The strangeness of the illusion is something that Gu Zheng has never seen before. To experience such an illusion is of extraordinary significance to him. This undoubtedly increases his knowledge and gives him a better understanding of the journey of the illusion. .

In addition to having a better understanding of the illusion, Gu Zheng also had a feeling that he felt that something similar to the opportunity for sanctification in the Soaring Boat was related to the illusion?

It is not groundless that Gu Zheng would feel this way. The current cabin is already very close to the center, and he has experienced illusions one after another, which makes Gu Zheng inevitably have such thoughts.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to enter the next cabin. He had to calmly absorb the things he had harvested from the illusion before. He felt that he would definitely encounter a similar illusion again, and absorbing the understanding of the illusion would undoubtedly make him After he entered the next such illusion, he had a stronger ability to resist the illusion.

At the same time, in another cabin of Aotianzhou, the son of monk Hantan watched quietly.

This is a cabin with a lot of metal boxes. This kind of cabin has been experienced by Gu Zheng before. Things, a lot of special supplements have been made to myself.

The monk in the cold pool is taking a tonic. He has eaten up many metal boxes on the ground. Its current body has also changed from a spirit state to a liquid state, but it is not as delicate as its son looks. He wants to fully recover , also takes a little bit of time.

The contents of the two metal boxes were emptied again, and Brother Hantan's lumpy body finally became as delicate as his son's.

"It's a good thing that I kept a back hand back then, otherwise it would be difficult to restore to this state now."

Brother Hantan patted his son's head in satisfaction.

"Father, what are we going to do now?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"Of course it's time to get our bodies back." Brother Hantan said.

As members of the Soaring Boat, after the original owner of the Soaring Boat died, the father and son of the Hantan cultivator should be responsible for finding a suitable person to bring back to the Soaring Boat, and waiting for someone who is destined to take the 'Magic Crystal' away. And the so-called "magic crystal" is something similar to the chance of becoming a saint in Gu Zheng's conjecture.

However, the father and son of the cold pool monks did not dedicate themselves to their duties from the beginning to the end. They did find suitable candidates to bring back the Aotianzhou in the wild. Because the cold pool monk father and son had not given up their duties at that time.

It's a pity that none of the people brought back by the father and son of the Hantan monk passed the test, and the father and son of the monk Hantan gradually became selfish. Spirit's killing, and the spirit of the center is the black hand behind the scenes in Gu Zheng's heart.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the central spirit, the father and son of the cold pool monks had to abandon their physical bodies, and only then were they able to escape from the Aotianzhou.

Although they escaped from the Soaring Boat, the price paid by the father and son of the monk Hantan was too severe, and finally, as a last resort, they sealed their souls into the two keys.

The spirit of the center is still doing its duty faithfully, but without the father and son of the monks in the cold pool, the heavy responsibility of finding suitable candidates falls on it, but it can't leave the sky boat, it can only change the falling snow and ice field by releasing energy. The appearance is abnormal, which attracts the immortals to discover the secret.

In fact, I really want to be very close to Gu Zheng's guess. The only thing Gu Zheng didn't expect now is that the owner of this Soaring Sky Boat is the same as the original owner of the fairy-level space fairy weapon.

"be careful."

At the door of the cabin, Brother Hantan said this to his son.

Brother Hantan's son nodded. He would never forget the danger in the next cabin. If it wasn't very dangerous there, the father and son wouldn't have lost their bodies there in order to save their lives. However, now is not the past after all. When they were forced to lose their physical bodies back then, they belonged to the spirit body, which was very weak, and their strength could not be compared with the current liquid body.

Brother Hantan pressed his hand on the hatch, and his changeable liquid body immediately changed into the shape of a key and penetrated into the keyhole, and the originally confined hatch opened soon.

This is a bright cabin. The cabin is relatively empty and there are not many decorations. Apart from the ice-wrapped bodies of the father and son of the cold pool monk, there are eight ice sculpture-like things on the ground.

The ice sculpture-like things looked like warriors in armor. They all held giant swords in their hands and stood there motionless. This kind of thing that looks like an ice sculpture is actually a kind of super ice monster, but this kind of super ice monster is different from the general ones. They belong to the super ice monster of the father and son of the only cold pool monk who can actively attack in the Soaring Boat. Frost monster.

If you want to get back your physical body, you must destroy the eight super ice monsters, because it is relatively easy for the father and son of the cold pool monks to leave their physical bodies, but it is more troublesome to get their physical bodies back. a safe environment.

The father and son of the monks in the cold pool entered the cabin, and the super ice monsters that were like ice sculptures immediately came to life. There was a ray of light on their body surfaces, and this ray of light connected each other. They were also the kind of super ice monsters that could launch combined attacks. monster.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Eight super ice monsters swung their swords at the father and son of the cold pool monk, and the cabin was filled with flying sword energy for a while.


Facing the flying sword qi, the son of the monk Hantan opened his mouth and let out a huge suction force. The sword qi was sucked into his belly like a delicious delicacy.

The son was devouring the sword energy, while the monk in the cold pool sprayed an ice mist towards their bodies. Under the effect of the ice mist, their bodies that were originally wrapped in ice were slowly shrinking.


After inhaling a wave of sword energy, the son of the monk Hantan opened his mouth and sprayed it, and the sword energy that had been swallowed by it was sprayed out completely by it.

Explosive sounds continued to be produced. It was the sound of the sword energy ejected by the monk's son colliding with the sword energy slashed by the eight super ice monsters in the air.

The sword qi collided with each other to offset each other, but the sword qi ejected by the son of the cold pool monk was limited, while the sword qi slashed by the super ice monster could be endless, so this wave of collision will soon end. His sword qi is already very close to the son of the monk Hantan.

This time, the son of the cold pool cultivator did not use the swallowing sword energy to resist, but opened his mouth again, and a large stream of smoothies spewed out from his mouth. Those smoothies were very fast and powerful. The sword energy in his body was all pierced like a hornet's nest. Moreover, the ice sand sprayed by the monk's son in the cold pool was not a single stream, but an uninterrupted spray, so that those extremely fast ice sands not only destroyed the sword energy from the super ice monster, They also destroyed the body of the super ice monster.


A crisp sound came out, and the super ice monster that was also dressed as a hornet's nest disintegrated like a sand sculpture, turning into broken ice all over the place.

Using ice sand to deal with the eight super ice monsters, the son of the monk in the cold pool is not easy, his chest is constantly heaving, as if the human beings have just experienced a big battle and are tired. However, even though the eight super-ice monsters have been dealt with, the son of the cold pool monk did not dare to relax. With a wave of his hands, two fairy artifacts belonging to the world outside the circle appeared in his hands. Like two pitch-black hoops.

The son of the monk in the cold pool knew that the battle was not over, and the eight super ice monsters were not really killed. If they were so easy to kill, it would have been impossible to force him and his father to throw them away. physical body.


The crisp sound sounded again, and the shattered ice that was transformed from the disintegration of the eight super ice monsters all started to move. In almost an instant, the shattered ice collided with each other and completed the reorganization of the body. The new body It is no longer the appearance of a warrior in armor, but countless crab-like things that look only the size of longan eyes. These things are running extremely fast, not only towards the son of the monk in the cold pool, but also towards the son who is still in the future. Two cold pool monks with shrunken bodies.

I knew before that the original eight super ice monsters would turn into this very troublesome form after disintegration, so the son of the cold pool monk took out the fairy artifact in the shape of an iron ring.


The son of the monk in the cold pool waved the iron ring in his left hand, and a black wind visible to the naked eye swept across the entire cabin. This black wind seemed to be designed to restrain crabs, and it had no destructive effect on other things in the cabin. Countless 'little crabs' were all rolled into the air.

The iron ring in his right hand waved again, and the small crab that had been rolled into the air exploded uncontrollably, and white ice dust began to fall in the entire cabin like frost.


The painful sound was made by the cold pool monk. The damage caused by the ice dust falling on it was like corrosion. This feeling made it very painful and continued, but it was trying its best to shrink its body and take it away , At this time, there is no time to defend against the damage caused by the ice dust.

In addition to being able to cause damage to the cold pool monks, the ice dust is also causing damage to their bodies. The ice layer that originally covered their bodies began to melt after encountering the ice dust, and the ice dust fell on their bodies. Immediately afterwards, blue smoke burst out as if it had been corroded.

Although the iron ring-like fairy weapon can be used to deal with things like crabs, it has no way to deal with Bingchen, so after Bingchen appeared, the two iron rings have been taken away by the son of the cold pool monk Standing up, when Bingchen caused damage to his father and the two of them, the son of the cold pool monk was fighting against Bingchen while spitting out another fairy weapon from his mouth.


Among the fairy artifacts swallowed by the monk's son in the cold pool before, one was spit out by it, and it was a fairy artifact like a pagoda.

After the pagoda-like celestial artifact was sprayed out by the son of the cold pool monk, it flew directly towards the cold pool monk, and grew bigger in the process, and finally covered the cold pool monk and the two bodies that were still shrinking. in it.

Seeing that his father and his body were not in any danger for the time being, the son of the cold pool monk had time to deal with the falling ice dust with all his strength.

Before the cold pool monk's son dealt with Bingchen's figure, his body vibrated once and for all, resulting in round after round of fluctuations. It was this kind of fluctuation that made those Bingchen unable to approach.

As if going crazy, the son of the cold pool cultivator screamed strangely, and his hands continued to dance, one after another ripple-like fluctuations emerged in the air. Weakened its power, and accelerated to fall downward.

The situation seems to be beneficial to the monks in the cold pool, but it is not. After all the ice dust fell to the ground, they fused again and turned into tiny ice beads. These ice beads rolled and swept the cold water. The son of monk Tan and the fairy artifact of the pagoda.


A painful sound came from the mouth of the monk's son in the cold pool. After the ice beads touched its feet from the ground, they immediately stuck to it one by one, and quickly covered its legs. The legs covered with ice beads immediately became a little uncontrollable while experiencing severe pain. Moreover, the ice beads are still sticking to its thighs, and the end of this process is to make its whole body completely covered by the ice beads. If it really reaches that time, it will be finished.

The original eight super ice monsters were destroyed by the ice sand ejected by the monk's son in the cold pool. After they were destroyed, they turned into crab-like things. This kind of thing is not afraid of the ice sand ejected by the monk's son in the cold pool , the son of the cold pool monk had to use two black iron rings to destroy these crab-like things, and after these things were destroyed, they turned into ice dust that could not be destroyed by the iron ring fairy. After being forced to land with the wave by the son of the cold pool monk, it turned into an ice bead that the wave couldn't affect it!

Such a strange cycle illustrates a problem, that is to say, in this cabin, the original eight super ice monsters are almost immortal. Every time they are killed, they can change into another form, And no longer afraid of the way of killing them before, this is undoubtedly a very difficult battle evolution.

Brother Hantan's son was really in pain, but he couldn't do anything right for a while.

If it wasn't dangerous enough in this cabin, before entering the cabin, the cold pool cultivator would not have warned his son. Although they originally belonged to the high-level generals in the Soaring Boat, their rank is not as high as the spirit of the center, and this cabin The eight super ice monsters in the group were created by the spirit of the center at a huge price to deal with their father and son after they were aware of their defection.

For the characteristics of the eight super ice monsters, the father and son of the cold pool monks also have a certain understanding, so this time they come back to get their bodies, they also know that they will encounter the trouble of this kind of battle evolution, but they don't know, this kind of battle Evolution, what will it evolve into in the end, so the current situation has arisen, the son of the cold pool monk is overwhelmed, and temporarily does not know how to solve the ice bead crisis, while the cold pool monk is still under the protection of the pagoda fairy, Strive to take away their bodies as soon as possible.

However, the treasure pagoda can't always resist the ice beads. As a dead object, it can be covered by the ice beads faster than the body of the monk's son in the cold pool. After all, the son of the monk in the cold pool has been working hard. The anti-ice bead cover can be used as a pagoda fairy weapon for dead objects, and it doesn't do anything targeted, it can only be a fixed defense. And this kind of fixed defense has little effect on the destructive power of the ice bead, so that it was originally made of metal, but it has been decomposed very thin at this moment, and the ice bead will soon break it , thus hurting the cold pool monks protected by it, as well as the physical bodies belonging to their father and son.

The son of the monk in the cold pool is not only resisting the decomposition ability of the ice bead, it is also sensing the ice bead, just like when Gu Zheng encountered the super ice monster. Only when he has enough understanding of this kind of thing can he be able to Better target it.

Compared with Gu Zheng, the sons of the cold pool monks have a great advantage. They belong to the Soaring Boat, and they have a unique ability to understand the energy of the ice attribute. Even if the energy of the ice attribute is not pure, they are the same easier to understand. It is precisely because of this unique advantage that the son of the monk Hantan was able to quickly develop countermeasures during the first few battles.


There was a loud noise, and all the ice beads covering the monk's son in the cold pool were blown away by the son of the monk in the cold pool. It was finally when the ice beads were about to cover its neck, there was an answer for the ice beads. Knowing enough, the son of the cold pool cultivator launched an attack targeting their weaknesses, blowing out all the ice beads on his body.

Although the ice beads were blown away, before the ice beads were blown away, although the son of the cold pool cultivator also had the ability to resist the unique decomposition ability of the ice beads, the resistance could not completely eliminate the damage, so at this moment Its body has been completely disintegrated during the moment when it was covered by ice beads. It looks much thinner and its aura has weakened a little.


There was a crisp sound, and the pagoda fairy that originally protected the cold pool monks and their two bodies could not withstand the decomposition of the ice beads, and a crack appeared, and those permeable ice beads had fallen along the crack into the cold Brother Tan's body made Brother Hantan make a painful sound.


The son of the monk in the cold pool roared, and he lifted his hands upwards, and a strange force emanated from his hands. The ice beads on the ground, including the ice beads that had fallen on the monk in the cold pool, all moved in a strange way. Under the action of strength, it flew up.

"Father, hurry up, I won't be able to hold on any longer!"

The body of the cold pool cultivator's son was trembling. Although it transferred all the ice beads into the air, it didn't feel good, and the ice beads transferred into the air were also restless. They can evolve in battle. Knowing the current form is useless to the father and son of the monk Hantan. They collided with each other again, as if to form a new fighting form.


A roar came from the mouth of the monk in the cold pool. It was just spewing ice mist gently, but it was like a sprint, which doubled the size of the ice mist sprayed from its mouth.

The larger ice fog accelerated the reduction of the physical bodies of the father and son of the cold pool monks. The two physical bodies that had shrunk to the length of a palm suddenly became two inches long. This speed of change was unprecedented.

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