The center of the last cabin was destroyed by the son of the cold pool monk. There are doubts about this matter! Because Gu Zheng had already seen when turning back the time, the son of the cold pool monk was very familiar with the last cabin, and directly destroyed the center after entering it, but Gu Zheng didn't know why it destroyed the center!

It stands to reason that the son of the cold pool cultivator shouldn't destroy the center, what he wants is only the contents of those boxes, and opening those boxes does not need to destroy the center to do so. Moreover, it itself belonged to the Aotianzhou, and the super ice monster in the cabin of the Aotianzhou would not attack it. This was something that Gu Zheng had seen in Dong Lianruo's memory before.

Gu Zheng couldn't figure out why the son of monk Hantan destroyed the center when he was in the last cabin, but in this cabin, the center is still intact, so it is possible that the son of monk Hantan is in this cabin Somewhere, so the enemy he has to face may not only be a super ice monster that can attack illusions together, but also the son of a cold pool monk whose strength is unknown!

Anyway, in this more difficult cabin, Gu Zheng must find the center in this cabin as soon as possible! Although whether it is a super ice monster capable of combining illusions or the son of a monk in the cold pool, these are just Gu Zheng's guesses, but I am not afraid of 10,000, just in case!

The pattern on the metal wall has never been seen before. Judging from the current situation, unless it is very lucky, the possibility of finding the center must be relatively long. If it is really possible to produce super ice that can combine with illusions Monster beasts, the longer the time drags on, the more unfavorable it will be for Gu Zheng. The more super ice monsters will be produced at that time, the more powerful the illusion they will be able to produce when they attack together. The longer the time, the more dangerous it is for Gu Zheng.

"It can't be like this anymore, the traditional search method must be changed!"

Gu Zheng stopped and put his hand directly on the metal wall.

Gu Zheng has the spirit of the five elements of life in his body, among which the power of gold represented by the spirit of real gold has a very powerful effect on metals.

Due to the existence of the center, Gu Zheng's divine sense was suppressed in his body. He couldn't quickly find the center through the divine sense, but he could find the center in the metal wall through the power of gold much faster than he could judge with the naked eye! After all, the power of gold that enters the metal wall has a sense of metal. It is not too difficult to find such a strange thing as the center with the power of gold!

The method of using the power of gold to find the center is not just thought of by Gu Zheng now, but this method has some disadvantages, and it is a waste of power of gold. In addition, the previous cabins did not make Gu Zheng feel dangerous, so Gu Zheng It has never been used.

But it is different now. In order to quickly find the existence of the center, Gu Zheng has to use the power of gold, even if this disadvantage will bring him certain risks.

Using the power of gold as a sensor, Gu Zheng itself has to enter a special state, and the effect of this state on Gu Zheng is to freeze. It's just that this ancient body-holding battle can be terminated if he wants to, but if he encounters any attack when he is fixed-body, he should be more passive after all.

Gu Zheng's guess was not wrong. The son of the monk Hantan was in this cabin at the moment. His sight was not affected by the darkness like Gu Zheng's, and he could clearly see what Gu Zheng was doing.

Regarding Gu Zheng, Brother Hantan's son is undoubtedly very cautious, so he didn't launch an attack at first, but now that Gu Zheng is motionless, it feels that the time is right for him to make a move.

The belly of the monk Hantan's son bulged, and a wave of energy surged from his stomach to his fist, and it smashed that liquid energy towards Gu Zheng.

The body of the cold pool monk's son is originally in a liquid state, and the energy it emits is very fast, but it is strange and there is no fluctuation. It is almost comparable to the invisible attack launched by the super ice monster in the invisible state. .

If Gu Zheng was in a normal state, even if the energy from the cold pool monk's son had reached the point where it could rival the invisible attack of a super ice monster, he would be able to detect and dodge it in advance. However, he is in a special state after all, this powerful energy hit him directly!

However, the powerful energy didn't hit Gu Zheng's body, but hit the fairy shield on his body, so that the shield that was originally very protective was about to explode in one blow. Signs of shattering, not to mention an attack by the son of a monk in the cold pool at this time, even an attack by a super ice monster can break his celestial shield!

Gu Zheng didn't end the fixed state, he felt that he was about to sense the existence of the center, and he was racing against time.


The shield of immortal power on Gu Zheng's body was shattered, and the attack that broke his passport came from a knife-like damage from a super ice monster! However, even though the attack of the super ice monster smashed Gu Zheng's shield of immortal power, it didn't have any spare power, and it couldn't hurt Gu Zheng's body.

At this moment, there are already two super ice monsters born in the cabin. The invisible attack launched by the first one broke through the fairy power shield on the surface of Gu Zheng's body, and the invisible attack launched by the second super ice monster broke through. Attacks followed.

A bright light flashed on Gu Zheng, and the invisible attack of the second super ice monster also failed to hurt Gu Zheng.

Although Gu Zheng's body is not protected by the shield of fairy power, he still has fairy clothes without the shield of fairy power. As long as the economic strength allows, which immortal cultivator will not buy himself a fairy clothes? What's more, Gu Zheng's fairy clothes are already top-notch fairy clothes, and its protective power is even stronger than Gu Zheng's fairy power shield! However, if the shield of immortal power is gone, it can be transformed into immortal power again, but if the fairy clothes are broken, the original protective power will also be weakened until it is broken and can no longer provide protection for immortal cultivators.


Along with the bright light, there was a loud noise on Gu Zheng's body, and the son of the monk Hantan launched a second attack on Gu Zheng. This attack failed to hit Gu Zheng's body because Gu Zheng was wearing fairy clothes. In the early days of flying.

At the same time, Gu Zheng was already at the center, his body disappeared before the next invisible attack, and he came to the front of the center through teleportation.

Brother Hantan's son naturally knew what Gu Zheng was going to do when he disappeared, so he launched an attack near the center, which happened to land on Gu Zheng's body. But it is a pity that in the process of teleportation, Gu Zheng has already produced a new shield of immortal power on his body surface, and this full blow of the son of the monk Hantan only made the immortal power on his body surface The shield is in a state of being broken again.


Gu Zheng's Qianqiu reincarnation brush hit the center, and the destroyed center unexpectedly produced a wave of fluctuations.

Because the center of the cabin was destroyed, it had no effect on Gu Zheng's line of sight and divine sense, but this center, which was able to generate a wave of fluctuations after being destroyed, caused some changes in the cabin. In the cabin of the two super ice monsters, eight more super ice monsters were born in an instant!

Gu Zheng's brows have already frowned, he really doesn't want to see such a change, and the super ice monsters are indeed the kind that can launch a combined strike illusion, and they have already raised their ice skates at this moment, and then It is the launch of the joint attack illusion.

It is impossible for Gu Zheng to successfully launch the joint attack illusion of these super ice monsters. Let alone the number of them is ten, how difficult the illusion is, Gu Zheng will not be able to do it just because of the existence of the son of the monk in the cold pool. Let yourself be in a vegetative state for even a second.

Therefore, before the combined attack illusion of the super ice monster was launched, Gu Zheng activated his fairyland, and he wanted to wipe out these nasty guys!

Let the situation that Gu Zheng didn't expect appear, his fairyland failed to take in the son of monk Hantan. This is not to say that the son of monk Hantan is too powerful to be taken in by the fairyland, but It used a peculiar method never seen before in the ancient struggle, and broke free from the shackles of the fairyland at the moment when the ancient battle fairyland was about to take shape! And this kind of situation is not to forcefully break the fairyland of the ancient dispute, the fairyland of the ancient dispute is still taking shape, but the power of the fairyland is smaller than before, and there is no existence of the son of the monk Hantan.

Not being able to take the son of the cold pool monk into the fairyland, this is not perfect for Gu Zheng, but it is not bad, at least ten super ice monsters have been taken into the fairyland by him, and in his In the Immortal Realm, these super-ice monsters who are good at combining attack illusions can't activate the combining technique at all.

Dispatching the enormous energy in the Immortal Domain, Gu Zheng dealt with the ten super ice monsters as quickly as possible, and then collected the Immortal Domain and appeared in the cabin.

Gu Zheng would come out so soon, naturally he wanted to settle the son of monk Hantan, but he knew that he would have to spend a lot of time to settle the son of monk Hantan, because when he was in the fairyland, he also He was able to see what was going on in the cabin, so he knew that the son of the monk Hantan immediately spit out a ball of light after he broke free from the restraint of the fairyland. Centered light array.

Gu Zheng did not launch an attack hastily, nor did the son of the monk Hantan, they watched each other through the light array.

Although Gu Zheng was watching the son of the monk Hantan, his divine sense was already probing the light array, and the original mystery was also solved because of the divine mind's detection of the light array.

Before Gu Zheng didn't understand why the son of monk Hantan wanted to destroy the center in that cabin, but now he understands that the reason why the son of monk Hantan destroyed the center was for the current light array.

Through the time flow back, Gu Zheng saw the process of the son of the monk Hantan destroying the center. At that time, he also saw the son of the monk Hantan absorbing the special energy generated after the center was broken, but later he saw the monk's body in the cold pool. Son, he was taking ointment and fairy artifact, so he didn't take the matter of the monk's son absorbing the central energy too seriously.

Gu Zheng's attainments in the way of formation are not low, and he has seen many formations in the outside world, but the light formation arranged by the son of the monk Hantan is different from the formations in the outside world that he has seen before. There is a big difference, he still doesn't know how this formation will affect the current cabin, but he knows that once he steps into this formation, he will be trapped inside for an unknown length of time, and at that time Han Brother Tan's son, I'm afraid he has already escaped. If it's just the son of monk Hantan who escaped, that's fine, but the key is that he needs the statue of monk Hantan's son!

"What is your purpose?" Gu Zheng asked.

"What is your purpose?" asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"I need your statue!" Gu Zheng said.

"You mean the key?"

When Brother Hantan's son was speaking, a bulge emerged from its liquid-like body, which seemed to be the statue that Gu Zheng wanted.

"Yes, that's right, it's this thing." Gu Zheng said.

"I can give it to you, but I need the key in your hand!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

"I want both keys, but if all you need is the forbidden thing in this key, I can release it first!"

Gu Zheng shook the statue of the cold pool monk in his hand. Since the statue of the cold pool monk's son is sealed with something like a soul, then the seal of the cold pool monk's statue should also be something like this. right. For Gu Zheng, what he wants most now is the statue. As for the soul sealed in the statue, he has no interest at all.

"Why do you need a key?"

Brother Hantan's son seemed very moved by Gu Zheng's proposal, but he didn't agree directly, but asked Gu Zheng why.

"To do a mission!" Gu Zheng said.

"What task?" the son of the monk Hantan asked again.

"You don't need to know the details, you just need to know that someone told me to take these two statues back!"

Although Brother Hantan's son looks the same as the one inside the volcanic space, Gu Zheng has now confirmed that the two guys did have a little relationship before. Speaking of the impact, it would give him a headache.

"Okay! If you release the soul in the key, I can promise to give you both keys, but there is one condition!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

"What premise?" Gu Zheng asked.

"I need you to give that soul some blood, and then use these two keys to open the next hatch!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

Gu Zheng's line of sight in the cabin is no longer affected, and their current location is not far from the next cabin door. Gu Zheng has already seen the existence of two keyholes on the next cabin door. He had already seen on the keyhole that the two keys needed to open the hatch were the ones held by him and the son of Brother Hantan.

"I can agree to open the hatch with a key, but I won't give any blood!"

Not to mention how weird these things in the outside world are, the witchcraft in the prehistoric world alone is very powerful, and in witchcraft, there are many ways to use blood essence to make a fuss. It is impossible for Gu Zheng to let the blood essence fall on others hands.

"It's okay if you don't give me blood, but you must swear that you can't shoot the soul you released! And before I and the soul released by you enter the next cabin, we will not do anything to hurt us , At the same time, I can also guarantee that if we don’t do anything that is not good for you, how about we get what we need?” asked the son of the monk Hantan.

"Okay, as long as you keep your word, I will not violate our agreement. If you violate this agreement, he will die ten times in the heart demon calamity!"

Gu Zheng made an oath, but he didn't let the son of the cold pool monk swear. For this kind of outside world, swearing is not necessarily effective. Anyway, for Gu Zheng, this oath is also based on the premise he said Next, if Brother Hantan's son's words don't count, then his breach of the oath will not have any impact. If Brother Hantan's son's words mean what he says, then it should be regarded as an agreement.

Hearing that Gu Zheng had made an oath, Brother Hantan's son nodded: "Then you release that soul first! When that soul comes out, you protect yourself first, it doesn't have the strength to do anything to you, I need a little time to talk to it."

Gu Zheng also nodded, and then sent the immortal power into the statue of the monk in the cold pool, and soon lifted the restriction inside the statue.

After the restriction inside the statue was lifted, the spirit body immediately flew out of it, and the moment it saw a living person, it would wrap itself around Gu Zheng's body.

Gu Zheng was not the same Dong Lianruo back then, his body just shook, and with a shock of immortal power, the spirit body was sent flying.

"call out!"

A whistling sound with a strange tone came from the mouth of the monk's son in Hantan. The spirit body that was about to pounce on Gu Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately flew towards the light array.

When the spirit body came to the cold pool monk's son, the cold pool monk's son also threw the statue that belonged to it to Gu Zheng as promised.

"When will you be able to move? I won't wait too long!"

Finally got the two statues that can complete the task, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel excited, but he still won't leave Aotianzhou, not to mention the agreement with the monk's son in Hantan, he didn't enter the treasure land empty-handed And back to the truth.

"If you are willing to give a little blood essence, it will soon have the ability to act, and we can quickly complete the agreement, but you are not willing to give blood essence, and there is nothing here that can give it energy. If you want it to The ability to act will take at least a month!" said the son of the monk Hantan.

"One month is too long, I don't have the patience to wait any longer. Although I don't know how to give blood essence, but since you need to absorb blood essence and immortal power to recover, then other things should be able to replace it!"

Gu Zheng waved his hand, and some elixir and inner alchemy appeared in his hand.

"Your things can be used, but the spirit body can't directly dissipate the energy, and the process of dissipating energy requires my help. I need two days!" said the son of the monk Hantan.


Gu Zheng threw the elixir and inner alchemy towards the light formation, and the son of the monk Hantan waved his hand, and the light on the light formation turned into a big hand, bringing the elixir and inner alchemy that flew past into the formation.

The son of the monk in the cold pool sprayed a mouthful of ice mist towards the elixir and the inner alchemy. The ice mist seemed to have a corrosive effect. The elixir and the inner alchemy had liquid bubbles. After those bubbles were broken, they became The mist was absorbed by the spirit body on the side. However, the speed at which the ice mist dissolves the elixir and inner alchemy is really slow. Judging from the current situation, it really takes two days.

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