Tiexian heirs in the city

Chapter 273 No Contrast, No Harm

"The way of yin and yang!"

Gu Zheng's eyes lit up slightly. After comprehending the way of yin and yang, in fact, he has not been able to better integrate into cooking skills. He has always used Tiexian cooking skills directly.

Before, Tiexian's culinary skills were enough for him.

If it was a normal Chinese food competition, these would be enough, and Gu Zheng would be able to win this competition without even needing Mrs. A practitioner chef, a chef who also has many high-quality ingredients, even stronger than him in ingredients.

This chef's cooking skills are not bad, and he is assisted by fairy kitchen utensils. If he doesn't change his mind, Gu Zheng really has no confidence that he can win against him.

"I see, thank you Qi Ling!"

The way of yin and yang, the ancient dispute was discovered for the first time in Wang Dong, in Wang Dong's cooking skills.

Later, Gu Zheng used the Yin-Yang Pill to comprehend the way of yin and yang, but he never integrated it with cooking skills. Only when brewing wine, he used the way of yin and yang to successfully brew immortal wine.

The way of yin and yang is fused with cooking skills, and Gu Zheng himself does not know what it will look like after the fusion.

But there is one thing Gu Zheng can be sure of. After Tiexian's culinary art integrates the way of yin and yang, the taste of food will definitely be enhanced. To what extent it can be enhanced is not clear to Gu Zheng.

The ingredients for the two have been placed, and many people's eyes are on the two of them.

Of the three contestants, Chu Yuan has the least attention. In fact, many sensible people can see that the final champion will be between Gu Zheng and Song Xiu. Chu Yuan is just a role to accompany the prince to study. He is a dark horse. It won't be dark anymore.

Especially Chairman Gou and the others, because they knew everyone's scores and knew that it was almost impossible for Chu Yuan to surpass the two of them. Their scores had already been pulled apart.

Even if these two people do some ordinary things, as long as they are not too bad, Chu Yuan can't win.

Comparing Song Xiu and Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng's food is more or less standard. After all, his ingredients include chicken and fish, and it seems that he cooks food related to chicken and fish.

Many people were thinking this, but they quickly opened their mouths.

"How did he cook chicken and fish in one pot?"

"It's hard to control the taste. Many masters have thought about combining the two, but many of them failed!"

"That's right, is Gu Zheng in a hurry and wants to find another shortcut?"

Many people were discussing there, there was no live broadcast, only the people in the venue could see it, and only they were guessing, while the people outside were waiting quietly.

"I have met Gu Zheng twice, and he gave me the impression that he is not a reckless person!"

President Gou shook his head slightly. He had indeed seen Gu Zheng twice. The first time was the tasting meeting of Gu Zheng. Mr. Gao invited them to come. The Food Association owed Gu Zheng some face, so he had to go.

But after going there, he found that he was right, and he was not disappointed. Gu Zheng's cooking skills are really strong, and even he was conquered.

The second time was Song Bai's arena, Gu Zheng went to fight, he was very impressed with that day, Gu Zheng's performance was extremely calm from the beginning to the end, even though Song Bai cheated, he still won the cheating Song Bai in the end, and even His tricks were exposed.

The stability of Gu Zheng is the deepest memory in his memory.

"But why did he do this? It's too risky!" the people around President Gou said.

"Perhaps he has full confidence that the flavors of the two can blend together!"

Chairman Gou said lightly, at this moment he suddenly regretted not being a judge, only the judges can taste the delicacies made by Gu Zheng, otherwise even if he is the president of the Food Association, he would not be able to eat them.

He can ask Gu Zheng to do it again after the game, but he will definitely not be able to eat it on the spot today.

Gu Zheng’s chicken and fish had been stewed together. On Song Xiu’s side, he killed several worms. The sand worm’s method was very simple. The inner strength directly broke the brains of the worms, and the worms immediately became quiet.

His method of making worms is also very strange, not fried or fried, but boiled.

Through Qi Ling, Gu Zheng learned that the skin of the happy worm is actually very thick, and the most delicious part is the meat inside. The effect of direct frying is not as good as boiling. The cooked meat is the most tender, and it is easy to taste with other ingredients. blend.

Song Xiu began to put other ingredients into the pot, and the first thing he put in was medium-grade sugar.

The main ingredients of medium ingredients, the auxiliary ingredients of medium ingredients, and the auxiliary ingredients of high-quality ingredients, such delicacies, it is impossible for ordinary people to win him, but fortunately, Gu Zheng has no way to deal with it.

Gu Zheng's chicken and fish were slowly boiling in the pot, and gradually, Gu Zheng closed his eyes.

Gu Zheng, with his eyes closed, was always holding the handle of the pot, and the power of the way of yin and yang came from his palm.

The pot is closed, so if someone can see the situation in the pot, they will definitely stare. The chicken and fish in the pot are slowly turning around the pot, and there is a curved line between the two, gradually , the fish turns white and the chicken turns black.

The soup in the pot is like a picture of Tai Chi.

Song Xiu turned around suddenly and looked at Gu Zheng who had his eyes closed. He didn't know what Gu Zheng was doing, but he noticed that Gu Zheng was different.

Gu Zheng is a little different from before. Gu Zheng is a cultivator, and he gave Song Xiu the feeling that he showed his sharpness. But now, if he didn't deliberately look at Gu Zheng, he would not be able to find the existence of Gu Zheng. Like an inconspicuous roadside stone, people don't pay attention to him at all.

Song Xiu didn't know whether this change was good or bad, but one thing he was sure of was that the other party must have used a method he didn't know to enhance his cooking skills.

After watching the ancient battle, Song Xiu added his second ingredient, a hay-like item, which is also a medium-level ingredient.

After adding it, Song Xiu also closed his eyes, and used his inner strength to control the fairy kitchen utensils with peace of mind.

No matter what Gu Zheng does, he just needs to be good at himself and cook the food that makes him most satisfied, so even if he loses, he will lose without regret.

"Why did both of them close their eyes?"

Many people were talking there with surprise, Gu Zheng and Song Xiu had their eyes closed, and Chu Yuan was boiling the soup in the pot, sweating from his busy work.

Two still and one moving, very obvious.

Because of Gu Zheng's integration into the relationship between Yin and Yang, the number of people who paid attention to him gradually decreased. Most of them were watching Song Xiu, even the judges were the same, they were basically paying attention to Song Xiu.

An hour passed by in a hurry.

Whether it was Gu Zheng or Song Xiu, neither of them moved. Most of the food they cooked before was finished within an hour, but this time both of them took more than an hour.

Chu Yuan was still busy, and his progress was obvious, unlike Gu Zheng and Song Xiu, who didn't move at all.

Ten minutes later, Gu Zheng moved first. He took out the chicken from the pot, but the fish had disappeared, and the whole fish had been melted and completely integrated into the chicken. This is the fish-flavored chicken.

The fairy chicken was originally white, but when it was taken out, it became red and white.

Fish-flavored honey chicken needs to be put in honey. Unfortunately, Lightning Bee did not collect medium-level honey. Otherwise, Gu Zheng would be more confident in this competition.

The honey was evenly spread on the chicken by Gu Zheng, and it was put back into the pot, this time it was steamed.

At the same time, Gu Zheng stuffed other materials into the chicken's stomach, and the high-grade diamond fruit had been ground into powder by Gu Zheng, glued together with honey, and all smeared on the chicken's body.

The materials that can be added, Gu Zheng has been added,

The honey chicken was steamed in the pot for fifteen minutes, Gu Zheng opened the lid, and a burst of sweet and sweet smell rushed out, Song Xiu frowned fiercely,

On the other hand, Chu Yuan stayed there.

Not only him, but many people around who smelled the fragrance also showed dazed expressions. The fragrance reached their brain nerves, and everyone seemed to be in a garden, playing happily in the garden, surrounded by colorful floral fragrance.

"my type!"

Chu Yuan suddenly screamed. He was participating in a competition, and the consequences of being absent-minded would be very serious. His dishes were almost ready, and the impact of being absent-minded would not be great.

Everyone was distracted, including the judges, who were all overwhelmed by the scent.

"Not bad, it finally looks a bit like it!"

Qi Ling said with satisfaction that the food that Gu Zheng is making now can really be seen by it, but it can only be seen. Compared with real food, it is still far behind.

The current Guzheng looks a bit like a fairy chef, at least it has an image, if it doesn't meet the standards of a fairy chef, Qi Ling is too lazy to watch it.

Immortal chefs also make fairy world delicacies, which are provided for immortal cultivators to eat. Ordinary people will be affected by smelling them, let alone eating them. Fortunately, the food made by Gu Zheng does not meet the standard of real fairy world delicacies. , otherwise ordinary people would have no way to eat it.

The steamed fish-flavored chicken in honey sauce was taken out by Gu Zheng.

The aroma of fish-flavored honey chicken can affect people's consciousness, but fortunately, the aroma does not radiate far like chicken blood soup. If it is really like that, it will be a big trouble. ACCIDENT.

Looking at the honey sauce chicken in front of the judges, many people couldn't help swallowing.

This is the real delicacy, smelling it makes people feel extremely comfortable, but unfortunately they can't eat it. There are quite a few people who would envy and envy the judges. Fortunately, no one lost their minds, otherwise these judges They will be miserable.

"The judges are invited to taste and comment!"

After Gu Zheng sent it up, he said softly, this is the first time he has integrated into the way of yin and yang, and he has made delicious food, and the result will be what will be the result, even he himself does not know .

The staff helped to separate the fish-flavored honey chicken, and each judge had a small piece of chicken.

One of the judges put the chicken in front of him into his mouth and chewed it lightly. After chewing a few mouthfuls, he stayed there again. After a while, tears suddenly flowed down his face, and soon burst into tears.

He wasn't the only one, the other judges who had eaten the food made by Gu Zheng soon all cried like him.

One of the judges was even more serious. He just lay there and cried loudly. The frightened staff ran over to ask what happened to him.

The judge shook his hand again to indicate that he was fine, and then the staff left in doubt.

Twenty judges, all the people who ate the Guzheng fish-flavored chicken in honey sauce were crying, and everyone around them were stunned. It is not uncommon for the judges to cry after eating the food of the contestants, but it is very rare, and there are. Normally, unlike this time, all the judges were crying, all in tears.

Some people still think, is it possible that Cheng Guzheng put a lot of onions next to the chicken?

But no one has seen the ingredients prepared by Gu Zheng, there are onions, or, there are other ingredients with the same characteristics as onions, he added them in, and the judges are crying like this?

"After eating the delicacies made by Master Gu today, I feel that I will die without regret!"

One of the judges suddenly said something, and the other judges nodded accordingly, and the staff rushed forward to remind them that the judges of the food competition do not comment when they eat, and they have to wait until the end to make a unified comment.

For him to say these words is tantamount to breaking the rules.

The judges were not talking, and Song Xiu's delicious food was ready for the meeting, the original bugs were no longer visible, and the food that was delivered was all small pieces, like pastries.

Song Xiu's food did not have that pungent aroma.

The food he made is not ugly, and it makes people have an appetite just looking at it, but the twenty judges have just eaten the food made by Gu Zheng, and they are still thinking about it, and they don't want to eat other things at all.

"I'm glad I became a judge, but I regret it!"

One of the judges said that whether he wants to or not, he has to taste the delicious food in front of him. This is his job and even more his duty.

The other judges agree with his words, and they are glad to be a judge, because only the judges can eat the kind of food that Gu Zheng made just now, it can no longer be evaluated by food, it is real, it only exists in the sky, only Fairy delicacies that only gods can eat.

Regret is also because of the identity of the judges, so they have to continue to eat and eat other things, which affects their aftertaste.

One of the judges, after rinsing his mouth several times, picked up the thing that looked like a delicate pastry, and couldn't help frowning.

Before eating, he thought of the bugs before, and couldn't help but feel a little disgusted.

Fortunately, the food he made didn't look like bugs in the end, otherwise he really didn't know if he could still eat it in his current condition.

After taking a small bite, the judge immediately stayed there again.

Not only him, but the other 20 judges are all the same, as long as they have bitten or eaten a bite, they are all in a daze.

It was as if they had entered an illusion again. This time they were not in the flowers, but seemed to be in a warm and comfortable cocoon. They closed their eyes and enjoyed the tranquility of the surroundings very comfortably.

This is an indescribable, unexplainable feeling.

This kind of feeling makes them unwilling to open their eyes, unwilling to think about anything, just want to stay in such a quiet place, this is a kind of comfort from the soul, so that they can't stop.

One minute, two minutes.

Many of the judges didn't move, which surprised the people around them. It wasn't until three minutes later that a staff member walked over cautiously under President Gou's signal.

The staff had just reminded one of the judges, and the judge suddenly burst into tears again, and started crying there.

It wasn't just him, but the other judges were also like this. Those who were crying and sad all lay on the table, their bodies were all wet.

"Here, what's going on here?"

Everyone was extremely surprised. They were like this after eating Gu Zheng's food before, but after tasting Song Xiu's food, they still look like this?

Could it be that both of them put something with onion properties in it, if that's the case, then this time the joke would be big, two of the top three specially made things that make the judges cry when they eat it, it's simply whole person.

However, this possibility is really unlikely. Moreover, after the judges cried before, they all showed emotion, and no one protested.

If Gu Zheng really added something to make people cry, some of the judges would have thrown the table, and it would be a crime.

And now, the judges are eating while crying. Nothing that Song Xiu made was wasted, and they ate all of it.

"I didn't expect that there would be a second one for such a fine wine!"

"Yeah, it's worth it to eat such delicious food!"

"But these two, who is good and who is bad, how to divide?"

"I feel that Gu Zheng's is better, the feelings of Gu Zheng are more sincere, Song Xiu's is also very, very good, but if the two are really compared together, I will vote for Gu Zheng!"

"I also think Gu Zheng is better!"

"I think Song Xiu's is better, but both are perfect, and I can't find any flaws in them!"

The judges were all discussing in low voices. How to score became their biggest problem. The two foods were so perfect, and they didn't want to lose a little point for each food.

"I give 10 points, 10 points for all!" A judge said suddenly.

"I want ten points too!"

"Me too!"

"Be careful, this kind of violation, no matter how many points you want to score, you can score by yourself, and you can't say it!"

Ten points, full marks, it's not that no one has ever gotten ten points in the history of the Chinese Food Competition, but it's very rare, and it's a very rare phenomenon, and there is at most one judge at a time. Unlike this time, several judges have spoken out.

It is a violation of the rules to say it out, but the judges seem to have violated the rules a lot today.

"Judges, please taste the food I made, thank you!"

The food for the last contestant, Chu Yuan, was also prepared and brought up. The judges looked at each other, feeling the same as before, but whether they wanted to or not, they all wanted to eat and taste it.


After one of the judges rinsed his mouth, he spat it out as soon as he bit it in. Chu Yuan was completely dumbfounded seeing this scene before he could go far.

The food he made was so unpalatable that the judges vomited?

"Sorry, sorry!"

The judges also knew that their behavior was a bit too much, so they hurriedly clasped their fists and said, they just ate two kinds of delicacies that do not belong to the world, and the aftertaste of the delicacies was still all over their bodies. Suddenly eating such an ordinary food, instinctively Can't stand it.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.

It's like a person who has been eating hard and bitter steamed buns suddenly eats two white noodle steamed buns and braised pork, and if he is asked to go back to eating steamed buns, he also feels very uncomfortable.

The other judges also started to taste Chu Yuan's food, and soon, many judges frowned.

Although it was not as big as this judge's reaction, he just spit it out, but his face was not good-looking, and there is no harm if there is no comparison. I just ate two excellent delicacies, and now I changed to such an ordinary thing. It's strange to get used to it. .

In fact, Chu Yuan's cooking is not bad, after all, he is a famous chef, but compared with the previous two, the difference is too far, too far, it is not a level of food at all.

The scores of the three were finished quickly, the judges left the stage, and then it was time to announce the results.

It will take half an hour to summarize, no matter inside or outside, everyone is looking forward to it, but in the background, President Gou and the others are completely stunned.

All the results of the three people's four games were placed in front of them.

Chu Yuan was fine, he played very well in the front, so he took the third place, but the results of Gu Zheng and Song Xiu were so shocking no matter how they looked at them, especially the results of the last game.

Gu Zheng, the first game, 9.93 points, the second game, 9.95 points, the third game, 9.98 points, the fourth game, 10 points.

Four games, the lowest is 9.93, the highest is 10, and the full score is 10.

Being able to get 10 points means that the judges scored all 10 points, or there were at least 19 people with 10 points. After removing the lowest score, this result was obtained.

This has never happened in previous games.

Not to mention ten points, even the lowest score of 9.93 is an extremely high score in previous competitions, and it is also the highest record. Only two people have scored such a score in a single game. Now, it has become the lowest.

It's just an ancient dispute, but Song Xiu's grades are just as eye-catching.

The first game, 9.93 points, the second game, 9.95 points, the third game, 9.97 points, the fourth game, 10 points.

Another 10 points, another minimum score of 9.93 points, such a score would be shocking enough in normal times, but there are actually two of them here, and it's still a single appearance.

Looking at Chu Yuan's results, he suddenly became inferior.

Chu Yuan scored 9.77 points in the first game, 9.83 points in the second game, 9.81 points in the third game, and 8.1 points in the fourth game.

A contestant in the finals didn't even score 9 points in the last competition. You know, these are all famous chefs in the country. Even if more than 200 people were eliminated in the first competition, the minimum score was more than 8 points. .

Chu Yuan's score of 8.1 was the lowest score in all competitions this time.

In the final finals, the lowest score in the game was achieved, which was abnormal in itself, Chairman Gou and the others were all in a daze, not knowing how to announce the results.

Chu Yuan was also unlucky. When he finished it, the judges had eaten two kinds of delicacies that they had never experienced before. At this time, it was given to the judges. Under such a serious influence, it is already very good to score eight points.

If he sent it first, it would definitely not be the case, at least it would be a high score of 9.7 or higher.

"President Gou, what should we do, the announcement of the score will cause an uproar!"

A staff member asked quickly. They couldn't believe this result, and they had a premonition that something was going to happen.

"What do the judges say?" President Gou asked.

"The judges swear that they scored real scores, worthy of their own conscience!"

A staff member said in a low voice, the judges are currently in isolation, and they are not allowed to contact the outside world. This state will not be lifted until the results of the competition are fully announced.

"Activate emergency measures!"

Chairman Gou stood up suddenly, and said something directly, and the others were stunned for a moment, looking at him in disbelief.

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