." Gu Zheng said.

Gu Zheng and the others didn't let Gu Zheng wait for too long, and finally the black strange bird couldn't help it rushed down from the sky, and Gu Zheng immediately released the son of the monk in the cold pool.

The son of the monk Hantan is now a colossus. He has inherited many powers of the tree king, and now he has extraordinary destructive power.

As soon as the cold pool monk's son appeared, the black strange bird felt bad and didn't dare to launch any probing attacks. It just wanted to escape, but how could the cold pool monk's son let it do what it wanted.

The vines rolled towards the black monster bird like tentacles. Even though the black monster bird was now in a spherical state, and its flying speed was not slow at all, it still couldn't escape the entanglement of the vines.

Like whips one after another, the vines frantically whipped the black sphere, and the tentacles on the black sphere also counterattacked like whips, but where was the opponent of the monk's son in the cold pool, he was quickly broken up by the monk's son in the cold pool.

After breaking up the black sphere, the black monster bird did not die. After all, it had already demonstrated the extraordinary ability to atomize after swallowing the heart magic bead. However, the son of the monk Hantan is not only able to attack with vines, but also has the ability of the tree king to seal it, which is similar to the ability of the tree king to hold the magic crystal back then.

The special sealing ability fixed the black monster bird that wanted to atomize and escape. It could only face the monk's son in the cold pool with its body. At this time, it was truly afraid. It launched various attacks vigorously, but in the The vines of the monk's son in the cold pool were of no use when attacked. In the end, it was beaten to the point of being ripped apart, but the son of the monk in the cold pool used the vines to roll it over.

Instead of killing the black monster bird, he chose to use vines to roll it over. The son of the monk Hantan actually accepted Gu Zheng's instruction. Gu Zheng wanted to see the black monster that could not be included in the Heart Demon Orb before. Bird, can you store it in the Heart Demon Orb now? If you can store it in the Heart Demon Orb, it can just give the cold pool monk a new body. The current body of the cold pool monk is indeed a bit too weak.

Can you use the Heart Magic Bead to put something into it? In fact, when Gu Zheng saw that thing, he would have a special feeling, just like when he first saw the black strange bird, Gu Zheng felt that he could put it into his heart In the magic bead, it was just that the cold pool cultivator wanted to get rid of it at that time, and as a result, he lost the opportunity to put it in the heart magic bead.

Now that Gu Zheng looked at the black strange bird, he still had the feeling that he could store it in the Heart Demon Orb, but no matter how it had such abnormalities before, Gu Zheng couldn't be so sure.

With a thought, Gu Zheng successfully used the heart magic bead to collect the black strange bird into the heart magic bead. This time, there was no special situation.

After collecting the black strange bird into the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng began to torture the consciousness of the black strange bird through illusions. The black strange bird had already been beaten to pieces by the son of the monk in the cold pool. Before Gu Zheng tortured it for a long time with illusions , its will has collapsed, and Gu Zheng checked its memory by the way.

After checking the memory of the black strange bird, according to the normal process, it is time for the monks of the cold pool to seize its body. At this time, the monks of the cold pool are somewhat worried. Although the black strange bird is relatively powerful, its body is injured, and This injury is not light, if the cold pool cultivator uses his physical body, he must be in a state of recuperation within two days, which will delay a lot of time.

Gu Zheng told Brother Hantan that there was no need to worry. After he took away the body of the black strange bird, he had a way to quickly restore the body to normal.

The process of seizing the house was very fast, and it was done by the cold pool monk who often seized the house in two minutes. Now his new body is a black monster bird, which is stronger than the previous body of the goshawk monster.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the water monkey appeared beside the monk in the cold pool.

The water monkey is a poisonous monster. Its own powerful recovery ability has been demonstrated before Gu Zheng caught it. Gu Zheng used it to help the new body of the monk in the cold pool recover from injuries.

The water monkey is poisonous, but it has a special body fluid that can be used for healing. This body fluid is not poisonous and can be used to restore the physical injuries of the monks in the cold pool.

The water monkey sprayed special body fluids on the body injuries of the monks in the cold pool, and those wounds that were originally bruised and bruised immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. It's just the time of the hour.

The cold pool cultivator's physical body is recovering, and it is not suitable for flying now. Gu Zheng also controls the heart magic bead to go deep into the swamp. Anyway, he is already in the swamp now. Even if the speed of the heart magic bead is slow, it will not delay much time. up.

Gu Zheng knew very little about the swamp before, but after searching the soul of the black monster bird, he already knew a lot about the swamp. He knew that there were all kinds of monsters in the swamp, but the strength of these monsters was not No matter how high it is, it is just that the living environment is relatively special, which makes them relatively difficult to deal with.

After going deep into the swamp, all kinds of monsters began to appear in Gu Zheng's sight. First, there was a group of mosquitoes as long as chopsticks. Although it was just a group of mosquitoes, Gu Zheng understood that if it was the goshawk monster from the cold pool monk before, Body, if he has no soul power to use, such a mosquito can finish him off! It can be said that this kind of mosquito with colorful patterns on the body surface is actually the blood-winged black mosquito of the prehistoric alien species. They are not just as simple as sucking blood, they can suck all the flesh and blood of their prey into their stomachs, even Their cultivation is like the famous Mosquito Taoist in the prehistoric world, and their bodies are of the same species as this kind of mosquitoes.

There were hundreds of blood-winged black mosquitoes. When they harassed tirelessly around the Heart Demon Orb, Gu Zheng suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

Because of one thing, when Gu Zheng sees it, he can feel whether it can be included in the heart magic orb, so when he was entangled by the blood-winged black mosquitoes at the beginning, Gu Zheng already knew that these annoying guys can be captured It is not an easy task to collect them into the Anima Orb, and it will be more difficult to operate.

However, a flash of inspiration in his mind made Gu Zheng feel that it might be a good idea to spend some effort to collect the blood-winged black mosquito into the heart magic bead.

Although the blood-winged black mosquito is a fierce beast and will not listen to Gu Zheng's command, but if the blood-winged black mosquito is put into the heart magic bead and starved for a few days before being released, it is hard to say what effect it will have.

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