If everything is as Gu Zheng first guessed, there is something similar to the chance of sanctification in Soaring Sky Boat, then the purpose of the so-called black hand in the end should be to protect this thing like the chance of sanctification.

The opportunity for sanctification falls in the wild, which itself is waiting for the predestined person, and the protection of the black hand behind the scenes is a test for the predestined person.

After passing the test of the large-scale beast tide and the test of the previous cabins, Gu Zheng is already very close to the center of Aotianzhou, so the purpose of the original black hand behind the scenes may also have changed because of this, it has become an important part of the whole thing. Wait and see attitude.

It is not without reason that Gu Zheng would guess like this, and this reason lies in the existence of those super ice monsters that can launch combined attack illusions.

The existence of these super ice monsters is to kill the people who enter Soo Tianzhou on the surface, but is this really the case?

If it's just for killing people who enter Soaring Boat, then there's no need to set up the existence of a central super ice monster! After all, the existence of the center will make the whole body more powerful, and it is precisely because of this that the whole body will be affected if it is destroyed! But the fact is that the existence of the central super ice monster does not benefit the whole at all, but because it is destroyed, it affects the whole. After the beast, I gained some enlightenment.

With the existence of such a wonderful central super ice monster, Gu Zheng couldn't help but wonder whether these super ice monsters that can launch combined attack illusions are a test leading to the ultimate? The biggest purpose of their existence is not to kill the entrants, but to select the entrants who are the most powerful and lucky? This kind of speculation is not purely imaginary, it is really possible! After all, Gu Zheng had obtained various opportunities before, and encountered similar tests on the way to obtain those opportunities.

The value of something like the opportunity for sanctification cannot be measured, and it is precisely because it cannot be measured that it is more likely to have such a heart-breaking test! What is giving up the body? Or should I try the fantasy world? This is really heartbreaking!

If all the conjectures are true, the mastermind behind the scenes will not attack Gu Zheng's body, because the illusion test produced by the combination attack illusion is itself a test within Ao Tianzhou, and the mastermind behind the scenes who is also an internal member should be Cooperate, not destroy.

Gu Zheng has a lot of guesses in his mind, but these guesses are all happening in the blink of an eye. The knives of the sword-wielding super ice monsters have collided, and the illusion has been created.

Gu Zheng, who fell into the illusion, did not see through the illusion immediately. He became a little confused. He didn't know who he was or where he was, but he could feel the danger nearby. The realm is a bit similar, but the difference is that this is an illusion. Gu Zheng knows that he has many supernatural powers, and he also knows how to activate those supernatural powers.

The world in front of me is very fantastic, that kind of gorgeous plants can not be seen in the prehistoric, these plants are very tall, and the colors are very gorgeous.

Looking around, Gu Zheng found that he seemed to be in a forest, but because of the illusion, he didn't think about how he got into this place, he just instinctively thought about how he would get out of here.

A spirit beast that looks like a reindeer but has very gorgeous fur probed its head from behind the big tree. It walked towards Gu Zheng with curious eyes. Gu Zheng didn't feel any danger, so he let it approach.

Suddenly, the seemingly harmless spirit beast disappeared, and when it reappeared, it was already behind Gu Zheng, and its sharp horns pierced towards Gu Zheng's back like a weapon.

Although Gu Zheng still has supernatural powers, it is the supernatural powers that the illusion allows him to possess. He does not have such a level of power as the power of Tao in the illusion, and he himself will not be surprised by it.

Without the power of Tao, Gu Zheng couldn't escape through teleportation, he could only fly up. However, the reindeer-like spirit beast chased after him, not daring to stop for a moment.


Gu Zheng, who was being chased tirelessly, suddenly turned his head and waved his hand, a large cloud of lightning appeared in the void, enveloping the reindeer-like spirit beast in it.

Being able to swing a large cloud of lightning is indeed a method that Gu Zheng himself has mastered, and it is also the strongest attack method allowed by the illusion. However, the reason why Gu Zheng didn't use his strongest attack until now was because he had a vague feeling that his strongest attack couldn't kill the spirit beast with the head like a reindeer.

Sure enough, the reindeer-like spirit beast was only slowed down by the lightning, but it still rushed out of the lightning encirclement in the end, and launched teleportation again, appearing behind Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng's heart trembled, and once again he flew so high that he successfully escaped the attack of the reindeer spirit beast, flew higher in the air, and then flew towards the distance without looking back, while the reindeer-like spirit beast Still chasing after him.

Although Gu Zheng failed to see through the illusion as soon as possible, he is really good, because the illusion itself is a kind of all-round suppression for him, and all the things he still has now are actually due to his desire for the illusion in his heart. The ability to see through is the result of confronting the rules of the illusion! If it wasn't for his strong ability to see through illusions, this illusion he had never seen before would make him unable to wake up the moment he entered the illusion!

It is precisely because Gu Zheng still retains some of his own things, so it is only a matter of time before he sees through the illusion. This illusion cannot trap him forever, because those things he retains are like a crack on the ice. With his thinking, this crack will become bigger and bigger, and eventually the entire ice surface will be fragmented.

However, the illusion's suppression of Gu Zheng is all-round after all. Although Gu Zheng still has the ability to think, under the suppression of the illusion, his thinking ability seems to be distorted. He doesn't think about where it is, but Are you thinking about whether he has other supernatural powers? If he can think about what this place is, then as long as he has this kind of consciousness, he will soon think that this is an illusion, and the moment he thinks that this is an illusion, this illusion will be broken! Although it is the first time for Gu Zheng to experience this kind of wonderful illusion, it is still an illusion after all. As long as it is an illusion, it cannot escape the law that the person who falls into it will be broken once he wakes up.

Looking at the empty hands, Gu Zheng's thinking played a substantive role for the first time. He remembered that he had the immortal artifact of the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand.

This environment, which Gu Zheng has never experienced before, also has the characteristics of illusion born from the heart, just like the reindeer spirit beast behind Gu Zheng, it is actually imagined by Gu Zheng! At the beginning, Gu Zheng felt the danger, and instinctively he hoped to meet something that would not hurt him, so he had the reindeer spirit beast behind him, but the effect of the illusion was still there, and under its effect, he should have been docile The reindeer spirit beast launched an attack on Gu Zheng.

Gu Zheng now thought of the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, and the Qianqiu reincarnation pen immediately appeared in his hands. When he saw the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, he thought of how to use the Qianqiu reincarnation pen to deal with the reindeer spirit beast behind him.

Using 100% of his strength, Gu Zheng was like smashing the central ice monster, and the force he swung out directly smashed the reindeer spirit beast chasing him into dots of light.

Being able to think of the Qianqiu reincarnation pen and how to use the Qianqiu reincarnation pen is the biggest breakthrough that Gu Zheng has made so far in this strange illusion. His thinking ability and the characteristics of the illusion are like a tug of war. If the things in the illusion can hurt him, the things he was not suppressed by the illusion will be reduced. On the contrary, if he can think of something, the influence of the illusion on him will be weakened by a bit! This weakening cannot be underestimated. It is precisely because of this weakening that the Qianqiu Samsara Pen is still the Qianqiu Samsara Pen, otherwise it would not be surprising if it turned into a snake that could bite Gu Zheng.

After resolving the reindeer crisis, Gu Zheng did not dig out more memories following the Qianqiu reincarnation pen. He was affected by the illusion and looked around again. When he was avoiding the reindeer spirit beast just now, he was a little panicked. I didn't even think about these things.

There are tree trunks all around. Although Gu Zheng has flown very high to avoid the reindeer spirit beast, he still hasn't seen the top of the tree.

They are all huge tree trunks with colorful appearance, and there is a sense of tranquility around them. Gu Zheng once again thought of goodwill and beautiful things, which were influenced by the illusion and induced his original heart.

Thinking of goodwill and good things, the surrounding tree trunks suddenly changed, some grew vines, some bloomed flowers, some grew fungi, and some borne berries.

The illusion has induced Gu Zheng, and its next characteristic is to change these things so that it can injure or even kill Gu Zheng, just like the original reindeer spirit beast.

However, the goodwill and beauty that Gu Zheng longed for was induced, but then because of these goodwill and beauty, what Gu Zheng could think of was not controlled by the illusion, so Gu Zheng thought that these ingredients had other uses, it seemed that it was great to be able to cook s things.

This kind of thinking of Gu Zheng can be regarded as the recovery of himself, and the influence of the illusion on him has been weakened again, so the things that can threaten Gu Zheng are not particularly powerful, but those vines have become flying dragons, Flames spewed out towards Gu Zheng from all directions.

When the vines turned into flying dragons, Gu Zheng's eyes had already widened, and he had already started to dodge, waving the Qianqiu reincarnation pen.

Explosions continued to be made. These flying dragons were not big in size, and their strength was not as strong as the previous reindeer spirit beasts. Although they were numerous in number, how could they withstand the attacks launched by Gu Zheng with the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, one by one in the air? Brilliant dots of light exploded in the sky.

The role of the illusion is also limited, it is impossible for it to produce endless flying dragons in the forest, so there are only dozens of flying dragons, which are quickly solved by Gu Zheng. It was much stronger than when he first encountered the reindeer spirit beast.

Without the interference of the flying dragon, Gu Zheng continued his previous thinking. This time, the illusion was still affecting him. Unfortunately, the illusion with a weaker influence could no longer induce Gu Zheng's thoughts, so Gu Zheng's thoughts He was continuing with his original interrupted thinking, he was still thinking about the ingredients.

He is a fairy chef himself, and the ingredients are of great significance to Gu Zheng. It is precisely because this piece involves so many things in Gu Zheng that although he is thinking, there are too many things in his mind and it is too vague. If I can really think about it, it's like going for a spearfish. If there is only one fish in the water, then the target is very clear, but if there are a group of fish swimming around, and you need to target one of them, it will naturally be a bit dizzying. up. However, this situation is not too bad, because if Gu Zheng doesn't think about it, he may destroy the whole illusion if he thinks about it. After all, he has too many things related to ingredients.

Gu Zheng is thinking, but Illusion won't wait for him to figure it out. After the failure of the previous two waves of ultimate moves that failed to injure Gu Zheng, Illusion is also brewing. It is brewing a guy who can deal with Gu Zheng. .


The big tree that Gu Zheng was staring at and studying suddenly trembled, and then it turned into a treant while shaking.

The Treant is not as tall as a tree, it is only about one foot tall, and there are many twigs behind it, which look like wings.

From the tree man, Gu Zheng felt unprecedented danger, and he took the lead in attacking the tree man.

The Qianqiu reincarnation brush that was picked up sent out a huge force, which directly sent the tree man flying, so that the tree man hit three big trees in a row while flying backwards.

However, Gu Zheng's attack with all his strength did not smash the tree man into dots of light. The wing-like twigs on the back of the tree man vibrated, and countless three-foot-long sharp wooden thorns shot towards Gu Zheng like arrows. Shot it.

Gu Zheng waved the Qianqiu reincarnation pen, smashing down the wooden thorns flying towards him, and he was approaching the tree man.

Although Gu Zheng felt that the tree man was dangerous, Gu Zheng felt that he was not incapable of getting rid of the tree man, and he also had another feeling that it was urgent to solve the tree man. If he didn't get rid of the tree man as soon as possible If it is resolved, something more dangerous may appear next.

The wooden thorns seemed endless, but they couldn't stop Gu Zheng from approaching the treant. The big tree on the road fell down. Under the control of the tree man, they tried to stop Gu Zheng. However, although ordinary big trees are huge, their texture is relatively fragile. Otherwise, when Gu Zheng threw the treant directly, it would not hit three big trees in a row, so these big trees could not stop Gu Zheng.

However, big trees can't stop ancient disputes only by dumping them. They are actually a big method for tree people to deal with ancient disputes, and dumping is only the first step of this big method!

The violent energy was born from the big tree, and Gu Zheng's heart trembled. He felt that kind of violent energy, and he knew how terrifying this kind of violent energy was.

Gu Zheng has experienced many battles in his life. Among the opponents he has met, there are many who want to kill him by self-detonation. Tao is the nemesis of self-destruction.

The moment he felt the berserk energy, he knew the seriousness of the ancient dispute, and suddenly there was a flash of inspiration in his mind. He waved his hand almost subconsciously, and the power of time was used by him, causing the air to ripple. The energy that was about to explode in those big trees returned to calm.

Being able to think of the power of Tao under the suppression of the illusion is undoubtedly a very important breakthrough. Although the way of time in the ancient war only prevented the explosion of the big tree, it is no less than a serious injury to the entire illusion. As for the ripples that should have disappeared into the void, they are still reverberating, and the wooden thorns that are still in the air are also fixed in the air, including the treant who made Gu Zheng feel dangerous, and fell into a state of motionlessness. It was like being knocked out by Gu Zheng.

The illusion was severely injured and stagnated, Gu Zheng would not stand there stupidly, he immediately flew to the motionless tree man, swung the Qianqiu reincarnation pen and smashed it on the head.

The tree man's head was very hard, the Qianqiu reincarnation pen smashed it hard once, but only deformed its head, but it was followed by Gu Zheng Qianqiu's reincarnation pen for the second time.


The tree man's head exploded, and it turned into a little bit of starlight like the previous reindeer spirit beast and flying dragon.

The explosion of the tree man is tantamount to injuring the illusion. The illusion at this moment is like a seriously injured immortal cultivator. He has no ability to hurt Gu Zheng in a short time, and Gu Zheng is not idle. He is still thinking about the past. His thinking was interrupted by the appearance of the tree man, and he was still thinking about the unusual significance of those ingredients to him.

Countless vague things became clear in Gu Zheng's mind, and past events emerged one after another in Gu Zheng's mind. As these events emerged, the phantom trembled and roared until Gu Zheng remembered who is he.


The moment Gu Zheng remembered who he was, there was a thunder in the illusion, and a crack appeared in the sky.

Thinking of who it was, Gu Zheng naturally knew where he was. When he closed and opened his eyes, the magical world in front of him suddenly disappeared, and he was still in the cabin of the Soaring Boat.

There was no time for shock or joy. After Gu Zheng escaped from the illusion, the super ice monsters in the cabin also came to life. They launched sword-like attacks towards Gu Zheng. In an instant, many sword-like attacks were directed at Gu Zheng. The ancient dispute was split out.

Gu Zheng's body disappeared on the spot, and after casting teleportation, when he reappeared, he was already behind a super ice monster, and the Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand was raised and dropped, hitting the super ice monster On the head, it turned into a pile of ice cubes directly.

Without that unprecedented illusion, if it is just a super ice monster, it is nothing to fear for Gu Zheng. The Qianqiu reincarnation pen in his hand waved endlessly, hitting those super ice monsters with energy one after another. In the end, the whole cabin was calmed down, leaving only the shards of ice that were blowing cold all over the place.

Having dealt with the super ice monster, Gu Zheng now has time to recall everything he experienced in the illusion.

It has to be said that Gu Zheng was shocked in his heart. He is an expert in seeing through illusions, but he never thought that he would experience such a strange illusion before.

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