The two catastrophes of the lava skulls mentioned by Gu Zheng, one is that their bones become like red-hot iron pillars, Gu Zheng passed the test of lava frogs and restored them to normal, and the other is that they fainted, Gu Zheng is completed The test of the lava mirage dragon, the two tests made the strength of the lava skeleton stronger, but to what extent, Gu Zheng himself has no way of knowing, after all, he did not attack the lava skeleton, he just wanted to wait for the lava skeleton He was pleasantly surprised by the strength he displayed in the face of his enemies.

"If there is a catastrophe corresponding to me, the master must be cautious, it is too dangerous,"

"Don't worry, I will judge for myself."

Gu Zheng interrupted the words of the Lava Warhorse, and didn't let it continue, because Gu Zheng knew what it wanted to say, and it was afraid that Gu Zheng would take too much risk for it.

Before Gu Zheng and the others had gone too far, new troubles appeared. Fire trees that seemed to be formed from magma grew out of the magma lakes on both sides.

Seeing the appearance of strange trees, Lava Skull immediately put into battle, Gu Zheng did not move, and he also wanted to see if Lava Skull could win against these strange trees.

There are a total of six lava fire trees, three on each side of the magma lake on both sides of the channel. These lava fire trees are not so thick or tall, but Gu Zheng can feel that they are already among the little monsters he met before. It is relatively powerful. Moreover, they grow in the magma lake. If the lava skeletons did not suffer from the two catastrophes before, it would be impossible for them to deal with strange trees alone, because even those skeletons in the lava skeletons that can throw axes cannot It is impossible to throw an ax on a lava fire tree that far away.

The formation formed by the lava skeletons is still a combined attack technique, but after two catastrophes, their combined attack technique is obviously different from the previous one. A golden ray was shot from each of their golden armors. These rays After being connected in series, a mysterious light array is formed, and the appearance of the light array improves the overall momentum of the lava skull.

Gu Zheng didn't make a move, but just nodded secretly. He could already tell from the aura exuded by the lava skeletons now that the lava fire tree is not the opponent of the lava skeletons.

The six lava fire trees took the lead in attacking the lava skeletons. Their branches shook, and one after another, the ridiculously red magma flew towards the lava skeletons.

The sword-holding lava skeletons still play a protective role this time. They have already inserted the long swords in their hands on the ground, and pressed their hands on the hilts of the long swords, allowing a transparent eggshell-like barrier to cover them all. in it.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

There was a drum-like sound, and the magma that hit the barrier didn't get in contact with the barrier for too long at all, because it was bounced to the ground beside it with just a touch, and it couldn't cause continuous damage to the barrier at all. This kind of barrier with strong defensive performance was naturally unable to be used by the lava skeletons before.

The lava skeletons outside the circle are responsible for protection, and the lava skeletons holding axes inside the circle are responsible for attacking. I saw that the axes in their hands have been surrounded by flames. This is an attack method that they did not have before, and these surrounded by flames Axes, the attack power is undoubtedly more powerful.

The lava skeletons threw the burning flames in their hands towards the lava fire tree in the magma lake, and the axes they threw from inside the barrier passed through the barrier as if passing through the air, without any impact on the barrier at all. , This undoubtedly once again confirms the strength of their current protective barrier.

In the face of the ax thrown by the lava skeleton, although the lava fire tree cannot move, it can defend with the waving branches. However, the branches swayed by the lava fire tree can't fly the ax every time, and some axes can also cut them, which makes the magma lake have axes that are blown away, and branches that are cut down by the axe.

The branches of lava fire trees will not regenerate after they are broken, but the axes in the hands of lava skeletons are different. The skeleton's ax fell.

The battle was fierce, with magma flying, axes flying around, and branches falling, but the fighting didn't last long, just half a cup of tea, and the six lava fire trees in the magma lake on both sides of the passage had all been chopped down I noticed that the scene that originally had various voices also fell into silence.

The sword-holding lava skeleton pulled out the long sword stuck in the ground. After the barrier that originally protected them disappeared, the light array also disappeared, and they returned to Gu Zheng's side again, listing a pair of people who were ready to step on the ground at any time. The formation of the journey.

Now that the lava skeletons have listed the formations that are ready to embark on the journey at any time, it means that they have not been consumed in the previous battle, and there is no need to rest at all, and the ancient war once again urged the lava warriors to go on the road.

Along the way, Gu Zheng and the others experienced several waves of monsters, all of which were the kind they had never seen before. However, the strength of the lava skeleton has indeed improved a lot. None of the monsters encountered in the ancient disputes were shot, and they were all settled by the lava skeletons. Therefore, Gu Zheng saw many methods that he had not seen on the lava skeleton before. .

It was not different from what Gu Zheng had imagined before. When the day was about to end, Gu Zheng was finally very close to the highest volcano.

Along the way, Gu Zheng has known for a long time that this highest volcano is tall and big, but when he really stood at the foot of this volcano, Gu Zheng really felt his own insignificance.

Before the ancient struggle could stop, he found a way to climb the volcano. A muffled sound came from the magma lake beside him. It was a monster jumping out of the magma lake, and the magma with it was like a fountain. .

There was only one monster that appeared this time, and it was also a new product that Gu Zheng and the others had never seen before.

The appearance of the monster is very similar to a puffer fish, but its size is very huge, it looks like a house, and its body is red, as if magma will drip from it at any time.

After Gu Zheng saw the lava mirage dragon on the road again, the monsters he saw were obviously different from the previous lava monsters. The bodies of these monsters seemed to be made entirely of magma.

Although he hasn't fought against the magma puffer fish yet, Gu Zheng can tell from the aura he exudes that this guy might not be able to deal with the lava skull alone, and it's time for him to make a move.

However, the lava skeletons are not under the control of Gu Zheng. They have already set up a battle after seeing the appearance of the magma puffer fish, and they are still so fearless.


The monster still attacked first, and the magma puffer fish in the air made a sound like spitting, but what it spit out was not saliva, but magma. Moreover, the amount of magma spit out by the magma pufferfish must have far exceeded its volume, because the falling magma simply looks like it won't stop, let alone Gu Zheng and the others, it seems to be It's like submerging the entire channel in the magma lake.

With a thought in Gu Zheng's mind, the lava horse immediately turned around and ran backwards, while he jumped up from the lava horse. The magma was nothing to him, and it shouldn't be able to hurt the lava skeleton, but it was relatively weak in defense The lava horse is a great threat, so Gu Zheng asked the lava horse to step aside first.

Although the lava skeletons couldn't communicate with Gu Zheng, they were not stupid. They originally assumed an attacking posture, but when they saw that the magma spouted by the magma pufferfish was endless, their original attacking posture quickly changed to a defensive posture.

Gu Zheng didn't move, it seemed to be brewing quietly, and the magma that fell on the ground was like a raging tide, rolling towards the lava skeletons who were standing closer.

The lava skeletons have already set up a defensive posture, and the sword-holding lava skeletons will insert their long swords into the ground to form a barrier to protect them all.

The impact of the magma tide did not shake the protective barrier of the lava skeletons, but since it can be called a raging tide, the wave head is naturally high, which makes the protective barrier of the lava skeletons, which is not short, instantly swallowed up.

It was too late and then too soon, after the magma raging flooded the protective barriers of the lava skeletons, it had already arrived in front of Gu Zheng. The wave that seemed to be photographed from a high place made Gu Zheng's body look so small .

However, the raging tide of magma did not hit Gu Zheng's body, as if they had encountered the effect of time, they were incredible and exquisite at first, and then began to go backwards.

The magma tide will have such a vision, it is not really affected by the way of time, it is only controlled by the ancient magic power.

In the special space with the photo of the Fire Demon King's divine sense, the key to Gu Zheng's ability to complete the test of "Near Death" is that he had a deeper understanding of magma and awakened himself while surrounded by magma. Supernatural powers for magma manipulation.

The supernatural ability to manipulate magma is very powerful. For those magma monsters encountered before, Gu Zheng just watched the performance of the lava skeletons and did not take action, but if he did it, those magma monsters would die very quickly.

Gu Zheng didn't make a move just now, and he seemed to be brewing something, but in fact he was sensing the magma spit out by the magma puffer fish. This kind of magma is not natural magma, so it is more troublesome to manipulate than the natural magma in the magma lake Some.

With the understanding of the magma spit out by the magma puffer fish, Gu Zheng used his magical powers to counter-control the magma. Now the magma spit out by the magma puffer fish has been counter-controlled by him, so it will roll back.

The speed of the magma rewinding is very fast. The shocked magma pufferfish naturally does not understand why the magma it ejects is uncontrollable, but it is not completely stupid. Since it is useless, it will no longer spit out magma. It wants to To see what these uncontrolled magmas are trying to do.

He didn't keep the magma pufferfish waiting for a long time, the magma not only rewinds quickly, but also transforms quickly, and the process from rewinding to completing the transformation is actually only two breaths of time.

The magma that rolled back has turned into a huge lava flying fish, its volume is larger than the body of the magma puffer fish, and it hit the magma puffer fish in the air.

Gu Zheng never thought that this trick would be able to take down the magma puffer fish, he just wanted to see how the magma puffer fish could crack this trick, because the power of this trick is relatively powerful, it is the same as the one launched by Gu Zheng itself. 'Fire Dragon Art' is somewhat similar, both of which can be counted as big moves.


Facing the huge lava flying fish, the magma pufferfish in the air let out an excited cry. Its mouth grew very big, but this time it no longer spit out magma, but inhaled.

The lava flying fish, which was still aggressively flying towards the magma pufferfish, lost half of its aura in an instant, and the closer it got to the magma pufferfish along the suction, the less aura it had.

Although the Lava Flying Fish is similar to the "Fire Dragon Art" launched in the ancient Zheng body, it can be regarded as a big move, but it is not a real "Fire Dragon Art", because the real "Fire Dragon Art" has the characteristics of self-help combat, And it didn't. If it is a real fire dragon, it will definitely not fly forward against the suction force in this situation, but the lava flying fish is a posture of attacking and will not retreat, even if it is a dead end, it will not repent, who will let Gu Zheng dominate In its mind, there are no such complicated changes!

In the process of flying towards the magma puffer fish, the lava flying fish became smaller not only its strength, but also its body. It was originally bigger than the magma puffer fish, but in the process of flying towards the magma puffer fish, its size has changed. Becomes smaller than the Lava Pufferfish, and is eventually swallowed by the Lava Pufferfish.

The process of the magma pufferfish swallowing the lava flying fish was actually very short. After it swallowed the lava flying fish, its body really became bigger like an angry puffer fish.

Gu Zheng feels very strange. The monster he transformed with magma magical powers is no longer a pure magma monster, but a lava monster, but this pure magma pufferfish can swallow this monster, which makes Gu Zheng wonder. This feeling, devouring should be the greatest supernatural power of lava puffer fish.

Gu Zheng didn't take any action during the process of the lava flying fish being swallowed. Apart from having ideas in his mind, he was still using magma supernatural powers to sense how to use the magma that makes up the magma pufferfish.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The sound of breaking wind sounded, although Gu Zheng hadn't made a move, but the lava skeletons had already made a move, they were still so uncontrollable, and still so fearless.

The lava skeleton threw an ax at the magma pufferfish. Although they were fearless, they were not completely stupid. They knew that the magma pufferfish was very powerful, so a shot was their most powerful attack method.

The ax thrown by the lava skeleton turned red. This color not only resembled the explosive bones that Gu Zheng encountered in the battlefield space, but also had the same effect.


As if feeling the threat from the exploding axe, the magma puffer fish opened its mouth and sprayed out the lava flying fish that it swallowed just now.

The lava flying fish was not big when it was first ejected by the magma puffer fish, but when it touched the explosive axe, its body was already big enough to completely block the magma puffer fish. Moreover, the supernatural powers of the magma puffer fish seem to be the exact opposite of Gu Zheng's supernatural powers in some respects. Gu Zheng can transform magma into lava monsters, while magma puffer fish can swallow the lava monsters transformed by him, and then transform them into lava monsters. Magma monster.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Explosions sounded one after another in the air. Although an exploding ax could not blow up the huge magma flying fish, the explosion of several axes in succession finally disintegrated the magma flying fish.

The magma rain fell from the sky with the disintegration of the magma flying fish, and the level of horror was like a disaster.

Gu Zheng stretched out his hand, and the magma rain that was about to fall stopped in the air, and they were used by Gu Zheng again.

Although the magma rain is transformed from the lava flying fish of Guzheng after passing through the belly of the magma pufferfish, Guzheng has been familiar with the characteristics of the magma ejected by the magma pufferfish before, and now he is familiar with the characteristics of the magma pufferfish itself. When you are familiar with these magma rains, you don't need to spend any more time, you can understand them with a single thought.

The magma rain just paused in the air, and immediately began to transform under the influence of Gu Zheng's supernatural power. This time, they turned into thousands of lava spears. Gu Zheng didn't believe that there were so many lava spears, and the magma pufferfish could swallow them middle.

The originally curious magma puffer fish had already fled when it saw the formation of the lava spear. It was unable to activate the second devouring power in a short time, and had no choice but to escape.

To say that the magma puffer fish is really strange, when it flings its tail, the air is also blown, and those lava spears that originally wanted to catch up with it were immediately slowed down.

Like a dragon entering the sea, the lava puffer fish, who seemed to have understood that it was not an ancient competitor, plunged from a high altitude towards the magma lake below.


Gu Zheng sneered in his heart, he didn't intend to let the magma puffer escape, so don't even think about the magma puffer in this environment.

With a thought, Gu Zheng activated the magma power again, and the magma lake facing the head of the lava puffer quickly began to solidify. The speed of solidification was so fast that the magma puffer changed its position in the air, but still did not Escape the fate of a hard landing.

However, it was precisely because the magma puffer fish changed its position in the air, so its speed of descent was also slowed down, and it did not suffer any serious damage from a hard landing. However, it failed to return to the magma lake, which in itself was a very fatal thing, because those lava spears that had been slowed down before, but had the meaning of immortality to it, began to stab it one by one at this moment. Body.

Naturally, the magma pufferfish was unwilling to lie still and wait for its death. It began to inhale again. It wanted to suck all the lava spears it could suck into its mouth, and it wanted to reduce the damage these lava spears would do to its body. However, the idea is beautiful, but the display is cruel. Gu Zheng, who already knows the magma that makes up its body, immediately activated the magma magic power on it, which made the lava pufferfish, which was inhaling, as if it was suddenly pinched by someone As if the throat was closed, the inhalation naturally stopped abruptly.

There were a lot of lava spears, and they pierced the body of the magma puffer fish one by one. Moreover, not only there are lava spears, but also lava skeletons also throw out explosive axes. Their intelligence is not high enough, so they don't even know that their current actions are likely to blow up the land carrying the body of the magma puffer, causing the magma puffer to return to the magma lake.

Gu Zheng didn't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain, he could only spend more effort to make the huge body of the magma puffer float up, so that the explosion resounded in the air.

Faced with successive attacks from lava spears and explosive axes, the huge body of the magma puffer finally turned into a shower of magma.

"These magma monsters killed today are really boring."

Looking at the magma rain falling into the magma lake, Gu Zheng sighed in his heart. The monsters he met today were all magma monsters, and these monsters were different from the lava monsters he encountered before. He was not left with materials that he could use like ashes.

It was already at the foot of the volcano, and after killing the magma puffer fish, the ancient dispute did not welcome any new monsters to hinder it. However, although there is no obstruction from monsters, a new problem is also placed in front of Gu Zheng, and this problem makes Gu Zheng helpless, because there are no air restrictions on the volcano!

For something like a volcano, the first choice to enter it must be the crater on the top of the mountain, but the existence of the air ban made Gu Zheng lose the possibility of climbing to the crater.

"Are you asking me to dig through the mountain?"

Gu Zheng can't help but feel his head is big. Although the volcanic mountain is not unshakable, it is also very strong, and it has been hit so hard that Gu Zheng has long felt that he is very small. If he wants to dig through the mountain and enter the interior, God knows it will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

"Master, I know how to enter the volcano!"

Just when Gu Zheng was at a loss, the Lava Warhorse suddenly sent a message from his mind.

"Oh? You know?"

The ancient battle had already lit up, and he remembered that the lava horse could see things he couldn't see.

"There is actually a door in this place, but this door is deeper and looks like two feet."

The lava warhorse came to a part of the volcanic mountain, and pushed its head towards the mountain, pointing out the location for Gu Zheng.

"If it's only two feet deep, it won't take too much trouble to dig it out."

Gu Zheng smiled, and the long sword in his hand began to chop towards the mountain.

Although it doesn't take much to dig it out, Gu Zheng always feels that a door is hidden in the mountain, so this must be unusual. I don't know if it will cause a volcanic eruption when the mountain is excavated extensively.

Although the mountain was hard, he soon dug to a depth of two feet under the slashing, and indeed saw the door mentioned by the lava horse, and there was no volcanic eruption in the process. Kind of trouble.

Although the door was seen, Gu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little headache. The door is protected by the power of law, which is indestructible, and the only way to open this door is the normal way of passage, and the so-called normal The way to do this naturally requires a 'key'. However, the 'key' needed to open the stone gate is naturally not the long key that is common in the prehistoric, because its 'lock' is different from that of the prehistoric.

The lock on the stone gate is in the shape of a fish head. This kind of ancient war has never been seen before. Its wide open mouth is full of sharp teeth, and the position of the fish head is in the middle of the two stone gates. It serves as a The role of the lock.

Although Gu Zheng saw such a lock for the first time, he knew that the so-called key must be something that could be put in Yutou's mouth, but he didn't know what it was.

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