Opportunity and danger have always been associated. Gu Zheng has already heard from the words of the lava mirage dragon that this originally hidden place of chance may be very dangerous, but Gu Zheng is not afraid of it, since he accepted it. After meeting the conditions of the Lava Mirage Dragon, he had no choice whether to enter the Land of Opportunities, because without entering the Land of Opportunities, he couldn't even leave the battlefield space.

After collecting thirty-six sets of armor and dragon balls, Gu Zheng has been guided, so he knows where the land of chance is, and he is rushing towards the land of chance.

The so-called place of opportunity is also the underground space where Yin Hanli and the giant lava tortoise were talking at that time, that is, the place where Yinhanli retreated, and this place had passed by before the ancient war, but he hadn't got it all together at that time. Thirty-six sets of armor, so I didn't know that this was the land of chance, and the land of chance was still in a state of being banned at that time, so he didn't directly open the door to welcome him.

Looking at a stone gate that was not there on the slope but was now open, Gu Zheng stopped in his footsteps.

As for the place of chance, Gu Zheng has also made various speculations. In his opinion, there are two most likely scenarios for the so-called danger here.

The first type: in the land of chance, there will be a test of near-death similar to the ground being magmaized, which requires comprehension.

The second type: there is some powerful monster in the land of chance, if you don't defeat this monster, you won't get the so-called chance.

After hesitating for just a moment, Gu Zheng stepped into the dark passage behind the door.

The fire ignited from Gu Zheng's body, and Gu Zheng used it to illuminate himself. The so-called passage was an ordinary bluestone passage. When Gu Zheng went deep into the ground along the passage, the end was an ordinary stone chamber.

There are no redundant decorations in the stone room, the only decoration is a throne, which reminds Gu Zheng that in the barracks in the special space where the Fire Demon King took a picture before, there is also no redundant decoration, only one throne. It's just that sitting on that throne is a photo of the Fire Demon King's divine sense, while sitting on this throne is a cloud of red mist.

The reason why "sitting" is used to describe the red cloud is because the red cloud is in the shape of a human being, but this human figure is relatively vague, without facial features, and the limbs look uneven.

Although the human-shaped red cloud looks wrong, Gu Zheng dare not despise it in the slightest. It can appear in the final place of the battlefield space, which already shows its extraordinaryness. Moreover, Gu Zheng only saw two things that could sit on the throne in this battlefield space, one is the photo of the Fire Demon King's divine sense, and the other is the current humanoid red cloud.

"You came."

Although the human-shaped Hongyun has no facial features, this does not affect its voice being heard by Gu Zheng, but when it is speaking, its body does not move, and its voice is even more calm than Gu Zheng expected.

"I am coming."

The calm voice was as calm as a greeting, which made Gu Zheng, who didn't know what to say for a while, just reply like this.

"This is the final test of the battlefield space. If you can pass this test, then you will be able to benefit. If you fail the test, then your end will only be death."

The voice of the human-shaped Hongyun is still calm, but from the aspect of speaking alone, Gu Zheng has defined it as the most peculiar one among the monsters that can speak when entering this relatively difficult space world. Among the monsters that Gu Zheng had seen before, none of them spoke with some emotion, and none of them would go straight to the point.

The human-shaped Hongyun is very direct, which makes Gu Zheng subconsciously want to be direct, but Gu Zheng didn't do it when he was talking, and it would be a bit of a loss if he didn't ask him something about such a strange monster. It is said that if the other party will answer after asking, that is the other party's business, and it is his business whether to ask or not.

"Can I ask you a question?"

In fact, Gu Zheng didn't know what he wanted to ask the human-shaped Hongyun. After all, this was a sudden thought when he subconsciously wanted to answer.

"I can't fly in this battlefield space. Once I fly, there will be red clouds in the sky. Does this red cloud have anything to do with you?"

Gu Zheng wanted to ask too many things. He couldn't think of what to ask for a while, so he asked one casually. If the human-shaped Hongyun really gave an answer, then he would try to make it into two questions for one question. or more.

"I won't answer any questions you have outside my agreement, and you don't need to ask any more."

The human-shaped Hongyun's voice was still so calm, and he couldn't hear the slightest hint of anger, but since it said so, Gu Zheng would naturally not recklessly ask again.

"Okay, so what's the test you're talking about?" Gu Zheng asked.

"My test is actually very simple. You must have entered this difficult space world for a while, and you must have collected some things in this space world. Take these things out and let me see. If there is something I feel Interesting things, I will take this thing away, and you have completed the test."

The human-shaped Hongyun's words made Gu Zheng's eyes widen. He had thought about various possibilities of the final test before, but he never thought that it would be such a test.

"What are you interested in? That is to say, there is no specific measurement standard?" Gu Zheng asked.

"That's right." Humanoid Hongyun said.

Gu Zheng's heart sank. He actually hates this kind of test without specific measurement standards, but he has not encountered this kind of test in this relatively difficult space world. Like the animal skin giant he met before, he needs to Only by touching it can he pass the test, which is a test method that Gu Zheng hates. However, the test of the animal skin giant is still acceptable, at least it can't go against its will. If it is really touched by Gu Zheng, it can't just say that it has not been touched.

"Is it entirely up to your preferences?"

Gu Zheng asked again, it would be fine if there were no specific criteria but he could not go against his will, but if the choice was really based on the preferences of the humanoid Hongyun, it would make Gu Zheng feel very insecure and lose any control over things at all .

"That's right, that's it, now take out your things!" Humanoid Hongyun said.

"Since you can't answer my questions beyond the agreement, then I have something within the agreement to ask you."

Gu Zheng didn't want to ask any more questions, but this feeling of not having any control over the incident made him very uncomfortable.

"Since it's about the agreement, I can answer you one."

The human-shaped Hongyun was still lifeless, and his voice was as calm as ever.

"When the owner of the original fairy-level space fairy artifact made this agreement with you, wasn't he afraid that you would entrap the entrant based on your own preferences?" Gu Zheng asked.

"He will make such an agreement with me. Naturally, he has his considerations. I don't want to speculate on what he thinks."

The human-shaped Hongyun's voice finally had some emotional fluctuations. The fluctuations were not intense, as if he had fallen into a memory, but this sinking was very short, because his voice was only paused, and then he uttered again.

"However, I can tell you what I think. If you can't come up with something that interests me, it means that your luck is still not good, and a person with bad luck will not be wronged if he dies. "

The human-shaped Hongyun's voice calmly talked about the life and death of Gu Zheng. This is really different from those monsters before. However, the human-shaped Hongyun gave Gu Zheng the feeling that everything doesn't matter.

However, Gu Zheng felt better after hearing what Human-shaped Hongyun said this time, because Human-shaped Hongyun mentioned luck, and for such mysterious things as luck, Gu Zheng always felt that he was favored.

Without saying anything more, Gu Zheng took out all the ashes of several monsters he had collected. Anyway, the humanoid Hongyun didn't say that he should take them out all at once, so he started with the ashes with the lowest value. A human-shaped Hongyun really likes these ashes, so he can save things of higher value.

"Ashes? I'm not interested in these things." Humanoid Hongyun said.

Gu Zheng didn't collect many things. Apart from the ashes, there were only red spar, golden armor, dragon balls, the eyes of the Lava Toad King, the Lava Hammer and the sculpture of Aotianzhou.

"Energy spar, no!"

Looking at the red spar that Gu Zheng took out, the humanoid Hongyun spoke again.

Gu Zheng always felt that the eyes of the Lava Toad King had some special purpose. This came from the guidance given by the mastery of the fairy-level space artifact. In his heart, the eyes of the Lava Toad King were something he did not want to lose Things, but now for the test, he also had to take them out for people to see.

"The little demon king's eyes? This is not something I like."

Humanoid Hongyun once again denied what Gu Zheng valued.

The golden armor and the dragon ball are related to this mission. If the human-shaped Hongyun chooses them, Gu Zheng doesn't know whether to be happy or worried, but when he showed these two things one after another, the human-shaped Hongyun still shook his head.

Gu Zheng held the lava hammer in his hand. He felt that this was not what the human-shaped Hongyun wanted. If the human-shaped Hongyun was interested in the lava hammer, he should explain it directly.

Compared with the Lava Hammer, the Aotianzhou sculpture is more meaningful to Gu Zheng! After all, if he can leave this difficult space world alive, the lava hammer is nothing more than a high-level fairy weapon to him, and he doesn't look down on such things as a high-level fairy weapon in the real world eye-catching. The sculpture of Aotianzhou is different. With it on his body, after Gu Zheng enters the fairy-level space artifact again, he will no longer be forcibly absorbed into this difficult space world, and he has always felt that Aotianzhou's Sculptures have other uses, which also come from the guidance of the mastery of fairy artifacts in fairy-level space.

Although the sculpture of Aotianzhou is of great significance to Gu Zheng, Gu Zheng still took it out in order to survive.

The humanoid Hongyun didn't speak, but after Gu Zheng took out the sculpture of Aotianzhou, it stood up from the throne without moving, and then waved his hand, Gu Zheng's sculpture of Aotianzhou was taken away by it.

"You have completed my test."

Although the human-shaped Hongyun said so, Gu Zheng didn't have much joy in completing the test. After all, this was the result of losing a meaningful treasure.

However, when I thought about Gu Zheng, I quickly felt relieved. No matter how good the baby is, life is not important. If life is lost here, no matter how good the baby is, it is useless.

"What about the reward? What is my reward?"

The good things were taken away, so of course Gu Zheng wanted the benefits that belonged to him.

"I can help you increase its power."

The human-shaped Hongyun's voice fell to the ground, and the lava hammer in Gu Zheng's hand flew out, and then the face of the human-shaped Hongyun, who had no facial features, suddenly opened a big mouth, and a flame-like red cloud sprayed on the lava hammer from that mouth.

Gu Zheng was still staring blankly at the Lava Hammer, which seemed to have remained unchanged in the air, but the human-shaped red cloud had disappeared, and on the throne it had sat on, something like a crack in space appeared.

The humanoid red cloud just disappeared, and Gu Zheng had completed the test of the final place. After he took the lava hammer in his hand, he already knew exactly where the lava hammer became stronger.

"It's a loss and a gain!"

Gu Zheng had a smile on his face for the first time since he lost the statue of Ao Tianzhou.

Without staying longer in the battlefield space, Gu Zheng left the battlefield space through the exit similar to a space crack.

Out of the battlefield space is the passage in the magma lake. Gu Zheng saw the lava mirage dragon waiting for him, and also saw the lava horse and lava skeleton not far away.

"You can leave alive, it means that you found those things and passed the test of the final place, congratulations!" Lava Mirage laughed.

"Because I accepted your test before, you couldn't say anything to me before completing the test. Now that I have completed your test, do you want to tell me everything you need to say?" Ancient struggle.

"Okay, then give me the dragon scale and dragon ball!"

The dragon scale mentioned by the lava mirage dragon is the key to guide Gu Zheng to find the final land after gathering thirty-six pairs of golden armor and dragon balls, or it is the key to open the final land, and it is After Gu Zheng reached an agreement with the lava mirage, the lava mirage gave him something.

Gu Zheng threw the dragon scale and dragon ball at the lava mirage dragon, and the dragon scale flew directly to the lava mirage dragon, and the lava mirage dragon let out a faint sigh after swallowing the dragon ball.

"You have fulfilled the agreement, so according to the agreement, you helped me find the Dragon Ball, and I have to give you some benefits. After I give you the benefits, I will tell you what I can tell you!"

Gu Zheng was naturally happy when there was a benefit, and he immediately asked, "Then what benefits do you want to give me?"

"You have a pair of eyeballs of the lava toad king. These eyes are not available for you now, so I will make them available for you!" said the lava mirage.

"Is there no other way to redeem the benefits?"

The lava toad king's eyes don't know how to use them for himself, but at least this is something that can be used by him through research, so he feels that it is not necessary for the lava mirage to give him this benefit. Not worth it.

"You are still so greedy, no more!" Lava Mirage laughed.

"If you don't have it, then you don't have it, that's the benefit!"

Gu Zheng threw the lava toad's two eyeballs to the lava mirage dragon, and the lava mirage dragon opened its mouth and sprayed a flame on the two eyeballs of the lava toad king.

The eyeballs of the lava toad are meat, but instead of becoming roasted meat under the flames of the lava mirage, it first turned into a cloudy liquid, then condensed together, and finally became like a crystal, with black and white in it. eyeball.

The eyeballs of the lava toad have turned into a fairy artifact. After holding it in his hand, he does not need to recognize the owner to feel a blood connection with Gu Zheng. Gu Zheng is also instantly aware of its magical properties.

"Not bad!"

Gu Zheng praised the power of the fairy artifact, but he was not as happy as he wanted to smile on the surface, because he had a special feeling when he touched this fairy artifact, which clearly told him that this powerful artifact The Immortal Artifact cannot be used easily. Once the timing is wrong, it may cause very troublesome things, which may be a matter of life and death.

"Okay, now I'm going to tell you what I can tell you. After I tell you these things, we will meet again by fate." Lava Mirage Dragon said.

"Okay, tell me." Gu Zheng nodded.

"You already know that the battlefield at the bottom of the magma lake is actually the battlefield where I competed with the Fire Demon King, and I was killed by the Fire Demon King. The me you see now is not the real me. This me is not the real me. incomplete."

"To make me complete, I need two things. One is my dragon ball, and the other is the resentment that I died in that battlefield! Dragon balls and dragon scales can absorb resentment, and resentment is your in the battlefield space. The enemy in the world is another me! Now that the resentment has been absorbed by the dragon ball, I just need to wait for the dragon ball to fully fuse with my body, and then I can become the real me."

"The hammer in your hand has a very good restraint on resentment. This is because I died under this hammer."

When the lava mirage said this, its originally calm voice became weird, sad and sad.

"Actually, in that battle back then, it wasn't that I was really inferior to the Fire Demon King, it was just that there were traitors and variables in that battle!"

When the word 'traitor' was mentioned, the lava mirage gnashed its teeth.

"Traitor? Variable?" Gu Zheng couldn't help asking.

"I'm talking about traitors, you will definitely see them again in the future."

The lava mirage's voice was a bit playful, and when he spoke again, his voice returned to normal: "As for the variable, it's what you encountered in the final land!"

"Okay, I have finished what I have to say, and we will meet again by fate!"

After the lava mirage dragon said this, its huge body shook in the air and disappeared out of thin air.

The lava mirage has disappeared, and Gu Zheng is still in a daze.

Gu Zheng was thinking about the last conversation with the Lava Mirage. Intuitively, he felt that their last conversation was not simple. He felt that if he didn’t ask about traitors and variables, perhaps the Lava Mirage would not explain it. Since the Lava Mirage gave Explain, then this matter may not be over yet! After all, Lava Mirage said that Gu Zheng would definitely be able to meet that traitor in the future, and his voice was very playful.

"At first I thought that the battlefield space was a setting, but now it seems that this may be a plot!"

Gu Zheng also smiled playfully in his heart, this special space is really too special.

"Master, there is nothing new, your apprentice is still fine."

Seeing Gu Zheng walking towards him, the Lava Warhorse sent a voice in his mind.

Gu Zheng once told the Lava Warhorse to use its magical powers to see the situation on Xuanyue's side every once in a while. Gu Zheng entered the battlefield space for a long time this time, and he also saw the Lava Warhorse several times during this time.

Gu Zheng nodded to the lava horse, and then let thirty-six pairs of golden armor fly towards the lava skeletons.

Originally like sleeping lava skeletons, twenty-three of them woke up. They waved their hands at the golden armor, and the golden armor was put on them, which made them look majestic and imposing at the same time. Soaring, and the soaring momentum naturally also represents the improvement of strength. However, the remaining thirteen pairs of golden armor are still suspended in the air, and there are still thirteen lava skeletons on the ground who have not woken up.

"It seems to be because of this problem."

Gu Zheng sighed in his heart, and waved his hand to bring back thirteen sets of golden armor, and then took out all the red crystals in it.

The original golden armor has red spar, but with the armor of red spar, the protective power is naturally stronger. When Gu Zheng was in the battlefield space, he used up 23 red spar, and the remaining He put back the golden armor with the red spar. He originally wanted to make the thirteen armors more powerful, but now it seems that this way is not feasible. Maybe the power of the law does not allow his lava skeletons to wear them. The golden armor of the red spar!

After the golden armor flew towards the lava skeleton again, the thirteen lava skeletons who hadn't woken up also woke up, and they looked so majestic wearing the golden armor.

There was nothing else to deal with, so Gu Zheng rode on the lava horse and set out on the road again with thirty-six lava skeletons.

"It's not far from the volcano, and I don't know what troubles I will encounter on the next road."

Riding on the lava horse, Gu Zheng looked at the volcano in the distance and murmured in his heart. Judging from the current distance, as long as there is no serious trouble, he can reach the foot of the volcano in one day.

"What’s wrong with you?"

As the owner of the lava warhorse, although Gu Zheng couldn't fully understand what it was thinking, he could still feel its emotional fluctuations.

"Master, I think I'm useless." The lava horse said.

"It caused the master to suffer heavy losses from the very beginning. The lava skeletons followed the master and obviously helped the master a lot, but I didn't seem to help the master. Now the lava skeletons have golden armor again, and their strength has also been improved again. , but I’m still such a waste.”

The voice of the lava horse was very sad, which made Gu Zheng smile: "There is no need to mention the past, you are not a waste material! Your speed is faster than me, and you can take me to teleport. Sometimes it's a strange trick, not to mention your eyes have supernatural powers, and you can find some problems like mine can't."

Gu Zheng paused, and then said: "Besides, the reason why the lava skull is as strong as it is now is that it has experienced two waves of disasters. If you also have corresponding disasters in this space world, I think you will also change. Get stronger!"

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