Emergency measures are an emergency treatment method conceived at the first food conference.

To put it simply, if the ratings are not recognized by everyone, or most of them are not recognized, emergency measures can be initiated. An appraisal team composed of directors of the Food Association will re-appraise the food that the judges have scored.

This measure is to prevent judges from being bought collectively. Although this situation is almost impossible, in order to prevent some unfairness, all conceivable measures have been thought of.

From the first Chinese Food Competition to today, thirty-two years have passed, and emergency measures have not been used once, so many people have forgotten the existence of emergency measures. Even so, when Chairman Gou mentioned it, there was still Many people showed blank expressions there.

"President Gou, isn't this bad?"

A staff member said with a embarrassed face, taking emergency measures would be tantamount to questioning the fairness of the judges, not just one person, but twenty people.

In this way, it was tantamount to offending the twenty judges.

The judges of the food competition are not easy to find. Every year, they rack their brains to find these judges, but one thing is certain, they are all outstanding and prestigious, and some of them are active in the world figure.

Start promotion measures and question them, it may be difficult to deal with them in the future.

"It's not like I can't help it. If you say such a result is announced, what will be the result?"

President Gou gritted his teeth, and spoke slowly, the staff stopped talking. Indeed, this result cannot be announced, once it is announced, it will inevitably attract strong criticism.

Once there are too many criticisms, I am afraid that it will have to be restarted. It is better to take measures now to convince the public better.

"Why haven't there been any results yet!"

"Yeah, the time has passed, and the results should have been released long ago!"

"What are these people doing, isn't the game already over?"

People waiting outside, people on the forum, and people from the media were all discussing there. Under normal circumstances, the results of the competition should be announced ten minutes ago, and the first, second, and third place this time should be announced.

Then the leader will present awards and deliver speeches, and this Chinese food competition will be successfully concluded.

The leaders have been waiting, but the result has not come out, which is really surprising.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, something happened temporarily, please wait a moment!"

A vice president of the Food Association stepped forward, and he is also an important leader of the organizing committee of this food competition.

"What's going on?"

"That's right, what's going on?"

"Tell me, what's going on?"

A lot of people shouted there, the vice president was sweating profusely, emergency measures had been activated, the judges were all separated and questioned individually.

The judges who were questioned were not as angry as they imagined. Instead, they didn't care at all, and all said that they had a clear conscience and judged casually.

But I hope to give them an explanation after identification.

The food of Gu Zheng, Song Xiu and Chu Yuan was brought up. Although it was cold and affected the taste, they didn't want to taste it, but to judge whether the food met the criteria for scoring.

These are leftover food. The food made in each food competition will not be given to the judges, but a little will be kept. Usually, the leftovers will be secretly eaten by the staff after the competition is over. It will not be true. It was taken out again, and it was the first time to take it out for appraisal like this.

Chairman Gou first picked up the chopsticks, picked up the food made by Chu Yuan, and took a bite.

It's cold, and the taste is very average, but you can still taste some of the previous taste of the food. Chairman Gou frowned immediately. Chu Yuan's food is not bad, or better than many people before. Give him a full blown meal. The lowest score in the field is obviously unfair.

He is also starting to doubt now, could it be that these judges were really bought off?

The other directors also came to taste Chu Yuan's food, and then, like Chairman Gou, they all showed worried expressions. The judges cheated collectively. If it gets out, it will be the biggest scandal in the history of the Chinese Food Competition.

"These people are too unfair!"

A irascible director shouted angrily, no matter how you taste it, Chu Yuan's food shouldn't be given such a low score. This is already a big problem.

"Don't worry, I'm trying the two of them!"

"How can we not be in a hurry, one of them has a problem, is there any point in trying the others?"

The irritable judge said loudly, but he still picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of Gu Zheng's fish-flavored chicken in honey sauce.

Just one bite and he stayed there.

The fish-flavored honey chicken was also cold, but the coldness did not affect the taste of the food. On the contrary, it had a different taste. The freshness of the fish and the tenderness of the chicken were all reflected. It was really a perfect fusion. It's kind of blended, like a whole new ingredient.

The chicken and fish that Gu contends for are ordinary-grade chicken and fish, which taste very good, blending everything together, and the taste is indescribably beautiful. Not to mention, there are several kinds of medium-grade ingredients in his ingredients, Or even an excellent grade.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Other histories asked him suspiciously, and they also began to taste the food of Gu Zheng, including Chairman Gou.

After everyone had a bite, they all had the same expressions as the previous directors, and also the same expressions as the previous judges. They finally understood why the previous judges looked like that and why they were crying.

At this moment, they also began to cry, tears of excitement, tears of joy, they have never eaten this kind of food, let alone eat it, they have never even imagined it, it is an unimaginable delicious food .

"It turns out to be like this, it turns out to be like this!"

President Gou was also crying, and while crying, he said that he finally understood why the judges gave such a score, full marks, Gu Zheng's dish is definitely worth full marks. If it was him, it would be full marks.

Full marks, there is no injustice or anything wrong.

They tasted Song Xiu's food very quickly, and wept again. One kind of food like this is good enough, but there are two kinds of food, and it's a perfect score. It's right, it's good.

President Gou even felt that such delicacies were beyond their scoring range, and they really had no way to compare these two delicacies. Perhaps only the immortals in the sky could judge the quality of their food.

As for why Chu Yuan's score was so low, he finally understood now.

If it was Chu Yuan who cooked it first and was tasted first, then he definitely didn't get such a score, but he was the last one. After eating two such delicacies, if you come to eat his again, you can give him a score of 8.1, which is already very good.

If it were President Gou himself, he probably wouldn't be able to give high marks.

After the appraisal was over, President Gou and the others came out soon.

The judges did not have a problem, but they had a problem. They thought about it with conventional thinking. It turned out that there were really two monsters in this food competition, monsters that cannot be described in words.

"I'm sorry, something happened temporarily, because we questioned the judges' scoring, so we launched temporary measures. Now I understand that the judges are right and we are wrong. I apologize to them here!"

Chairman Gou stood up in person and said to the outsiders that in fact, the announcement of this result would still attract criticism, but they already understood what was going on.

As the judges said, they have a clear conscience.

It doesn't matter whether others understand or not, as long as they understand it, what they do is right.

The results of the competition are announced.

It is easier to publish the results of the three people. The big screen will be the first to be displayed, followed by the synchronization on the Internet.

The first place was Gu Zheng, the second was Song Xiu, and the third was Chu Yuan.

Sure enough, as soon as their scores were revealed, there was an uproar immediately. Many people shouted in disbelief, forget about the first three matches, Gu Zheng and Song Xiu both scored very high scores, but the last match , both of them are actually very good.

10 out of 10.

That is to say, in a game, there are two people with a total score of 10 in the end, not to mention two, it is just one. This has never happened in history, and it is the first time.

A perfect score of 10, at least 19 judges all scored 10, how could it be possible.

In history, there are judges who give ten to their favorite players, but only one in a game. After removing the highest score, it is removed. All players in history have the highest score in a single game, which is 9.93 points.

The highest record is just their lowest score, which is too scary.

"Number one, we are number one!"

The supporters of Gu Zheng outside all shouted, Gu Zheng is the first, Song Xiu is second, they didn't look at the scores carefully, they looked at the ranking first, the ranking is that Gu Zheng is indeed the first.

Careful people were secretly shocked after reading the scores.

In the first two games, Gu Zheng and Song Xiu had the same scores, both 9.3 and 9.5. The fourth game was the same again, both were 10 points. Only the third game was different, which was today's 10-to-3 game.

In the ten-to-three competition, Gu Zheng's Xiancai scored 9.8 points, while Song Xiu's scored 9.7. The gap of 0.1 points allowed Gu Zheng to narrowly beat Song Xiu.

This competition is the first time that Gu Zheng used medium-level ingredients. He used seven-color flowers. Before using medium-level ingredients, Gu Zheng was able to score the same score as Song Xiu. This time, with the assistance of medium-level ingredients, he finally Let his score surpass Song Xiu.

Even if it was only 0.1, Gu Zheng surpassed him.

It was this 0.1-point gap that allowed Gu Zheng to win in the end.

Celebrating outside, inside the Guji Chicken Blood Soup restaurant, the store manager personally hung up a promotional banner congratulating Gu Zheng for winning the first place in the Chinese Food Competition. He and Gao Changhe were both full of excitement.

The first, it's really the first, even though they had expected it, but when the first really came, they were still extremely happy and excited.

This is the Chinese Food Competition, the highest-level competition in the country. No one can shake Gu Zheng's future position in this kind of competition, and Gu Zheng still has several records in this competition.

Highest score, youngest age, first entry, etc.

As for why Gu Zheng got such a perfect score of 10, they didn't think about it at all, it has nothing to do with them.

In Hangcheng and some surrounding cities, many supporters of the ancient war are celebrating. Most of the ancient fans are in these places. The ancient war first became famous in Hangzhou.

They won, they won, they won again, Gu Zheng didn't disappoint them, they really won the first place, this time they won the first place in the Chinese Food Competition.

As happy as they are, there are people from the organizing committee of the Hangzhou Food Competition.

Gu Zheng won the first place in the Chinese Food Competition, and their faces are also bright. This is a contestant who has come out of their competition, which shows that their level of competition was also very high, and Gu Zheng's first place is well-deserved.

They have all planned, not every two years, it will be held once a year before, and there will be auditions tomorrow, Gu Zheng is the contestants selected from the auditions, and Gu Zheng can be used to do a good job of publicity at that time.

In France, Gu Ming closed the computer with satisfaction, and the blue was better than the blue. He didn't expect that Gu Zheng really won the first place, which was much better than his original third place.

Moreover, there is a full score in this first place. He is very clear about the competition mechanism of the Chinese Food Competition. If such a score comes out, it will inevitably be discussed first, and the delay in announcing the result also proves this point.

Now that the discussion has been verified and announced, it proves that there is nothing wrong with Gu Zheng's result.

Gu Zheng, good job.

In Shencheng, many of Gu Zheng's friends also showed smiles, won, Gu Zheng won, especially Uncle Hu, after hearing his family's results, he waved his hands and went back to the room.

Gu Zheng won, this kid Wang Dong has experienced a good experience, Wang Dong is very talented, I believe he will be better than blue in a few years of learning, and then he will be able to be alone, and then he will use his identity And energy, when Wang Dong was 30 years old, he won the qualification for the last Chinese food competition. He didn't need to be the first or the top three, as long as he could get the top ten, he would still be famous.

He didn't expect Wang Dong to achieve such good results, and he didn't expect him to be as enchanting as Gu Zheng.

But the result was completely in his expectation. Later Wang Dong gave him a big surprise, but these are all for later.

In the venue, President Gou managed to appease everyone, and the leader presented awards and delivered speeches.

No matter how many people question it, this food competition is over. President Gou has a premonition that this is an unrepeatable food competition, and this food competition will be mentioned many times in the future history. Know if this is good or bad.

Song Xiu didn't accept the award, and he left after the results came out. Someone else received the award for him.

There were big leaders on the scene to help him. Although the people from the food association were very angry, there was nothing they could do.

Song Xiu lost, although it was only a small difference, but a loss is a loss. He didn't lose the first game, nor did he lose the second and fourth games. He lost the third game.

Recalling carefully, the third ancient battle was indeed different. He was a bit careless in love, and the loss was not wronged.

He is convinced that he lost, but it doesn't mean that he is willing to let these ordinary people point him out and evaluate him. If he didn't want to avenge Song Bai, Song Xiu wouldn't even participate in such a competition. Ordinary people would never have the chance to eat what he made gourmet food.

Although he lost, Song Xiu was not discouraged. Losing may not be a good thing for him. Let him know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the people. He is not the best, and he will work hard to be the best in the future.

"Brother Gu, we won, we are number one!"

Wang Dong came over excitedly holding Gu Zheng, won, finally won, Wang Dong thought that Gu Zheng could win before, but he didn't expect Gu Zheng to win this time so close, only 0.1 points away.

Gu Zheng responded with a smile, Song Xiu left, Chu Yuan also left, today's top three, only he is still in the venue.

Song Xiu left because he had only one goal in the competition this time, and the goal was the ancient competition. Now that the competition is over, he is not interested in what other people say, so he left.

Chu Yuan left because he was heartbroken.

The lowest score in the history of the top three in a single game was given to him, which not only made him a top three face, but also became the biggest joke.

Some people even questioned his previous results, thinking that his top three were the worst, otherwise how could he have such a result in the end.

In this case, he couldn't stay here at all.

Chairman Gou and the others sympathized with Chu Yuan very much. They knew what was going on best. In fact, Chu Yuan had his own real ability. Unfortunately, the two people on the same stage as him were monsters. One mortal and two monsters were destined to be tragic. .

If there is no ancient competition in this Chinese food competition, without Song Xiu, Chu Yuan's performance and strength can still enter the top three, even if he can't win the first place, he will definitely have a very good result, and he won't be like this now.

After the game, the media went back to publish their articles.

"The most disparate score, the third place in the Chinese Food Competition, left the stage in tears!"

"Two full marks, is there an inside story, or is it really that good?"

"Interview with President Gou alone, President Gou said, two monsters!"

"The youngest contestant narrowly wins by 0.1 points, and the top two perform the strongest food competition!"

"How delicious the food is, judge XX will tell you!"

"The most bizarre gourmet competition in the world, the young player Gu Zheng became famous overnight!"

"Someone offers an annual salary of tens of millions, and wants to poach the champion Gu Zheng!"

"Mysterious Song Xiu, where did he come from?"

It didn't take long for countless articles to flood various websites, forums, and related reports of this Chinese Food Competition were overwhelming. Regardless of whether you can accept it or not, this competition is over.

Afterwards, the official website of the Food Association confirmed that the results of the competition were real and valid. Because they questioned the judges' marks, they deliberately launched "emergency measures" that had never been used to verify that the judges' marks were correct.

It was specially marked on the official website that these are two monstrosities, and it would be a tragedy for anyone to compete with them on the same stage.

After that, Chu Yuan also stood up and admitted that he was far behind the top two, and he would continue to work hard.

Although Chu Yuan left, he was stopped by people from the food association before he could go far, and took him aside, and specially let him taste the food made by Gu Zheng and Song Xiu. After tasting, Chu Yuan cried more than anyone else. Everyone is sad.

He was convinced that he lost, and finally understood why he had such a bizarrely low score, and it would be the same if he were a judge.

After understanding everything, he no longer struggled with it. He could only say that he was unlucky to be on the same stage as those two people.

The game was completely over. After Gu Zheng left the interviewed media, he finally went out to celebrate with his supporters and didn't go back until very late.

"Gu Zheng, congratulations, do you want to have a delicious meal to celebrate tonight? No need to do anything else, just make today's fish-flavored honey sauce. The meeting will be almost ten o'clock in the evening at the villa. Unexpectedly, Chang Feng was still waiting here, but this was his house, so it would be easy for him to come back.

"Forget about today, let's do it another day, I'm too tired today!"

Gu Zheng shook his head lightly. Today's game used a lot of middle-grade ingredients, but also high-grade ingredients. The higher the grade of ingredients, the more it will consume him. He is really tired now.

"All right!"

Chang Feng felt a little regretful. He came back and waited after the game. Unfortunately, Gu Zheng went to celebrate with his supporters, which made him wait for more than two hours. In the end, he still couldn't eat the delicious food of Gu Zheng.

He didn't go to today's competition, but he is very clear about what Gu Zheng did. He yearned for the last delicacy that made the judges cry.

In addition, he was also very curious about the emerald green fairy vegetable, and he wanted to let Gu Zhengdu make it, so he could have a good taste.

It's a pity, he can't do it today, he can only choose another day, he will continue to be greedy all night.

"Heir of Tiexian, congratulations on winning the first place in the first major competition and completing the test!"

As soon as Gu Zheng returned to the room, Qi Ling's voice sounded. In fact, Qi Ling didn't like it at all in the Chinese Food Competition, but considering the current environment, where Gu Zheng is, and the opponents of this competition, this competition, Barely counts as a major game.

If you win the ancient battle, it means you have completed the test and you will be rewarded.

"Reward, Marrow Cleansing and Food Cultivation!"

The voice of Qi Ling continued, and the method of washing the marrow and food cultivation was finally obtained. With the method of washing the marrow and food cultivation, those who are not suitable for cultivation in the future can also wash the marrow and cut the bones, and become a physique capable of cultivation.

"Qi Ling, are you kidding me?"

Gu Zheng suddenly yelled that he had obtained the method of washing marrow and food repair, but when he saw the list of ingredients for food repair, Gu Zheng immediately froze there.

There are sixteen kinds of raw materials needed for marrow washing and food repair, not to mention the quantity of raw materials, these raw materials must be at least ordinary grade, and medium grade raw materials need seven kinds, and there is one raw material whose grade requirement has reached excellent.

Eight kinds are normal, seven kinds are medium, and one kind is excellent, which is still the minimum requirement in order to do marrow cleansing and food cultivation.

"Do you think I'm joking about this?"

Qi Ling asked back, and continued: "You think it's easy to wash the marrow and cut down the bones. In the prehistoric world, there is the marrow washing pill, which is a treasure that is priceless, and there is no market for it!"

Honghuang does have the marrow washing pill, which is very precious.

Whether it is a cultivator, a golden immortal, or a great Luo Jinxian, they will all have descendants, and no one can guarantee that each descendant's physique is very suitable for cultivation.

If it is not suitable, or it is not good, the achievements in future cultivation will be limited, or even unable to practice. Many people try to change their physique for the sake of future generations, and the Xisui Pill was created for this reason.

The earliest Xisui Pill was in the hands of sages, and later some Daluo Jinxian also had it, but there are very few people who can really refine the Xisui Pill.

Another point is that the marrow washing pill needs a lot of raw materials. Gu Zheng’s marrow washing food repair only uses these raw materials. The raw materials can be exchanged for a marrow washing pill, and people are rushing to exchange them in the prehistoric times.

It's a pity that this is not Honghuang. It is not difficult for Honghuang to obtain these raw materials, but in the environment of the earth, it is really not easy to obtain these raw materials.

"Reward, twenty green jade celestial radishes!"

Qi Ling's voice didn't stop, and the reward was not only marrow washing and food repair, but also a kind of fairy vegetable, radish-like fairy vegetable, 20 of them at a time, and they were all planted in the space soon.

Today's prehistoric space is already a little crowded. If it hadn't been for the expansion of the space last time, it would have been even more crowded, and I couldn't fit it in long ago.

"Reward, three middle-level immortal pills!"

The voice of Qi Ling didn't end, and three more light spots fell into Gu Zheng's hands. Gu Zheng stared wide-eyed. Before, he had always rewarded ordinary-level Xianyuan pills, but this time he still rewarded Xianyuan pills, but the level But it became medium.

There were middle-level rewards before the ancient competition.

The earliest fairy apricot fruit trees, although the fruit trees mature for a long time, are medium-grade after all, and there are later ocean flowers, lightning bees and so on.

But most of the rewards are ingredients. This time, the medium-level Xianyuan pill is directly rewarded. I don't know how much better the medium-level Xianyuan pill is than the ordinary level.

"A medium-level immortal pill, one is equal to ten ordinary-level immortal pills, and most importantly, the absorption speed of a medium-level immortal pill is the same as that of an ordinary grade!"

Qi Ling explained to Gu Zheng again, Gu Zheng was slightly taken aback, looking at the three immortal pills in his hand in surprise.

The immortal power contained in each medium-level Xianyuan pill is actually ten times that of the ordinary-level one. This is not the key point. The most important thing is that its absorption speed is the same as that of ordinary-level Xianyuan pills.

Doesn't this mean that if you practice with a medium-level Xianyuan Pill, your speed will be three times faster than that of a normal-level one?

Gu Zheng didn't know that in order to let him grow up quickly, Qi Ling also took great pains in rewarding him. Originally, he shouldn't be rewarded with a medium-level immortal pill. It was because of the special mission that Qi Ling took advantage of the loophole and gave him such a reward. rewards.

Medium-level immortal pills, one is worth ten, and the cultivation speed is ten times faster.

"Gu Zheng, although there are not many middle-level Xianyuan Pills, if you practice these three Xianyuan Pills well, they will be enough for you to improve quickly, and even allow you to reach the third realm of the Tiexian Xianjue!"

Qi Ling said seductively, three medium-level immortal pills are equivalent to thirty ordinary immortal pills. Normally, it would take him at least a few years to absorb thirty ordinary immortal pills. Level Xianyuan Dan can be absorbed in more than a month.

"Qi Ling, do you still have high-grade and high-grade Xianyuan pills?"

Gu Zheng held the medium-level immortal pill in his hand and asked suddenly.

"That's right, the celestial power contained in the high-grade Xianyuan pill is a hundred times that of the ordinary grade, and the high-grade Xianyuan pill is a thousand times that of the normal grade, and the absorption time is fixed! "

Qi Ling answered in the affirmative, Gu Zheng rolled his eyes, and immediately asked: "Then can I replace all my ordinary-level immortal pills with medium-level ones, and then replace them with excellent ones?"

Gu Zheng has 80 ordinary-grade immortal pills, plus these three medium-grade immortal pills, there are almost a hundred ordinary-grade pills, and it is enough to replace one fine-grade one.

Anyway, it’s all about absorption, it’s all about cultivation, it’s great to be able to absorb a hundred times at a time.

"Greedy, you can't chew too much, the high-grade Xianyuan pill is simply not something you can bear now. If you eat that kind of Xianyuan pill, it is like poison, and it will explode your whole body. Are you sure you want to change it?" If you want to change it, I will send it to you!"

Qi Ling scolded Gu Zheng. If Gu Zheng hadn't used rice marrow to improve his physique, he wouldn't even be able to use the middle-level Xianyuan Pill. .

"Forget it, I don't want it!"

Gu Zheng stuck out his tongue, his body couldn't bear it, so he definitely didn't want it, if he wanted it, it wouldn't work, so it's better not to have it.

"I can replace your ordinary-level Xianyuan Pill with a medium-level one!"

Qi Ling suddenly said again, Gu Zheng has so many ordinary-level immortal pills, now that the middle-level immortal pills have been released, they can theoretically be replaced, so that Gu Zheng can use the middle-level immortal pills. Yuan Dan came to cultivate immortals, and the speed of cultivation would definitely be much faster.

"Really, then change it!"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up, and he nodded quickly. He is willing to save ten times the time. He also wants to have stronger power as soon as possible and cultivate into a golden fairy as soon as possible.

Only with strength can we soar in the sky and go to a wider world.

The day after the competition ended, Gu Zheng returned to Shanghai. Gao and his team from the Shanghai Food Association went to the airport to pick up Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng won the first place in the Chinese Food Competition, which is also the pride of Shanghai.

Historically, Shencheng people have won the first place in the Chinese Food Competition twice, including Gu Zheng this time, it is three times. The overall number is quite a lot, but it is not as good as Beijing, which has already won the first place six times.

There is no way, whoever made the capital hide the dragon and crouch the tiger, the imperial chefs of the year were also there.

Gu Ming specially asked for leave and came back from France to celebrate Gu Zheng. In Uncle Ho’s shop, there was also Du Yang’s celebration. After Gu Zheng came back, there were all kinds of celebrations, which ended after more than a week.

During this period, various invitations continued.

There are invitations from food festivals, and invitations from some catering companies. There are indeed some who offer an annual salary of tens of millions, and there are more than one. The champion of the Chinese Food Competition is worth the price.

Gu Zheng is so young, even knowing that Gu Zheng has a very good business store, it didn't stop those who wanted to poach his heart.

Gu Zheng refused all these invitations, and in the end he couldn't take it anymore. After Gu Ming returned to France, Gu Zheng simply hid in Emei and practiced there with peace of mind.

One medium-level Xianyuan pill is equal to ten ordinary-level Xianyuan pills, and the absorption speed is the same. With the medium-level Xianyuan pill, Gu Zheng's cultivation speed has improved rapidly.

In just ten days, he reached the fourth level of inner strength.

Another month later, Gu Zheng broke through to the middle stage of the fourth floor. When the two elders Wuyou and Wuchou saw Gu Zheng again, their eyes widened in disbelief.

They knew that Gu Zheng was not slow in cultivating, but it only took so long, from the middle stage of the third floor when they met, to the middle stage of the fourth floor.

What surprised them even more was still to come. Two months later, Gu Zheng's Tie Xian Xian Jue successfully broke through to the third level, and his strength also advanced to the late fourth level, only one step away from the fifth level powerhouse. away.

With the three-layer Tie Xian Xian Jue, Gu Zheng's strength became greater and his body became more sensitive. The feeling of this powerful force made Gu Zheng feel very comfortable.

Not only that, after the Tiexian Xianjue reached the third level, Qi Ling gave Gu Zheng a small test, a very easy small test, and after the completion, the scope of the prehistoric space doubled directly, and the crowded prehistoric space began to appear. Quite a lot.

This is more than that. After advanced, every time Gu Zheng enters the Primordial Space, he does not come out in place, and has the ability to change his position. Unfortunately, the scope is too small now. If the scope becomes larger in the future, the Prehistoric Space will definitely be his escape. Excellent weapon.

In the case of *** again, Gu Zheng hid in the wild space, and then came out from other places, he couldn't find himself.

For more than three months, in the late stage of the fourth floor, Wuyou and Wushou have become numb, but the stronger Gu Zheng is, the better it will be for them.

Emei's current strength is different from the past. Not only is there a hidden immortal cultivator, Gu Zheng, the master, has also reached the late stage of the fourth level. According to his speed, he will soon reach the fifth level.

Worry-free and worry-free, it seems that in the near future, Gu Zheng became a cultivator of immortals and led them to the glorious scene of Emei.

Now that there are mutated snow lotus seeds, becoming an immortal cultivator is definitely not a dream, it is a baby that can advance 100%, this time Wuyou still thinks about Gu Zheng, never thought of keeping the snow lotus seeds to himself.

"Master, you are ready, let's go!"

When Gu Zheng left his retreat hut, Elder Wuyou said softly to him that this time he set off to participate in the ten-year ranking conference in Shushan.

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