After reading Cao Mengqi's memory, Gu Zheng felt that his original idea should be wrong! After all, the statues of the father and son of the cold pool monks are carved out of metal from the outside world, and there is something sealed inside that can emit mysterious fluctuations, and the statue is the key to the cabin door of the Soaring Boat. Zheng felt that the monks and masters in the cold pool were not from the prehistoric world, they should have come from Aotianzhou! Otherwise, it would be impossible for them to use metals from the outside world to create a key that can open the hatch of the Soaring Boat. Even Gu Zheng does not have this technology.

In addition, there is another point that can prove that the father and son of the monk Hantan are from Aotianzhou! If they didn't come from Aotianzhou, why did the super ice monster ignore Dong Lianruo after the energy body that became the son of the monk Han Tian absorbed Dong Lianruo's blood essence and cultivation? There is only one possibility, that is, they have already regarded Dong Lianruo as one of their own! If Dong Lian can be regarded as one of her own, then that energy body must have belonged to Soaring Boat! As for what this thing is, Gu Zheng feels that it should be something like the 'soul' of the son of the monk Hantan.

What Dong Lianruo saw in his memory enriched Gu Zheng's original guess. He concluded that the father and son of the monk Hantan not only came from the Soaring Boat, but they should also be in this Soaring Boat. It plays a very important role, and the situation inside Aotianzhou should be more complicated.

Gu Zheng didn't know much about this Soaring Skyboat, but there were two things that he thought he couldn't guess wrong. There should be something similar to the chance of becoming a saint in Soaring Skyboat. There is a behind-the-scenes manipulator who can create ice monsters, and this manipulator behind the scenes, according to Gu Zheng's understanding, should not have any consciousness. Its existence is to protect that thing that is similar to the chance of sanctification!

Gu Zheng has such speculations about the mastermind behind the scenes. In addition to the fact that the mastermind behind the scenes has never made an exception against him, there is another reason because his understanding of the ice monster gave him this feeling!

The feeling that Gu Zheng gave birth to because of his understanding of the ice monster, let’s not talk about its accuracy, let’s talk about the unexceptional targeting of the black hands behind the scenes. It is indeed like this. The beast tide that Gu Zheng has seen is completely According to the rules he already knew before, the specifications corresponding to his cultivation base! If the black hand behind the scenes is really conscious, even if it is like the spirit in the fairy-level space fairy, I am afraid that he has already taken special care of Gu Zheng, let alone that it does not have that ability, whether it has the ability or not , Gu Zheng has no doubts.

With the speculation about the mastermind behind the scenes and the chance, Gu Zheng also had further speculation about the father and son of the monk Hantan!

From Gu Zheng's point of view, after this Soaring Boat was taken into the prehistoric waters by the Dao of Heaven, there must have been some internal conflicts. In this conflict, the loser was the Hantan monk and his son, that's why they appeared Things like building caves in the prehistoric and snow-falling ice fields.

The Aotianzhou must have a strong attraction for the father and son of the cold pool monks, so the father and son of the Hantan monks have always wanted to return to the Aotianzhou. As for the statues they left in the cave, they should be the ones they wanted A backhand for a comeback.

The story of the father and son of the monk Hantan should have been quoted by the original owner of the fairy artifact in the fairy-level space. He used the image of the father and son of the monk Hantan to design the test inside the volcano space. In fact, in the space inside the volcano, the ancient The Hantan monk father and son Zheng saw should not have any direct relationship with the real Hantan monk father and son.

Every test in the Super Space Immortal Artifact has its corresponding rewards. The rewards vary according to the difficulty of the test. In any case, the test of finding the statue of the father and son of the cold pool monk is not difficult. Even if it is said that he is the most difficult test that Gu Zheng encountered in so many space worlds of fairy-level space fairy artifacts! Not to mention the hardships that Gu Zheng experienced before entering the Aotianzhou, but the ten-year trial period of this task has already explained everything.

Moreover, this task is not a separate task of Gu Zheng, because the secrets in the Luoxue Ice Field may be discovered at any time, and Gu Zheng almost started from zero clues! Even guessing here, Gu Zheng couldn't help but be afraid, he came at a very coincidental time, if he came at an unlucky time, what if he really had the great power in the prehistoric world and took away the opportunity that belonged to Ao Tianzhou? ? This is equivalent to taking away his test rewards! However, taking away the test rewards is still the second thing. What if the Da Neng also got the statue of the father and son of the monk Hantan and destroyed the two statues? Gu Zheng may not even be able to complete the test.

Everything is just Gu Zheng's speculation, and there are still some mysteries that Gu Zheng can't figure out. For example, when Cao Mengqi and Dong Lianruo first discovered the cave, the cave had obviously never been opened, but apart from the statue of the monk Hantan and his son inside, In addition, there is no corpse of the father and son of the monk Hantan, which itself is a big mystery.

Shaking his head, Gu Zheng didn't think about it anymore, he hasn't seen the things that should be seen in Ao Tian Zhou, maybe when he sees those things, everything can have an answer.

Gu Zheng opened the hatch, and to open this hatch, what is needed is the statue of monk Hantan.

Before taking out the statue of the monk in the cold pool, Gu Zheng searched the cabin again with his divine sense. After all, even he didn't know whether the 'soul' of the monk Hantan's son had entered the next cabin or was still hiding in this cabin.

Spiritual Mind quickly completed the exploration of the cabin, and found no unusual ancient conflicts, took out the statue of the monk in the cold pool, and inserted it into the keyhole on the cabin door.

The hatch opened slowly, and the key had been thrown into Gu Zheng's hands the moment the hatch was opened.

Gu Zheng entered the next cabin, which was similar to the cabins he experienced before, in that the divine thoughts were trapped in the body and could not be released without destroying the center on the metal wall.

By observing the pattern on the metal wall, Gu Zheng was pleasantly surprised to find that the pattern on the metal wall of this cabin is exactly the same as that of the previous cabin, which means that he can find the center on the metal wall faster by following the vine.

Although Gu Zheng quickly found the vine that can produce melons, but the ice monsters were born very fast, and invisible attacks have already landed on Gu Zheng's fairy shield, which is still the kind that looks like a blade. like a blow.

However, Gu Zheng was about to find the melon. It was impossible for him to smash the center of the metal wall until the shield of immortal power was broken by invisible attacks like in the previous space.

The center has been found, and the invisible attack that Gu Zheng encountered before was only four times! Moreover, the power of these invisible attacks is not as powerful as that in the previous cabin, which is a relatively unusual detail! After all, according to the usual practice, the deeper you go into the Soaring Boat, the more powerful the super ice monster you encounter should be. There is no reason for the attack of the super ice monster in this cabin to become weaker!

The Qianqiu reincarnation pen directly shattered the center on the metal wall, and Gu Zheng's divine sense was finally able to detect a farther range, and his brows quickly frowned.

The reason why Gu Zheng frowned was that he had discovered the invisible super ice monsters, they were still humanoid and held knives like the ones in the previous cabin. However, what Gu Zheng didn't expect was that there were only two humanoid super ice monsters, that is to say, the four invisible attacks that Gu Zheng encountered before were all sent by these two guys! Moreover, the aura in the eyes of these two super ice monsters is considered to be the strongest among the tens of thousands of ice monsters that Gu Zheng has seen. When looking at their eyes, Gu Zheng seems to be looking at humans. Feel.

The two human-shaped super ice monsters are very close. When Gu Zheng discovered them, they seemed to have known that they were discovered by Gu Zheng. They stopped using their knives to chop Gu Zheng, and even slashed at each other. .

The close-range split caused the two skates to collide. What Gu Zheng didn't expect was that the collision of the two skates produced an extremely dazzling light.

When his vision returned to normal, Gu Zheng found that the two super ice monsters that he had attacked were no longer there, but the whole Soaring Boat was trembling, and a sense of panic came from the cabin.

Gu Zheng's eyes narrowed. He saw that the metal wall of the cabin had come alive. The pattern on the metal wall had turned into snake-like things. Rolling down, it became bigger and bigger like a snowball, as if it was going to become a giant.

In just a few breaths, it seemed that a huge monster composed of countless snakes stood up. It had a human-like body and a huge snake head, and it sprayed out a stream of metal powder-like things towards Gu Zheng. .

Gu Zheng didn't move, but just before the metal powder was about to touch his body, he closed and opened his eyes, and the whole world was clean.

Without the vibration of Soaring Sky Boat, there is no aura of panic, and there is no such a huge monster with a snake head, everything is just an illusion.

"Play illusion with me? Don't you know that I am an expert in seeing through illusions?"

Gu Zheng smiled slightly, and his eyes turned to appreciation: "However, this cabin is quite interesting. If I didn't destroy the center soon, I'm afraid the illusion is not of this level!"

Gu Zheng's understanding of the ice monster is deepening, and his understanding of the interior of Aotianzhou is also deepening. It is precisely because he has been in contact with several centers that he has seen some strange things from the one that was broken before. The same thing, but those different things were interpreted by him to be that the super ice monsters that can be produced in this cabin are good at combined attacks!

The skill of combined attack often means that the more individuals participating in the combined attack, the greater the power of the combined attack. Since the so-called combined attack here is an illusion, the reason is naturally the same! But it is a pity that it took a relatively short time for Gu Zheng to destroy the center, and only two individuals who were able to participate in the joint attack were born, so there was that illusion that Gu Zheng could easily see through.

Without staying in this cabin, Gu Zheng walked towards the hatch, and the next hatch didn't need any key, it would open automatically when Gu Zheng approached.

Entering the new cabin, Gu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but widen. This cabin is completely different from those cabins he has experienced before. It is not dark at all, it is as bright as daytime, and there is no center that can suppress divine thoughts. Nian's exploration here is unimpeded. Moreover, this place is not as empty as the rest of the cabins. There are many metal boxes here, but some of the metal boxes are open, and there is nothing inside.

Gu Zheng was not in a hurry to see what was in those unopened metal boxes. His divine sense had not yet completed the exploration of this space, and he had already entered this space anyway. It is not too late to act.

Through the exploration of divine sense, Gu Zheng discovered something. There was a restriction here, and the super ice monsters that can be produced here should be more powerful than those in the previous cabins. It's just that the East XZ, which is similar to the center, is in a metal box, and it has been destroyed, so there is this kind of light that Gu Zheng saw and the non-repression of divine thoughts.

There is indeed no danger here. Gu Zheng walked towards a metal box. He had already figured out the restrictions on the metal box when he used his divine sense to investigate before, but it would be easier to open the restrictions with immortal power, otherwise When he discovered the restriction before, Gu Zheng had already opened it with his divine sense.

It's not that Ao Tianzhou has never been to the internal ancient battles, so he is not very unfamiliar with this kind of metal boxes. In his opinion, these metal boxes are treasure boxes, and they must be used to store various resources.

The pure celestial power shot out from Gu Zheng's fingertips, and after it landed on the restraint of the metal box, a light array suddenly appeared, and it was the appearance of the restraint.

Gu Zheng quickly broke the restriction, and after the light array in the air collapsed, the heavy metal box opened in response.

The metal box opened by Gu Zheng contained some unknown ores. Gu Zheng stretched out his hand and put the whole metal box into the storage fairy.

For Gu Zheng, things in the outside world are rare goods. Although he doesn't know the purpose of these ores, he can study them slowly when he has time.

The second metal box was also opened by Gu Zheng, and the ore was also placed inside, so it was naturally collected by Gu Zheng into the storage fairy.

In addition to the metal boxes that have been opened, there are thirty-eight metal boxes in this cabin, and among the thirty-eight metal boxes, thirty-five are filled with ore. As for the remaining three Inside the metal box, one contained something similar to an ointment, the other contained some standard fairy artifacts belonging to the outside world, and the third contained medicinal materials from the outside world.

Among the thirty-eight metal boxes, Gu Zheng did not leave one, and all of them were stored in his storage artifact. As for those boxes that were opened, Gu Zheng has already judged from the remaining breath in them that what was originally stored in them should be Ointments and ecstasy and stuff like that.

Gu Zheng didn't want to use such a powerful force as the power of Tao, especially in this possibly very dangerous Aotianzhou. But at this moment, Gu Zheng couldn't help using it again. He activated the Way of Time against the empty metal box.

From Gu Zheng's point of view, the contents in the metal box should have been taken away by the 'soul' of the monk's son in the cold pool. Gu Zheng is really curious about what a spirit body needs those things for. Moreover, it didn't take too long for the things to be taken away. Even if the time was reversed through the way of time, it would not waste much of Gu Zheng's power, so he wanted to see it even more.

Time flowed backwards in a small area under Gu Zheng's control, and Gu Zheng soon saw the 'soul' of the monk's son in Hantan. However, the son of monk Hantan who was seen by Gu Zheng should no longer be called a "soul". It looks almost the same.

Inside the metal box affected by Gu Zheng's way of time, what was originally stored was the ointment from the outside world. Although Gu Zheng had never touched this ointment before, it can be judged from the breath left in the metal box. This kind of ointment from the outside world should be for external use. However, after the son of the monk Hantan got the ointment in the metal box, he actually ate the ointment like steamed buns!

The way of time allows time to turn back. Gu Zheng can not only see the scene at that time, but also feel the changes in the aura within the range of time back, so he found that after the son of the monk Hantan took those ointments, his own icy breath Soared some.

He did not launch the Way of Time on the rest of the metal boxes. Anyway, Gu Zheng has confirmed through the time reversal just now that the son of the monk Hantan wants the things in these metal boxes to improve his own strength. As long as he understands it What to do, there is no need to look at it one by one.

Gu Zheng walked towards the hatch, which is still a hatch that does not require a key.

The hatch opened as Gu Zheng approached, and the world behind the door was dark. When Gu Zheng stepped into that darkness, he found that the previous light was a blessing to him, and now everything is back to where it should have been. Sometimes, the divine sense is still suppressed in the body, and he still needs to find the center on the metal wall as soon as possible.

Gu Zheng, who was close to the metal wall, frowned. He found that the pattern on the metal wall was very unique, completely different from the cabins he had experienced before, and he could no longer find the center by following the clues.

In the last cabin where the center needs to be destroyed, what Gu Zheng experienced was a super ice monster capable of launching combined attack illusions, so in this cabin, Gu Zheng feels that it is very likely that he will encounter this kind of super ice monster again .

If it is an ordinary super ice monster, Gu Zheng is not afraid of it. If it is an ordinary combined attack super ice monster, Gu Zheng is also not afraid, but if it is a super ice monster that can attack illusions, then Gu Zheng You have to be careful!

Although Gu Zheng is an expert at seeing through illusions, when a person falls into an illusion, his body loses consciousness. A body without consciousness is no different from fish and meat at the mercy of others! More importantly, there is likely to be the son of the cold pool monk in this cabin. You must know that in the last cabin, because the center was destroyed, there was a bright look there, and the existence of destroying the center is The son of the monk Hantan!

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